66 THE ANALYST. ANNUAL DINNER OF THE SOCIETY OF PUBLIC ANALYSTS, THE annual dinner was held at the Criterion Restaurant, after the annual meeting, under the chairmanship of the newly-elected President, Mr. W. W. Fisher, M.4. About sixty members and guests were present. Amongst the latter were Professor Odling, F.R.S. ; Professor Tilden, F.R.S. ; Dr. Thos. Stevenson, President of the Institute of Chemistry ; Mr. Walter Hills, President of the Pharmaceutical Society ; Mr. George Beilby, President of the Society of Chemical Industry; Dr. Childs ; Dr. Longstaffe; Dr. Pakes; Mr. E. Holmes; Mr. F. W. Beck; and Mr. Aubrey W. Rake. The following toasts were proposed : (‘ The Queen,” by the President ; ‘‘ The Institute of Chemistry,” by Professor Odling, F.R.S., responded to by Dr.Thos. Stevenson, President of the Institute ; ‘( Kindred Societies,” by Dr. Bernard Dyer, responded to by Mr. Walter Hills, President of the Pharmaceutical Society ; (‘ The Society of Public Analysts,” by Professor Tilden, F.R.S., responded to by the President; and ((The Guests,” by Mr. Otto Hehner, responded to by Mr. George Beilby, President of the Society of Chemical Industry.66 THE ANALYST. ANNUAL DINNER OF THE SOCIETY OF PUBLIC ANALYSTS, THE annual dinner was held at the Criterion Restaurant, after the annual meeting, under the chairmanship of the newly-elected President, Mr. W. W. Fisher, M.4. About sixty members and guests were present. Amongst the latter were Professor Odling, F.R.S. ; Professor Tilden, F.R.S. ; Dr. Thos. Stevenson, President of the Institute of Chemistry ; Mr. Walter Hills, President of the Pharmaceutical Society ; Mr. George Beilby, President of the Society of Chemical Industry; Dr. Childs ; Dr. Longstaffe; Dr. Pakes; Mr. E. Holmes; Mr. F. W. Beck; and Mr. Aubrey W. Rake. The following toasts were proposed : (‘ The Queen,” by the President ; ‘‘ The Institute of Chemistry,” by Professor Odling, F.R.S., responded to by Dr. Thos. Stevenson, President of the Institute ; ‘( Kindred Societies,” by Dr. Bernard Dyer, responded to by Mr. Walter Hills, President of the Pharmaceutical Society ; (‘ The Society of Public Analysts,” by Professor Tilden, F.R.S., responded to by the President; and ((The Guests,” by Mr. Otto Hehner, responded to by Mr. George Beilby, President of the Society of Chemical Industry.DIAGRAM No. 2.