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Flow Visualization and Quantitative Velocity and Pressure Measurements in Simulated Single and Double Brush Seals


作者: M.J. Braun,   V.A. Canacci,   R.C. Hendricks,  


期刊: Tribology Transactions  (Taylor Available online 1991)
卷期: Volume 34, issue 1  

页码: 70-80




年代: 1991




出版商: Taylor & Francis Group


数据来源: Taylor



A method to visualize and characterize the complex flow fields in simulated single and double brush seals is presented. The brush seal configuration was tested in a gravity fed water tunnel and a pump driven pressurized oil tunnel. Visualization of the flow field revealed regions that are characteristically river jetting, vortical, crossflow and exist upstream, downstream or within the seal. Such flows are especially engendered by variations in fiber void that are spatial and temporal and affect changes in seal leakage and stability. While the effects of interface motion and cylindrical configuration have not been considered herein, it is believed that the observed flow fields and pressure drop patterns characterize flow phenomenology in brush seals. The axial pressure profiles upstream, across and downstream of the brush have been measured under a variety of inlet pressure conditions and the ensuing pressure maps are presented and discussed. Through the application of the Full Flaw Field Tracking method developed by the authors, the flow patterns and the accompanying fluid velocities inside the brush were non-intrusively determined and graphically reconstructed.Presented at the 45th Annual Meeting in Denver, Colorado May 7–10, 1990


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