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Pulsed ion implantation of nitrogen in pure titanium


作者: J.N. Feugeas,   G. Sanchez,   C.O. De Gonzalez,   J.D. Hermida,   G. Scordia,  


期刊: Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids  (Taylor Available online 1994)
卷期: Volume 128, issue 4  

页码: 267-275




年代: 1994




出版商: Taylor & Francis Group


关键词: ion implantation;surface modification of solids;titanium;titanium nitride;XPS analyses;pulsed ion beams


数据来源: Taylor



High current, short length ion beam pulses appear to be a new alternative for surface property modification of solids, due to the combined effect of ion implantation with induced fast heating-cooling which this process presents. The repetitive pulsed nitrogen implantation (with a low energy plasma focus) of pure titanium with different pulse lengths (300 and 400 ns), and fluences per pulse ranging between 1.4 × 1014and 1 × 1015cm−2, with total accumulated fluences between 7 × 1014and 1.6 × 1016showed a surface heating effect with important compositional and physical changes in the layers close to the surface.


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