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Hydrophobic Interaction


作者: A Ben-Naim,  


期刊: Physics and Chemistry of Liquids  (Taylor Available online 1978)
卷期: Volume 7, issue 3-4  

页码: 375-386




年代: 1978




出版商: Taylor & Francis Group


数据来源: Taylor



The motivation for this work comes from Biophysics or, more precisely, from Biopolymer chemistry. It has long been suggested that non-polar molecules, or non-polar groups hung on the skeleton of a biopolymer, tend to adhere to each other in aqueous environment. This phenomenon has been called hydrophobic interaction (HI).14 As it often occurs in science, the very name “HI” has currently replaced the explanation of the phenomenon to which it refers. That is, if one observes an attraction between non-polar particles in water, then the “explanation” of this phenomenon is attributed to the existence of HI. The main questions that one may raise in this connection are the following


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