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Kinetic study of the spin orbit states of atomic germanium, Ge(43P0,1,2), by time-resolved attenuation of atomic resonance radiation


作者: Adam Brown,   David Husain,  


期刊: Canadian Journal of Chemistry  (NRC Available online 1976)
卷期: Volume 54, issue 1  

页码: 4-8




年代: 1976




出版商: NRC Research Press


数据来源: NRC



Germanium atoms in all the three spin orbit states arising from the 4p2ground state configuration, 43P0, 43P1(557 cm−1), and 43P2(1410 cm−1), have been generated by the pulsed irradiation of GeBr4and monitored photoelectrically in absorption by time-resolved attenuation of atomic resonance radiation derived from a microwave discharge. The decays have been monitored in the presence of added gases and absolute second order rate constants for the removal of all three atomic states reported for the collision partners, He, Xe, O2, CO, NO, and GeBr4. These rate constants constitute the first detailed rate data for germanium atoms in any specific quantum state.


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