Index pages




期刊: Analyst  (RSC Available online 1933)
卷期: Volume 58, issue 1  

页码: 001-052




年代: 1933




出版商: RSC


数据来源: RSC



THE ANALYST JOHN ALLAN. A. L. BACHARACH B.A. F.I.C. E. RICHARDS BOLTON F.I.C. J. T. DUNN D.Sc. F.I.C. BERNARD DYER D.Sc. F.I.C. G. D. ELSDON B.Sc. F.I.C. B. S. EVANS M.B.E.,M.C.,D.Sc. F.I.C. H. E. COX M.Sc. Ph.D. F.I.C. THE ORGAN OF THE L. EYNON B.Sc. F.I.C. E. HINKS M.B.E. B.Sc. F.I.C. W. G. MESSENGER B.Sc. F.I.C. G. W. MONIER-WILLIAMS O.B.E., M.C. Ph.D. F.I.C. A. MORE A.R.C.S. A.R.T.C. F.I.C. W. H. SIMMONS B.Sc. F.I.C. J. AUGUSTUS VOELCKER C.I.E., Society of Public Analysts and other J. U'. BROWN Ph.D. A.I.C. S. G. CLARKE Ph.D. B.Sc. A.J.C. J. GRANT Ph.D. M.Sc. F.I.C. D. G . HEWER B.Sc. R. F. INNES F.I.C. Analytical Chemists T. H. POPE BSc. F.I.C. P. H. PRICE B.Sc. W. R. SCHOELLER Ph.D. W. P. SKERTCHLY F.I.C. A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO THE ADVANCEMENT OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY Publication Committee : lbon.Becretarp Ib on. Greaeurer : G. ROCHE LYNCH O.B.E. M.B. E. B. HUGHES M.Sc. F.I.C. B.S. D.P.H. F.I.C. Ebitor C. AINSWORTH MITCHELL M.A. DSc. F.I.C. VOL. L V I I I . 1 9 3 3 PUBLISHED FOR T H E SOCIETY BY W. HEFFER & SONS LTD. 4 PETTY CURY CAMBRIDGE ENGLAND I93 Errata Vol. LVIII 1933. P. 29 line 5 from bottom for ‘ Chambers” read “Chalmers.” P. 374 line 8 for “30s.” read “36s.” P. 430 second column of figures for “27.10 and 10.13” read “24.10 and 27.13.” INDEX TO VOLUME LVIII. INDEX TO NAMES. A Abderhalden E. Handbuch der Biologischen Arbeitsmethoden. Quantitative Stoffwechsel-untersuchungen 5 74. Abribat M. Potentiometric titration of the acetyl group in cellulose acetates 363.Ackermann W. Detection of small amounts of carbon monoxide in air 297. Adams C. A. Alberti B. pastry 480. Alexander E. Alexander J. presence of glue 494. Mend 5. Allen M. C. Men N. and Furman N. H. Determination of fluorine by precipitation as triphenyl tin fluoride 113. Allport N. L. Determination of free sulphur (in ointments etc.) 705. Almquist,. H J. and. Givens J. W. Micro-determination of iodine in eggs 643. Ambler H. R. Review of Daynes’ Gas Analysis by Measurement of Thermal Conductivity 425. - Review of Hyde and Mills’ Gas Colorimetry, 124. Amelink F Microchemical identification of dilaudide 246 ; of (lunasia) alkaloids 117 ; of pantocaine 245. Ancd M. See Lobstein E. Anderson A. K. Rouse A. H.and Letonoff, T. V. Colorimetric method for the determina-tion of tartaric acid 237. Anderson R. J. See Newman M. S. Anido F. Arenson S. B. Chemical Arithmetic (Review), 125. Armeann V. See Spacu G. Armstrong W. D. Colorimetric determination of fluorine 716. Arnaud F. W. F. Annual Address of the President 192. - Report of the County Analyst for Kent for the Fourth Quarter of 1932 224. - Review of Wiley’s Principles and Practice of Agricultural Analysis Vol. 11. Fertilisers and Insecticides 3rd Ed. 57. - Review of Wood’s Course of Practical Agri-cultural Chemistry for Senior Students New Ed. 252. knoux M. See Blanchetihre A. Ashworth A. A. The Analysis of Oil for the Production of Lubricants 508. Astruc and Castel. Determination of tannin in wines 411.Obituary of J. D. Roberts 732. Determination of the egg-content of See von Hevesy G. Determination of dextrin in the See Mitchell L. C. See Waksman S . A. See Hermano A. J. Atkin W. R. and Thompson F. C. Acidity of vegetable-tanned leather 110. Atsuki K. and Kagawa I. Determination of acetic acid in cellulose acetate 564. Austin S. and Riley H. L. Determination of copper with salicylaldoxime 366. Ayhoyd W. R. Vitamins and Other Dietary Essentials (Review) 428. kern and Guillot. Detection of diacetyl in fats to which butter flavours have been added 42. 33 Baclprach A. L. Review of Aykroyd’s Vita-mans and Other Dietary Essentials 428. - Review of Sure’s The Vitamins i.rz Health and Disease 650. - Review of Vitamins A Survey of Present Knowledge 121.- Structural formula of ergosterol 605. Bacharach A. L. Smith E. L. and Stevenson, 8. G. Some properties of ergosterol and cal-ciferol 128. Backns H. S. See Swift E. H. Bagnall D. J. T. Appointed additional Public Analyst for the County Borough of Kingston-upon-Hull 29. Bagnall H. H. Annual Report of the City Analyst for Birmingham for the year 1932, 609. - Report of the City Analyst for Birmingham for the Third Quarter 1932 33; Fourth Quarter 1932 224; First Quarter 1933, 399 ; Second Quarter 1933 687. Bailey E. BE Connecticut Agricultural Experi-ment Station 36th Report on Food Products, 1931 285. Bailey K. and Norris F. W. Nature and com-position of the mucilage of the seed of white mustard (Bvassica alba) 100.Baker G. W. Report of the Government Analyst for Palestine for the year 1931 158 ; for the year 1932 546. Baldock A. L. See Cohen W-. E. Banks A,,-and Hilditch T. P. A note on the composition of some fatty materials found in ancient Egyptian tombs 265. Barber D. R. An artificial daylight illuminator, 337. Barbour A. D. Deposition and utilisation of hydrogenation iso-oleic acid in the animal body 557. Barkenbus C. and Krewson C. F. Oil of bitter-sweet seed 50 iV INDEX TO VOLUME LVIII Barker J. E. Eastlaqd C. J. and Evers N. Colorimetric determination of adrenaline in suprarenal gland extracts 232. Barker M. L. Basic German for Science Stu-dents 314 ; (Review) 571. Barsch H. Distinction between malt and barley substitutes for coffee 350.Bartels W. Determination of citric acid in wine 164. Barton R. C. See Swift E. H. Baudisch O. and Dyer E. Baughman W. F. Baqrnann C. A. and Steenbock H. The o-quinone test See Jamieson G. S . Fat-soluble vitamins. SXXVI. Carotene and vitamin A content of butter 560; XXXVII. The stability of carotene solutions 560. Arnold’s sodium nitro-pnisside reaction for proteins and the de-naturing of flesh protein by means of con-centrated urea solution 408. Bell R. P. Titration method for the determina-tion of water 110. Bencko V. See Dubsky J . V. Benedetti-Pichler A. A. Benesch E. Determination of sodium hydro-sulphide in sodium sulphide products 782. Bengen .M. F. Detection of pasteurisation and detectron of raw milk in pasteurised milk 699.Bennett R. R. and Cooking T. T. The Science and Practice of Pharmacy Vols. I and I1 (Review) 647. Benz E. See Mohler H. Berm, F. Effect on fruit of fumigation with hydrocyanic acid 775. BBrobheimer D. D. See West C. J. Berry A. J. The volumetric determination of hydrogen peroxide and Caro’s acid in the pre-sence of perdisulphuric acid 464. Bertrand G. and Silber.$ein L. Sulphur and phosphorus in the vanous parts of the wheat grain 617. Bezssonoff N. and Delire A. Colour reactions of vitamin C 563. Bierry H. Gowon B. and Magman C; Appli-cation of the iodimetnc method to the deter-mination of sugar in blood 354. Bigelow N. M. See Jacobs W. A. Bikenu- J. J. Determination of tetra-methylammonium 109. Bills C. E. See Honeywell E. M. Birch T.W.? Harris L. J. and Rag 5. N. Micro-chemical method for determining the hexuronic acid (vitamin C) content of food-stuffs etc. 490. Bishop G. Blair R. W. Report of the Chief Chemist for the Federated Malay States for the year 1931, 160. - The Water Supplies of the Federated Malay States 574. Blanchetibre A. and Arnoux M. New method for the micro- and semimicro-determination of magnesium 305. Blank E. W. Micro-density determination of gases by direct weighing 641, Blau N. F. Determination of thyroxine in the thyroid gland 706. €or cysteine 171. Beale J. F. Beck K. and Urack E. See Thresh J . C. See Gettler ,4. 0. See Gillam A. E. and Others Bleyer B. Dbmair W. and Lix G. Detection of sorbitol in wine 163. Blaysr B. and Spiegelberg E. Evaluation of rubber hosing containing antimony penta-sulphide for use in the food industries 11 353.Blood J. W. See Cranfield H. T. Bloor W. R. See Snider R. H. Blaxam HJC. L. Ses Dunn J . T. Bockemiiller W. Detection and determination of fluorine in organic compounds 107. Bamer A. Jnckenack A. and Tillmans J. Hsndbuch der Lebensmittel-Cheinie. Vol. I . Allgemeine Bestandteile der Lebensmittel (Review) 503. Bornford R. .R.,. and Hunter D. Hydrogen arsenide poisomng due to the action of water on metallic arsenides 106. Booher L. E. Concentration and probable chemical nature of vitamin G ( B ) 709. Bbrdeiann C. V. Determination of thymol 237. Bougault? J. mdp Z. and Pinguet A. Action of sodium borate on the reaction of alkali cyanides with reducing sugars 410.Bougault J. and Laboucq J. Determination by means of Nessler’s reagent of methylols de-rived from amides and urea 300. Boulad J. H. Conductometric method of titra-t h g potassium 781. Boulee V. Analysis of oleines and stearines 50. Bradoni L. See Vita G. Rragagndo 8. Detection of eggs in food pastes 410. &ash W. Detection of chloride in presence of other halides 686. &&ow W. C. Bredebach F. Helch’s reaction for pilocarpine, Bfetschneider R. See Elbe I(. Brewester F. Contested Documents and For-geries 314. Bright K A. and Fqwler R. M. Determination of aluminium in nrtriding steels by the use of 8-hydroxyquinoline 498. Brintzinger J. and H. Detection of barium strontium and calcium in systematic qualita-tive analysis 715.Britton H. T. 5. Review of Mellor’s Cotltpve-hensive Treatise on Inorganic a%d Theoretical Chemistry Vol. XII 251. - Review of Newman and Searle’s GeneraE Pro9erties of Matter 312. BriFon H. T. S. and Robipson R. A. Separa-tion of tantalum from niobium by the tannin method 368. Bromley H. A. The action of ultra-violet light on gelatin in paper 29. Brown J. W. Review of Friedrich’s Die Praxis der Quawtitativen Orgnizischeiz ,Wikroanalyse, 725. - Temperatures of sublimation of twelve amino-acids 117. Brown J. W. and Edwards A. Review of von Philipsborn’s Tabellen ZUY Berechnung von Mineral- und Gestein-annlysen 429. Browne C. A. See Phillips M. Browne C. A. and Skinner W. W. Editors of Wiley ’s Principles and Practice o f Agricultural Analysis.Vol. 11. Fertilisers and Insecticides. 3rd Ed. (Review) 57. See Ogburn S. C. 625 B-er K Determination of selenium in pyntes 783. Bmckner V. Micro-determination of methoxyl, T78. Br-u M. Truffle sausage containing Tubi-pwus rufus Schiff 615. Brunei A See Fosse R. B- J. L. The determination of sulphide in zinc sulphide by the expulsion method 682. Bulliard H. See Giroud A. Bullock F. C. Report of the City Analyst for Leicester for 1931 95. Bnnce E. H. Estimation. of the extract of coffee and chicory 532. - Report on the Burma Food and Drugs Acts, 1928 759. Burnall 1. See Dadswell H. E. Brunet J. X See Claremont C. L. Bnahill J. H. See Lampitt L. H. Biittner G. and aermeister A. Manganese-contents of cows’ milk beef and certain other foods 615.C Cdey E. R. Analytical Factors and their Logarithms (Review) 3 12. Callaway J. and Reznek S. Determination of small quantities of benzyl alcohol 494. Callendar L. K. Effect of heat-treatment of the metal on the determination of silicon in aluminium and the loss of volatile siIicon compounds in the mixed acid method of solution of the metal 81. - The determination of graphitic silicon in siliceous residue 580. Calvery H. 0. Some analyses of eggshell keratin 29 1. Campbell W. G. Chemistry of the white rots of wood. 111. (Effect of certain mould fungi on wood substance) 236. Campbell W. G. and Taylor K. F. Chemical changes induced in wood by saturated steam under pressure 495. Canals E. and M&hUe A. Radioactivity of musts and wines 644.Carbon W. See Pagel H. A. Carothers W. H. Organic Syntheses Vol. XIII, 574; (Review) 788. CarrB P. and Liebermann D. Thionylaniline as a reagent in organic chemistry and its use for the identification of acids by the formation of anilides 49 1. Castel -. See Astruc. Castiglioni A. Colour reaction for nitrites 112. - Examination of saffron and of rhubarb by means of ultra-violet light 249. - Volumetric determination of free sulphur 114. Cerchez V. and Panaitescu C. Determination of water of crystallisation. Preparation of anhydrous oxalic acid and sodium sulphate, 419. Chabre P. See Chevallier A. Chakmakjian H. H. Chakravorty PN. Mookerjee HC. and Guha, B C. Vitamin A in fish-liver oils 771. Challenger F. Higginbottom C. and Ellis L.Formation of organo-metalloidal comDounds See Reis F. Chalmers F. Gc. D. Appointed additional Public Analyst for Cottnty Borough of Coventry 29 ; for Leamington Spa and Borough of Warwick, 91. Chang C. Y. See Schuette H. A. Charles A. G. See Cohen W. E. Charles R. P. Appointed Public Analyst for County Borough of Bournemouth 756. Chevallier A. and (fhabre P Determination of vitamin A in oils by a spectrophotometric method 487. Christman A. A.? and Randall E. L. Method for determination and detection of carbon monoxide in blood 769. Clague J. A. See Fellers C. R. Chuemont C. L. and Burnet J. luI. Some Common Domestic Pests 126. Clark B. B. and Gibson .R. B. Bicolorimetric method for the determinatian of methaemo-globin 293. Clark E.P. and Keenan. G. L. Occurrence of dehydrodeguelin arid dehydrotoxicarol in derris root 166. Clark N. A. Determination of small amounts of manganese in salt solutions 638. Clarke H. T. See Zahnd H. Clarke 8. G. Review of Stfecker’s Qualitative Analyse auf Praparativer Grundtage 3rd Ed., 506. Clay R. S. and Court T. S. History of the Microscope 314 (Review) 649. Clayton W. Review of Weiser’s Inorganic Colloid Chemistry Vol. I. 787. Cleveland M. M. Cliff H. 8. Cocking T. T. $F Values What they are and - See also Bennett R. R. Cohen W. E. Chemical test for distinguishing between the woods‘of hoop pine and bunpa‘ pine 636. Cohen W. E Baldock AL. and Charles A. Gc. The chemical compositxon of woods of the ironbark group Part II. 345. Cohen W.E. and Jamieson A B. Manganese-content of some Austrahan timbers 634. Cole S. W. Determination of reducing sugars by titration of ferricyanide 616. - Practical Physiological Chemistry 9th Ed., 508. Collin Gc. Fatty acid and glyceride structure of the seed fat of Myristica malabarica 351. Collin Gc. and Hilditch T. P. Oxidation of oleyl and elaidyl alcdhols 564. Colson .A. F. The micro-analytical deter-mination of methoxyl groups in liquid com-pounds 594. Conn L. W. and Johnson A. H. Vitamin C content of frozen orange and grape-fruit juices 235. Corbet R. E. Geisinger H H. and Hoimes, H. N. Substances which interfere with the antimony trichloride test for vitamin A 414. Corl C. S. See Gnadinger C. B. Corner M. See Ridge B. P. Court T.S. See Clay R. S. Cowap J. C. Report of the Government Analvst for the Straits Settlements for the See Fellers C. R. See Ridge B. P. how to determine them 3rd Ed. 574. 1KDEX TO VOLUME LVIII V I by micro-organis& I. 235. year -1932 472 vi INDEX TO VOLUME LI’III Coward K. H. Vitamin D potency of sun-irradiated dried yeast 772. Coward K. H. Dyer F. J. and Morton R. A. Determination of vitamin A in cod-liver oils, Part 11 105. Cowell S. 3. Calcium-content of cabbage 102. Cowland A. N. Cox H. E. Review of Bomer Juckenack and Tillmans Handbuch der Lebensunittel-Chemie, Vol I 503. - Review of Prausnitz’ Glas- und Keramische-Filter 250. - The chemical examination of furs in relation to dermatitis. Part 11. Results of tests on furs alleged to have caused dermatitis 738 ; Part 111.The action of p-phenylenediamine on the skin 743. Crane M. B. and Zilva S. S. Antiscorbutic potency of apples. V 234. Cranfield H. T. and Blood J. W. The Purchase of Milk on a Quality (Composition) Basis 574. Craven E. C. Use of Agulhon’s reagent in the analysis of solvents 776. Cronheim G. See Loewy A. Crossley H. E. Cunliffe P. W. graphy to textiles 308. Canningham T. R. in steels $15. See Woodard W. A. See King J. G. Application of infra-red photo-Determination of titanium D Dadswell H. E. and Burnall M. Methods fur the identification of the coloured woods of the genus eucalyptus 346. Damanski A. F. See Reich W. S . D’Ambrosio A. Iodised eggs 481. Davidson L. 8 P.,.Fullerton H. W. and Others.Lead poisoning in the north-east of Scotland, 710. Davies C. W. Review of Engelder’s Calcula-tions of Qualatative Analysis 573. - The Conductivity of Solutions 314 ; 2nd Ed. (Review) 645. Davies C. W. and Innes R. F. Determination of buffer salts and acidity in the aqueous ex-tracts of vegetable-tanned leathers 51. Dawsey L. Jr and Haas A. J. Determination of mineral oil retained by leaf surfaces after spraying 299. Dames H. A. Gas Analysis by Measurement of Thermal Conductivity (Review) 425. Dean H. K. and Hilditch T. P. Composition of commercial palm oils 111 484. de Brouckbre L. and Gillet A. E. Colorimetric determination of iron as thiocyanate 640. Dekker J. and Dekker-Koers C. H. Bacteri-cidal properties of silver chloride 357. Dekker-Koers C.H. Delire A. See Bezssonoff N. Delomenie H. Production of toxic gases from ferro-silicons in the presence of water 774. Denis-Nathan L. The Cryoscopy of South African Milk 574. Desodt C. See Paget M. Dhar N. R. and Ram A. Presence of form-aldehyde in terrestrial and solar atmospheres, 634. See Dekker J . DhBre C. Nachweis der Biologisch Wichtigen Korper durch Fluoreszenz 730. Dhingra D. R. Seth G. L. and Speers P. C. Some Indian seed fats. Mowha (Bassaa latz-folia) and Tamal (Garcinia morella) fats 350. Diemair W. See Bleyer B. Dingemans J. J. Identification of wine vine-gars spirit vinegars and artificial vinegars 619. Ditt M. See Funk H. Diver G. R. See Lozinski E. Dodd F. R. Notes on the spontaneous combus-tion or ignition of hay 77.Donald M. B. Donovan W. Report of the Dominion Analyst for New Zealand for the year 1931 405. DorBe C. Methods of Cellulose Chemistry 126, 508; (Review) 788. Driver J. E. Bentley and Driver’s Textbook of Pharmaceutical Chemistry 2nd Ed. 658 ; (Review) 724. Droit S. Druce J. G. F. Volumetric determination of rhenium 55. Drummond J. C. - See also Haines R. T. M. Dubsky J. V. and Bencko V. Reagent for copper cobalt and nickel 638. Dubsky J. V. and Hauer E. Micro-acidometric method for the determination of nickel 305. Production of carbon monoxlde from paint in sealed compartments 298. Dulfer I. G. Dun J. T. Review of Dyer’s Reminiscences of the First Fifty Years of the Society of Public Analysts 120. Dunn J. T. and Bloxam H. C. L.Occurrence and source of lead copper zinc and arsenic compounds in atmospheric dusts 500. - Supposed poisoning by tea 275. Durrans T. H. Dyer B. Estimation of the extract of coffee and chicory 274. Dyer B. and Mitchell C. A. The Society- of Public Analysts and Other Analytical Chemists. Some Reminiscences of its first Fifty Years and a Review of its Activities (Review) 119. Relationship between the antimony tnchlonde blue value of cod-liver oils and that of their unsaponifiable fractions 709. See Stevens H. P. See FranGois M. T. See Gillam A. E. Dudley 5. .F. Edmed F. G. and Frederick,.R. C. See Van Nieuwenburg J. Solvents 3rd Ed. 652. Dyer E. See Baudisch 0. Dyer F. J - See also Coward K. H. E Eastland C. J. Eastland C. J. Evers N. and Thompson J.H. Extracts of parathyroid glands containing an anti-growth factor I 234. Eble K. and Pfeiffer H. Detection of the neutralisation of milk 409. Edmed F. G. See Dudley S. F. Edwards A. See Brown J. W. Edwards C. H. Estimation of damage on chlorinated wool fabrics 240. Edwards F. W. Appointed Additional Public Analyst for the Metropolitan Borough of Hammersmith 756 ; for the Metropolitan Borough of Westminster 533. See Barker J. H INDEX TO VOLUME LVIII vii Egged C. Ehrenberg R. See Scheibe E. Ehrenberg W. Determination of aluminium oxide in aluminium alloys 112. Elam C. F. See Knaggs. I . E. Elbe K. Pfeiffer H. and Bretschneider R. Eggs (detection of preservation and ageing), 161. Elden C. A. Method of separation of the anterior pituitary-like hormone from the urine of pregnancy 559.Ellis L. See Challenger F. Elphick B. L. Detection and estimation of medullated fibre in New Zealand Romney iieeces. 109. Elsdon G. D. Report of the County hnalyst for Lancaster for 1932 342. - Review of Martindale’s The Extra Phu~nza-copoeia Vol I 20th Ed. 309. Elsdon G. D. and Lees A. Citric acid and its detection 328. Elsdon G. D. and Stubbs J. R. Review of Bibby’s Book on Milk 59. - The freezing-point of pasteurised and steri-lised milks 7. - The Hortvet cryoscope 27. Elvehjem C. A. See Stare F. J. Elvehjem C. A. and Sherman W. C. hction of copper in iron metabolism 46. Emich F. Quantitative determination of un-weighable amounts of material 784. Engelder C. J. Calculations of Qualitative Analysis 126 (Review) 573.- Elementary Qualitative Analysis 2nd Ed., 508. Enklewitz 1. See Lasker M. Epstein E. See Watt J. M. Eucken A. Der Chemie-Ingenieur Vol 11 4th Ed. 508. Enry . J. Detection and determination of anti-pyrine in pyramidone 290. Evans B. S. Arsenic-distillation apparatus without ground-glass connections 470. - Methods used in the analysis of certain lead alloys 450. Evans E. A. Lubricating and Allied Oils 2nd Ed. 314; (Review) 426. Evans R. W. See Hurd L. C. Evers N. Review of B.D.H. Reagents or “Spot” Tests 64. - Review of Freund’s Colorimetry 310. - See aZso Barker J. H. - See also Eastland C. J. Evers N. and Smith W. Analytical classi-Ewe G. E. Effect of heat on chloroamine-T, See Mayer ,4. E. fication of fish-liver oils 701.555. F Farmer R. C. Vol. 111 61. Federowa A. 1. See Kanewskaja S . J. Fehlmann H. A. See Poe C. F. Feigl F. “Spot” test for the detection of free - “Spot” tests for ammonium salts 641. Feigl F. and Leitmeier H. “Spot” test to distinguish calcite and aragonite 642. Review of Marshall’s Explosives, basic oxides in glass 642. Fellers C. R. Vitamin C-content of Baldwin apples and apple products 771. Ferrante J. and Bloom A. Identification of carbonyl-compounds with 2 4-dinitrophenyl-hydrazine 714. Field J. T. Finkle P. Fate of tartaric acid in the human body 291. Finter F. B. An Introduction to Physical Chemistry 574. Fischer H. Use of diphenylthiocarbazone for the detection of heavy metals 567. Fischer R.Detection of aldehydes and ketones, 569. Fischl F. Micro method for detecting and determining laevulose in presence of dextrose, other aldoses or sucrose 424 570. FitzGibbon 1. A rapid method for the deter-mination of arsenates 469. Fixsen M. A. B. Review of Bibliographical Survey of Vitamins 1650-1930 186. Flanzy M. See Semichon L. Fleck H. R. and Ward A. M. The deter-mination of metals by means of 8-hydroxy-quinoline Part I 388. Fleming W. D. Solar ultra-violet radiometry. I. Ultra-violet limit of sunlight 373. Fletcher A. E. See Wood D. R. Fletcher L. Fleury P. and Lange J. Determination of periodic acid in the presence of iodic acid 307. Ford J. S. Tait A, and Others. Determination of nitrogen in yeast and brewing materials, 618. Fosse R.and Brunel A. Presence of allantoic acid in fungi 628. Foster M. D. Colorimetric determination of fluoride in water by means of femc chloride, 712. Foucry J. New complex cyanogen compounds of metals 779. Foulger J. H. Two new colour tests for hesoses, 99. Fowler R. M. See Bright H. A. Fowles G. Volumetric Analysis (Review) 62. Fox C. J. J. Review of Lipscomb’s GelEuZose Acetate 505. Francois M. and Seguin L. Determination of certain phenols by weighing their aristols 777. Francois M. T and Droit S. Composition of curcas oil 7;s. Frlinkel E. “Spot” plate which can be heated, 501. Fraps G. S. and Treichler R. Effect of storage on vitamin A in dried foods 416. Frederick R. C. See Dudley S . F. Fresenius L. and Frommes M. Determination of beryllium 567.Freud H. Colorimetry its -4pplications in Analytical and Clinical Practice (Review) 310. Freytag F. C. and Smith H. G. Unsaponifiable lipids of ox-liver. I. Methods of separation : crystalline fractions 293 ; 11. Vitamins A and E antioxygens 294. Friedrich A. Collected references. Quantita-tive determination of nitrogen by the Kjeldahl method 568. - Die Praxis der Quantitativen Organiwiien Mikro-Analyse 652 ; (Review) 725. See Poe C. F. See Ford J. S. and others viii INDEX TO VOLUME LVIII Froboese V. Removal of lead and tin from R’roxmntw W. See Fresenius L. Fryd C. F. W. Fullerton H. W. Fulton C. C. Test for phenols and for copper, - Sec also Williams G. D. F’unk H. and Ditt 1. Determination of cobalt, nickel and copper with anthranilic acid 567.Determination of zinc and cadmium with anthranilic acid 241. Volumetric determination of anthranilic acid and i t s salts 361. tinned-lead tubes by tooth pastes 296. See McGregor P. See Davidson L. S . P. 238. Furman N. H. Fussteig R. Ste Allen N. New iiiethod for the deterniination of parafin wax in crude oil by means of a mixture of ether alcohol butanone and phenol, 239. (3 Gaines A. jr. Potentiometric titration of strongly colowed fruit solutions containing added phosphoric acid 39. Oarne.r W. Industrial Microscopy (Review), 313. Garton F. L. See Hebl L. E. Gay P. J. Determination of the molecular weight of linseed oil and its polymerides 643. Geake A. Detection and determination of zinc and magnesium in sized cotton 51.Gee G. N. See Trotman S . K. Geisinger H. H. Cier osq 0. See He eld H. See Corbet K. E. Gemxen 8 C. L. an f‘ gauffman 1. Forma-tion of volatile fatty acids on exposure of rye and wheat oils to the atmosphere 99. Gersdorff W. A. Bibliography of Ethylene Dichloride 126. Study of the tosicity of rotenone hydro-chloride acetylrotenone and rotenolone using the goldfish as test animal 297. Qertler 8. I. See Lothrop R. E. Gervay V. See Schelek E. Gettler A. 0, Niederl J. B. and Benedetti-Pichler A. A. Isolation identification and quantitative determination of ethyl alcohol normally present in human and animal tissues 369. Geyer E. and Rotsch A. Mercurimetric deter-mination of chlorides in milk 162. Giblin J. C. A volumetric method for the determination of barium and of sulphates 762.Gibson R. B. See Clark B. B. Gillam A. E. and Others. Variations in the quality of butter particularly in relation to the vitamin A carotene and xanthophyll contents as influenced by feeding artificially dried grass to stall-fed cattle 630. Reaction of sul-phydryl-containing substances 173. See Almquist H. J . tivity of Solutions 2nd Ed. 645. toren 375. Wet A. E. Giroud A. and Bulliard H. Givens J. W. Glasstone S. Review of Davies’ The Conduc-- Review of Kolthoff’s Saure-Basen-Iwdzka-See de Brouckbre L. Glyn-Jones H. The Pharmacy and Poisons Act Explained 652. Ctnadhger C. B. and Corl C. S. Presence of pyrethrolon and methylpyrethroron In pyre-thrum flowers 300. Glolding J.Amy1 alcohol for milk testing 276, 531. Goldmanoma C. See Truszkowski R. Cjiood C. A. Kramer E. and Somogyi M. Gorbing J. See von Hahn F. V. Gordon. J. J. See Noller C. R. Gore H. C. Polarimetric method for determina-tion of the saccharogenic power of Aour 761. Gem I J. See Phillips M. Gouzon B. See Bierq H. Govaert F. Determination of halogens in organic compounds by the sodammoniuiii method Determination of fluorine 107. - Determination of halogens in organic coni-p unds by the sodamide method 49. Giragam J. 1. See Theis E. K. Grant 0. A. See Harding V. J. Grant J. means of ultra-violet light 603. Graves R. R. See Swett W. W. driebel C. Detection of p-phenylene-diaminc, 714. - Determination of chlorogenic acid in raw and roqsted coffee 621.Griebel C. and Wehs F. Detection of P-pheny-lene-diamine and other diamines in hair dyes 417. Oriffitha H. N. and Hilditch T. P. The “elaidin” reaction 416. Clriffiths H. N. ,Eil+tch T. P. and Rae,. J. The stability of vitamin A in cod-liver oil ernul-sions 65. Guha B. C. See Chakravorty Y. N. Guillemet R. Apparatus for the micro-deter-mination of the ethoxyl and methoxyl groups and of glycerol 247. - Electric heating apparatus for Reg1 micro-combustion 248. - Use of Jena glass filters in the micrd-deter-mination of sulphur as benzidine Sulphate, and urea as dixanthylureate 248. Guillot See Azern. Guthrie J. M. and Philip fl. G. CdhWrnetric determination of the preservative value of hops 411. Determination of glycogen 353. Detection of a banknote forgeq b j See also Radley J.A. H Haas A. J. See Dawsey L. H. Haas P. Review of Klein’s Handbuch dei Planzen-analyse Vol. 111 186 ; Vol. IV, Part 3 648. Hahn F. Determination of traces of bromide in presence of chloride 567. Haines R. T. 1. Sodium morrhuate. Varia-tion in commercial samples 352. Haines R. T. Y. and Dqmmond J. C. Proper-ties of halibut-liver oil 356. Ifalberstadt 8. Determination of tungsten with o-hydroxy-quinoline 302 INDEX TO VOLUME LVIII ix Haldane J. S. and Makgill R. H. Hale W. J. aaU G. F. Hall G. F. and Keightley W. 1. Hamence J. H. Note on the use of alkaline pyrogallate solution in gas analysis 378. Chemistry Triumphant 508. See Powell A. D. The detection and estimation of aloes in post-mortem cases, 518.‘I‘h e separation and determina-tion of traces of lead in the presence of small ‘tmounts of bismath 461. Hamer FNI. .4 method of determining iodine in organic conipounds containing selenium 26. Hansche R. and Still E. U. Psyllium seed, 767. Hansen K. Alcohol in the blood ok motor drivers 359. Harding V. J. Nicholson T. F. and Grant 0. A. Biological reagent for the determination of glucose 172. Hardy Z. See Bougault J . Harington C R. and Randall 8. S. Water-soluble iodine content of desiccated thyroid gland 166. Hamal J. C. The formaldehyde titration of milk proteins and its use in the detection of re-constituted creams etc. 605. Harris L. J. See Birch T. W. Harris L. J. and Ray S. N. Specificity of hexuronic (ascorbic) acid as antiscorbutic factor 489.Hartmann B. G. and Hillig F. Determination of citric acid in milk 38. - Determination of inactive malic acid in fruits and fruit pr.oducts 482. Determination of 1-malic acid in fruits and fruit products 40. Harvey E. H. Measurement of the radiation output of ultra-violet lamps 249. - Refractometric measurement of anti-freezing mixtures of ethylene glycol type 109. Hrrrwood H. F. and Theobld L. S. The determination of small quantities of nickel in rock analysis 673. Hadam J. The quantitative separation of aluminium from iron 270. Hastings J. J. H. Hauer E. Haugaard G. See Sbrensen M. Hawley H. A milk calcuIation formula for use a t tropical temperatures 272. - Determination of the “extract” of coffee 222.- Report of the Government Analyst for Madras for the year ending September 1931, 34 ; September 1932 610. - The determination of iodine values by the pyridine sulphate bromide method 601. - The determination of milk-solids by drying in UQCUO on asbestos 333. - The phytosteryl acetate test as a routine method in the examination of butter fats with border-line Reichert-Meissl values 529, Heap H. Appointed Public Analyst for the Borough of Glossop 155. Hebbs L. Review of Dorge’s Methods 0-f Cellu-lose Chemistry 788. Hebl E. E. Rendel T. B. and Garton F. L. Effect of tetraethyl lead on the octane number See Walker T. I<. See Dubsky J. V. of petrol 239. Heidusehka A. and Thomas H. Eeilbron I. M. See Gillam A. E. and Others. Heimann H. L. See Watt J .M. Heller K. Collected references to the micro-chemistry of aluminium chromium iron, titanium and uranium 305. - Collected references to the micro-detection of cobalt nickel manganese and zinc 305. Henderson A. Henderson J. B. Report of the Government Analyst for Queensland for year ending June, 1932 98. Hendricks S. B. Henville D. Report of the Borougli Analyst Herd C. W. Herfeld H. and Gerngross 0. Reagent for cobalt 639. Hermano A. J. and Anido F. Chemical and biological analyses of tikitiki (rice bran) extracts 356. Herndlhofer E. Caff eine-content of coffee during ripening and drying 485. - Nephelometric determination of coffee 502 Hess W. C. and Sullivan M. X. The o-benzo-quinone test for cysteine 104. HeyrovskG J. Use of polarographic methods in microanalysis 423.Hibbard P. L. and Stout P. R. Determination of potassium by titration of the cobaltinitrite with permanganate 302. Higginbottom C. See Challenger I;. Hilditch T. P. General features common to most “fruit coat fats,” 484. - See also Banks A. - See also Collin G. - See also Gritfiths H. N. Hilditch T. P. and Saletore S. A. Certain azelao-glycerides obtained during the oxida-tion of some simple synthetic and natural glycerides 485. Hill W. L. and Jacob K. D. Determination and occiirrence of iodine in phosphate rock, 303. Hiller A. See Van Slyke D. I). Hillig F. See Hartmann B. G. Hills C. A. See Simmons W. H. Hilher W. New eiectrocle-combination for Hinks E. Hirsch P. See Tillmans J . Hoepfner W.Chlorogenic acid conkent of coffee 702. - Keactions for caffeic acid and chlorogenic acid 100. Xoff R. W. and Macoun J. M. The determina-tion of methyl and ethyl alcohols in mixtures containing acetone and its homologues 749. Review of Spirzt Tables Specific Gravzty at 8O0j8Oo F. 723. Report of the City Analyst for Gibraltar for the year 1931 33 ; for the year 1932 533. See Lozinski E. See Corbet K. E. Tests for coffee substitutes (malt coffees) 164. See Davidson L. S. P. Ser Markley I<. S. See Kent-Jones D. W. for Steyney for 1931 96. rapid potentiometric analysis 723. Obituary of E. T. Brewis 732. Hogan, G. Holborow A. G. Holden G. W. Holmes H. N. Holter R. See Linderstr~m-Lang K. Holthoff W. Application of ultra-viole t rays and fluorescent indicators 180 X INDEX TO VOLUME LVIII Holzer H.and Reif W. Sensitive test for gold 302. Honeywell E. M. and Bills C. E. Cerevisterol, a sterol accompanying ergosterol in yeast 104. Hopkins E. S. Water Purification Control 652. Hoppler F. New universal viscometer 179. Houston J. The use of amyl alcohol for milk-testing 151. Howe M. A. Humphreys F. E. and Phillips H. The examination of leather for the presence of extractable chromium compounds 509. Hunter D. See Bomford R. R. Hunter L. and Hyde F. F. A new reagent for the determination of iodine values 623. Hurd L. C. and Evans R. W. Determination of cadmium by the Evrard method 241. Hyde C. G. and Mills F. E. Gas Colorimetry (Review) 124. Hyde F. F. See Hunter L. See Sullivan B.I lkuta H. Japanese beeswax. 11. Composition Illing E. T. See Wood D. R. Innes R. F. See Davies C. W. Iwai M. See Ueno S. of free and combined fatty acids 635. J Jacob K. D. See Hill W. L. Jacobs W. A. and Bigelow N. 1. Strophan-James L. H. Magnesium ammonium phosphate Jamieson A. B. Jamieson G. S. Banghman W. F. and McKinney, R. S. Oil-content of nine varieties of soya bean and the characteristics of the extracted oils 289. Jensen K. A. New fluorescence indicators 722. Jermstad M. A. Fatty constituents of Cascara sagrada 323. Jesser H. See Mezger 0. Johnson A. H. See Conn L. W. Johnson E. B. Determination of basic dye-stuffs by means of silicotungstic acid 778. Johnson R. C. H. The Reichert-Meissl value of the fat in Gorgonzola cheese 469.Jones B. An investigation into the electrolytic separation of lead as peroxide in non-ferrous alloys. I. A new method for the determination of small amounts of lead in copper and copper-rich alloys 11. - The determination of phosphorus in “basic” iron 90. - See also Singleton W. Jones E. G. The extractives of rum 89. Jones 0. Nitrite in cured meats 140. Jones P. H. Pearl barley infected with smut, 754. Jorpes E. Colorimetric determination of histi-dine 102. Jorpes E. and ThorBn S. Use of the Sakaguchi reaction for the quantitative determination of arginine 103. thins of Strophanthus eminii 165. in canned salmon 222. See Cohen W. E. K See Lehrmann L. Kabat E. A. Kagawa I. See Atsuki K. Kahane E. Kalman C. See Thomas P.Kaltman H. See Naegeli C. Kaltschewa D. Soya bean flour and pea flour, 162. Kameyama N. and Makishima S. Determina-tion of bismuth in copper 637. Kamm 0. Qualitative Organic Analysis ; An Elementary Course in the Identification of Organic Compounds 2nd Ed. (Review) 184. Kanewskaja S. J. and Fedorowa A. M. Deter-mination of coumarin and melilotic acid in Melilotus officinalis 624. Kappeller G. and Reidemeister W. Detection of dried plums in plum pulp mixtures 163. Karlik B. Kauffman M. See Gerritzen S. C. L. Keenan G. L. See Clark E. P. Keightley W. 1. See Hall G. F. Keilholz W. See Plucker W. KentJones D. W. and Herd C. W. The deter-mination of leadin acid calcium phosphate 162. Kenyon J. Review of Meyer’s Nachweis und Bestimmung Organischer Verbindungen 572.Khouri J. Clinical detection of 8-hydroxy-butyric acid in urine and other fluids of the organism 292. Khouvine Y. and Nitzberg C3. Identification and biological oxidation of a-glucoheptulitol, 172. Kidd and Langworthy. “Ginger paralysis” (tri-ortho-cresyl phosphate poisoning) 710. King E. J. A new form of the filter stick ; its use in gravimetric analysis 325. King J. The determination of tartaric acid in foodstuffs 133. King J. G. and Crossley H. E. Methods for the quantitative analysis of coal ash 614. Kinnersley H. W. O’Brien J. R. and Peters, R. A. Crystalline preparations of vitamin B, from baker’s yeast 488. Kipping F. S. and E. B. Perkin and Kipping’s Organic Chemistry Part I New Ed. 314 (Review) 573. Kirk P. L.and McCalla A. G. Micro-com-bustion of carbon and hydrogen 55. Kitajma G. See Tomii R. glasssen J. A. Cyanic and thiocyanic acid in the living organism 48. mein G. Handbuch der Pflanzenanalyse. Vol. I11 (Review) 185; Vol. IV Part 3 (Review) 648. Kleiner I. S. and Tauber H. Practical method for the simultaneous determination of lactose and glucose in urine 413. Kleucker E. See Krauss F. Kluge H. Milk diastase 168. Knaggs 1 E. Karlik B. and Elm C. F. Tables of Cubic Crystal Structure of Elements and Compounds 314. Kolb H. See Wagner H. Kollath A. See Krauss F. Kolthoff I. M. and Fischgold H. Study of potassium perchiorate, 781. See Knaggs I . E. Saure-Basen-Indikatoren 4th Ed. (Review) 375 INDEX TO VOLUME LVIII X i Kolthoff I. M. and Lingane J.J. Volumetric determination of uranium. Application to the indirect titration of minute quantities of sodium 419. Kolthoff I. M. and Noponen G. E. Colorimetric determination of nitrates by means of diphenyl-aminesulphonic acid 368. Kolthoff I. M. Sandell E. B. and Moskovits B. Volumetric determination of nitrates with ferrous sulphate as reducing agent 369. Kolthoff I. M. and Yutzy H. Nephelometric determination of chloride 421. Komiirek K. See TomiEek 0. Komarovsky A. S. and Korenman I. 1. Colour reaction of (magnesium and beryllium), zirconia thoria and rare earths with quinali-zarin 781. Korenman I. 1. Sensitive micro-chemical reaction of picric acid with salts of copper and some other heavy metals 373. - “Spot” tests for some organic compounds, 371.- See also Komarovsky A. S. Koyanegi H. See Tsujimoto M. Kramer H. See Good C. ,4. Krasnitz A. See Osborn R. A. Krauss F. Kleucker E. and Kollath A. Kraybill H. R. Krenn J. Detection of goat’s milk in cow’s milk, 349. Krewson C. F. Krishna S. See Puntambekar S. V. aigeneckt J. and Nevalonnyj M. Vitamin values of fermentation vinegar and of artificial “essence” vinegars 770. Kriiger A. Precipitation of metals of the am-monium sulphide group 637. Kruisheer C. I. Determination of inulin and laevulosin. Application to the analysis of coffee substitutes and to the problem of caramelisation 231. Caffeine-content of mat6 766. See Shrewsbury C. L. See Barkenbus C. Kiihl H. Gliadins of rye and wheat 355. Kunos F. See Millner T.Kunz J. Qualitative separations in the alka-line-earth and alkali groups 176. - Separation of potassium and sodium chlorides by means of aniline bitartrate 302. Kurtz. F. E. *4pplication of selenium catalyst in the determination of nitrogen and phos-phorus in phospholipids 636. L Laboucq J. See Rougault J. Lafuma H. Hydrated dicalcium aluminate, La Laude W. A. See Muller J. H. Lampitt L. H. and Bushill J. H. Dialysis of milk. Distribution of phosphorus 615. Lampitt L. H. and Rooke H. S. The occurrence and origin of lead in canned sardines 733. Lang R. and Reifer J. Iodimetric determina-tion of copper iron zinc and aluminium in the presence of each other 496. Lange J. See Fleury P. Langworthy. -. See Kidd. 113. Lasker M. and Enklewitz M.Simple method for detection and determination of l-xyloke-tose in urine 558. Laurie A. P. Methods of testing minute quan-tities of material from pictures and works of art 468. Lawson W. Determination of inorganic iodine in desiccated thyroid gland 486. Lea C. Control of sewage chlorination. The use and value of the o-tolidine test 779. Lea C. H. Action of light on fats 425. - Chemical changes in the fat of frozen and chilled meat. Part V The effect of smoking and the influence of atmospheric humidity on the keeping properties of bacon 288. Leber M. See Volmar Y . Lecat M. L’AzBotropisme La Tension de Lees A. See Elsdon G. D. - See also Stubbs J. R. Legendre R. New colorimeter 502. Lehrmann L. Kabat E. A. and Weisberg .€I-Precipitation of iron chromium and alumm-ium by means of hexamethylene-tetramine, 715.Vapeur des M6langes de Liquides 126. Leitmeier H. See Feigl F. Letonoff T. V. Levine V. E. and Richman E. Antimony trichloride reaction with compounds con-taining five-membered mono-heterocyclic rings 562. Levy P. Lewis A. H. and Marmoy F. B. Determination of small amounts of potassium by the cobalti-nitrite method 499. Lewis E. J. Lewkowitsch E. Composition of cocoa butter 763. Liebermann ID. See Carrb P. Linderstrem-Lang K. and Holter H. Micro-method for the determination of sugars 568. Lingane J. J. See Kolthoff I. M. Link I(. P. and Walker J. C. Isolation of catechol from pigmented onion scales and its significance in relation to disease resistance in onions 355.Linke B. and Preissecker H. Precipitation of tin as stannous sulphide 780. Lipscomb A. G. Cellulose Acetate Its Manu-facture and Applications (Review) 505. Lix G. See Bleyer B. Lobstein E. and Ancel 1. Determination of sulphate in wine by the benzidine method 700. Lochmann G. Detection of oxalic acid as oxalato-manganate 299. Lockemann G. and von BUIow B. The Gutzeit test for arsenic 780. Loewy A, and Cronheim G. Colouring matters of butter 411. Lothrop R. E. and Gertler S. I. Determination of amino acids and related compounds in honey 350. Lowe F. Determination of quartz dust particles in the atmosphere 571. Lowe H. Appointed Public Analyst for Borough of Shrewsbury 91. Lozinski E. Holden G. W. and Diver G. R. Relative activity of ergotoxine and ergotamine, with special reference to the assay of ergot preparations 705.See Anderson A. K. Halogen values of aleurites oils 361. See Park B xii INDEX TO VOLUME LVIII Lucas A. Ancient Egyptian Materials and - Beam’s colour test for hashish 602, Lugg J. W. H. Sullivan’s reaction for the quantitative determination of cysteine and cystine 620. Lynch G. R. Review of Peters and Van Slyke’s Quantitative Clinical Chemistry Vols. I and 11 181. Lynch L. P. and Nodder C. R. Observations on the flH values of hypochlorite solutions 52. Industries about 1350 B.c. 654. M Maby J. C. of woods and charcoals 219. McAlpine R. K. and Soule B. A. Chemical Analysis 730. McCalla A. 0. McGregor P. and Fryd C. F. 1. McKinney R. 8. McNall F. J.See Mitchell L. C. Macoun J. M. The determination of ethyl alcohol in fuse1 oil 664. - See also Hoff R. W. m a C. See Bierry H. Yahr C. Colorimetric determination of bis-muth 714. - Volumetric determination of bismuth 638. D!Iak@ R. H. See Haldane J. S. Makuhuna 8. See Kameyama N. Mdey C. H. Magnesium ammonium phos-phate in canned salmon 337. - Report of the City Analyst for Leeds for the year 1932 471. Mark H. See Scheibe E. Markley K. S. Hendricks S. B. and Sand? C. E. Further studies on the wax-llke coating of apples 41. Marmoy F. B. Marshall A. Explosives Vol. 111 (Review) 61. Martm F. W. Infra-red rays in criminal investigation 644. Martin G. Chemical Engineering and Thermo-dynamics Applied to the Cement Rotary Kiln 126. ~ Martindale W.H. The Extra Pharmacopoeia, Vol. I 20th Ed. (Review) 309. Martini A. New micro-chemical reaction for cocaine 57. - Sensitive reaction for caffeine applicable to vegetable tissues 56. Mason H. M. The estimation of the fineness of grinding of chocolate by microscopical and tasting methods 440. Mathis -. See Volmar. ’Iaxted E. B. Catalysis and its Industrial Mayer A. E. and Eggert C. Iron and copper Mayer F. Mease R. T. Mhdaille A. See Canals E. Mellor J. W A Comprehensive Treatise on Inorganic and Theoretical Chemistry Vol. XI1 (Review) 25 1. Further notes on the identification Qualitative See Kirk P. L. Determination of artificial silk in mixtures of artificial silk and cotton waste 301. See Jamieson G. S. See Lewis A. H. Applications (Review) 374 liver and liver extracts 101. See Nottbohm F. E. Analysis of weighted silk 176. Illlendelsohn J. Methods for detecting the oxidation of coal 566. Merres E. and Turnau R. Arsenic lead and chromium in kindergarten materials 296. Meyer H. Nachweis und Bestimmung Organ-ischer Verbindungen (Review) 372. Mezger O. Jesser H. and Volkmann M. Biological distinction of egg- and plant lecithin by means of the complement-combination method 167. - Detection of vegetable lecithin in pastry 365. Middleton G. Review of Untersuchztn~snzethoden fur Arzneispezialitaten 428. Miermeister A. See Biittner G. Miller F. W. See Swett W. W. Nlillner I. J. See Noller C. R. Millner T. and Kunos F Determination of fluorine and phosphate in presence of silica and aluminium 422.- Determination of silicon and aluminium in presence of fluoride and ortho-phosphate 54. Mills F. E. Mitchell A. D. and Ward A. ,M. Modem Methods in Quantitative Chemical Analysis (Review) 63. Mitchell C. A. A colorimetric method of deter-mining oxalic acid 279. - Erasures and ultra-violet light 532. - Review of Barker’s Basic Gennati fov Scieme Students 57 1. - Review of Garner’s Industrial ~ ~ i c ~ o s c o ~ y , 313. - Review of Rawling’s Infra-red Photogvaphy, 726. - See also Dyer B. Mitchell L C. Mend S. and McNall F. J. Composition of whites yolks and whole broken eggs from commercial egg-breaking establishments 480. Mitchell W. J. See Ford J. S. and Others. Miyagi S. Brucine as an internal indicator in Mlejnek V.J. Analysis of miscellaneous tan-Moffitt W. G. A colorimetric method for the Mohler H. and Benz H. Colour reactions of Mohr W. Determination of nicotine in tobacco Monier-Williams G. W. The determination of Monk H. E. A case of chronic lead poisoning, - Report of the City Analyst for Salford for Monnet R. Detection of quinine in urine by Month H. See Pavelka F. Mookerjee H. C. See Chakravorty P. N. Moore E. J. Growth and nutrition of fungi 564. Moore T. Vitamin A and carotene. X The relative minimum doses of vitamin A and carotene 629. More A. Specification for amyl alcohol for use in the Gerber test 277. Morgan A. F. Morris T. N. Principles of Fruit Preservation See Hyde C. G. dichromate titrations 496. ning materials. Committee Report 714.determination of chloroform 2. almond and apricot-kernel oils 764. and nicotine-containing parasiticides 766. the true freezing point of milk 254. 397. the year 1932 687. the erythroquinine reaction 628. See Smith L. L. W. (Review) 507 INDEX TO VOLUME ~17111 xiii Horse W. New colour reaction for hydroxypro-line and its use in distinguishing the sclero-proteins 294. Morton R. A. See Coward K. H. - See also Gillam A. E. and Others. Moskovitz B. See Kolthoff I. M. Moss E. V. Schilb T. W. and Warning W. G. Tricalcium phosphate as a caking inhibitor in salt and sugar 232. Hottern H. H. See Nelson E. M. Mottern,.H. H. Nelson E. M. and Walker,.&. Reducing value of plant juices containing vitamin C as determined by 2 6-dichlor-phenol indophenol 48.Separation of rhenium from molybdenum 499. MiiUer IT. H. and La Laude W. A. N Naegeli C. and Kaltman H. Molecular com-pounds of polyvalent phenols with aromatic diamines used as hair dyes 777. Naumann E. Determination of small quanti-ties of aluminium in waters 359. Nelson E. M. and Mottern H. H. Vitamin C content of frozen orange juice 235. Nelson E. M. Nevalonnyj 1. See K%enecky/ J. Newell I. L. Newman F. H. and Searle V. H. L. The General Properties of Matter (Review) 312. Newman Sir G. Report of the Chief Medical Officer of the Ministry of Health for the year 1932 757. Newman M. S. and Anderson R. J. Chemistry of the lipids of yeast. I Composition of the acetone-soluble fat 707. Nicholls J. R. The determination of benzoyl peroxide in flour 4.Nicholson T. F. See Harding V. J. Nickolls L. C. The determination of small amounts of bismuth in copper 684. Niederl J. B. See Gettler A. 0. Niederl J. B. and Routh I. B. Micro vapour density determination. 11 Determination of boiling points 115. Niederl J. B. and Saschek W. J. Micro vapour density determination. I Determination of molecular weight 114. Nitaberg G. See Khouvine Y . Nodder C. R. See Lynch L. P. Noller .C. R. Millner I. J. and Gordon J. J. Capric acid from the seed fat of the Califorma bay tree 299. Nolte -. Determination of phenols in river water 713. Noponen G. E. Norris F. W. Nottbohm F. E. and Mayer F. Distinction between lecithin preparations of animal and x-egetable origin 43.Nottbaum F. E. and Philippi K. Goats’ milk and the composition of goats’ blood 762. See also Mottern H. H. See Skau E. L. See Kolthoff I. M. See Bailey K. 0 O’Brien J. R. See Kinnersley H. 117. OgbFn S. C. Jr. and Brastow W. C. Quanti-tative determination of palladium by means of ethylene 366. Oosterhof D. Osborn R. A. and Krasnitz A. See ht-aterman H. I. Study of the Kjeldahl method (for the analysis of flour). Comparison of selenium copper and mercury catalysts 289. P Pagel H. A. and Car$on W. Determination of cyanide by distillation from acid solution 108. Psget M. and Desodt C. Identification and determination of barbituric principles in urine 772. Palfray L. Sabetay S. and Sontag D. Identi-fication of primary phenylethyl alcohol as oxalate 713.Panaitescu C. See Cerchez V. Park B. and Lewis E. J. Determination of small amounts of antimony in copper 497. Parry-Jones R. T. Parsons H. L. Determination of the acetyl con-tent of carbohydrate acetates 364. Partridge W. Appointed Public Analyst for the Metropolitan Borough of Fulham 155. - The reaction of human milk 88. - Review of Thresh Beale and Suckling’s The Examination of Waters and Water Supfilies, 727. Pass A. and Ward A. M. The determination of cadmium in the presence of zinc in spelter and in zinc ores 667. Patzauer A. Distinction of wine vinegar from other vinegars 700. Pavelka F. and Month H. Rapid micro-analysis of pure aluminium. I Iron copper and manganese 785. Peltzer J. Microchemical colour reaction of m-dinitrobenzene for the forensic detection of benzene 297.- Toxicological detection of veronal luminal and phanodorm 773. Pertschik F. S. Rapid analysis of waterglass, 641. Peters J. P. and Van Slyke D. D. Quantitative Clinical Chemistry Vols. I and I1 (Review), 181. Peters R. A. See Kinnersley H. W. Peterson V. L. See West E. S. Pfeiffer H. See Elbe K. Philip G. G. See Guthrie J. M. Phillips .H. Review of Hopkin and Williams’ Organac Reagents f o r Metals 310. - See also Humphreys F. E. Phillips M, Goss M. J and Browne C. A. Determination of uronic acids and methoxyl in certain plants and plant materials 495. Pickholz S. Use of ultra-violet light in the brewery laboratory 571. Picon M. Identification of thallium as thio-carbonate 302.- Preparation and properties of thallous thiocarbonate 11 1. Pilcher R. B. Obituary notice of J. M. Thom-son 315. Pinguet A. See Bougault J. Pinte P. See Raquet D. Plahl W. and Rotsch A. Detection of the colouring matter of paprika in sausages 412. See Strafford N xiv INDEX TO VOLUME LVIII Plucker W. and Keilholz W. Poe C. F. and Fehlmann H. A. Poe C. F. and Field J. T. Determination of chlorogenic and caffeic acids 701. Vitamin A content of naturally coloured nut margarines, 415. Biochemical study or the fermentation of rare sugars by members of the colon-aerogenes groups of bacteria. I, Trehalose 106. Bibliography on heavy metals in food and biological materials. 111 Zinc 30 ; IV Manganese 91 ; V Mercury 280 ; VI, Cobalt 340 ; VII Nickel 340 ; VIII Chrom-ium 341 ; IX Tin 398 ; X Bismuth 607.- Review of Santangelo’s Dizionario Pratico degli Alirnenti 123. - Review of Semerano’s II Polarografo 64. Poucher W. A. Perfumes Cosmetics and Soaps, with special reference to Synthetics Vol. 11, 4th Ed. (Review) 251. Powell A. D. Colour reaction of bismuth 706. Powell A. D. and Hall G. F. Determination of acriflavine and related medicinal dyes 705. Prange G. Iodine-content of commercial iodised table salt 768. Prasad M. See Vaish B. L. Prausnitz P. H. (Review) 250. Preissecker H. See Linke B. Pritzker J. Acetylmethylcarbinol and diacetyl in wood vinegar 761. Pngh W. Conditions for determining antimony by the permanganate method 176. Pnmmerer R. Entwickelung und Leistungen der Organischen Strukturlehre (Review) 376.Puntambekar S. V. and Krishna S. Fat and oil from the seeds of Actinodaphne Hookeri, Meissn. 766. - Fat from the seeds of Vateria indica Linn, 620. - Oil from the seeds of Tectona Graradis (teak), 765. Pyriki C. Occurrence of nicotine in cigarette smoke. 111 487. Pope T. H. Glas- und Keramische-Filter Q Quell MI. H. See Walker A. C. Quick A. J. Determination of acetylsalicylic - Xew reagent for zinc 241. acid in urine 558. R Rabinowitch I. M. Copper-content of the urine of normal individuals 358. Radley E. G. An improved crucible support, 339. Radley J. A. A steam-distillation apparatus, 153. - The fluorescence of milk and dairy products, 527. RadIey J. A. and Grant J. Fluorescence Analysis in Ultra-Violet Light 730.Rae H. J. See Davidson L. S. P. Rae 3. Effect of nitrates on the formation of fungoid growth in liquor arsenicalis R.P. 1932, 357. - See also Griffiths H. N. Ram A. Randall E. L. Randall S. S. Raquet D. and Pinte P. Detection and differentiation of phosphites and hypophos-phites in the presence of each other 627. - Rapid iodimetric determination of phosphites and hypophosphites alone or mixed 556. Rawling S. 0. Infra-red Photography (Review), 726. Ray S. N. - See a2so Harris L. J . Redmond J. C. See Dhar N. R. See Christman A. A. See Harington C. R. See Birch T. W. Precipitation and determina-tion of magnesium hydroxyquinolate in presence of calcium oxalate and its application to the analysis of Portland cement 781.Rees H. G. Notes on the occurrence of iron and copper in liver and liver extracts 384. - The occurrence of lauric acid in fish oils 222. Reich W. S. and Damanski A. F. Constitution of starch. New method of acetylation 493. Reidemeister W. See Kappeller G. Reif W. See Holzer H. Reifer J. See Lang R. Re$ F. and Chakmakjian H. H. Determina-tion of iron in cow’s milk and human milk 39. Rendel T. B. Rendle T. Observations on changes in rasp-berries after picking 69. - Review of Morris’s Principles of Fvuit Preservation 507. Rewald B. Distinction between lecithin yre-parations of animal and vegetable origin 412. Reynolds C. V. Appointed Additional Public Analyst for the County of Devon and the County Borough of Exeter 223; for the County Borough of Plymouth 155.Reznek S. See Callaway J. Ribdreau-Gayon J. Colorimetric determination of total and tervalent iron in red wines 552. Richardson F. W. Tests for re-constituted cream 686. Richman E. See Levine V. E. Rideal E. K. Review of Maxted’s Catalysis and its Industrial Applications 374 430. Ridge B. P. Corner M. and Cliff H. S. Micro-determination of metals in rayon 721. Ridge B. P. and Turner I(. Analysis of cotton and viscose rayon mixtures 363. Rigby W. J. ,4ppointed Public Analyst for the Borough of Warwick 91. Riley H. L. See Austin S. Ripan R. Argentometric determination of selenocyanate 783. Roberts Muriel. Appointed additional Public Analyst for the County Borough of Barrow-in-Furness 533. Robertson J. A, and Young J. Volumetric determination of free sulphur in rubber 778.Robinson R. A. Roller P. S. Colorimetric determination of aluminium with aurin tricarboxylic acid 780. Rooke H. S. See Lampitt L. H. Rosenthaler L. Microchemical tests. VIII, Rotsch A. See Geyer E. - See also Plahl W. Rouse A. H. Routh I. B. See Hebl L. E. See Britton H. T. S . 784. See Anderson A. K. See Niederl J. B INDEX TO VOLUME LVIII xv Rndge E. A. Rnmpf P. Russell H. N. Decomposition of timber under New colour reaction of aldehydes, The Composition of the Sun 126. industrial conditions 772. 633. S Sabetay 8. Antimony trichloride as a reagent - Colour reaction of geranium oil and of - See also Palfray L. Sage C. E. Review of Bentley and Driver‘s Textbook of Pharmaceutical Chemistry 2nd Ed., 724.Saletore S. A. Salmonsen E. 1. Bibliographical Survey of Vitamins 1650-1930 (Review) 186. Sampietro C. and Tiiufel K. Distinction be-tween aldohexoses and ketohexoses by the resorcinol reaction 360. Sandell E. B. See Kolthoff I. M. Sando C. E. See Markley K. S. Sandrus? H J.,. and. Willard M. L. Micro-chemical identification of caffeine 117. Santangelo E. Dizionario Pratico degli Mi-menti (Review) 123. Sarver L. A. Volumetric determination of cobalt by means of ferrous sulphate and potassium dichromate 639. Saschek W. J. See Niederl J. B. Schaarschmidt A. Application of adsorbing agents to the removal of poisonous matters from tobacco smoke 44. Scheibe E. Mark H. and Ehrenberg R. Phy-sikalische Methoclen der Analytischen Chemie.Part I 311. Schelek E. and Gervay V. Determination of hesarnethylenetetramine in pharmaceutical preparations 62 1. Schilb T. W. Schloemer A. Micro-halogen determination without combustion 246. Schoeller W. R. Review of Mitchell and Ward’s Modern Methods in Quantitative Chemical -4 nalysis 63. Schoeller W. R. and Webb H. W. Investiga-tions into the analytical chemistry of tanta-lum niobium and their mineral associates. XXV The separation of uranium from tantalum niobium and titanium 143. Schrempf A. and Weidlich G. Determination of the age of eggs in the summer months 350. Schuette H. A. and Chang C. Y. Hazelnut (filbert) oil 620. Schumb W. C. Schuster G. Adulteration of cocoa butter. Determination of the azelaic acid value 763.- Composition of illip6 butter 42. Schwarz K. A simple tapless micro-burette, Schweitzer H. Electrometric determinations in Seaber W. M. Barium as a normal consthxient Searle V. H. L. Seguin L. See FranGois M. for double linkings 712. commercial rhodinols 41 8. See Hilditch T. P. See Moss H. V. See Simpson S . G. 422. tannin solutions 496. of Brazil nuts 575. See Newman F. H. Sidel K Testing aluminium foil for its suit-ability as a wrapping material for cut bread, 167. Sekiguchi H. See Ueno S . Semerano G. Semichon,-L. and Flanzy M. Organic acids of grape juice. (Presence of glyoxylic acid) 352. Seth G. L. See Dhngra D. R. Sharlit H. Method for the quantitative deter-mination of indoxyl compounds in urine. 170. Shaw P. A.Colorimetric determination of thallium 358. Sherman W. C. Shimads K. Colorimetric method for copper and manganese 496. Shrewsbury C. L. and Kraybill H. R. Carotene content vitamin A potency and anti-oxidants of butter-fat 631. Shrewsbury H. S. Report of the Government Analyst for Trinidad and Tobago for the year 1932 696. Silberstein L. See Bertrand G. Simmons W. H. Review of Bennett and Cocking’s The Science and Practice of Phar-macy 647. - Review of Evans’ Lubricating and Allzed Oils, 426. - Review of Poucher’s Perfumes Cosrnetzcs and Soaps Vol. 11 4th Ed. 251. Simmons W. H. and Hills C. A. Apparatus for the separation and measurement of steam distillates 396. - The oil from the glands of the musk-rat 154. Simpson S. G. and Schumb W.C. Determina-tion of zirconium in steels 497 ; by selenious acid 243. Singleton W. and Jones B. Some effects of the addition of tellurium to lead 366. Sinozaki H. Potentiometric titration of sodium and zalcium cyanamides 491. Skau E. L. and Newell I. L. Rapid volumetric determination of sulphur in coal and coke 499. Skinner W. W. See Browne C. ,4. Sladden A. F. Smeall J. T. Bacteria on fruit 48. Smelt E. M. Chemical tests for Strophanthus, - Keeping properties of Liquor Arsenicalis 627. Smith E. L. See Bacharach A. L. Smith H. G. See Freytag F. C. Smith L. L. W. and Morgfig A. F. Effect of light upon vitamin A activlty and carotenoid content of fruits 661. Smith T. B. Qualitative analysis in presence of phosphate 365. Smith V. Smith W. See Evers N.Smith W. E. and Waller E. I(. The charac-teristics of millet oil 319. Snider R. IF. and Bloor W. R. Fatty acids of liver lecithin 17 1 . Somogyi M. See Good C. A. Sbrensen M. and Haugaard G. Application of the orcinol reaction t o the determination of the nature and amount of carbohydrate groups in proteins 492. Soule B. A. See McAlpine R. K. Southgate B. A. Toxicity of mixtures of poisons 173. I1 Polarografo (Review) 64. See Elvehjem C. A. Silica-content of lungs 775. 704. See Ware -4. H svi INDEX TO VOLUME LVIII Spacu G. and Armeanu V. Separation of Speers P. C. See Dhingra D. R, Spew W. M. Influence of electrical charge in Spiegelberg E. See Bleyer B. Spiers J. Spitzer L. Determination of formaldehyde by means of potassium bromate 360.Stiihli M. See Waser E. Stare F. J. and Elvehjem C. A. Cobalt in animal nutrition 167. Stary 2. Collected references to the micro-determination of iron in biological material, 304. Stathopoulo T. G. Butters froin the inilk of sheep and goats 762. Steenbock H. Steger A. and van Loon J. of Picramzia Sow 565. Steiner A. Steiner A. Urban F. and West E. 5. Iron and thorium precipitation of biological fluids for sugar and other analyses 46. Stempel B. Acidimetric determination of alkali nitrites 244. - Formol titration of hydrazine sulphate 244. Stem& D. W. An alcoholic standard for cider, 602. - The determination of pectin in dried apple pomace 397. - The formalin titration of proteins 754. Stevens H. P. and Donald 1. B.Rubber in Chemical Engineenng 730. Stevenson S. G. Review of Annual Reports of the Society of Chemical Industry on the Pro-gress of Applied Chemistry 1932 312. wool by distillation 301. selenocyanate from halides 114. micro-gravimetric analysis 177. See Ford J. S. and Others. See Baumann C. A. Fat from the seeds See West E. S. - See also Bacharach A. L. Steward C. 0. M. Still E. U. See Hansche R. Stirling W. A simplified micro-comparator 684. Stout P. R. See Hibbard P. L. Strafford N. The Detection and Determination of Sinall Amounts of Inorganic Substances by Colorimetric Methods 652. Strafford N. and Parry-Jones R. T. The determination of small amounts of pyridine in nicotine 380. Strecker W. Qualitative Analyse auf Prapara-tiver Grundlage 3rd Ed.(Review) 506. Stubbs J. R. Obituary notice of J. Wood 31'7. - See also Elsdon G. D. Stubbs J. R. and Lees A. Examination of a proposed method for the identification and estimation of oils and fats 211. Suckling E. V. See Thresh J. C. Siie P. Determination of niobium with o-Sullivan B. and Howe 1. A. Lipases of wheat. Sullivan 1. X. Sure B. The Vitamins in Health and Disease, 508; (Review) 650. Sutton R. W. Appointed Public Analyst for the County Borough of Derby 533; for County of Derbyshire. and vacates appoint-ment of additional Public Analyst for Countj-Borough of Leeds 398. Determination of water in hydroxyquinoline 366. I 169. See Hess W. C. Svirbely J. L. Ascorbic acid content of the adrenab and livers of different animah 632.Svirbely J. L. and Szent-Gyiirgyi A. The chemical nature of vitamin C 489. Swett W. W. Miller F. W. and Graves El. R. Quantity and composition of milk obtained from amputated cow udders 47. Swift E:H. Barton R. C. and Backus H. S. New method for the separation of zinc cobalt, nickel and iron from aluminium chromium and manganese 53. Szent-Gyorgyi A. See Svirbely J. L. T Tait A. Tankard A. R. Report of the Public Analyst for Kingston-upon-Hull for the years 1931 and 1932 401. Tate F. G;. H. Spirit Tables a t 8Oo/8O0 F. 574. Tauber H. See Kleiner I. S. Tiiufel K. See Sampietro C. Taylor H. J. See Thompson T. G. Taylor K. F. See Campbell W. G. Theis E. R. and Graham J. M. Theobdd L. 5. See Narwood H. F. Thomas H. See Heiduschka A.Thomas H. A. Oxycellulose and hydrocellulose, 362. Thomas P. and K h a n C. Action of various sugars on the reaction of sodium molybdate solutions 617. Thompson F. C. Thompson J. H. Thompson M. R. Metal-connected glass elec-trode 307. Thompson T. G. and Taylor H. J. Determina-tion and occurrence of fluorides in sea water, 369. ThorBn S. See Jorpes E. Thresh J. C. . Beale J. F. and Suckling E. V. The Examination of Waters and Water Supplies 4th Ed. (Review) 727. Tice L. F. Extraction of capsaicin and its determination in capsicum fruit and oleoresin, 623. Tillmans J. v c h P. and Vanbel R. Re-duction-capacity of plant foodstuffs and its relation to vitamin C 295. Tischer J. Colorimetric determination of small amounts of magnesium in pure magnesium salts and in the presence of calcium 247.Tomi"& O. and Ko-ek K. Gravimetric determination of cobalt by means of dinitro-soresorcinol 11 2. Tomii R. and Kitajima G Conductivity of certain vegetables and fruits. Their acidity and degree of ripening 551. Tomoda Y. Fermentation of cellulose by thermophilic bacteria 105. Toms H. Review of Caley's Analyticat Factors and their Logarithms 312. - Review of Carothers' Organic Syntheses, Vol. XIII 788. - Review of Kamm's Qzcalitative Organic Analysis 184. See Ford J. S. Analysis of sulphonated oils 240. See Atkin W. R. See Eastland C. J INDEX TO VOLURlE LVIII xvii Toms H.-continued. - Review of Organic Syntheses Vol. XII 250. - Review of Pummerer’s EntwickeEung und Leistungen der Organischen Strukturlehtre 376.Toole E. Polarimetric determination of nicotine in tobacco and tobacco smoke 625. Tram H. Funnel-fitting for rapid filtration, 373. Treichler R. See Fraps G. S. Trotman S. R. and Gee G. N. Acidity in wool, - Determination of acids in dyed wool 174. Truszkowski R. and Goldman6wnaY C. Uricase and its action. VI. Distribution in various animals 627. Tsujimoto M. and Koyanegi H. New un-saturated acid in the kernel oil of “akarittom” (Parznarzum laurinum) 35 1. Turnau R. See Merres E. Tnmer C. F. Appointed Additional Public Analyst for County Borough of Liverpool 398. Turner K. Turner R. G. and Weeks M Z. Technical refinements for the micro colonmetric method of iodine in blood 169. Twyman F. ‘The Practice of Absorption Spectrophotometry 126.418. See Ridge B. P. U Ueno S. and Iwai 1. Ueno S. and Sekiguchi H. Urack H. See Beck K. Urbach C. 717. Urban F. See Steiner A. Chlor-iodo and bromo-iodo compounds precipitated from fish oils, 174, Determination of aromatic nitro- and nitroso-compounds 778. Photometric micro-analysis of water, V Vaish B. L. and Pryad M. Volumetric deter-mination of potassium dichromate and potas-sium permanganate in a mixture 148. Van der Lingen G. Elon and sodium sulphite as reducing agents in the colorimetric deter-mination of phosphorus 755. Van der Lingen G. W. B. The mineral con-stituents of Artemisia afra 280. Van Druten A. Detection of small quantities of hexamethylene-tetramine in fish-preserving pickle-liquor 37.Van Giffen H. J. Determination of theobromine in pharmaceutical preparations by Boie’s method 101. van Loon J. Van Nieuwenburg J. and Dulfer I. F. A Short Manual of Systematical Qualitative Analysis by means of Modern Drop Reactions 652. Van Slyke D. D. See Peters J. P. Van Slyke D. D. and Hiller A. Determination of ammonia in blood 768. Van Voorst F. T. Determination of nitrates in flesh products 230. Van Zijp C. Microchemical detection of choles-terol 568. Vaubel R. See Tillmans J , See Steger A. Vetter F. Use of the micro-Dumas method for substances of low nitrogen content 424. Vita G. and Bracaloni L. Physico-chemical characteristics of egg-yolk oil and its solubility in ethyl alcohol 619. Volkmann M. See Mezger 0. Volmar Y.and Leber M. Picrolonic acid as a reagent for alkali metals 368 ; for sodium 782. Volmar Y. and Mathis. Inhibiting action of certain ions on the fluorescence of the uranyl ion and its application to inorganic chemical analysis 570. von Bergkampf E. S. Notes on the analytical behaviour of gallium 111. von Biilow B. Von Hahn F. V. and Gorbing J Influence of manuring on the content of vitamin C in spinach 632. von Hevesy G. and Alexander E. Praktikum der Chemischen Analyse mit Rontgenstrahlen, 652. von Migray E. Detection of nitrous acid with indigo sols 245. von Philipsborn H. Tabellen zur Berechnung von Mineral- und Gesteinanalysen 126 (Review) 429. See Lockemann G. W Wagenw 1. Anaesthesine. p-Amino-benzoic acid ethyl ester 352. - Colour reactions of different varieties of strophanthus seeds with sulphuric acid 44.- Identification of atoxyl 290. - Identification of salvarsan 486. - Microchemical detection of coumarin 501, 720. - Microchemical identification of novocaine (procaine) 178. - Reaction of caffeine with iodine in caesium iodide solution 501. Wagner H. and Xolb H. Determination of zinc in aluminium and aluminium alloys 63. Waksman S. A. and Allen M. C. Decom-position of pectin and pectic acid by mould fungi and formation of pectolytic enzymes, 633. Influence of ash constituents on the electrical conduction of cotton 364. Walker A. C. and Quell M. H. Walker J. C. See Link K. P. Walker R. See Mottern H. H. Walker T. K. and Hastings J. J H. . Gravi-metric determination of the antiseptic con-stituents of hops 702.Wallace T. and Zilva 5. 5. Antiscorbutic potency of apples. VI 631. Waller E. K. See Smith W. E. Ward A. M. See Fleck H. R. - See also Mitchell A. D. - See also Pass A. Ward T. J. Review of Arenson’s Chemical Arithmetic 125. - Review of Clay and Court’s History of the Microscope. 649. - Review of Fowles’ Volumetric Analysis 62. - Review of Perkin and Kipping’s Organic Chemistry 573 xviii INDEX TO VOLUME LVIII Wad T. J.-continued. - The detection of free metal particles in dust, etc. 28. Ware A. H. and Smith V. Precipitation of alkaloids by tannins and the use of anti-pyrine in the detection of tannins 703. Wming W. G. Wasar E. and Stahli M. Investigations on tobacco smoke. I 45; 11 165.Wasitzky A. A simple niicro-Soxhlet extractor, 56. Watermsq H. I. and Oosterhof D. Poly-merisation of linseed oil 786. Waters C. E. Blue dyes as evidence of the age of writing 776. Watt J. M. Heimsw H. L. and Epstein .E. Solanocapsine a new alkaloid with a cardiac action 173. Webb H. W. See Schoeller W. R. Weeks M. Z. See Turner R. G. Weidlich G. See Schrempf A. Weisberg H. See Lehrmann L. Weher H. B. Inorganic Colloid Chemistry. Vol. I. Colloidal Elements 574; (Review) 787. Web F. See Griebel C. Weissmann G. Determination of phenacetin, aspirin and antifebrin 412. Wellings A W. Further examples of the use of adsorption indicators in volumetric analysis, 331. Wendel W. B. Note on the determination of lactic and pyruvic acids 712. Werner E.A. A simple and rapid procedure for the purification of ether and of acetone, 335. West C. J. and Berolzheimer D. D. Biblio-graphy of Bibliographies on Chemistry and Chemical Technology 126. West E. S. West E. S. and Peterson V. L. Determination of reducing sugars of urine 233. West E. S. and Steiner A. Chemical nature of fermentable sugar of normal and starvation urine 233. WhiteheaP T. H. Qualitative detection of casein in woods 365. Whitmore F. C. Editor of Organic Syntheses, Vol. XI1 (Review) 250. Willard H. H. and Winter 0. B. Volumetric method for determination of fluorine 242. Willard M. L. See Sandrus H. J. Williams G. D. and Nton C. C. identification of heroin 766. See Moss H. V. See Steiner A. Microscopic Williams H. A.Appointed Public Analyst for Willimott S. G. An investigation of solanine - Edible and poisonous fungi of Cyprus 553. Winkelmann J. New method of carrying out Winkler L. F. Die Chemische Analyse 126. Winter 0. B. See Willard H. H. Wodlinger M. H. Patents Section of Biblio-graphical Survey of Vitamins 1650-1930 186. Wood D R. Illing E. T. and Fletcher A. E. The diphenyl-benzidine test for nitrates ui milk as a means of detecting added water, and the effect of drenching cows with “nitre,” 149. Wood T. B. A Course of Practical Work in Agricultural Chemistry for Senior Students, New Ed. (Review) 252. Woodard W. A, and Cowland A. N. Stability of aqueous solutions of gallo-tannm with reference to tannic acid treatment of bums, 553. Wooldridge W. R.The “stability test” of sewage and its relation to enzyme activity, 490. Wuyts H. New reactions of reducing sugars, 481. Metropolitan Borough of Woolwich 91. poisoning 431. “spot” tests 116. Y y Amal T. G. Reagent for lithium in presence of other alkali ions. Separation of lithium from magnesium. Determination of lithium. Separation of arsenites from arsenates 421. Colorimetric determination of ferric iron with 7-iodo-8-hydroxyquinoline-5-sul-phonic acid 54. Yoe J. H. Young J. Yutzy H. See Robertson J. A. See Kolthoff I. M. Z Zahnd H. and Clarke H. T. proteins 708. Zilva S. 8. - See also Wallace T. Zimmermann J. Labite sulphur in See Crane M. B. Oil from the seeds of Ganua (bassia) Motleyana (Sap.) 763 INDEX TO VOLUME LVIII xis INDEX TO SUBJECTS.A Abortion Milk and contagious -. Absorption Spectrophotometry ; Practice of -. F. Twyman 126. Acetaldehyde Spot test for -. Acetate solutions ; Effect of 9 on precipitation of magnesium zinc cobalt nickel copper and molybdenum from -. H. R. Fleck and A. M. Ward 388. Acetic Acid in cellulose acetate ; Determination of --. Acetone and its homologues ; Determination of methyl and ethyl alcohols in mixtures con-taining - . R. W. Hoff and J. M. Macoun 749. British Standard Specification No. 509. 730. purification of -; Simple and rapid pro-cedure for. Acetyl content of carbohydrate acetates ; Deter-mination of -. H. L. Parsons 364. group in cellulose acetates ; Potentiometric titration of -. M. Abribat 363. value of castor oil.51. 758. 373. K. Atsuki and I. Kagawa 564. E. A. Werner 335. Acetylation of starch; New method of -. 1%’. S. Reich and A. F. Damanski 493. Acetylrflethylcarbinol in wood vinegar. J . Pntzker 761. Acetylrotenone Study of the toxicity of -, using the goldfish as test animal. W. A. Gersdorff 297. Acetylsalicylic Acid in urine ; Determination of -. A. J . Quick 658. Acidity in wool. S. R. Trotman and G. N. Gee, 418. Acids Battery -. 405. Fatty -. See Fatty Acids. in dyed wool ; Determination of -. S. R. Trotman and G. N. Gee 174. of grape juice ; Organic -. (Presence of glyoxylic acid.) L. Semichon and M. Flanzy 562. Use of thionylaniline for identifying - by the formation of anilides. P. Card and D. Liebermann 491. Acridine Orange as fluorescence indicator.722. Acriflavine Determination of ___ and related medicinal dyes. A. D. Powell and G. F. Hall 705. Fat and oil from the seeds of -. An indigenous source of lauric acid. S. V. Puntambekar and S. Krishna 765. Adrenaline in suprarenal gland extracts ; Colori-metric determination of -. J. H. Barker, C. J . Eastland and E. Evers 232. Adrenals of different animals ; Ascorbic acid content of -. Adulterdion Declaration of __ in Madras. 610. Actinodaphne Hookert Meissn. J. L. Svirbely 632. Aglucones of Strophunthus eminzz. 165. Agricultural Analysis,,; Wiley’s “Principles and Practice of -. Vol. 11. Fertilisers and Insecticides 3rd Ed. Edited by C. A. Browne and W. W. Skinner. (Review) 57. Chemistry for Senior Students; Course ot Practical Work in -.New Ed. (Re-view),T. B. Wood 252. Experiment Station Connecticut. Report for the year 1931. 285. Agulhon’s Reagent Use of - in the analysis of solvents. Air carbon monoxide in - ; Detection of small amounts of. Akarittom New unsaturated acid in the kernel M. Tsujimoto and H. Koya-d-Alanine Sublimation temperature of -. Alcohol in the blood of motor drivers. K. Alcohols octadecenyl (oleyl and elaidyl) - . G. Collin and T. I?. Hilditch: Aldehydes Detection of -. R. Fischer 569. New colour reaction of -. P. Rumpf 633. Aldohexoses distinguished from ketohexoses by the resorcinol reaction. C . Sampietro and K. Taufel 360. Aldoses Micro-method for detecting and deter-mining laevulose in dextrose other - or sucrose.F. Fischl 424 570. Ale Imitiation -. 33. Aleurites Oils Halogen values of -. P. Levy 361. Alimenti Dizionario Pratico degli -. (Re-view) E. Santangelo 123. Alizarin S as adsorption indicator. Alkali cyanides ; Action of sodium borate on the reaction of - with reducing sugars. J . Bougault 2. Hardy and A. Pinguet 410. cyanides; Determination of -. 331. etc. Works. Report of the Chief Inspectors for 1932. 535. ions ; Reagent for lithium in presence of other -. T. Gaspar y Amal 421. metals ; Picrolonic acid as reagent for -. Y. Volmar and M. Leber 368. metals ; Quantitative separations of the alkaline-earth and -. nitrites ; Acidimetric determinahon of -. B. Stempel 244. Alkaline-Earth Metals Quantitative separations of the alkali and -.Alkaloid Solanocapsine a new - with a cardiac action. J. M. Watt H. L. Heimann and E. Epstein 173. Alkaloids Michrochemical identification of Lunasia -. F. Amelink 117. E. C. Craven 776. W. Ackermann 297. Sulphur gases in -. 284. oil of -. negi 351. 117. Hansen 359. Oxidation of. 564. 332. J. Kunz 176. J. Kunz 176 XX INDEX pro VOLUME LVIII Alkaloids-cmztin ued. Precipitation of - by tannins and the use of antipyrine in the detection of tannins. A. H. Ware and V. Smith 703. Allantoic Acid in fungi; Presence of -. R. Fosse and A. Brunel 628. Alloys Electrolytic separation of lead as pero-xide in non-ferrous -. I . Determination of small amounts of lead in copper and copper-rich -. B. Jones 11. lead ~; Methods used in analysis of certain.B. S. Evans 450. zinc in aluminium - ; Determination of. H. Wagner and H. Kolb 53. Almond Oil Colour reactions of -. H. Mohler and H. Benz 764. Iodine value of -. 525. Aloes Detection and estimation of __ in post-mortem cases. G. F. Hall and W. M. Iieightley 518. Main Precipitation of -. Aluminium alloys ; Determination of aluminium oxide in -. and aluminium alloys ; Determination of zinc in -. Colorimetric determination of ~ with aurin tricarboxylic acid. fluorine and phosphate in presence of -; Determination of. T. Millner and F. Kunos, 422. foil ; Testing - for its suitability as a wrapping material for cut bread. K. Seidel 167. in nitriding steels ; Determination of ~ by the use of 8-hydroxyquinoline.H. A. Bright and R. M. Fowler 498. in presence of copper iron and zinc Iodi-metric determination of -. R. Lang and J. Reifer 496. in presence of fluoride and orthophosphate ; Determination of -. T. Millner and F. Kunos 54. in waters ; Determination of small quantities of -. E. Naumann 359. microchemistry of - ; Collected references to. K. Heller 305. Precipitation of -. 637. Precipitation of - by means of hexa-methylenetetramine. L. Lehrmann E. A. Kabat and H. Weisberg 715. Quantitative separation of ~ from iron. J. Haslam 270. radiator heads; Internal corrosion of -. 159. Rapid micro-analysis of pure -. I Iron, copper and manganese. F. Pavelka and H. Month 785. Separation of zinc cobalt nickel and iron from -. E. H. Swift R. C. Barton and H.S. Backus 53. Silicon determination in - and loss of volatile silicon compounds in -. L. H. Callendar 81. Aluminium Oxide in aluminium alloys ; Deter-mination of -. America See United States of America. Amides Methylols derived from - determined by means of Nessler’s reagent. J. Bou-gault and J . Laboucq 300. 520. W. Ehrenberg 112. H. Wagner and H. Kolb 53. P. S. Roller 780. W. Ehrenberg 112. Amino Acids in honey Determination of -. R. E. Lothrop and S. I. Gertler 350. Sublimation temperatures of twelve -. J. W. Brown 117. p-Amino-Benzoic Acid Ethyl Ester Anaesthe-sine. M. Wagenaar 352. Ammonia in blood ; Determination of -. D. D. Van Slyke and A. Hiller 768. in water ; Photometric micro-determination Of -. 718. Ammoniated Quinine tablets.688. Ammonium Salts Spot tests for -. F. Feigl, 641. Ammonium Sulphide group of metals ; Precipita-tion of -. Amy1 Alcohol for milk testing. J- Golding 276, 531 ; J . Houston 151. for use in the Gerber test; Specification for -. A. More 277. Anaesthesine p-Amino-benzoic acid ethyl ester. M. Wagenaar 352. Analyse Die Chemische -. L. F. Winkler, 126. Analysis gravimetric -; Use of the filter stick in. Qualitative -. See Qualitative Analysis. Quantitative -. See Quantitative Analysis. Volumetric -. (Review) G. Fowles 62. volumetric - ; Use of adsorption indicators in. A. W. Wellings 331, Analytical Methods ; Standing Committee on Uniformity of -. Report No. 1 of the Sub-committee on Determination of Un-saponifiable Matters in Oils and Fats.203. Analytical Factors and their Logarithms. (Re-view) E. R. Caley 312. Analytischen Chemie ; Physikalische Methoden der -. Part I . E. Scheibe H. Mark and R. Ehrenberg 314. Anilides Thionylaniline as means of identifying acids by the formation of -. P. CarrP and D. Liebermann 491. Aniline Spot test for --. Aniline Bitartrate as means of separating potas-Animal nutrition ; Cobalt in -. F. J. Stare secretions and excretions ; Extraction of aloes Animals Ascorbic acid content of the adrenals J. L. Svirbely, A. Kruger 637. E. J. King 325. 371. sium and sodium chlorides. and C. A. Elvehjem 167. from -. 519. and livers of different -. 632. Distribution of uricase in -. J. Kunz 302. 627. Annatto in milk. 471.Anthranilic Acid and its salts ; Volumetric deter-mination of H. Funk and M. Ditt, 361. Determination of cobalt nickel and copper with -. Determination of zinc and cadmium with -. H. Funk and M. Ditt 241. Antifebrin Determination of -. G. Weiss-mann 412. Anti-Freezing Mixtures of ethylene glycol type ; Refractometric measurement of -. E. H. Harvey 109. Antimony determination by the permanganate method; Conditions for -. W. Pugh, 176. H. Funk and M. Ditt 567 INDEX TO VOLUME LVlII xxi Antimony-com5nued. in copper ; Determination of small amounts of -. B. Parkand E. J. Lewis 497. lead alloyed with - ; Analysis of. 466. poisoning due to the use of enamelled vessels. 226. Antimony Pentasulphide Evaluation of rubber hosing containing - for use in the food industries.11 B. Bleyer and E. Spiegel-berg 353. Antimony "richloride as reagent for double linkings. S. Sabetay 712. blue value of cod-liver oils ; Relationship between the - and that of their un-saponifiable fractions. reaction with compounds containing five-membered mono-heterocyclic rings. V. E. Levine and E. Richman 562. test for vitamin A ; Substances which inter-fere with -. R. E. Corbet H. H. Geisinger and H. N. Holmes 414. Antipme in pyramidone ; Detection and deter-mination of. J. Eury 290. in the detection of tannins; Use of -. A. H. Ware and V. Smith 703. Specificity of hexuronic (ascorbic) acid as -. L. J . Harris and S. N. Ray 489. potency of apples. V M. B. Crane and S. S. Zilva 234 ; VI T. Wallace and S.S. Zilva, 631. Antiseptic constituents of hops ; Grakimetric determination of -. T. K. Walker and J. J. H. Hastings 702. 236. Apparatus Abstracts 179 249 307 373 425, 502 570 643 722 786. Apple pomace Determination of pectin in dried -. products Vitamin C content of -. C. R. Fellers M. M. Cleveland and J. A. Clague, 771. Apples Antiscorbutic potency of -. V, M. B. Crane and S. S. Zilva 234; VI, T. Wallace and S. S. Zilva 631. F. J. Dyer 709. Antiscorbutic factor ; value and toxicity of isomeric menthols. D. W. Steuart 397. Gaseous products of ripe -. Gas-storage of -. 228. Oiled papers for wrapping -. Vitamin C content of Baldwin -. C. R. Vellers M. M. Cleveland and J. A. Clague, 771. wax-like coating of __ ; Further studies on --.K. S. Markley S. B. Hendricks and C. E. Sando 41. Appointments Official -. 29 91 155 223, 398 533 756. Apricot-Kernel Oil Colour reactions of -. H. Mohler and H. Benz 764. Arachis Oil Iodine value of -. 525. Aragonite Spot test for distinguishing calcite and -. F. Feigl and H. Leitmeier 642. Argentometric determination of selenocyanate. R. Ripan 783. Arginine Quantitative determination of __ by means of the Sakaguchi reaction. E. Jorpes and S. ThorCn 103. Aristols Determination of certain phenols by weighing their --. M. FranGois and L. Seguin 777. 612. 225. Amold's sodium nitroprusside reaction for pro-teins and the denaturing of flesh protein by means of concentrated urea solution. K. Beck and H. Urack 408. Arsenates Rapid method for determining -.M. FitzGibbon 469. T. Gaspar y Arnal 421. Arsenic compounds in atmospheric dusts ; Occur-rence and source of -. J. T. Dunn and H. C. L. Bloxam 500. distillation apparatus without ground-glass connections. B. S. Evans 470. Eggs from fowls dosed with -. in kindergarten materials. E. Merres and R. Turnau 296. lead in copper alloys containing __ ; Deter-mination of small amounts of. 24. Modification of Gutzeit test for -. G. Lockemann and B. von Biilow 780. Works ; Report on -. 537. the action of water on metallic -. Bomford and D. Hunter 106. Separation of arsenites from -. 225. Arsenides Hydrogen arsenide poisoning due to R. R. Arsenious Acid method for periodic acid in Arsenites Separation of - from arsenates.Artemisia Afra Mineral constituents of -. Artesian waters in Philippine Islands. Artificial Silk in mixtures of cotton waste and __ ; Determination of. P. McGregor and C. F. &I. Fryd 301. Arzneispezialitaten Untersuchungsmethoden fur -. 126 314. (Review) 428. Ascorbic Acid Antiscorbutic activity of -. 489. as antiscorbutic factor ; Specificity of -. L. J . Harris and S. N. Ray 489. content of the adrenals and livers of different animals. J. L. . Svirbely 632. Aspirin Determination of -. G. Weissmann, 412. Atmosphere formaldehyde in terrestrial and solar - ; Presence of. X. R. Dhar and A. Ram 634. quartz dust particles in the __ ; Determina-tion of. F. Lowe 571. Sulphurous acid in the -. . presence of iodic acid. 307. T. Gaspar y Arnal 421.G. W. B. van der Lingen 280. 348. 96. Atmospheric dusts ; Occurrence and source of lead copper zinc and arsenic compounds in -. J. T. Dunn and H. C. L. Bloxam, 500. humidity ; Effect of - on the keeping pro-perties of bacon. C. H. Lea 288. pollution ; Investigation of -. Report of observations in the year ending 31st March, 1932. 283. pollution ; Measurement of sunlight and ultra-violet light. 690. Atomic weights ; Third Report of the Committee on __ of the International Union of Chemistry. 230. Atoxyl Identification of -. 81. Wagenam, 290. Aurin Tricarboxylic Acid Colorimetric deter-mination of aluminium with -. P. s. Roller 780 xxii INDEX TO VOLUME LVIII Australia Commonwealth of Council for Scienti-fic and Industrial Research Division of Forest Products.Technical Papers No. 4, by W. E. Cohen A. L. Balcock and A. G. Charles and No. 5 by H. E. Dadswell and Sf. Burnall. The chemical composition of woods of the ironbark group. Australian timbers ; Manganese content of some -. W. E. Cohen and A. B. Jamieson, 635. Azelaic Acid value of cocoa butter ; Determina-tion of -. Axelao-Glycerides obtained during the oxidation of some simple synthetic and natural glycerides. T. P. Hilditch and S. A. Saletore 485. Azbotropisme La Tension de Vapeur des MBlanges de Liquides (Bibliography). M. Lecat 126. 345. G. Schuster 763. B Bacon Anti-fly preparations for -. 758. Cold storage of -. 227. Effect of smoking and the influence of atmos-pheric humidity on the keeping properties of -.Bacteria Fermentation of cellulose by thermo-philic -. Y. Tomoda 105. Fermentation of rare sugars by members of the colon-aerogenes groups of -. I. Trehalose. C. I;. Poe and J . T. Field 106. on fruit. J . T. Smeall 48. Bactericidal properties of silver chlorides. J . Dekker and C. H. Dekker-Koers 357, Bacteriological analysis. Abstracts 48 105, 172 235 357 564 633. Bamboo Hairs as poison. 160. Barbituric principles in urine ; Identification and M. Paget and C. Barium as a normal constituent of Brazil nuts. Detection of ~ in systematic qualitative lead alloyed with __ ; Analysis of. Volumetric method for determining -. Barley Pearl -. substitutes for coffee ; Distinction between malt and -. Barrow-in-Furness Appointment of Miss M.Roberts as Additional Public Analyst for - 533. Bassla LkfoZia fat. D. R. Dhingra G. L. Seth and P. C. Speers 350. Battery acids. 405. Bay Tree Capric acid from the seed fat of the California -. C. R. Noller I. J . Millner and J. J . Gordon 299. Beam's Colour Test for hashish. A. Lucas 602. Beef Manganese content of -. G. Biittner and A. Miermeister 615. Beer Imitation -. 33. Beeswax Japanese -. free and combined fatty acids. 635. Beet-Sugar factories effluent. 282. C. H. Lea 288. determination of -. Desodt 772. W. M. Seaber 575. analysis. J. C. Giblin 752. J . and H. Brintzinger 715. 460. See Pearl Barley. H. Barsch 350. 11 Composition of H. Ikuta, Benzene Microchemical colour reaction of P I -dinitro-benzene for the forensic detection of -.J. Peltzer 297. Works ; Report on -. 537. Spot test for -. 372. BemiFe method of determining sulphate in Bemidine Sulphate micro-determination of sul-phur as - ; Use of Jena glass filters in. R. Guillemet 248. Benzoflavine as fluorescence indicator. 722. Benzoic Acid Conversion of benzoyl peroxide into -. 5. o-Benzoqninone test for cysteine. W. C. Hess and M. X. Sullivan 104. Benxoyl Peroxide in flour ; Determination of -. J. R. Nicholls 4. Benzyl Alcohol Determination of small quanti-ties 01 -. J . Callaway and S. Reznek, 494. Beryllium Determination of -. L. Fresenius and M. Frommes 567. Biochemical analysis. Abstracts 46 101 167, 233 290 353 413 487 557 627 707 768. Biological fluids ; Iron and thorium precipita-tion of - for sugar and other analyses.A. Steiner F. Urban and E. S. West 46. material ; Bibliography on heavy metals in -. T. J. Pope. 111. Zinc 30; IT'. Manganese 91 ; V. Mercury 280; VI. Cobalt 340; VII. Nickel 340; VIII. Chromium 341 ; IX. Tin 398 ; X. Bismuth, 607. material ; Collected references to the micro-determination of iron in -. 2. Stary, 304. material ; Nicro-Soxhlet apparatus for extract-ing lipoids from -. 56. Biologischen Arbeitsmethoden ; Handbuch der -Birmingham Annual Report of the City Analyst for - for the year 1932. H. H. Bagnall 609. Report of the City Analyst for - (H. H. Bagnall) for the Third Quarter of 1932 33 ; for the Fourth Quarter of 1932 224; for the First Quarter of 1933 399; for the Second Quarter of 1933 687.Biscuit Meal in sausages; Sulphur dioxide in - 97. Bismuth Colorimetric determination of -. C. Mahr 714. wine. E. Lobstein and M. Ancel 700. Ed. by E. Abderhalden 574. Colour reaction of -. 706. in copper; Determination of - . N. Kameyama and S . Makishima 637; of small amounts of - A. J. G . Smout and J . L. Smith 475 ; L. C. Nickolls 684. in food and biological material ; Bibliography on --. lead in copper alloys containing - ; Deter-mination of. 25. lead in presence of small amounts of -; Separation and determination of traces of. J. H. Hamence 461. lozenges ; Compound -. 471. Volumetric determination of -. C. Mahr, Bittersweet Seed Oil C. Barkenbus and C. F. T. H. Pope 607. 638. Krewson 50 INDEX TO VOLUME LVIII sxiii Blackgram husk as adulterant of tea.Blood ammonia in - . Determination of. D. D. Van Slyke and ’A. Hiller 768. carbon monoxide in ~ ; Determination and detection of. A. A. Christman and E. L. Randall 769. Ethyl alcohol in human and animal -. 369. goats’ - ; Goats’ milk and composition of. F. E. Nottbauni and K. Philippi 762. iodine in - ; Technical refinements for the micro colorimetric method for. R. G. Turner and M. 2. Weeks 169. of motor drivers ; Alcohol in --. K. Han-sen 359. sugar in - ; Application of the iodimetric method to the determination of. H. Bierry, B. Gouzon and C. Magnan 354. Boie’s Method for determining theobromine in pharmaceutical preparations. H. J. Van Giffen 101. Boiling-Points Micro determination of -.J. B. Niederl and I. B. Routh 115. Bone flour; Steamed -. 225. Books Reviews of Arenson S. B. Chemical Aykroyd W. R. Vitamins and Other Dietary B.D.H. Reagents for “Spot” Tests. Bennett R. R. and Cocking T. T. The Bentley and Driver’s Textbook of Pharma-Bibby’s Book on Milk 59. Biinier Juckeiiack and Tillmans. Handbuch Caley E. R. Analytical Factors and their 35. Arithmetic 125. Essentials. 428. 61. Science and Practice of Pharmacy. ceutical Chemistry. 2nd Ed. 724. der Lebensmittel. Vol. I. 503. Logarithms. 312. 647. Carothers W. H. Organic Syntheses. Vol. XIII. 788. Clay K. S. and Court T. H. History of the Microscope. 649. Davies C. W. The Conductivity of Solu-tions. 2nd Ed. 645. Daynes H. A. Gas Analysis by Measurement of Thermal Conductivity.125. Dorke C. Methods of Cellulose Chemistry, 788. Dyer B. and Mitchell C. A. The Society of Public Analysts and Other Analytical Chemists. Some Reminiscences of its First Fifty Years and a Review of its Activities. 119. Engelder C. J. Calculations of Qualitative Analysis. 573. Evans E. A. Lubricating and -4llied Oils. 2ndEd. 426. Fowles G. Volumetric Analysis. 62. Freund H. Colorimetry Its Application in Analytical and Clinical Practice. 310. Fnedrich A. Die Praxis der Quantitativen Organischen Mikro-analyse. 725. Garner W. Industrial Microscopy. 313. Hopkin & Williams’ Research Staff. Organic Reagents for Metals. 310. Hyde C. G. and Mills F. E. Gas Calorimetry, 124. International League of Pharmacists. Unter-suchungsmethoden fur Arzneispezialitaten, 428.Books-con 2 z $2 tt ed Kamm 0. Qualitative Organic ,4nalysis : An Elementary Course in the Identification of Organic Compounds. 2nd Ed. 184. Iiipping F. S. and F. B. Organic Chemistry. 573. Klein G. Handbuch der Pflanzenanalyse. Vol. 111 Part 11. 185 ; Vol. IV. 648. Kolthoff I. M. and Fischgold H. Acid-base Indicators. 4th Ed. 375. Lipscomb A. G. Cellulose Acetate Its Manufacture and Applications. 505. Lister Institute and Medical Research Council. Vitamins A Survey of Present Knowledge. 121. Marshall A. Explosives. Vol 111. 81. Martindale and Westcott. The Extra Pharmacopoeia. 20th Ed. Vol. 1. 309. Maxted E. B. Catalysis and its Industrial Applications. 374. Mellor J. W. A Comprehensive Treatise on Inorganic and Theoretical Chemistry.Vol. X I . 251. illeyer H. Nachweis und Bestimmung Organischer Verbindungen. 572. Mitchell A. D. and Ward A. M. Modern Methods in Quantitative Chemical Analysis. 63. Morris T. N. Principles of Fruit Preserva-tion. 507. Sewman F. H. and Searle V. H. L. The General Properties of Matter. 2nd Ed. 312. Quanti-tative Clinical Chemistry. Vols. I and 11. 181. Poucher W. A. Perfumes Cosmetics and Soaps. 4th Ed. Vol. 11. 251. Prausnitz P. H. Glas- und Keramische-Filter. 250. Punimerer R Entwickelung und Leistungen der Organischen Strukturlehre. 376. Rawling S. 0. Infra-Red Photography. 726. Salmonsen E. M. Bibliographical SurlTey of Vitamins 1650-1930. 186. Santangelo E Dizionario Pratico degli Ali-menti 123.Semerano G. I1 Polarografo Sua Teoria e Applicazioni. 64. Society of Chemical Industry’s Annual Reports on the Progress of Applied Chemistry. 312. Strecker W. Qualitative Analyse auf Pra-parativer Grundlage. 506. Sure B. The Vitamins in Health and Disease. 650. Tate F. G. H. Spirit Tables. Specific Gravity a t 80°/800 F. 723. Thresh J. C. Beale J . F. and Suckling E. V. The Examination of Waters and Water Supplies. 4th Ed. 727. \-on Philipsborn H. Tabellen zur Berech-iiung von Mineral- und Gestein-analysen. 429. Weiser H. €3. Inorganic Colloid Chemistry. Vol. I . 787. Whitmore F. C. Organic Syntheses. Vol. X I . 250. Peters J. P. and Van Slyke D. D xxiv INDEX TO VOLUME LVIII Books-continued. Wiley’s “Principles and Practice of Agri-cultural Analysis.” Vol.11. Fertilisers and Insecticides. 3rd. Ed. Edited by C. A. Browne and W. W. Skinner 57. A Course of Practical Work in Agricultural Chemistry for Senior Students. New Ed. 252. Wood T. B. Borates Determination of -. Borntriiger’s Test for aloes. 519. Bournemouth Appointment of K. P. Charles as Brain Ethyl alcohol in human and animal -. Bran Rice -. 3 4 i . rice ~ extracts ; Chemical and biological 332. Public Analyst for -. 756. 369. analyses of. A. J . Hermano and F. Anido, 356. Brassica Alba Nature and composition of the mucilage of the seed of -. K. Bailey and F. W. Norris 100. Brazil Nuts Barium as a normal constituent of - W. M. Seaber 575. Bread aiuminium foil as wrapping material for cut - ; Testing of.K. Seidel 167. Definition of - under Wheat Act. Gluten -. 286. Brewery laboratory ; Use of ultra-violet light in -. S. Pickholz 671. Brewing materials ; Determination of nitrogen in -. British Pharmacopoeia Corrigenda. Drug Houses of Australia Guide to -. 314. British Standards Institution Specifications :-No. 496 Sampling and Analysis of Coke. No. 501 Report of Metric Units of Volume. No. 502 Sampling of Large and Run-of-Mine Coal. No. 303 Creosote for Fuel in Furnaces. No. 506 Methyl Alcohol (Methanol). No. 507 Ethyl Alcohol. No. 508 Normal Butyl Alcohol (Butanol). No. 509 Acetone. 730. British Trade Mark Law Memorandum of -. 473. Bromide in presence of chloride ; Determination of traces of - F. Hahn 667.Brom-Iodo compounds precipitated from fish oils. S. Ueno and 1\11. Iwai 174. Brucine as internal indicator in dichromate titrations. S. Miyagi 496. Bunya Pine Distinction between woods of hoop pine and -Burma Food and Drugs Acts 1928. Report on - with recommendations for food standards. E. H. Bunce 759. Burns tannic acid treatment of - ; Stability of aqueous solutions of gallotannin with reference to. W. A. Woodard and A. N. Cowland 553. Butanol British Standard Specification No. 508. 730. Batter Carotene and vitamin A content of -. C. A. Baumann and H. Steenbock 560. Colouring matters of -. A. Loewy and G. Cronheim 41 1. flavours; Detection of diacetyl in fats to which - have been added. Azern and 98. J. S. Ford and Others 618. 230 697.W. E. Cohen 636. Butter-contznued. from the milk of sheep and goats in Greece. T. G. Stathopoulo 762. Synthetic diacetyl in -. 757. Variations in the quality of - particularly in relation to the vitamin A carotene and santhophyll contents. A. E. Gillam and Others 630. Butter-Fat Carotene content vitamin A potency and anti-oxidants of -. C. L. Shrewsbury and H. R. Kraybill 631. Butter-Fats with border-line Reichert-Meissl value; Phytosteryl acetate tests as a routine method in the examination of -. H. Hawley 529. British Standard Specification No. 607. 730. Butyl Alcohol Normal -. C Cabbage Calcium-content of - . S. J. Cowell 102. Cadmium Determination of - by the Evrard method. L. C. Hurd and R. W. Evans 241. Determination of - with anthranilic acid.H. Funk and M. Ditt 241. in presence of zinc in spelter and in zinc ores ; Determination of -. A. Pass and A. M. Ward 667. Micro-detection of - with iodisan (hexa-methyl-diamino-iso-propanol-diiodide) . 785. Caesium Iodide solution ; Reaction of caffeine with iodine in -. Caffeic Acid Determination of - . v-. Plucker and W. Keilholz 701. M. Wagenaar 501. Reaction for -. W. Hoepfner 100. Caffeine content of coffee during ripening and drying. E. Herndlhofer 485. content of mat& F. Krauss E. Kleucker and A. Kollath 766. Microchemical identification of -. H J . Sandrus and M. L. Willard 117. Nephelometric determination of --. E. Herndlhofer 502. Reaction of - with iodine in caesium iodide solution. M. Wagenaar 501.Sensitive reaction for - applicable ,to vege-table tissues. A. Martini 56. Calciferol Some properties of ergoslkrol and -. A. L. Bacharach E. L. Smith and S. G. Stevenson] 128. Calcite Spot test to distinguish aragonite and - . Calcium content of cabbage. S. J. Cowell. 102. Detection of - in systematic qualitative in water ; Photometric micro-determination lead alloyed with - ; Analysis of. magnesium in presence of - ; Colorimetric Calcium Cyanamide Potentiometric titration of C&iFOxalate Precipitation and determina-tion of magnesium hydroxyquinolate in presence of - and its application to the analysis of Portland cement. J . C. Red-F. Feigl and H. Leitmeier 642. J. and H. Brintzinger. 715. analysis. of -. 720. 458. determination of.J. Tischer 247. H. Sinozaki 491. Guillot 42. mond 781 INDEX TO VOLUME LVIII xxv Calcium Phosphate lead in acid - ; Deter-mination of. D. W. Kent-Jones and C. W. Herd 152. California bay tree ; Capric acid from the seed fat of -. C. R. Noller I. J. Millner and j. J. Gordon 299. Calorimetry Gas -. (Review) C . G. Hyde and F. E. Mills 124. Capric Acid from the seed fat of the California bay tree. C. R. Noller I. J . Millner and J J. Gordon 299. Capsaicm Extraction of __ and its determina-tion in capsicum fruit and oleoresin. L. F. Tice 623. Capsicum fruit. and oleoresin ; Determination of capsaicin in -. L. F. Tice 623. Caramelisation Application of the determination of inulin and laevulosin to the problem of -. C. I. Kruisheer 331. Carbohydrate groups in proteins ; Application of the orcinol reaction to the determination of the nature and amount of -.M. S6ren-sen and G. Haugaard 492. Carbohydrate Acetates Determination of the acetyl content of -. H. L. Parsons 364. Carbon Atomic weight of -. Micro-combustion of -. P. L. Kirk and A. G. McCalla 55. Carbon Dioxide and cold storage 227. Carbon Monoxide in air Detection of small in blood Determination and detection of A. A. Christman and E. L. Randall, poisoning in Palestine. 547. Production of - from paint in sealed com-partments. S. F. Dudley F. G. Edmed and R. C. Frederick 298. Carbonyl compounds ; Identification of -with 2 4-dinitrophenylhydrazine. J. Ferrante and A. Bloom 714. Caro’s Acid and hydrogen peroxide in presence of perdisulphuric acid ; Volumetric deter-mination of -.A. J. Berry 464. Carotene and vitamin A content of butter. C. A. Baumann and H. Steenbock. 560. content of butter fat. C. L. Shrewsbury and H. R. Kraybill 631. solutions ; Stability of -. C. A. Baumann and H. Steenbock 560. Variations in the quality of butter in relation to vitamin A xanthophyll and - con-tents. Vitamin A and -. X. Relative minimum doses of vitamin A and -. T. Moore 629. Carotenoid content of fruits ; Effect of light on -. L. L. W. Smith and A. F. Morgan, 561. Carpet dust. 225. Cartridge Cases Forensic examination of -. 159. Cascara Sagrada Fatty constituents of -. M. A. Jermstad 232. Casein in woods Qualitative detection of -. T. H. Whitehead 365. Castor Oil Acetyl value of -.Iodine value of -. 526. Catalysis and its Industrial Applications ; (Review) E. €3. Maxted 374. 230 . amounts of -. -. 769. W. Ackermann 297. A. E. Gillam and Others 630. 51. Catechol Isolation of - from pigmented onion scales and its significance in relation to disease resistance in onions. K. P. Link and J . C. Walker 355. C. Dorke, 126 608; (Review) 788. Fermentation of - by thermophilic bacteria. Y . Tomoda 105. Cellulose Acetate acetic acid in - ; Deter-mination of. K. Atsuki and I. Kagawa, 564. acetyl group in - . Yotentiometric titra-tion of. M. Abribai 363. Its Manufacture and Applications. (Review), A. G. Lipscomb 505. Cement Analysis of Portland -. J. C. Redmond 781. Rotary Kiln ; Chemical Engineering and Thermodynamics applied to - .G. Martin 126. Works ; Report on -. 536. Cerevisterol a sterol accompanying ergosterol in yeast. E. M. Honeywell and C. E. Bills, 104. Cerium lead alloyed with- ; Analysis of. 464. Charcoals Further notes on the identification of woods and -. J. C. Maby 219. Cheese Cheshire -. Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Statutory Rules and Orders, 1933 No 677. 544. Reichert-Meissl value of fat in Gorgonzola -. R. C. H. Johnson 469. (Review) S. B. Arenson, 125. Engineering and Thermodynamics applied to the Cement Rotary Kiln G. Martin, 126. Engineering; Rubber in -. H. P. Stevens and M. B. Donald 730. Technology Bibliography of Bibliographies on Chemistry and -. C. J . West and D. D. Berolzheimer 126.Chemicals British - and their Manufactures. 126. Chemie-Ingenieur Der -. Vol. 11 Part 4. Ed. by A. Eucken 308. Chemischen Analyse mit Rontgsnstrahlen ; Praktikum der -. G. von Hevesy and E. Alexander 652. Chemistry and Chemical Technology ; Biblio-graphy of Bibliographies on -. C. J. West and D. D. Berolzheimer 126. Agricultural -. See Agricultural Chemia-Applied - ; Society of Chemical Industry’s Annual Report on Progress of. 1932. Vol. XVII. 312. Inorganic -. See Inorganic Chemistry. International Union of -. Third Report of the Committee on Atomic Weights. 230. Practical Physiological -. 9th Ed. S. W. Cole 508. Triumphant. W. J . Hale 508. Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Statutory Rules and Orders 1933, 1933 No. 677. 544.Chicory extract of coffee and - ; Estimation of. B. Dyer 274; E. H. Bunce 532. Cedar wood Identification of -. 221. Cellulose Chemistry ; Methods of -. Chemical Arithmetic. try Cheshire Cheese xxvi INDEX TO VOLUME LVIII Chloride bromide in presence of - . Deter-in presence of other halides ; Detection of -Nephelometric determiiation of -. mination of traces of. W. Brash 686. Kolthoff and H. Yutzy 421. Chlorides in milk ; Mercurimetric determination of --. Chlorination Control of sewage -. Use and value of the o-tolidine test. ChIor-Iodo compounds precipitated from fish oils. S. Ueno and M. Iwai 174. Chloroamine-T Effect of heat on -. G. E. Ewe 555. Chloroamhes as quantitative reagents. 523. Chloroform Colorimetric method for determining Chlorogenic Acid Determination of - W.F. Hahn 56i. I. M. E. Geyer and A. Rotsch 162. C. Lea 779. -. W. G. Moffitt 2. Plucker and W. Keilholz 701. content of coffee. in raw and roasted coffee ; Determination of - . C. Griebel 621. Reaction for -. Chocolate Easter eggs. 688. Fineness of grinding of - estimated by H. M. Cholesterol Microchemical detection of -. Chowdhury and Das-(iiupta method for identify-ing and estimating oils and fats ; Examina-tion of -. 211. Chromium compounds ; Examination of leather for the presence of extractable -. F. E. Humphreys and H. Phillips 509. in food and biological material Bibliography on-. T. H. Pope 341. in kindergarten materials. E. Merres and R. Turnau 296. microchemistry of - ; Collected references to.K. Heller 305. Precipitation of - 637 ; by hexamethy-lenetetramine. L. Lehrmann E. A. Kabat and H. Weisberg 715. Separation of zinc cobalt nickel and iron from -. E. H. Swift R. C. Barton and H. S. Backus 53. Cider Alcoholic standard for -. D. W. Steuart 602. W. Hoepfner 702. W. Hoepfner 100. microscopical and tasting methods. r Mason 440. C. Van Zijp 568. Lead poisoning from -. 758. Phosphoric acid for preparation of National Tartaric acid in -. 139. Cigarette smoke ; Occurrence of nicotine in -. 111. C. Pyriki 487. Citric Acid and its detection. G. D. Elsdon and A. Lees 328. in milk; Determination of - . B. G. Hartmann and F. Hillig 38. in wine ; Determination of -. W. Bartels, 164. Clays Sands Minerals and -.Vol. I No. 2. 126; No. 3. 314; No. 4. 574. Clinical Chemistry ; Quantitative -. Vols. I and 11. (Review) 3 . P. Peters and D. D. Van Slyke 181. Cod ash ; Quantitative analysis of -. Fuel Research Report No. 28. J. G. King and H. E. Crossley 614. Mark-. 36. Coal-continued. oxidation of - * Methods for detecting. J. Mendelsohn 566. Sampling of Large and Run-of-Mine -. British Standard Specification No. 502. 730. sulphur in - ; Rapid volumetric determina-tion of. E. L. Skau and I . L. Newell 490. Coal Tar Naphthas ; British Standard Specifi-cations for -. No. 479. 314. Cobalt Determination of - with anthranilic acid. H. Funk and M. Ditt 567. Effect of p on precipitation of - from acetate solutions. H. R. Fleck and A. M. Ward 388. Gravimetric determination of - by means of dinitrosoresorcinol.0. Tomikk and K. KomArek 112. in animal nutrition. F. J . Stare and C. A. Elvehjem 167. in food and biological material ; Bibliography on --. micro-detection of - ; Collected references to. K. Heller 305. Reagent for -. J. V. Dubsky and V. Bencko 638 ; H. Herfeld and 0. Gerngross, 639. Separation of - from aluminium chromium and manganese. E. H. Swift R. C. Barton and H. S. Backus 53. Volumetric determination of - by means of ferrous sulphate and potassium dichro-mate. L. A. Sarver 639. Cobsltinitrite method of determining small amounts of potassium. A. H. Lewis and F. B. Marmoy 499. Cocaine Microchemical reaction for -. A. Martini 57. Cocoa Solubility of -. 229. Cocoa Butter Adulteration of -.Determina-tion of the azelaic acid value. G. Schuster, 763. T. H. Pope 340. Composition of -. Cod-Liver Oil emulsion with hypophosphites. 688. emulsions; Stability of vitamin A in -. H. N. Griffiths T. P. Hilditch and 3 . Nae, 65. E. Lewkowitsch 763. Iodine value of -. 526. tablets 687. Vitamin A determined in - (A) biologic-ally (B) chemically (C) physically. K. R. Coward F. J . Dyer and R. A. Morton 106. Cod-Liver Oils Relationship between the anti-mony-trichloride blue value of - and that of their unsaponifiable fractions. F. 3, Dyer 709. Coffee adulterants. 35. adulterated with roasted peas. 696. Caffeine content of - during ripening and drying. E. Herndlhofer 485. Chlorogenic acid content of -. W. Hoepf-ner 702.chlorogenic acid in raw and roasted -. Determination of. C. Griebel 621. “extract” of -; Determination of. €3. Hawley 222. extract of chicory and - ; Estimation of. B. Dyer 274 ; E. H. Bunce 532 INDEX TO VOLUME LVIII xxvii Cob eecontinued. malt and barley substitutes for --; Dis-tinction between. H. Barsch 350. substitutes ; Application of the determination of inulin and laevulosin to the analysis of -. C. I. Kruisheer 231. substitutes (malt coffees) Tests for -. A. Heiduschka and H. Thomas 164. Coins Counterfeit __ in Straits Settlements. 472. Coke ovens ; Green gas from -. 535. Sampling and Analysis of - . British Standard Specification No. 496. 730. sulphur in - ; Rapid volumetric determina-tion of. E. L. Skau and I. L. Newell 499.Cold Storage Carbon dioxide for use in -. 227. Colloid Chemistry; Inorganic -. H. B. Weiser 574 (Review) 787. Colloids in sewage. 283. Colorimeter New -. Colorimetry Its Applications in Analytical and Clinical Practice. (Review) H. Freund 310. Colour measurement and standardisation. 404. Colonring Matter of butter. A. Loewy and G. Cronheim 411. of paprika in sausages ; Detection of the -. W. Plahl and A. Rotsch 412. Compounds Cubic Crystal Structure of Ele-ments and - ; Tables of. I. E. Knaggs, B. Karlik and C. F. Elam 314. containing five-membered mono-heterocycfic rings ; Antimony trichloride reaction with -. V. E. Levine and E. Richman 562. organic -. See Organic compounds. Conductivity of Solutions. 2nd Ed. (Review), C. W. Davies 645.Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station. Report for the year 1931. Copper Action of - in iron metabolism. C. A. Elvehjem and W. C. Sherman 46. antimony in - - Determination of small amounts of. B. Park and E. J. Lewis 497. bismuth in - Determination of. N. Kam’eyama and’ S. Makishima 637 ; of small amounts of - A. J. G. Smout and J. L. Smith 475 ; L. C. Ni’ckolls 684. catalysts ; Comparison of selenium mercury and - in the Kjeldahl method. R. A. Osborn and A. Krasnitz 289. Colorimetric method for -. K. Shimada, 496. compounds in atmospheric dusts ; Occurrence and source of - J. T. Dunn and H. C . L. Bloxam 500. content of the urine of normal individuals. I. M. Rabinowitch 358. Determination of - with anthranilic acid. H. Funk and M.Ditt 567. Determination of - with salicylaldoxime. S. Austin and H. L. Riley 366. Effect of fiE on precipitation of - from acetate solutions. H. R. Fleck and A. M. Ward 388. in liver and liver extracts. A. E. Mayer and C. Eggert 101 ; H. G. Rees 384. in presence of iron zinc and aluminium; Iodimetric determination of -. R. Lang and J. Reifer 496. R. Legendre 502. 285. Copper-continued. in pure aluminium ; Rapid micro-determina-tion of --. F. Pavelka and H. Month, 785. lead alloyed with ___ ; Analysis of 457. lead in - ; Determination of small aniounts Reagent for -. J. V. Dubsky and V. Test for -. Use of __ in ancient Egypt. Works ; Report on -. 535. of. B. Jones 11. Bencko 638. C. C. Fulton 238. 661. Copper Salts Sensitive microchemical reaction of picric acid with -.I. M. Korenman, 373. Cotiatia Intermedia Investigation of -. 347. Cosmetics Lead in -. Perfumes - and Soaps. 4th Ed. Vol. 11. (Review) W. A. Poucher 251. Cotton and viscose rayon mixtures ; Analysis of -. electrical conduction of - ; Influence of ash constituents on. A. C. Walker and M. H. Quell 364. zinc and magnesium in sized - ; Detection and determination of. Cotton Waste in mixtures of artificial silk and - ; Determination 6. P. McGregor and C. F. M. Fryd 301. 160. B. P. Ridge and K. Turner 363. A. Geake 51. Cottonseed Oil Iodine value of -. d a . .-c r Coumaric Acid as fluorescence indicator. Coumarin in Melilotus oficinalis ; Determina-tion of -. S . J. Kanewskaja and A. M. Fedorowa 624.M. Wage-naar 501 720. Coventry Appointment of F. G. D. Chaimers as additional Public Analyst for County Borough of -. 29. Cows Effect of drenching - with nitre. D. R. Wood E. T. Illing and A. E. Fletcher, 149. Crayons Lead in -. 98. Cream Artificial -. 342. 722. Microchemical detection of -. Artificial __ sold as -. Labelling of artificial -. 224. Labelling of tinned -. 224. reconstituted - ; Formaldehyde titration of milk proteins and its use in the detection of. J. C. Harral 605. re-constituted - ; Tests for. F. W. Richardson 686. “Rich” - . 687. Sterilised -. 609. (Legal Notes), 692. Creosote for Fuel in Furnaces. British Standard Specification No. 503. 730. Criminal investigation ; Infra-red rays in -. F. W. Martin 644.Crucible support; An improved -. E. G. Radley 339. Cryoscope Hortvet -. G. D. Elsdon and J. 13. Stubbs 27 ; G. W. Monier-Williams 254. Cryoscopy of South African Milk. L. Denis-Nathan 574. Crystal Structure of Elements and Compounds ; Tables of Cubic --. I. E . Knaggs 13. Karlik and C. F. Elam 314 xsvili INDEX TO VOLUME LVIII CurCaS Oil Composition of -. M. T. Fran-qois and S. Droit 765. CySnic Acid in the living organism. J . A. Klaassen 48. Oyanide Determination of - by distillation from acid solution. H. A. Page1 and W. Carlson 108. Cyanides Action of sodium borate on the re-action of alkali - with reducing sugars. J . Bougault 2. Hardy and A. Pinguet 410. Cyanogen compounds of metals ; New complex -. J. Foucry 779. Cyprus Edible and poisonous fungi of -.S. G. Willimott 553. Cysteine o-Benzoquinone test for -. W. C. Hess and M. X. Sullivan 104. o-Quinone test for -. 0. Baudisch and E. Dyer 171. Sullivan’s reaction for the quantitative deter-mination of -. Cystine Sullivan’s reaction for the quantitative determination of -. J . W. H. Lugg 629. Determination of alkali -. 331. in effluents ; Reduction of -. 282. J. W. H. Lugg 629. D Dairy products ; Fhorescence of -. J . A. Daplight Artificial - illuminator. D. R. Dehydrodeguelin in derris root; Occurrence of E. P. Clark and G. L. Keenan 166. Dehydrotoxicarol in derris root ; Occurrence of E. P. Clark and G. L. Keenan 166. Derby Appointment of R. W. Sutton as Public 533. Derbyshire Appointment of R. W. Suiton as Public Analyst for the County of -.398. Dermatitis Chemical examination of furs in relation to -. H. E. Cox. Part 11. Results of tests on furs alleged to have caused -. 738. Part 111. Action of P-phenylenediamine on the skin 743. Defiis Root dehydrodeguelin and dehydrotoxi-carol in -. Occurrence of. E. P. Clark and G. L. Keenan 166. Devon Appointment of C. V. Reynolds as Additional Public Analyst for County of Dextrin in presence of glue ; Determination of - J . Alexander 494. Dextrose laevulose in presence of - ; Micro-method for detecting and determining. F. Fischl 424 570. Diacetyl in butter ; Synthetic -. 757. Radley 527. Barber 337. - . -Analyst for County Borough of -Leathers and -. 229. -. 223. in fats to which butter flavours have been added; Detection of -.Azern and Guillot 42. in wood vinegar. Dimnines in hair dyes; Detection of -. C. Griebel and F. Weiss 417. Molecular compounds of polyvalent phenols with aromatic - used as hair dyes. C. Naegeli and H. Kaltman 777. J. Pritzker 761. Dibromofluorescein as adsorption indicator. 332. Dicalcium Aluminate Hydrated - . H. Dichlorofluorescein as adsorption indicator. 332. 2 6-Dichlorophenol indophenol Reducing value of plant juices containing vitamin C as determined by -. H. H. Mottern E . M. Nelson and R. Walker 48. Dichromate titrations ; Brucine as internal indi-cator in -. S. Miyagi 496. Dietary Essentials ; Vitamins and Other -. (Keview) W. R. Aykroyd 428. Digestive and Nerve tablets. 688. 3 6-Dihydroxyphthalic Dinitrile as fluorescence indicator.722. 3 6-Dihydroxyphthalimide as fluorescence in-dicator. 722. 3,6-Dihydroxyxanthone as fluorescence indicator. 722. Dilaudide Microchemical identification of -. F. Amelink 246. Dimethylethylarsine Formation of - . F. Challenger C . Higginbottom and L. Ellis, 235. rn-Dinitrobenzene Microchemical colour reaction of - for the forensic detection of benzene. J . .P.eltzer 297. 2 4-Dmitrophenyl-Hydrazine Identification of carbonyl compounds with -. J. Fer-rante and A. Bloom 714. Dinitrosoresorcinol for gravimetric determina-tion of cobalt. 0. TomiEek and K. Koma-rek 112. Diphenylamine Spot test for -. Diphenylaminesulphonic Acid Colorimetric de-termination of nitrates by -. I. M. Kolthoff and G.E. Noponen 368. Diphenyl-Benzidine test for nitrates in milk as means of detecting added water and the effect of drenching cows with “nitre.” D. R. Wood E. T. Illing and A. E. Fletcher, 149. Diphenyl-Carbazide as adsorption indicator. 331. Diphenylthiocarbazone for the detection of heavy metals. H. Fischer 567. Distillates Apparatus for the separation and measurement of steam - . w. H. Simmons and C. A. Hills 396. Distillation apparatus ; Arsenic ___ without ground-glass connections. B. S. Evans, 470. Dixanthylureate micro-determination of urea as - ; Use of Jena glass filters in. R. Guillemet 248. Documents Contested - and Forgeries. F. Brewester 314. Deciphering damaged parchment -. 406. Drop Reactions Short Manual of Systematical Qualitative Analysis by means of Modem -.J. van Nieuwenburg and I. G. Dulfer 652. Lafuma 113. 372. Dust Analyses of Leeds -. 471. Carpet -. 225. counter ; Owens’ Jet -. 284. metal particles in -; T. T. Ward. 28. Detection of free. quartz - particles in the atmosphere ; Diastase Milk -. H. Kluge 168. Determination of. F. Lowe 57 1 INDEX TO VOLUME LVIII sxix Dusts iead copper zinc and arsenic com-Occurrence J. T. Dunn and H. C. L. Dye Blue - as evidence of the age of writing. Dyes Hair -. medicinal __ ; Determination of acri-A. D. Powell and G. F. Dyestuffs Determination of basic ___ by means E. B. Johnson 778. pourids in atmospheric __ ; and source of. Blosam 600. C. E. Waters 776. See Hair Dyes. flavine and related.Hall 705. of silicotungstic acid. Fastness of vat ~ on linen. 228. E Earths Colour reaction of rare __ with quinal-izarin. A. S. Komarovsky and I. M. Korenman 781. Ef€luents Beet-sugar factories -. 282. cyanides in - ; Reduction of. 282. milk factory - ; Biological filtration of. tar acids in __ ; Toxicity of. 283. Egg content of pastry ; Determination of -. B. Alberti 480. lecithin ; Biological distinction of plant lecithin and - by means of the com-plement-combination method. 0. Mezger, H. Jesser and M. Volkmann 167. shell keratin ; Analyses of -. H. 0. Calvery 291. yolk oil ; Physico-chemical characteristics of - and its solubility in ethyl alcohol. G. Vita and L. Bracaloni 619. Eggs Composition of whites yolks and whole broken - from commercial egg-breaking establishments.L. C. Mitchell S. Alfend and F. J. McNall 480. Detection of preservation and ageing. K. Elbe H. Pfeiffer and R. Bretschneider 161. Determination of age of - in the summer months. A. Schrempf 350. from fowls dosed with arsenic 225. Grades of -. 285. in food pastes; Detection of --. G. Bragagnolo 410. iodine in - . Micro-determination of. H. J. Almquist'and J. W. Givens 643. Iodised -. A. D'Ambrosio 481. Salmonella infection of -. 758. Egyptian materials and industries about 1350 B.C. A. Lucas 634. tombs ; Composition of some fatty materials found in ancient -. A. Banks and T. P. Hilditch 265. Elaidin reaction. H. N. Grifliths and 1'. P. Hilditch 416. Elaidyl Alcohol :. Oxidation of -. G. Collin and T.P. Hilditch 564. Electrical conduction of cotton ; Influence of ash constituents on -. A. C. Walker and M. H. Quell 364. Electrode combination for rapid potentiometric analysis ; New --. W. Hiltner 723. M. R. Thomp-son 307. 282. Metal-connected glass -. Electrolytic separation of lead as peroxide in non-ferrous alloys. Part I. B. Jones 11. Electrometric determinations in tannin solutions. €3. Schweitzer 496. Elon and sodium sulphite as reducing agents in the colorimetric determination of phos-phorus. G. van der Lingen 755. Enzyme activity ; Relation of the stability test of sewage to - . W. R. Woolridge, 490. Enzymes pectolytic __ ; Formation of. S. J. Waksman and M. C. Allen 633. Erasures and ultra-violet light. C. A. Mitchell, 532.Ekgosterol in yeast ; Cerevisterol a sterol accompanying -. E. M. Honeywell and C. E. Bills 104. A. I Bacharach, 605. A. L. Bacharach E. L. Smith and S. G. Steven-son 128. Ergot preparations ; ,Assay of -. E. Lozin-ski G. W. Holden and G. R. Diver 706. Ergotamine Relative activity of ergotoxine and - with special reference to the assay of ergot preparations. E. Lozinski G. W. Holden and G. R. Diver 705. Ergotoxine Relative activity of ergotamine and - with special reference to the assay of ergot preparations. E. Lozinski G. W. Holden and G. R. Diver 705. Eryteoquinine reaction ; Detection of quinine in urine by the -. R. Monnet 628. Ether purification of -; Simple and rapid procedure for. 4Ethoxyacridone as fluorescence indicator.722. Ethoxyl group ; Apparatus for the micro-deter-mination of -. Ethoxsphenylnaphthostilbazoninm Chloride as fluorescence indicator. 722. Ethyl Alcohol in fuse1 oil ; Determination of -J. M. Macoun 664. in mixtures containing acetone and its homo-logues; Determination of -. R. W. Hoff and J. M. Macoun 749. normally present in human and animaI tissues; Isolation identification and quantitative determination of -. A. 0. Gettler J. B. Niederl and A. A. Benedetti-Pichler 369. G. Vita and L. Bracaloni 619. Ethylene as means for the quantitative deter-mination of palladium. s. C. Ogburn jun. and W. C. Brastow 366. Ethylene Dichloride Bibliography of -. W. A. Gersdorff 126. Ethylene Glycol type of anti-freezing mixtures ; Refractometric measurement of -.E. H. Harvey 109. Evrard Method of determining cadmium. L. C. Hurd and R. W. Evans 241. Exeter Appointment of C . V. Reynolds as Additional Public Analyst for County Borough of -. 223. (Review) A. Marshall 61. structural formula of -. Some properties of calciferol and -. E. A. Werner 335. R. Guillemet 247. Solubility of egg-yolk oil in -. Explosives Vol. 111 xxx INDEX TO VOLUME L\WI F Fabrics Woven - in ancient Egvpt. Faience and its manufacture in ancient Egypt. 656. Fat from the seeds of -4ctinodaplzne Hookerz, Meissn. An indigenous source of lauric acid. S. V. Puntambekar and S. Krishna, 765. from the seeds of Picramnia Sow. A. Steger and J . van Loon 565. from the seeds of Vateria im-iica Linn. S . V. Puntambekar and S.Krishna 620. in Gorgonzola cheese ; Reichert-Meissl value of -. of frozen and chilled meat ; Chemical changes in --. Part V. C. €3. Lea 288. “fruit coat” __ ; General features common to most. T. P. Hilditch 484. Proposed method for identifying and estima-ting oils and -. J . R. Stubbs and A. Lees 211. Some Indian seed -. D. R. Dhingra G. L. Seth and P. C. Speers 350. to which butter flavours have been added ; Detection of diacetvl in -. Azern and Guillot 48. unsaponifiable matter in oils and -; Determination of. Report No. 1 of the Sub-committee on Determination of Un-saponifiable Matter in Oils and Fats. 203. Fatty materials found in ancient Egyptian tombs; Composition of -. A. Banks and T. P. Hilditch 265. Fatty Acid of the seed fat of -9lyristica malabarica.G. Collin 351. Fatty Acids extracted from millet oil 322. Formation of volatile - on exposure of rye and wheat oils to the atmosphere. S. C. L. Gerritzen and M. Kauffman 99. of Japanese beeswax. of liver lecithin. R. H. Snider and W. R. Bloor 171. Federated Xday States Annual Report of Chief Chemist for - for the year 1931. R. W. Blair 160. 658. R. C. H. Johnson 469. Fats L4ction of light on -. C. H. Lea 425. H. Ikuta 635. Water Supplies of -. R. W. Blair 574. Ferric Chloride as means for the colorimetric determination of fluoride in water. M. D. Foster 712. Ferric Iron Colorimetric determination of -with 7-iodo-8-hydroxyquinoline-5-sulphonic acid. J. H. Yoe 54. Ferricyanide Titration of - in the determina-tion of reducing sugars.Ferrosilicons Production of toxic gases from - in presence of water. H. Delomenie, 774. Ferrous Sdphate and potassium dichromate as means for the volumetric determination of cobalt. I,. A. Sarver 639. as reducing agent in the volumetric determina-tion of nitrates. I . M. Kolthoff E. B. Sandell and B. Moskovitz 369. Ferfilisers Vol. I1 of Wiley’s “Principles and Practice of Agricultural Analysis.” (Re-view) 57. S. W. Cole 616. Fibre medullated - in New Zealand Komney fleeces ; Detection and estimation of. B. L. Elphick 109. Filbert Nut Oil H. A. Schuette and C. Y. Chang, 620. Filter Glas- und Keramische- (Review), P. H. Prausnitz 250. stick; New form of -. Its use in gravi-metric analysis. in the micro- Filters Use of Jena glass -determination of sulphur as benzidine suI-phate and urea as dixanthylureate.R. Guillemet 248. Filtration Funnel-fitting for rapid -. H. Tramm 373. Firearms Forensic examination of -. Fish Chemical poisoning of -. 282. E. J. King 325. 159. Deterioration of ___ on storage. Dried - infested with larvae of the leather livers ; Investigation of -. 227. Luminous bacteria of -. 613. -preserving pickle-liquor ; Detection of small quantities of hexamethylene-tetramine in -. A. Van Druten 37. Fish-Liver Oils Analytical classification of -. N. Evers and W. Smith 701. P. N. Chakravorty H. C . Mookerjee and B. C. Guha 771. Fish Oils Chlor-iodo and brom-iodo compounds precipitated from -. S. Ueno and M. Iwai 174. lauric acid in - ; Occurrence of.H. G. Rees 222. Fleeces medullated fibre in New Zealand Romney - ; Detection and estimation of. B. L. Elphick 109. Flesh products ; Determination of nitrates in -. I;. T. Van Voorst 230, Flour benzoyl peroxide in - ; Determina-tion of. 7. R. Nicholls 4. 611. beetle. 758. Vitamin A in -. Definition 02 - under Wheat Act. gluten -; Standard for. 286. Kjeldahl method for analysis of -. 98. Com-parison of selenium copper and mercury catalysts. R. A. Osborn and A. Krasnita, 289. Malt -. Ministry of Agriculture & Fish-eries Statutory Rules and Orders 1933, No. 540. 540. Oils and lipins in -. Pea-. D. Kaltschewa 162. saccharogenic power of - ; method for determining. Soya bean -. Steamed bone --. 225.Wheat -. Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Statutory Rules and Orders 1933, No. 592. 478. Fluorescein as adsorption indicator. 332. Fluorescence Analysis in Ultra-Violet Light. J. A. Radley and J. Grant 730. indicators ; New -. K. A. Jensen 722. of milk and dairy products. J . A. Radley, 527. of the uranyl ion ; Inhibiting action of certain ions on - and its applications to in-organic chemical analysis. Volmar and Mathis 570. 229. Polaximetric H. C. Gore 761. D. Kaltschewa 162 IKDES TO VOLUniiE LVIIl xxxi Fluorescent indicators ; Application of ultra-violet rays and -. Huorescenz Nachweis der Biologisch Wichtigen Korper durch -. C. Dh6r6 730. Fluoride in water ; Colorimetric determination of - by means of ferric chloride. M. D. Foster 712.silicon and aluminium in presence of ortho-phosphate and __ ; Determination of. T. Millner and F. Kunos 54. Fluorides in sea water; Determination and occurrence of -. T. G. Thompson and H. J. Taylor 369. Fluorine Colorimetric determination of -. W. D. Armstrong 716. Determination of - by precipitation as triphenyl tin fluoride. N. Allen and N. H. Furman 113. in organic compounds ; Detection and deter-mination of -. in organic compounds determined by the sodammonium method. F. Govaert 107. in presence of silica and aluminium ; Deter-mination of -. T. Millner and F. Kunos, 422. Volumetric method for determining -. H. H. Willard and 0. B. Winter 242. Fogs Determination of free water in -. 403. Food adulteration; A new problem in -.757. Chemistry; Handbook of -. Vol I. (Review) 503. heavy metals in biological material and - ; Bibliography on. T. J . Pope. 111 Zinc, 30 ; IV. Manganese 91 ; V. Mercury 280 ; VI. Cobalt 340 ; VII. Nickel 340 ; VIII. Chromium 341 ; IX. Tin 398 ; X. Bismuth, 607. industries ; Evaluation of rubber hosing, containing antimony penta-sulphide for use in -. 11. B. Blever and E. Spiegelberg, 353. Law ; Departmental Committee on -. 551. pastes; Detection of eggs in - . G. Bragagnolo 4 10. Preservatives in -. Suggested revision of Regulations. 401. standards for Burma ; Recommendations for - E. H. Bunce 759. Food and Drugs analysis. Abstracts 37 99, 161 230 288 349 408 480 551 616 699, 761. Food Investigation Board Reports Annual Report for the year 1932.Foods dried- ; Effect of storage on vitamin A in -. G. S. Fraps and R. Treichler 415. Manganese content of certain - . G. Buttner and A. Miermeister 615. Practical Dictionary of - . (Review), E. Santangelo 123. Vitamins added to -. 757. Foodstuffs Reduction capacity of plant -and its relation to vitamin C . J. Tillmans, P. Hirsch and R. Vaubel 295. Tartaric acid determination in -. J. King, 135. Thermal properties of -. 403. W. Holthoff 180. W. Bockemuller 107. 611. Forensic analysis. Abstracts 106 173 296, 358 710 772. Forensic-co?z tin M cd. detection of benzene ; Microchemical colour reaction of m-dinitrobenzene for -. J. Peltzer 297. Forest Products ; Australian Division of --. Technical Papers Nos. 4 and 6.The chemical composition of woods of the iron-bark group. 345. Forgeries Contested Documents and -. Forgery Detection of a banknote - by J. Grant 603. Formaldehyde Determination of - by means N. K. Products Research Board Report. 155. F. Brewester 314. means oi ultra-violet light. of potassium bromate. in terrestrial and solar atmospheres. Dhar and A. Ram 634. Spot test for -. 372. titration of milk proteins and its use in the detection of re-constituted creams etc. J . C. Harral 605. Formalin in milk. 342 471. titration of proteins. Formol titration of hydrazine sulphate. B. Freew-Point of milk. See Milk. Frost Effect of ___ on tellurium-lead pipes. Fruit Bacteria on --. Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Statutory Rules and Orders 1933, No.538. 476. Effect on - of fumigation with hydrocyanic acid. F. Beran 775. Preservation ; Principles of -. (Review), T. lu‘. Morris 507. products ; Determination of inactive malic acid in -. B. G. Hartmann and F. Hillig. 482. products ; Determination of E-malic acid in -. solutions containing added phosphoric acid ; Potentiometric titration of strongly coloured -. A. Gaines jnr. 39. “Fruit Coat” fats General features common to most -. M t s Changes taking place during storage of -. 200. Conductivity of certain -. Their acidity and degree of ripening. R. Tomii and G. Kitajima 551. Effect of light upon vitamin A activity and carotenoid content of -. L. L. W. Smith and A. F. Morgan 561. malic acid -; Determination of inactive.B. G. Hartmann and F. Hillig 482. Z-Malic acid determined in --. B. G. Hartmann and F. Hillig 40. Fuel Creosote for - in Furnaces. British Standard Specification No. 503. 730. Fuel Research Reports No. 28. Methods for the quantitative analysis of coal ash. J. G. King and H. E. Crossley 614. Fulham Appointment of W. Partridge as Public Analyst for Metropolitan Borough of -. 155. Effect of - on fruit. L. Spitzer 360. D. W. Steuart 754. Stempel 244. 367. J. T. Smeall 48. Canned --. B. G. Hartmann and F. Hillig 40. T. P. Hilditch 484. Fumigation with hydrocyanic acid ; F. Beran 776 xxxii INDEX TO VOLUME LVIII Fungi allantoic acid in - ; Presence of. E. J . Moore, S. G. Funnel-Fitting for rapid filtration. H. Tramm, Furfural Spot test for -.Furfuraldehyde in presence of hydroxymethyl-furfural ; Determination of -. 231. a-Furil D i o d e as reagent for determining nickel in rock analysis. 681. phrs Chemical examination of - in relation to dermatitis. H. E. Cox. Part 11. Re-sults of tests on - alleged to have caused dermatitis. 738. Part 111. Action of p-phenylenediamine on the skin. Fuse1 Oil ethyl alcohol in - ; Determination of. J. M. Macoun 664. R. Fosse and A. Brunel 628. Growth and nutrition of -. 564. of Cyprus ; Edible and poisonous -. Willimott 653. 373. 373. 743. G Qalactose Biological reagent for determining - V. J . Harding T. F. Nicholson and G. A. Grant 172. Gallium analytical behaviour of -; Notes on. E. S. von Bergkampf 111. Gallotannin Stability of aqueous solutions of -- with reference to tannic acid treat-ment of burns.W. A. Woodard and A. N. Cowland 553. Ganua (Bassia) Motleyma (Sap.) Oil from the seeds of -. Garcinia Morella fat. D. R. Dhingra G. L. Seth and P. C. Speers 350. Gas Analysis by Measurement of Thermal Con-ductivity. (Review) H. A. Daynes 425. analysis ; Use of alkaline pyrogallate solution in -. J. S. Haldane and R. H. MakgilI, 378. Calorimetry. (Review) C. G. Hyde and F. E. Mills 124. bas-Storage of apples. 228. Gases Micro-density determination of - by direct weighing. Sulphur - in air. 284. Toxic ___ produced from ferrosilicons in presence of water. &latin in paper ; Action of ultra-violet light on -. H. A. Bromley 29. Uelsemium poisoning. 160.Geranium Oil Colour reaction of -. S. Sabetay 418. Gerber Test Specification for amyl alcohol for use in the -. German Basic - for Science Students. M. L. Barker 314 ; (Review) 571. Gesteinanalyse Tabellen zur Berechnung von -. H. v. Philipsborn 126. Ghee Definition of -. Gibraltar Report of the City Analyst (A. G. Holborow) for - for the year 1931. 33 ; for the year 1932. 633. Ginger ‘ I paralysis ” (tri-ortho-cresyl phosphate poisoning). Kidd and Langworthy 710. Ginger Wine essence. 343. J. Zimmermann 763. E. W. Blank 641. H. Delomenie 774. A. More 277. 472. Gland extracts ; Colorimetric determination oi adrenaline in suprarenal - . J. H. Barker C. J. Eastland and S. Evers 232. Glands Extracts of parathyroid __ containing an anti-growth factor.I. C. J . Eastland, N. Evers and J. H. Thompson 234. Glass and glass-making in ancient Egypt. 65i. Spot test for detecting free basic oxides in -. F. Feigl 642. Gliadins of rye and wheat. H. Kiihl 355. Gclossop Appointment of H. Heap as Public Analyst for Borough of -. vGlucoheptulito1 Identification and biological oxidation of -. Y. Khouvine and G. Hitzberg 172. Glucose in urine; Practical method for the simultaneous determination of lactose and - . Glncosides of Strophanthus eminii. 165. Glue dextrin in - ; Determination of. J. Glutamic Acid Sublimation temperature of -Gluten bread 286. flour ; Standard for -. 286. Glyceride structure of the seed fat of Myrisfzca malabarica. G. Collin 361. Glycerides Azelao- ~ obtained during the oxidation of some simple synthetic and natural glycerides.T. P. Hilditch and S. A. Saletore 485. Glycerol Apparatus for the micro-determination of -. R. Guillemet 247. Gclycine Sublimation temperature of -* 11 7. Glycogen Determination of -. C. A. Good, H. Kramer and M. Somogyi 353. Gloxylic Acid in grape juice. L Semichon and M. Flanzy 552. Goats’ Milk and the composition of goats’ blood. F. E. Nottbaum and K. Philippi 762. Boiled -. 34. Butter from ~ in Greece. T. G. Statho-poulo 762. in cow’s milk ; Detection of -. J . Krenn, 349. in Gibraltar 533. 155. I. S. Kleiner and H. Tauber 413. Alexander 494. 117. Gold Sensitive test for -. H. Holzer and W. Reif 302. Use of - in ancient Egypt,. 662. Gorgonzola Cheese Reichert-Meissl value of fat in -.R. C. H. Johnson 469. Government Analysts Notes from Reports of - See Federated Malay States Madras, New Zealand Palestine Queensland Straits Settlements Trinidad and Tobago. See also Government Laboratory. Government Laboratory Report of the Govern-ment Chemist upon the work of - for year ending 31st March 1932. 3 5 ; for vear ending 31st March 1933. 693. Gowing-Scopes Method for citric acid. Grape juice; Organic acids of -. (Pre-L. Semichon and Grape-Fruit juice ; Vitamin C content of frozen L. W. Conn and A. H. Johnson 235. Grapes Bacteriological examination of --. 330. sence of glyoxylic acid.) M. Flanzy 552. -. 534 INDEX TO VOLUME LVIII xxxiii Ureen Gas from coke ovens. Grit emission from chimneys.535. Gutzeit test for arsenic ; Modifications of -, 535. G. Lockemann and B. von Biilow 780. H Hair Dyes Detection of p-phenylenediamine and other diamines in -. C. Griebel and F. Weiss 417. Molecular compounds of polyvalent phenols with aromatic diamines used as -. C. Naegeli and H. Kaltman 777. Halibut-Liver Oil Properties of -. R. T. M. Haines and J . C. Drummond 366. Vitamin A in -. 613. Halides chlorides in presence of other -; Detection of. W. Brash 686. G. Spacu and V. Armeanu 114. Separation of selenocyanate from -. Halogen values of aleurites oils. Halogens in organic compounds determined by the sodamide method. F. Govaert 4 9 ; by the sodammonium method Determina-tion of fluorine. Hammersmith Appointment of F. W. Edwards as Additional Public Analyst for Metro-politan Borough of -.766. Hashish Beam’s colour test for -. A. Lucas, 602. Hay Spontaneous combuston or ignition of -. F. R. Dodd 77. Hazelnut Oil H. A. Schuette and C. Y. Chang, 620. Heat transmission between metal pipes and an air stream. 403. Helch’s Reaction for pilocarpine. F. Bredebach, 625. Heroin Microscopic identification of -. C. D. Williams and C. C. Fulton 766. Hexamethyl-Diamino-iso-Propanol-Diiodide : See Iodisan. Hexamethylenetetramine as means of precipitat-ing iron chromium and aluminium. L. Lehrmann E. A. Kabat and H. Weisberg, 715. in fish-preserving pickle-liquor ; Detection of small quantities of -. A. Van Druten, 37. in pharmaceutical preparations ; Determina-tion of -.E. Schelek and V. Gervay, 621. Hexoses Two new colour tests for -. J . H. Foulger 99. Hexnronic Acid as antiscorbutic factor ; Speci-ficity of -. L. J. Harris and S. N. Ray, 489. content of foodstuffs ; Microchemical method of determining -. T. W. Birch L. J. Harris and S . N. Ray 490. preparations ; Antiscorbutic activity of -. 489. Histidine Colorimetric determination of -. E. Jorpes 102. Honey amino acids and related compounds in - ; Determination of. R. E. Lothrop and S. I. Gertler 350. Hoop Pine Distinction between woods of bunva pine and -. P. Levy 361. I;. Covaert 107. W.E. Cohen 636. Hops antiseptic constituents of - ; Grati-T. K. Walker and preservative value of - ; Colorimetric J . 11.1. Guthrie and G. G. Hormone oestrus-producing - ; Interna-Separation of the anterior pituitary-like -C .A. Elden, Hortvet cryoscope. G. D. Elsdon and J . R. Hull See Kingston-upon-Hull. Human milk ; Reaction of -. W. Partridge, 88. Hydrazine Sulphate Form01 titration ot‘ -. B. Stempel 244. Hydrocellulose and oxycellulose. H. A. Thomas, 362. Hydrocyanic Acid Effect of fumigation with __ on fruit. Hydrogen Micro-combustion of -. P. L. Kirk and A. G. BlcCalla 5 5 . Hydrogen Arsenide poisoning due to t h r action of water on metallic arsenides. K. R. Bomford and D. Hunter 106. Hydrogen ion Concentration Catalogue of B.D.H. Indicators and Accessories for determining -. 574. Hydrogen Peroxide and Caro’s acid in presence of perdisulphuric acid ; Volumetric deter-mination of -.Hydrogen Sulphide detector. 537. Hydrogenation iso-oleic acid in the animal body ; Deposition and utilisation of -. A. D. Barbour 657. Hydroxy Acids in oleines and stearines ; Deter-mination of -. 50. &Hydroxybutyric Acid in urine and other fluids of the organism ; Clinical detection of -. J . Khouri 292. Hydroxymethyl-Furfural in presence of furfur-aldehyde ; Determination of -. Hydroxyproline New colour reaction for -and its use in distinguishing the scIero-proteins. W. Morse 294. o-Hydroxyquinoline Determination of niobium with -. P. Siie 366. Determination of tungsten with --. S. Halberstadt 302. 8-Hydroxyquinoline as means of determining aluminium in nitriding steels. H. A . Bright and R. M. Fowler 498. as means of determining metals.Part I. €3. R. Fleck and ,Iz. M. Ward 388. Hypochlorite solutions ; Observations on the PH values of -. L. P. Lynch and C . R. Sodder 82. Hypophosphites Cod-liver oil emulsion with --. 688. Detection and differentiation of __ in presence of phosphites. D. Raquet and P. Pinte 627. Rapid iodimetric determination of phos-phites and - alone or mixed. D. Raquet and P. Pinte 556. metric determination of J . J . H. Hastings 702. dctcrinination of. Philip 41 1 . tional standard for 407. from the urine of pregnancy. 559. Stubbs 27 ; G. \V. Monier-Williams 254. F. Beran 775. A. J . Berry 464. poisoning in a car tank. 536. 231 xxxiv INDEX TO VOLUME LVIII I Illipd butter ; Composition of -. G. Schus-ter 42. Indian seed fats ; Mowha (Barssia latzfoZia) and tamaf (Garcinia morella) fats.D. I<. Dhingra C. L. Seth and P. C:. Speers 350. Indicator Brucine as internal ___- in dichromate titrations. S. Miyagi 496. Indicators Acid-base -. 4th Ed. (Review), I. M. Kolthoff and H. Fischgold 375. Adsorption - for use in volumetric analysis. A. 175‘. Wellings 331. Application of ultra-violet rays and fluorescent Catalogue of B.D.H. - and Accessories for determining Hydrogen Ion Concentration. 574. New- fluorescence -. Indigo sols ; Detection of nitrous acid with -. E. von Migray 246. Indoxyl compounds in urine ; Quantitative determination of -. Industrial hpplications of Catalysis. (Review), E. 13. Maxted 374. Microscopy. (Review) I&’. Garner 313. Wa-Red Photography.(Review) S. 0. Rawl-ing 726. photography ; Application of - to textiles. Y. W. Cunliffe 308. rays in criminal investigation. I;. W. Martin, 6-14. Wave length determinations in the -. 404. Inks Lead in stamping -. Inorganic analysis. Abstracts 52 110 176, chemical analysis ; Applications of the in-hibiting action of certain ions on the Auores-cence of the uranyl ion to -. Volmar and Mathis 570. Chemistry ; Comprehensive Treatise on Theo-retical and --. Vol. XII. (Review), J. W. Mellor 251. Colloid Chemistry. H. B. Weiser 574. (Review) 787. Substances ; Detection and Determination of Small Amounts of - by Colorimetric Methods. N. Strafford 652. Insecticides Vol. I1 of Wiley’s “Principles and Practices of Agricultural Analysis.” (Re-International Commission for Uniform Methods of Sugar Analysis.Proceedings of Eighth Session. 156. Application to the analysis of coffee substitutes and to the problem of caramelisation. C. I. Kruisheer, ‘31. Iodic Acid periodic acid in presence of -; Determination of. P. Fleury and J. Lange, 307. Iodine Atomic weight of -. 230. -. W. Holthoff 180. K. A. Jensen 722. H. Sharlit 170. 98. 241 302 365 419 496 567 637 714 779. view} 57. standard for the oestrus-producing hormone. Indin Determination of -. content of commercial iodised table salt. G. Prange 768. content of desiccated thyroid gland ; Water-soluble -. C. R. Harington and s. s. Randall 166. Iodine-continued. content of eggs. 481. content of thyroxine. 707. in blood ; Technical refinements for the micro colorimetric method for __ .R. G. Turner and hl. 2. Weeks 169. in desiccated thyroid gland ; Determination of inorganic --. in dried seaweed and seaweed gels. in eggs ; Micro-determination of -. H. J. Almquist and J . W. Givens 643. in organic compounds containing selenium ; Determination of. I?. &I. Hamer 26. in phosphate rock ; Determination and occur-rence of -. W. L. Hill and K. D. Jacob, 303. Reaction of caffeine with ~ in caesium iodide solution. M. Wagenaar 501. Supply of tincture of -. W. Lawson 486. 405. 224. Iodine Value Determination of -__ by the pyridine sulphate bromide method. H. Hawley 601. New reagent for the determination of -. L. Hunter and F. F. Hyde 523. Iodisan Micrb-detection of zinc and cadmium 7 - Iodo - 8 - Hydroxyquinoline - 5 - Sulphonic Acid Colorimetric determination of ferric iron with -.J. H. Yoe 54. Iron Colorimetric determination of __ as thiocyanate. L. de Brouckkre and A. E. Gillet 640. in biological material ; Collected references to the micro-determination of -. 2. Stary, 304. in cow’s and human milk ; Determination of -. F. Reis and H. H. Chakmakjian 39. in liver and liver extracts. A. E. Mayer and C. Eggert 101 ; H. G. Rees 384. in presence of copper zinc and aluminium; Iodimetric determination of ___ . R. Lang and J. Reifer 496. in pure aluminium ; Rapid micro-determina-tion of -. F. Pavelka and H. Month, 785. in red wines ; Colorimetric determination of total and tervalent -. J. RibQeau-Gayon 552.metabolism ; Action of copper in -. C. A. Elvehjem and W. C. Sherman 46. microchemistry of __ ; Collected references to. K. Heller 305. Precipitation of -. 637. Precipitation of - by means of hexame-thylenetetramine. L. Lehrmann E. A. Kabat and H. Weisberg 715. Quantitative separation of iron from -. J. Haslam 270. Separation of ___ from aluminium chromium and manganese. E. H. Swift R. C. Barton and H. S. Backus 53. Separation of zinc from --. Use of - in ancient Egypt. with -. 786. 637. 662. Iron and Steel Institute Journal of the -. Vol. 127. 1933. 652. Ironbark group of woods Chemical composition of-. Australian Division of Forest Products Technical Paper. 345 IKDEX TO VOLUME LVIII xxxv 190-Oleic Acid Deposition and utilisation of hydrogenation - in the animal body.A. D. Barbour 557. J Jam Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Statutory Rules and Orders 1933 No. 664. 545. 11. Composition of free and Total solids in -. 343. combined fatty acids. Japanese beeswax. H. Ikuta 635. K Kent Report of the County Analyst for - for the Fourth Quarter 1932. F. W. F. Arnaud 224. Keratin egg-shell - ; Analyses of. H. 0. Calvery 291. Ketohexoses distinguished from aldohexoses by the resorcinol reaction. C. Sampietro and K. Taufel 360. Ketones Detection of -. R. Fischer 569. Eindergarten materials ; Arsenic lead and chromium in - . E. Merres and R. Turnau 296. Kingston-upon-Hull Appointment of D. J . T. Bagnall as additional Public Analyst for County Borough of - 29.Report of the Public Analyst and Bacteriolo-gist for - for the years 1931 and 1932. A. R. Tankard 401. Kjeldahl method for the analysis of flour. Com-parison of selenium copper and mercury catalysts. R. A. Osborn and A. Krasnitz, 289. method for the quantitative determination of nitrogen. A. Friedrich 568. Krypton Atomic weight of -. 230. I L Lactic Acid Determination of -. W. B. Wendel 712. Lactose in urine; Practical method for the simultaneous determination of glucose and -. Laevulose in presence of dextrose other aldoses, or sucrose ; Micro-method for detecting and determining -. Laevulosin Determination of -. Applica-tion to the analysis of coffee substitutes and to the problem of caramelisation. C. I. Kruisheer 23 1.Lancaster Annual Report of the County Analyst for - for the year 1932. G. D. Elsdon, 342. Lanthanum Atomic weight of -. 230. Larvicides Mosquito -. 348. Lauric Acid from the kernel fat of A ctinoduphne Hookeri Meissn. S. V. Puntambekar and S. Krishna 765. in fish oils ; Occurrence of ___ . H. G. Rees 222. I. S. Kleiner and H. Tauber 413. F. Fischl 424 670. Lead addition of tellurium to - ; Some effects of. W. Singleton and Brimley Jones 366. alloys ; Methods used in analysis of certain -. B. S. Evans 450. compounds in atmospheric dusts ; Occurrence and source of -. J . T. Dunn and H. C . L. Bloxam 500. Electrolytic separation of - as peroxide in non-ferrous alloys. I. Determination of small amounts of - in copper and copper-rich alloys.€3. Jones 11. in acid calcium phosphate ; Determination of -. D. W. Kent-Jones and C . W. Herd, 152. in canned sardines ; Occurrence and origin of -. L. H. Lampitt and H. S. Rooke 733. in cosmetics 160. in kindergarten materials. E. Mecres and in paints crayons and stamping inks. in presence of small amounts of bismuth; Separation and determination of traces of -. J. H. Hamence 461. poisoning; -4 case of chronic -. H. E. Monk 397 689, poisoning from cider. 758. poisoning in north-east Scotland. L. S. P. Davidson and Others 710. Removal of - from tinned-lead tubes by tooth-pastes. V. Froboese 296. Lead Arsenate in vegetables 98. Lead Salts Determination of soluble --. 332. Learnington Spa Appointment of 1;. G. D. Chalmers as Additional Public Analyst for -.91. Leather Acidity of vegetable-tanned - . W. R. Atkin and F. C. Thompson 110. and dermatitis. 229. Determination of buffer salts and acidity in the aqueous extracts of vegetable-tanned -. Effect of tanned ~ on metals. Examination of - for the presence of ex-tractable chromium compounds. F. E. Humphreys and H. Phillips 509. Leather Beetle Dried fish infested with larvae Lebensmittel Chemie ; Handbuch der -. Vol. I . (Review) Ed. by A. Bijmer A. Juckenack and J . Tillmans 503. Lecithin Biological distinction of egg - and plant - by means of the complement combination method. 0. Mezger H. Jesser and M. Volkmann 167. liver- ; Fatty acids of -. R . H. Snider and W. R. Bloor 171. preparations of animal and vegetable origin ; Distinction between -.F. E. Nottbohm and F. &layer 43 ; B. Rewald 412. vegetable ~ in pastry ; Detection of. 0. Mezger H. Jesser and M. Volkmann 555. Report of the City Analyst for ~ for 1'332. C. H. Manley 471. Vacation by R. W. Siitton of appointment as Additional Public Analyst for County Borough of -. 398. R. Turnau 296. 98. C. W. Davies and K. F. Innes 51. 229. of -. 768. Leeds dust ; Analyses of -. 471 xxxvi INDEX TO VOLUME LVIII Legal Cases Greenwood u. Hannam. Sampling Legal Notes 344 402 534 611 692. Leicester Report of City Analyst for __ for Lemon Curd ‘‘ Home-made ” - . Lemonade powder. 343. iso-Leucine Sublimation temperature of -. I-Lencine Sublimation temperature of -. Light Action of ___ on fats.Linen Fastness of vat dyestuffs on -. 228. Linseed Oil and its polymerides ; Determination of the molecular weight of -. P. J. Gay 643. Iodine A-alue of -. 525. Polymerisation of -I ; H. I. Waterman and D. Oosterhof 786. Lipwes of wheat. I. B. Sullivan and 31. A. Howe 169. Lipids Micro-Soxhlet apparatus for extracting - from biological material. 56. I. Methods of separation. F. C. Freytag and H. G. Smith 293 ; 11. Vitamins A and E ; Anti-oxygens. 204. of yeast ; Chemistry of -. I. Composition of the acetone-soluble fat. M. S. Sewman and R. J. Anderson 707. of milk. 402. the year 1931. F. C. Bullock 93. 33. 117. 117. C. H. Lea 425. of ox-liver ; Unsaponifiable -. Lipins in flour. 229. Liquides La Tension de Vapeur des Mklanges de ___ M.Lecat 126. Liquor kenicalis Effect of nitrates on the formation of fungoid growth in - B.P. 1932. J . Rae 357. E. M. Smelt 627. Lithium in presence of other alkali ions ; Re-agent for -. Separation of - from magnesium. Determination of _c_ . T. Gaspar y Arnal 421. Liver and liver extracts ; Notes on the occur-rence of iron and copper in -. H. G. Rees 384. Ethyl alcohol in human and animal -. 369. Iron and copper in - and ___ extracts. lecithin ; Fatty acids of -. R. H. Snider Liverpool Appointment of C. F. Turner as Livers of different animals ; Ascorbic acid con-Lobeliar Infrata Oil Iodine value of -. 526. Logarithms Analytical Factors and their -. Lubricants Analysis of Oil for the Production of Lubricating and Allied Oils. 2nd Ed.E. A. Luminal Toxicological detection of -. J. Lnnacrine Microchemical identification of -. Lnnasine Microchemical identification of -. Lungs Silica content of -. A. F. Sladden, Keeping properties of -. A. E. Mayer and C. Eggert 101. and W. R. Bloor 171. Additional Public Analyst for -. tent of -. 398. J. LSvirbely 632. (Review) E. R. Caley 312. -. A. A. Ashworth 508. Evans 314; (Review) 426. Peltzer 773. 117. 117. 775, M Madras Report of the Public Analyst (H. Haw-lay) for - for year ending September, 1931. 34 ; for the year ending September, 1932 610. Magnesium Effect of p on precipitation of __ from acetate solutions. H. R. Fleck and A. M. Ward 388. in sized cotton ; Detection and determination of zinc and -. in pure - salts and in presence of calcium ; in water Photometric micro-determination Separation of lithium from -.T. Gaspar y Arnal 421. Magnesium Ammonium Phosphate in canned salmon. L. H. James 222 ; C. H. Manlev, 337. Magnesium Hydroxyquinolate in presence of calcium oxalate ; Precipitation and deter-mination of - and its application to the analysis of Portland cement. J. C. Red-mond 781. Magnesium Salts magnesium in pure - - ; Colorimetric determination of. J. Tischer, 247. M a c Acid in fruits and fruit products ; Deter-mination of inactive -. B. G. Hartmann and F. Hillig 482. Z-Malic Acid in fruits and fruit products ; Deter-mination of -. C. G. Hartmann and F. Hillig 40. Malt coffees ; Tests for -. A. Heidusclilta and H. Thomas 164.Flbur Ministry of Agriculture & Fisheries Statutory Rules and Orders 1933 No. 540. 540. substitutes for coffee ; Distinction between barley and -. Malt Extract Ministry of Agriculture & Fisher-ies Statutory- Rules and Orders 1933 No. 540. 540. Manganese. Colorimetric method for -. K. Slumada 496. content of cows’ milk beef and certain other foods. G. Biittner and A. Miermeister 615. content of some Australian timbers. W. E. Cohen and A. B. Jamieson 635. in food and biological material ; Bibliography on -. in pure aluminium ; Rapid micro-determina-tion of -. F. Pavelka and H. Month 785. in salt solutions ; Determination of small amounts of -. N. A. Clark 638. lead in copper alloys containing - ; Deter-mination of small amounts of.micro-detection of - ; Collected references to. K. Heller 305. Separation of zinc from -. Separation of zinc cobalt nickel and iron E. H. Swift R. C. Barton and Manganous Carbonate method for periodic acid Manure Stanley’s wool -. A. Geake 51. Colorimetric determination of - - J. Tischer 247. Of -. 719. in grape juice. 552. H. Barsch 350. T. H. Pope 91. 21 22. 637. from -. H. S. Backus 53. in iodic acid. 307. 226 INDEX TO VOLUME LVIII xxxvii Margarines Vitamin A content of naturally coloured nut -. C. F. Poe and H. A. Fehlmann 415. Mate Caffeine content of -. I?. Krauss, E. Kleucker and A. Kollath 766. Matter General Properties of -. 2nd Ed. (Review) F. H. Newman and V. H. L. Searle 312. Mayonnaise Standard for -. Meal Definition of - under Wheat Act.98. Meat Deterioration of - on storage. fat of frozen and chilled meat; Chemical changes in -. Part V. C. H. Lea 288. Nitrites in cured -. Melilotic Acid in Melilotus officinalis ; Deter-mination of -. s. J . Kanewskaja and A. M. Fedorowa 624. Melilotus Officinals courmarin and melilotic acid in - ; Determination of. S. J. Kanewskaja and A. M. Fedorowa 624. Menthols Antiseptic value and toxicity of antiseptic -. 236. Mericurimetric determination of chlorides in milk. Mercury catalysts ; Comparison of selenium, copper and - in the Kjeldahl method. R. A. Osborn and A. Krasnitz 289. In food and biological material ; Bibliography on -. Metal particles in dust etc. ; Detection of free -. T. J . Ward 28. Metals Alkali -.287. 61 1. 0. Jones 140. E. Geyer and A. Rotsch 162. T. H. Pope 280. See Alkali Metals. and metal-working in ancient Egypt. C,orrosion of -. 406. Determination of - by means of 8-hydroxy-quinoline. Part I. H. R. Fleck and -4. M. Ward 388. Iliphenylthiocarbazone for the detection of heavy -. H. Fischer 567. Effect of tanned leathers on -. in food and biological material ; Bibliography of heavy -. T. H. Pope. 111. Zinc 30 ; IV. Manganese 91 ; V. Mercury 380 ; VI. Cobalt 340; VII. Nickel 340 ; VIII. Chromium 341 ; IX. Tin 398 ; X. Bismuth, 607. in rayon ; Micro-determination of -. B. P. Ridge M. Corner and H. S. Cliff 721. New complex cyanogen compounds of --. J . Foucry 779. o f the ammonium sulphide group ; Precipita-tion of -.Organic Reagents for -. 126. (Review), Hopkin & Williams’ Research Staff. 310. salts of heavy - ; Sensitive microchemical reaction of picric acid with. I. M. Koren-man 373. Methaemoglobin Bicolorimetric method for determining -. B. B. Clark and R. B. Gibson 293. Methanol British Standard Specification No. 506. 730. Methoxyl group ; Apparatus for the micro-deter-mination of -. R. Guillemet. 347. groups in liquid compounds ; Micro-analytical determination of -. A. F. Colson 594. m plants and plant materials ; Determination of -. M. Phillips M. J. Goss and C . A. Browne. 495. 661. 229. A. Kriiger 637. Methoxyl-continued. Micro-determination of methoxyl. V. Bruck-ner 178. Methyl Alcohol British Standard Specification No.506. 730. in mixtures containing acetone and its homo-logues; Determination of -. R. W. Hoff and J. M. Macoun 749. S-Methylesculetin as fluorescence indicator. 722. Methylols derived from aniides and urea ; Determination of - by means of Ness-ler’s reagent. J. Bougault and J . Laboucq, 300. Methylpyrethrolon in pyrethrum flowers ; Pre-sence of -. C. B. Gnadinger and C. S. Corl 300. Micro-Acidimetric method for determining nickel. J . V. Dubsky and E. Hauer 305. Micro-Analysis of pure aluminium ; Rapid -. I. Iron copper and manganese. F. Pavelka and H. Month 785. of water ; Photometric -. C. Urbach 71 7. Use of polarographic methods in -. J. Heyrovskj 423. Micro-Analytical determination of methoxyl groups in liquid compounds. A. F. Colson, 594.Micro-Burette Simple tapless -. I<. Sch-warz 422. Microchemical analysis. Abstracts 55 114, 177 245 304 369 422 501 568 641 717, 784. colour reaction of m-dinitrobenzene for the forensic detection of benzene. J. Peltzer, 297. detection of cholesterol. detection of coumarin. M. Wagenaar 501, 720. identification of caffeine. H. J. Sandrus and M. L. Willard 117. identification of dilaudide. I?. Amelink 246. identification of Lunasia alkaloids. F. -4me-link 117. identification of novocaine (procaine). M. Wagenaar 178. identification of pantocaine. I;. Amelink, 245. method for determining the hexuronic acid (vitamin C) content of foodstuffs etc. T. W. Birch L. J. Harris and S. N. Ray, 490. reaction for cocaine. reactionaf picric acid with salts of copper and I.M. Korenman, tests. VIII. L. Rosenthaler 784. C. Van Zijp 668. A. Martini 57. some other heavy metals. 373. Microchemistry of aluminium chromium iron, titanium and uranium ; Collected references to -. K. Heller 305. Micro-Colorimetric method of iodine in blood ; Technical refinements for -. R. G. Turner and M. 2. Weeks 169. Micro-Combustion Electric heating apparatus for Pregl-. R. Guillemet 248. P. I,. Kirk and A. G. McCalla 55. W. Stir-ling 684. of carbon and hydrogen. Micro-Comparator A simplified -sxxviii INDEX TO VOLUME LVIII Micro-Density determination of gases by direct weighing. E. W. Blank 641. Micro-Detection of cobalt nickel manganese and zinc; Collected references to -. K. Heller 305.Micro-Determination of iodine in eggs. H. J. Almquist and J. W. Givens 643. of iron in biological material; Collected references to -. of magnesium; New method for the semi-micro- and -. A. Blanchetiere and M. Amoux 305. of metals in rayon. B. P. Ridge M. Corner and H. S. Cliff 721. of methoxyl. V. Bruckner 178. of molecular weight. J. B. Niederl and W. J. Saschek 114. of sulphur as benzidine sulphate and urea as dixanthylureate ; Use of Jena glass filters in -. R. Guillemet 248. of the ethoxyl and methoxyl groups and of glycerol; Apparatus for --. R. Guille-met 247. Micro-Dumas Method for substances of low nitrogen content ; Use of -. F. Vetter, 434. Micro-Gravimetric analysis Influence of electri-cal charge in -. Micro-Halogen determination without combus-tion.A. Schloemer 246. Micro-Method for detecting and determining laevulose in presence of dextrose other aldoses or sucrose. for determining sugars. K. Linderstrem-Lang and H. Holter 568. Micro-Organisms Formation of organo-metalloi-dal compounds by -. I. Trimethylarsine and dimethylethylarsine. F. Challenger, C. Higginbottom and L. Ellis 235. Microscope History of the -. R. S. Clay and T. H. Court 314 ; (Review) 649. Microscopy Industrial - . (Review) W. Garner 313. Micro-Soxhlet extractor; h simple -. A. Wasitzky 56. Micro Vapour Density determination. I . Deter-mination of molecular weight. J . B. Niederl and W. J. Saschek 114. 11. Determination of boiling points. J. B. Niederl and I. B. Routh 115. Mikro-Analyse Praxis der Quantitative Organis-chen -.A. Friedrich 652. (Review), 725. 2. Stary 304. W. M. Sperry 177. F. Fischl 424,570. Milk and contagious abortion. 758. Annatto in -. 471. Application of Arnold’s sodium nitro-prusside reaction for proteins to -. Bibby’s Book on -. calculation formula for use a t tropical tempera-tures. H. Hawley 272. chlorides in - ; Mercurimetric determina-tion of. Citric acid determined in - . B. G. Hartmann and F. Hiliig 3s. Cryoscopy of South African -. L. Denis-Nathan 574. Dialysis of -. Distribution of phosphorus. L. H. Lampitt and J. H. Bushill 615. diastase. H. Kluge 168. 408. (Review) 59. E. Geyer and A. Rotsch 162. Milk-contznued. Dirty -. 401. factory effluents ; Biological filtration ot -.Fluorescence of -. Formalin in -. 342 471. freezing-point of - Determinatlon of the true. G. W. Monier-Williams 254. Freezing-point of -. Society of Public Analysts’ recommendations for -. 318. freezing-point of __ ; Symposium on. 154. Freezing-point of pasteurised and sterilised from amputated cow udders ; Quantity and W. W. Swett F. W. Goats’ - and the composition of goats’ F. E. Nottbaum and K. Philippi, goat’s - in cow’s - ; Detection of. J. Goats’ ___ in Gibraltar. 633. Goats’ boiled -. 34. Grading of - in the United States. human - ; Reaction of. in restaurants. 610. iron in cow’s __ and human - ; 282. J. A. Radley. 527. -_ . composition of -. Filler and R. K. Graves 47. blood. 762. Krenn 349. G. D. Elson and J . R.Stubbs 7. 348. W. Partridge 88. Deter-I;. Reis and H. H. Chakmak-Labelling of graded -. (LFgal Notes) 344. Manganese content of cows - . G. Biittner and A. Miermeister 615. Neutralisation of - ; Detection of. K. Eble and H. Pfeiffer 409. nitrates in - ; Diphenyl-benzidine test for, as means of detecting added water,<md the effect of drenching cows with nitre.” D. R. Wood E. T. Illing and A. E. Fletcher, 149. Products Sub-committee Report No. 3. Errata in -. 30. proteins ; Formaldehyde titration of - and its use in the detection of re-constituted creams etc. Purchase of - on a Quality (Composition) Basis. H. T. Cranfield and J . W. Blood, 574. raw - in pasteurised ___ ; Detection of. M. I;. Bengen 699. Report of the Reorganisation Commission for -.Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Report Economic Series No. 38. 638. Sampling of -. (Legal Notes). Greenwood v. Hannam. 402. Sampling of pasteurised -. 96. testing ; Use of amyl alcohol for -. J. Milk-Solids Determination of - by drying ZH W e t Oil Characteristics of -. W. E. Mineral Oil retained by leaf surfaces after spray-Dawsey and A. J. Haas 299. Mineralanalyse Tabellen zur Berechnung von -. H. v. Philipsborn 126; (Review), 429. Minerals Sands - and Clays. Vol. I. No. 2. 126 ; No. 3 314 ; No. 4 574. nunation of. jian 39. J. C. Harral 605. Houston 151 ; J. Golding 276 531. vucuo on asbestos. H. Hawley 333. Smith and E. K. Waller 319. ing; Determination of - . L. H Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Report of the Reorganisation Commission for milk.Economic Series No. 38. 538. Statutory Rules and Orders 1933 No 538. Canned Fruits. 476 Statutory Rules and Orders 1933 No. 540. Malt Flour and Malt Extract. Statutory Rules and Orders 1933 No. 592. Wheat and Flour. 478. Statutoq- Rules and Orders 1933 S o . 664. Jam. 545. Statutory Rules and Orders 1933 No. 677. Cheshire Cheese. 544. Ministry of Health Reports Circulars Etc. Memo 171 Med. Antimony poisoning due to the use of enamelled vessels. 226. Report of the Chief Medical Officer for the year 1932. Sale of Food and Drugs Act. Annual Report for 1931-32 and abstract of Public Analysts’ Reports for 1931. 156. Molecular Weight Micro determination of -. J. B. Niederl and W. J. Saschek 114. Molybdenum Effect of p~ on precipitation of - from acetate solutions.H. R. Fleck and A. 31. Ward 388. Separation of rhenium from -. J. H. Muller and W. A. la Laude 499. Mosquito larvicides. 348. Motor Drivers Alcohol in the blood of -. K. Hansen 359. Mould fungi ; Effect of certain - on wood substance. W. G. Campbell 236. Mowha fat. D. R. Dhingra G. L. Seth and P. C. Speers 350. Musk-Rat Oil from the glands of -. W. H. Simmons and C. A. Hills 154. Mustard seed ; Nature and composition of the mucilage of white -. K. Bailey and F. W. Norris 100. Musts Radioactivity of -. E. Canals and A. Medaille 644. MyristicaMalabarica Fatty acid and glyceride structure of the seed fat of - G. Collin, 3.51. 540. Sir G. Newman 757. N Naphthas Coal-tar ~ British Standard a-Naphthylamine as fluorescence indicator.722. fl-Naphthylamine as fluorescence indicator. 722. National Physical Laboratory Report for the Neats Foot Oil Iodine value of -. Nephelometric determination of chloride. I M. Kolthoff and H. Yutzy 421. Nerve and Digestive tablets. 688. Messler’s Reagent as means of determining methylols derived from amides and urea. J. Bougault and J. Laboucq 300. New Zealand .Annual report of the Dominion Analyst for 1931. W. Donovan 405. Romney fleeces ; Detection and estimation of medullated fibre in -. B. L. Elphick, 109. Nickel Determination of __ with anthranilic acid Specifications for. No. 479. 314. Spot test for -. 372. year 1932. 402. 526. H. Funk and M. Ditt. 567. INDEX TO VOLUME LVIII xxxix v - in cured meats.0. Jones 140. NiCkel-cod~I ued. Effect of p on precipitation of -__ from acetate solutions. H. R. Fleck and A. M. Ward 388. in food and biological material ; Bibliography on -. T. H. Pope 340. in rock analysis ; Determination of small quantities of -. H. F. Harwood and L. S. Theobald 673. lead alloyed with ___- ; Analysis of. 457. Micro-acidinietric method for determining -. micro-detection of ~ ; Collected references to. K. Heller 30.5. Precipitation of -. 637. Reagent for J . V. Dubsky and \-. Separation of __ from aluminium chromium E. H. Swift R. C . Barton J . V. Dubsky and E. Hauer 305. Bencko 638. and manganese. and H. S. Backus 53. Separation of zinc from -. 637. Nicotine in cigarette smoke Occurrence of tobacco and nicotine-containing parasiti-in tobacco and tobacco-smoke. 46. in tobacco and tobacco smoke ; Polarimetric pyridine in - ; Determination of small S. Strafford and K. T. Parry-111. C. Pyriki 487. cides. W. Mohr 766. determination of -. amounts of. Jones 380. E. Toole 625. Nicoton 45. Niobium analytical chemistry of tantalum -and their mineral associates ; Investigations into. XSV. Separation of uranium from tantalum - - and titanium. W. R. Schoeller and H. W. Webb 143. Determination of __ with o-hydroxyquino-line. P. Sue 366. Separation of tantalum from - by the tannin method. H. T. S. Britton and R. A. Robinson 368. Nitrates Colorimetric determination of - by means of diphenylaminesulphonic acid.I. M. Kolthoff and G. E. Noponen 368. Effect of ~ on the formation of fungoid growth in Liquor -4rsenicalis R.P. 1932. J . Rae 357. in flesh products; Determination of -. I;. T. Van Voorst 630. in Gibraltar drinking waters. 34. in milk ; Diphenyl-benzidine test for - as means of detecting added water and t h e effect of drenching cows with “nitre. D. K. Wood E. T. Illing and A. E. Fletcher 149. Volumetric determination of - with ferric sulphate as reducing agent. I. M. Kolthoff, E. B. Sandell and B. Moskovitz 369. Nitre Effect of drenching cows with -. D. K. Wood E. T. Illing and A. E. Fletcher, 149. Nitric Acid in water ; Photometric micro-deter-mination of -. 718. Works ; Report on -. 53‘7. Nitrites Acidimetric determination of alkali Colour reaction for -.A. Castialioni. 112. -. B. Stempel 444 xl INDEX TO VOLUME LVIII Nitro coiiipounds ; Nitrogen and cold storage. 227. Atomic weight of -. 230. in phospholipids ; Application of selenium catalyst in determining -. F. E. Kurtz, 636. in yeast and brewing inaterials ; Determina-tion of -. Micro-Dumas method for substances with low contents of -. Quantitative determination of - by the Kjeldahl method. A4. Friedrich 568. Nitroso compounds ; Determination of aromatic -. S. Ueno and H. Sekiguchi 778. Nitrous Acid Detection of - with indigo sols. E. von Migray 245. in water ; Photometric micro-determination Novocaine Microchernical identification of -(procaine). M. Wagnaar 178. Nut margarines ; Vitamin A content of naturally coloured -.C. F. Poe and H. A. Fehlmann. 415. Determination of aromatic -. S. Ueno and H. Sekiguchi 778, J. S. Ford and Others 618. I;. Vetter 424. of -. 718. 0 Obituary Notices Boseley Leonard IGdgell 65. Brewis Edward Theodore 653 732. Green W. Heber 65. Johnson Alfred Edward 663. Roberts John David 653 732. Thompson John Millar 187 316. Wood James 187 317. Wane number of petrol Effect of tetraethyl lead on -. L. E. Hebl T. B. Rendel and F. L. Garton 239. ktrus-Producing hormone ; International stan-dard for -. 407. Oil Analysis of - for the Production of Lubricants. A. A. Ashworth 508. from the glands of the musk-rat. W. H. Simmons and C. A. Hills 154. from the seeds of Actinoda9hne Hookeri, Meissn. An indigenous source of lauric acid.S. V. Puntambekar and S. Krishna, 765. from the seeds of Ganua (Bassia) Motleyana (Sap.). J. Zimmermann 763. from the seeds of Tectona Grandis (teak). S. V. Puntambekar and S. Krishna 765. fuel ; Fumes from combustion of --. 536. paraffin wax in crude - ; New method of determining. R. Fussteig 239. Oils extracted from nine varieties of soya bean ; Characteristics of -. G. S. Jamieson, W. F. Baughman and R. S. McKinney 289. Fish-liver -. See Fish-Liver Oils. in flour. 229. Lubricating and Allied -. 2nd Ed. E. A. Palm -. See Palm Oils. Proposed method for identifying and estima-J. R. Stubbs and A. sulphonated - ; _Analysis of. E. R. Theis Evans 314; (Review) 426. ting fats and -. Lees 211. and T. M. Graham. 240. Oils-cont~nued. unsaponifiable matter in fats and -; Determination of.Report No. 1 of the Sub-committee on Determination of Un-saponifiable Matters in Oils and Fats. 203. Vitamin A in - determined by a spectro-photometric method. ,4. Chevallier and 1’. Chabre 487. Ointments free sulphur in __ ; Determination of. N. L. Allport 705. Oleines Analysis of stearines and -. V. Voulez 50. Oleomargarine Colouring of -. 286. Oleyl Alcohol Oxidation of -. G. Collin and Olive Oil Iodine value of -. Onion scales; Isolation of catechol from pig-mented - and its significance in relation to disease resistance in the -. K. P. Link and J. C. Walker 355. Orange juice ; Vitamin C content of frozen -. L. W. Conn and A. H. Johnson 235 ; E. M. Nelson and H. H. Mottern 235. Application of - to the determination of the nature and amount of carbohydrate groups in proteins.M. Sbrensen and G. Haugaard 492. Organic analysis. Abstracts 49 107 173 237, 299 360 416 491 564 633 712 776. Analysis ; Qualitative - . Elementary Course in the Identification of - Com-pounds. 2nd Ed. (Review) 0. Kamm 184. Chemistry ; Perkin and Kipping’s -. New Ed. Part I. F. S. and E. B. Kipping 314 ; (Review) 573. chemistry ; Thionylaniline as a reagent in -. compounds containing selenium ; Determina-tion of iodine in -. Compounds ; Detection and Determination of -. (Review) H. Meyer 572. compounds ; Detection and determination of fluorine in -. compounds ; Determination of halogens in - by the sodamide method. F. Govaert, 49 ; by the sodammonium method Deter-mination of fluorine.compounds Spot tests for some -. I . M. Korenman 37 1. Reagents for Metals 126 ; (Review) Hopkin & Williams’ Research Staff. 310. Syntheses. Vol. XII. (Review) Ed. by F. C. Whitmore 250; Vol. XIII. Ed. by W. H. Carothers 574 (Review) 788. Organischen Mikro-Analyse ; Praxis der Quanti-tativen -. A. Friedrich 652. (Review), 725. Strukturlehre ; Entwickelung und Leistungen der -. Verbindungen ; Nachweis and Bestimmung - (Review) H. Meyer 572. Organo-Metalloidal compounds ; Formation of - by micro-organisms. I. Trimethy-larsine and dimethylethylarsine. F. Chal-lenger C. Higginbottom and L. Ellis 235. Orthophosphate silicon and aluminium in pre-sence of fluoride and - Determination of. T. Millner and I;.Kunos 54. T. P. Hilditch 564. 825. Orcinol reaction; P. Carre and D. Liebermann 491. F. M. Hamer 26. W. Bockemuller 107. F. Govaert 107. (Review) R. Pummerer 376. Owens’ i e t dust counter. 284 lNDEX TO VOLUME L1-111 xli Ox liver; Unsaponifiable lipids of -. I. Methods of separation. F. C. Freytag and H. G. Smith 293 ; 11. Vitamins A and E : Anti-oxygens 294. Oxalatomanganate Detection of oxalic acid as -. G. Lochmann 299. Oxalic Acid Colorimetric method for determin-ing -. G. Lochmann 299. V. Cerchez and C. Panaitescu 419. Oxides of Nitrogen Action of - on oleic acids. 416. Oxine See 8-Hydroxyquinoline. Oxycellulose and hydrocellulose. H. A. Thomas, Oxy-Proline Sublimation temperature of -. C. A. Mitchell 279. Detection of - as oxalatomanganate.Preparation of anhydrous -. 362. 117. P Paint Lead in --. 98. Production of carbon monoxide from -~ in sealed compartments. S. F. Dudley F. G. Edmed and R. C. Frederick 298. Palestine Annual Report of Government Analyst (G. W. Baker) for - for the year 1931. 158 ; for the year 1932 546. Palladium Quantitative determination of -by means of ethylene. S. C. Ogburn jr. and W. C. Brastow 366. PaIm Oils Composition of commercial -. 111. H. K. Dean and T. P. Hilditch 484. Pantocaine Microchemical identification of -. F. Amelink 245. Paper gelatin in -; Action of ultra-violet light on. Paprika in sausages ; Detection of the colouring matter of -. W. Plahl and A. Rotsch. 412. Para% wax in crude oil ; New method of determining - by means of a mixture of ether alcohol butanone and phenol.R. Fussteig 239. P a r a 5 Oil Works ; Report on -. 537. Parasiticides Determination of nicotine in nicotine-containing -. W. Mohr 766. Parathyroid glands containing an anti-growth factor; Extracts of -. I. C. J. East-land N. Evers and J. H. Thompson 234. Parchment documents ; Deciphering damaged Parinarium Laurinum New unsaturated acid in the kernel oil of -. M. Tsujimoto and H. Koyanegi 361. Parish’s Chemical Food Formula for -. (Legal Notes). 611. Pasteurisation Detection of -- and detection of raw milk in pasteurised milk. M. F. Bengen 699. Pastry egg-content of ~ ; Determination of. B. Alberti 480. vegetable lecithin in __ ; Detection of. 0. Mezger H.Jesser and M. Volkmann 555. Pea flour and soya bean flour. D. Kaltschewa, 162. Pear Conductivity and acidity of the -. 551. H. A. Bromley 29. Oiled apple-wrapping -. 225. - 406. Peal Barley Coating of -. Peas Roasted pigeon - as adulterant of coffee. G96. Pectic Acid Decomposition of __ by mould fungi and formation of pectolytic enzymes. S. A. Waksman and M. C. Allen 633. Pectin Decomposition of - by mould fungi and formation of pectolytic enzymes. S. A. Waksman and M. C. Allen 633. in dried apple pomace ; Determination of -. I). W. Steuart 397. Pectolytic enzymes ; Decomposition of pectin and pectic acid by mould fungi and forma-tion of -. S. A. Waksman and M. C. -Allen 633. Pentabromacetone method for citric acid. 330: Perdisulphuric Acid hydrogen peroxide and Caro’s acid in presence of - ; Volumetric determination of.Perfumes Cosmetics and 3OdpS. 4th Ed. Vol. 11. (Review) W. A. Poucher. 251. Periodic Acid in presence of iodic acid ; Deter-mination of -. I?. Fleury and J. I,ange, 307. Perkin and Kipping’s Organic Chemistry. Sew Ed. Parts I. and 11. (Review) F. S. and I;. B. Kipping 573. Permanaganate method of determining anhmony ; Conditions for -. Persimmon Conductivity and acidity of -. 551. Pests Some Common Domestic -. C. L. Claremont and J. M. Burnet 126. Petrol Effect of tetraethyl lead on the octane number of -. L. E. Hebl T . B. Rendel and F. L. Carton 239. Pflanxenanalyse Handbuch der -. Vol. 111. Part 11. (Review) G. Klein 185 Vol. IV. (Review) Ed. by G.K!ein. 648. p ~ Effect of - on the precipitation of mag-nesium zinc cobalt nickel copper and molybdenum from acetate solutions. H. R. Fleck and A. M. Ward 388. value of hypochlorite solutions ; Observations on -. L. P. Lynch and C. R. Nodder 52. Values ; What they are and how to determine them. 3rd Ed. T. T. Cocking 574. Phanodorm Toxicological detection of -. J . Peltzer 773. Pharmaceutical Chemist Title of -_ 548. 342. infected with smut. P. H. Jones 754. A. J. B~iry 464. W. Pugh 176. Chemistry ; Bentley and Driver’s Text-book of -. ’2nd Ed. J . E. Drilrer 6.52. (Review) 724. preparations ; Determination of hesamethy-lenetetramine in -. E. Schelek and V. Gervay 621. preparations ; Theobromine determined in -by Boie’s method. H. J .Van Giffen 101. Pharmacopoeia British ___ . See British Pharmacopoeia. The Extra -. 20th Ed. Vol. 1. (Re-view) W. H. Martindale 309. Pharmacy Science and Practice of -. (Re-view) R. R. Bennett and T. T. Cockinq 647. Pharmacy and Poisons Act 1933 548. Explained. H. Glyn- Jones 652. Phenacetin Determination of -. G. IV-eiss-mann 412 dii INDEX TO VOLUME LVIII Phenols Determination of certain ___ by M. Franqois and L. in river water ; Determination of -. Nolte, Molecular compounds of polyvalent - with C. Test for -. weighing their aristols. Seguin 777. 713. aromatic diamines used as hair dyes. Naegeli and H. Kaltmaun 777. C. C. Fulton 238. I-Phenylalanine Sublimation temperature of p-Phenylenediamine Action of ___ on the skin. H.E. Cox 743. Detection of -. in hair dyes ; Detection of -. C. Griebel and F. Weiss 417. Phenylethyl Alcohol Determination of primary ___ its oxalate. L. Palfray S. Sabetay and D. Sontag 713. Phenylhydrazine Spot test for -. Philippine Islands Annual Report of the Bureau of Science for the year 1931. Phosphate Qualitative analysis in presence of -. T. B. Smith 365. Phosphate Rock iodine in __ ; Determination and occurrence of 1711. L. Hill and K. D. Jacob 303. Phosphites Detection and differentiation of -In presence of hypophosphites. D. Raquet and P. Pinte 627. Rapid iodimetric determination of hypophos-phites and - alone or mixed. D. Raquet and P. Pinte 556. Phospholipids nitrogen and phosphorus in - ; Application of selenium catalyst in deter-mining.F. W. Kurtz 636. Phosphoric Acid in preparation of National Mark cider 36. in presence of silica and aluminium ; Deter-mination of -. T. Millner and F. Kunos, 422. Potentiometric titration of strongly coloured fruit solutions containing added -- A. Gaines jnr. 39. Distribution of -. L. H. Lampitt and J. H. Bushill 615. Elon and sodium sulphite as reducing agents in the colorimetric determination of -. G . van der Lingen 755. in phospholipids ; Application of selenium catalvst in determining-. F. E. Kurtz, 636. in various parts of the wheat grain. G. Bertrand and L. Silberstein 617. in water ; Photometric micro-determination lead in copper alloys containing - Deter-Photography Infra-Red --. (Review) S. 0. Physical Chemistry ; Introduction to -.730. Chemistry ; Introduction to -. Revised Edn. F. €3. Finter 574. Laboratory ; Report of the National - for the year 1932. 402. methods of analysis. Abstracts 179 249, 307 373 425 502 570 643 722 786. Physiological Chemistry ; Practical -. 9th Ed. S. W. Cole 508. -. 217. C. Griebel 714. 372. 347. Phosphorus Dialysis of milk. of -. 719. mination of. 25. Rawling 726. Phytosteryl Acetate test as a routine method in the examination of butter fats with border-line Reichert-Meissl values. H. Hawley 520. Picrarnnia Sow Fat from the seeds of -. A. Steger and J. van Loon 565. Picric Acid Sensitive micro-chemical reaction of __ with salts of copper and some other heavy metals. Picrolonic Acid as a reagent for alkali metals.Y . Volmar and M. Leber 368. as reagent for sodium. Y . Volmar and M. Leber 782. Pictures and works of a r t ; Methods of testing minute quantities of material from -. -4. P. Laurie 468. I. M. Korenman 373. Pigments in ancient Egypt. 659. Pilocarpine Helch’s reaction for -. I;. Bredebach 625. Pine woods ; Distinction between hoop - and bunya -. W. E. Cohen 636. Pipes Effect of frost on tellurium-lead -. 367. Heat transmission between metal - and an air stream. 403. Plant Analysis ; Handbook of -. Vol. 111. Part 11. (Review) G. Klein 185. foodstuffs ; Reduction-capacity of - and its relation to vitamin C . J. Tillmans, P. Hirsch and R. Vaubel 295. juices containing vitamin C ; Reducing value of __ as determined by 2 6-dichloro-phenol indophenol.H. H. Mottern E. M. Nelson and R. Walker 48. lecithin ; Biological distinction of egg lecithin and __ by means of the complement-combination method. 0. Mezger H. Jesser and M. Volkmann 167. Plants Uronic acids and methoxyl determination in certain -. M. Phillips M. J. Goss and C. A. Browne 495. Plum pulp mixtures ; Detection of dried plums in -. G. Kappeller and W. Reide-meister 163. Plumbism Case of chronic -. Plums dried - in plum pulp mixtures; Detection of. G. Kapeller and W. Reide-meister 163. Plymouth Appointment of C. V. Reynolds as Public Analyst for County Borough of --. 155. Poisoning Antimony - due to the use of enamelled vessels. 226. 689. by bamboo hairs. 160. by gelsemium. 160. by hydrogen arsenide due to the action of water on metallic arsenides.R. R. Bom-ford and D. Hunter 106. by t e a ; Supposed -. J . T. Dunn and H. C. L. Bloxam 275. Carbon monoxide - in Palestine. Hydrogen sulphide __ in a car tank. 536. lead - . A case of chronic. H. E. Monk, Lead - from cider. 758. Lead - in north-east Scotland. L. S. P. Davidson and Others 710. of fish Chemical -. 282. solanine - . An investigation of. S. G. Willimott 43 1. 547. 397 689 IXUEX pro VOLUME LVIII xliii Poisoning-contrnued. Thallium sulphate --. 547. Tri-ortho-cresyl phosphate -. Iiidd and Poisons Toxicity of mixtures of -. B. A. Polarografo I1 Sua Teoria e Applicazioni. Polarographic methods for use in microanalysis. Poppyseed Oil Iodine value of --. Pork Cold storage of -.Portland Cement Analysis of __ . J . C. Redmond 781. Post-Motfem cases ; Detection and estimation of aloes in -. G. F. Hall and W. M. Keightley 518. Potassium Conductometric method of titrating -. J. H. Boulad 781. Determination of - by titration of the cobaltinitrite with permanganate. P. L. Hibbard and P. R. Stout 302. Determination of small amounts of - by the cobaltinitrite method. A. H. Lewis and F. B. Marmoy 499. Potassium Bromate as means of determining formaldehyde. L. Spitzer 360. Potassium Chloride Separation of sodium chlo-ride and __ by means of aniline bitartrate. J . Kunz 302. Potassium Dichromate and ferrous sulphate as means for the volumetric determination of cobalt. L. A. Sarver 639. and potassium permanganate in a mixture; Volumetric determination of -.B. L. Vaish and M. Prasad 148. Potassium Perchlorate Study of -. E. Kahane 781. Potassium Permanganate and potassium di-chromate in a mixture ; Volumetric deter-mination of -. B. L. Vaish and M. Prasad 148. Potato plant ; Poisonous gluco-alkaloid (solan-ine) in -. 431. Potentiometric analysis ; New electrode-com-bination for rapid -. W. Hiltner 723. Pregl micro-combustion ; Electric heating appa-ratus for -. R. Guillemet 248. Preservative value of hops. Colorimetric deter-mination of -. J. M. Guthrie and G. G. Philip 411. Preservatives in food. Suggested revision of Regulations. 401. Procaine Microchemical identification of novo-caine (-). M. Wagenaar 178. Z-Proline Sublimation temperature of -.117. Proteins Arnold’s sodium nitroprusside reaction for - and the denaturing of flesh -by means of concentrated urea solution. 408. carbohydrate groups in - ; Application of the orcinol reaction to the determination of the nature and amount of. M. S6rensen and G. Haugaard 492. Formalin titration of -. D. Mr. Steuart 754. Lnbile sulphur in -. H. Zahnd and H. T. Clarke 708. milk-; Formaldehyde titration of - and its use in the detection of re-constituted creams etc. Langworthy 710. Southgate 1 7 3 . (Review) G. Semerano 64. J. Heyrovsk9 483. 525. 227. J. C. Harral 605. Psyllium seed. R. Hansche and E. U. Strll 767. Public Analysts Appointment of -. See Appointments. (Legal Notes), 634. See Birmingham, Gibraltar Kent Kingston-upon-Hull Lan-caster Leeds Leicester Salford and Stepney.See also Ministry of Health. Society of __ . See Society of Public Analysts. Pyramidone antipyrine in -__ ; Detection and determination of. Pyrethrum Flowers I’resencc of pyrethrolon and methyl-pyrethrolon in -. C. B. Gnad-inger and C. S. Corl 300. Pyrethrolon in pyrethrum flowers ; Presence of -. C. B. Gnadinger and C. S. Corl 300. Pyridine in nicotine; Determination of small amounts of -. N. Strafford and K. T. Parry- Jones 380. Form of certificate oi -. Notes from reports of --. J . Eury 290. Spot test for -. 372. Pyridine Sulphate Bromide method of determin-ing iodine values. Pyrites selenium in -; Determination of. K. Bruckner 783. Pyrogallate solution ; Use of alkaline - in gas analysis.J. S. Haldane and R. €3. Makgill, 378. Pyruvic Acid Determination of -. IV. B. Wendel 712. H. Hawley. 601. Q Qualitative Analyse auf Priiparativer Grundlage. 3rd Ed. Analysis ; Calculations of - . C. J. Engelder 126 ; (Review) 573. Analysis ; Elementary -. 2nd Ed. C. J. Engelder 508. analysis in presence of phosphate. T. B. Smith 365. Analysis ; Short Manual of Systematical -by means of Modern Drop Reactions. J. van Nieuwenburg and I. G. Dulfer 662. Chemical Analysis. R. K. McAlpine and B. A. Soule 730. Organic Analysis. Elementary Course in Identification of Organic Compounds. 2nd Ed. (Review) 0. Kamm 184. Quantitative Chemical Analysis ; Modern Method in - (Review) A. D. Mitchell and A. M. Ward 63. Clinical Chemistry.Vols. I. and 11. (Review), J. P. Peters and D. D. Van Slyke 181. determination of unweighable amounts of material. F. Emich 784. Quartz dust particles in the atmosphere ; Deter-mination of -. F. Lowe 571. Queensland Report of Government Analyst for - for the year ending June 1932. J . B. Henderson 98. Quinine in urine; Detection of - by the erythroquinine reaction. R. Monnet 628. o-Quinone test for cysteine. 0. Baudisch and E. Dyer 171. (Review) W. Strecker 506 xliv INDEX TO VOLUME LVIII R Radiation Standards of total -. Radiator heads ; Interual corrosion of aluminium Radioactivity of musts and wines. E. Canals and A. MCdaille 644. Radiometry Solar ultra-violet -. I. Ultra-violet limit of sunlight. W. D. Fleming, 373. Radium tests.403 404. Rape Oil Iodine value of -. Raspberries Changes in - after picking. T. Rat viscera ; Extraction of aloes from -. 531. Rayon metals in - Micro-determination of. B. P. Ridge 31. Corner and H. S. Cliff 721. Rmgants for Metals; Organic -. 126. for Spot Tests ; B.D.H. -. (Review) 64. Reducing sugars. See Sugars. Beichert-Meissl Value of the fat in Gorgonzola cheese. R. C. H. Johnson 469. Phytosteryl acetate test as a routine method in the examination of butter fats with border-line -. €1. Hawley 529. haorcinol reaction as means of distinguishing between aldohexoses and ketohesoses. C. Sampietro and I<. TBufel 360. Besomfin as fluorescence indicator. 722. Rhenium Separation of - from molybdenum. J. H. Miiller and W. A. La Laude 499.J . G. F. Druce 55. Bhodinols Colour reaction of some commercial -. S. Sabetay 418. Rhubarb Examination of - by ultra-violet light. -4. Castiglione 249. Rice bran. 347. bran extracts ; Chemical and biological analyses of -. -4. J . Hermano and F. Anido 356. Sclerotium disease of -. 347. River Water Phenols determined in -. Nolte, 713. Rock analysis ; Determination of small quanti-ties of nickel in -. H. F. Harwood and L. S. Theobald 673. XWdgenstrahlen Praktikum der Chemischen Analyse mit -. G. von Hevesy and E. Alexander 652. Botenolone Study of the toxicity of - using the goldfish as test animal. W. A. Gersdorf€, 297. Botenone Hydrochloride Study of toxicity of - using the goldfish as test animal. W. A. Gersdorf€ 297. Rouge Substitutes for -.406. Rubber Absorption of water by -. 404. -. 159. 535. Rendle 69. Volurnetnc determination of -. 229. free sulphur in - ; Volumetric determina-tion of. J. A. Robertson and J. Young, 778. hosing containing antimony pentasulphide, for use in the food industries ; Evaluation of -. 11. B. Bleyer and E. Spiegelberg, 353. in Chemical Engineering. H. P. Stevens and M. B. Donald 730. Eukota poultry food. 481. Rum Extractives of -. E. G. Jones 89. Rye Gliadins of -. Rye oil Formation of volatile fatty acids on exposure of - to the atmosphere. S. C. L. Gemtzen and M. Kauffman 99. H. Kiihl. 35.8. 5 Saccharimeter Standard scale for -. Saffron Examination of - by means of ultra-Sago Sale of tapioca as -. Sakaguchi Reaction for the quantitative deter-mination of arginine.E. Jorpes and s. ThorCn 103. Sale of Foods and Drugs Act Extracts from Ministry of Health Annual Report for 1931-32 and abstract of Public Analysts’ Reports for 1931. 156. Salford Report of the City Analyst for - for the year 1932. Sslicylaldoxime Determination of copper with -. Salmon Magnesium ammonium phosphate in canned -. L. H. James. 222; C. H. Manley 337. Salmonella infection of eggs. 758. Salt Iodine content of commercial iodised table solutions ; Determination of small amounts of ‘Tricalcium phosphate as a caking inhibitor in H. V. Moss T. W. Schilb and W. G. . M. Sage- Salvarsan Identification of -Sand metal particles in - ; ‘Detection of free. Sands Clays and Minerals.Vol. I No. 2 126; Sardines lead in canned - ; Occurrence and L. H. Lampitt and H. S. Rooke, Sausages Sulphur dioxide in biscuit meal in Truffle - containing Tubapmus rzsfus Schff. Schoutelen’s Test for aloes. 518. Science Students; Basic German for -. M. L. Barker 314 ; (Review) 571. Scientific and Industrial Research Dept. Food Investigation Board Report €or the year 1932. 611. Forest Products Research Board Report 155. Investigation of Atmospheric Pollution. Re-port of observations in the year ending 31st March 1932. 283. Report for the year 1931-1932. Water Pollution Research Board Report for the year ended 30th June 1932. Scleroproteins Use of colour reaction for hydroxy-proline in distinguishing the -. W. Morse 294. Sclerotium disease of rice.347. Sea Water fluorides in -; Determination T. G. Thompson and 693. 156. violet light. A. Castiglione 249. 06. H. E. Monk 687. S. Austin and H. L. Riley 366. - . G. Prange 768. manganese in -. -. Warning. 232. naar 486. T. J. Ward 28. No. 3 314 ; No. 4 574. origin of. 733. -. 97. M. Briillau 615. N. A. CIark 638. 227. 282. and occurrence of. H. J . Taylor 369. Government Laboratory work on -INDEX TO VOLUME LVlll xlv Seaweed Iodine in dried __ and - gels. 405. Seed fat of Myristicn malabar.ica ; E:atty acid and glyceride structure of -. G. Collin 351. fats; Some Indian I). R. Dhingra, G. L. Seth and 1,. C. Speers 350. Selenious Acid as means of determining zircon-ium in steel. s. C . Simpson and W. C. Schumb 343.Selenium catalyst; Application of __ in the determination of nitrogen and phosphorus in phopliolipids. catalysts Comparison of copper mercury and __- in tlie Kjeldalil i~~ethocl. K. A. Osborn and A. Krasnitz 289. Determination of iodine in organic coni-pounds containing -. F. nI. Hanier 26. in pyrites ; Determination of _I . K. Briickner 783. Selenocyanate Argentonietric determination of -. K. liipan 783. Separation of _I from halides. G. Spacu and V. :lrineanu 114. I-Serine Sublimation temperature of 117. Sesame Oil Iodine value of --. Sewage chlorination ; Control of -. Use and 1;. E. Iiurtz 636. 525 601. C‘. Lea i 7 9 . value of tlie o-tolidine test. sludge ; Tlricd --. 225. Stability test of ancl its relation to treatment ; Activated sludge 1)rocess of enzyme activity.283. Sheep Butter from milk ot -~ in Greece. T. H. Stathopoulo 762. Shooting cases in Palestine. 517. Shrewsbury Appointment of H. 1 .o\ve a s I.’ublic Silica content of lungs. W-. R. TVooli-idge 490. Analyst for -. 91. -i. 1;. Sladden 7 7 5 . fluorine and phosphate in presence of ~ - : Determination of. T. Millner and F. Kunos 422. Wcate analysis ; Determination of small qnanti-ties of nickel in -. Silicon graphitic __ in siliceous residue ; Determination of. in aluminium ; Effect of heat-treatment of the metal on determination of --. I,. H. Callendar 8 1. in presence of fluoride and orthophosphate ; Determination of T. Millner and F. Iiunos 54. Silicotungstic Acid as means of determining basic dyestuffs.E. B. Johnson 778. Silk Analysis of weighted -. li. T. Mcase, 175. 673. L. H. Callendar 580. Artificial Scr Artificial Silk. filaments ; Swelling of 228. Silver lead in copper alloys containing - ; Silver Chloride Bactericidal properties of --. Smelting Works ; Report on --. 536. Smoke nicotine in cigarette __- ; Occurrence of. 111. C. Pyrilci 487. Determination of. 2 5 . J . Dekker and C. EI. Deltker-Koers. 337. tobacco - See Tobacco. Soaps Perfumes Cosmetics and - --. 4th l<d. Vol. TI. ( K w k v ) W. A. I’oucher. P5!. Society of Chemical Industry Annual Reporxs 01 - on the Progress of Applied Chemistry. 1932. Vol. XVII. 312. Society of Chemical Industry-continued. Joint Meeting of Food Group of - with the Society of Public Analysts.200. Society of Public Analysts Annual Address of the President (F. W. F. Arnaud) 1933. 192. Annual Report of Council March 1933. 188. Council’s recommendations on the freezing point of milk. 318. Joint Meeting with Food Group of the Society of Chemical Industry 200. North of England Section. 1 . 127 164 253, 377,653. Proceedings of -- 1 65 127 187 253, 325 377 431 509 575 653 731. Keminiscences of its First Fifty Years and Iteview of its Sctivities. (Review) B. Dyer and C. -%. Mitchell 119. Sodamide method of determining halogens in organic conipounds. I;. Govaert 49. Sodsmmonium method of determinin- halogens in organic compounds ; Iletermynation of fluorine. I?. Govaert 107. Sodium Application of the volumetric deter-mination of uranium t o the indirect titra-tion of uranium to the indirect titration of minute quantities of --.I. 11. Kolthofi and J . S. Lingane 419. Micro-detection of _- with uranyl acetate. 784. Picrolonic acid as reagent for --. Y . Vol-mar and &I. Leber 782. Sodium Borate Action of ~- 011 tlie reaction of alkali cvanides with reducing sugars. J . Bougault %. Hardj- and A. Pinguet 410. Sodium Chloride Separation of potassium chloride and - by means of aniline bitartrate. J . Kunz 302. Sodium Cyanamide Potentionietric titration of -. H. Sinozaki 491. Sodium Hydrosulphide in sodiuni sulphide pro-ducts Determination of E. Renesch 78-3. Sodium Molybdate solutions ; rlction of various sugars on the reation of --. 1’. Thomas and C.Iialman 617. Sodium Morrhuate Variation in commercial samples. R. T. 31. Haines 353. Sodium Nitroprusside reaction (of Arnold) for proteins and the denaturing of flesh protein by means of concentrated urea solution. I<. Eeck and H. Urack 408. Sodium Sulphate Preparation of anhydrous __ V. Cerchez and C. Panaitescu 419. Sodium Sulphide products ; Determination of sodium hydrosulphide in --. E. Benesch, 782. Sodium Sulphite and elon as reducir;g agents in the colorimetric determination of phos-phorus. G. van der Lingen 755. Solanine poisoning ; An investigation of -. S. G. Williniott 431. Solanocapsine A new alkaloid with a cardiac action. J . &I. Watt H. I-. Heimann and E. Epstein 173. 2nd Ed C. \V. Davies 314 ; (Review) 645.Solutions Conductivity of -. Solvents 3rd Ed. T. H. Durrans 652. Use of Agulhon’s reagent in the analysis uf -. E. C. Craven. 776 xlvi INDEX TO VOLUME LVIlI Sorbitolin wine Detection of -. Sonth Africa Cryoscopy of Milk in -. Soya Bean flour and pea flour. B. Bleyer, W. Diemair and G. Lix 163. L. Denis-Nathan 574. D. Kaltschewa, 162. and the characteristics of the extracted oils. G. S. Jamieson W. F. Baughman and R. S. McKinney 289. Spectrophotometric method of determining vita-min A in oils. A. Chevallier and P. Chabre, 487. Spectrophotometry Practice of Absorption -. F. Twyman 126. Spelter cadmium in - ; Determination of. A. Pass and A. M. Ward 667. Sperm Oil Iodine value of -. Spinach vitamin C in - ; Influence of manuring on.F. V. von Hahn and J. Gorbing 632. Spirit Tables a t 80°/800 F. F. G. H. Tate 574 ; (Review) 723. Spirits Strength of - Ascertainment Regu-lations. 695. Spot plate which can be heated. H. Frankel 501 Spot Tests B.D.H. Reagents for -. (Review), Oil-content of nine varieties of 526. 64. for ammonium salts. for detecting free basic oxides in glass. F. Feigl 642. for some organic compounds. I. M. Koren-man 371. New method of carrying out -. J. Winkel-mann 116. to distinguish calcite and aragonite. F. Feigl and H. Leitmeier 642. Spraying Determination of mineral oil retained by leaf surface after -. L. H. Dawsey and A. J. Haas 299. Standardisation Bibliography on -. Standards British -. Institution. Stanley’s wool manure. 225.Stannous Sulphide Precipitation of tin as -. B. Linke and H. Preissecker 780. Starch Constitution of - New method of acetylation. W. S. Rkich and A F. Damanski 493. Steam distillates ; Apparatus for separation and measurement of - . W. H. Simmons and C. A. Hills 396. Steam-Distillation apparatus. J. A. Radley 153. Stearines Analysis of oleines and -. V. Steel Aluminium in nitriding - determined H. A. titanium in - Determination of . T. R. Zirconium in - ; Determination of. S. G. Zirconium determined in - by means of S. G. Simpson and W. C. Stepney Report of Borough Analyst for __ for D. Henville 96. Stone and stone-workine in ancient EevDt. 654. F. Feigl 641. 126. See British Standards Boulez 50. by the use of 8-hydroxyquinoline. Bright and R.M. Fowler 498. Cunningham 7 15. Simpson and W. C. Schumb 497. selenious acid. Schumb 243. the year 1931. Storage Effect of - on vitamin A in dried foods. G. S. Fraps and R. Treichler 416. Straits Settlements Report of the Government Analyst for - for 1932. J. C. Cowap, 472. Strawberries Bacteriological examination of -. 534. Strontium Detection of - in systematic qualitative analysis. J . and H. Brintzinger, 715. Strophanthins of Stvophanthus Eminiz. W. A. Jacobs and N. M. Bigelow 165. Strophanthus Chemical tests for -. 704. seeds ; Colour reaction of different varieties of - with sulphuric acid. 31. Wagenaar 44. Strophanthus Eminii Strophanthins of-. W. A. Jacobs and N. M. Bigelow 165. Struvite (magnesium ammonium phosphate; in canned salmon.L. H. James 222 ; C. €3. Manley 337. Sublimation temperatures of twelve amino-acids. J. W. Brown 117. Sucrose laevulose in presence of ~ ; Alicro-method for detecting and determining. F. Fischl 424 570. Suet Labelling of shredded -. 224. Sugar Analysis ; International Commission for Uniform Methods of -. Report of Pro-ceedings of the Eighth Session. 156. in blood ; Application of the iodimetric method to the determination of -. H. Bierry, B. Gouzon and C. Magnan 354. Iron and thorium precipitation of biological fluids for -. A. Steiner F. Urban and E. S. West 46. of normal and starvation urine; Chemical nature of fermentable -. E. S. West and A. Steiner 233. particles in chocolate ; Enumeration of -. 443. Tricalcium phosphate as a caking inhibitor in -.H. V. Moss T. W. Schilb and W. G. Warning 232. Sugars Action of various - on the reaction of sodium molybdate solutions. P. Thomas and C . Kalman 617. Fermentation of rare - by members of the colon-aerogenes groups of bacteria. I. Trehalose. C. F. Poe and J. T. Field 106. Micro-method for determining - . K. Linderstrerm-Lang and H. Holter 568, reducing-; Action of sodium borate on the reaction of alkali cyanides with -. J. Bougault 2. Hardy and A. Pinguet 410. reducing- ; Determination of - by titration of ferricyanide. reducing-; New reactions of - . H. Wuyts 481. reducing - of urine ; Determination of. E. S. West and V. L. Peterson 233. Sullivan’s Reaction for the quantitative deter-mination of cysteine and cystine.J. W. H. Lugg 629. Sulphanfiicj Acid Spot test for -. Sulphate in wine ; Determination of - by the benzidine method. E. Lobstein and M. Ancel 700. Sulphates Volumetric method for determining -. 1. C. Giblin. 752. S. W. Cole 616. 372 INDEX TO VOLUlVlE LVIII xlvii 8ulphide in zinc sulphide determined by the expulsion method. Snlphonated oils ; Analysis of -. E. R. Theis and J. M. Graham 240. Sulphur gases in air. 284. in coal and coke; Rapid volumetric deter-mination of -. E. L. Skau and I . L. Newell 499. in ointments etc. ; Determination of free -. X. L. Allport 705. in proteins; Labile -. H. Zahnd and H. T. Clarke 708. in rubber ; Volumetric determination of free - J. A. Robertson and J. Young 778. in various parts of the wheat grain.G. Bertrand and L. Silberstein 617. micro-determination of - as benzidine sul-phate; Use of Jena glass filters in. R. Guillemet 248. Volumetric determination of free -. -4. Castiglioni 114. Sulphur Dioxide in biscuit meal in sausages. 97. Sulphuric *Acid Colour reactions of different vaneties of strophanthus seeds with -. M. Wagenaar 44. J L. Buchan 682. in consumption sugar. 156. Works ; Report on-. 536. Sulphurous Acid in the atmosphere 96. Sulphydryl-containing substances ; Reaction of 8un Composition of the -. H. N. Russell, Sunlight Measurement of - in Salford. 690. (ultra-violet light) observations. 401. Ultra-violet limit of -. W. D. Fleming, -. 126. A. Giroud and H. Bulliard 173. 373. Supernic 45. Sycamore wood Identification of -.219. Syntheses Organic -. Vol. XI1 (Review), Ed. by F. C. Whitmore 250. Vol. XIII. Ed. by W. H. Carothers 574 (Review) 788. Tamal fat. D. R. Dhingra G. L. Seth and P. C. Speers 350. Tamarind seed as adulterant of coffee. Tannic Acid treatment of bums; Stability of aqueous solutions of gallotannin with reference to -. W. A. Woodard and A. N. Cowland 553. Tannin in wines; Determination of -. Astruc and Castel 411. method for separating tantalum from niobium, H. T. S. Britton and R. A. Robinson 368. solutions ; Electrometric determinations in -. H. Schweitzer 496. Tea “free from -.” 35. 400 609. Tanning materials ; Analysis of miscellaneous -. V. J . Mlejnek 714. Tannins Precipitation of alkaloids by - and the use of antipyrine in the detection of -.Tantalum analytical chemistry of niobium -and their mineral associates ; Investiga-tions into. XXV. Separation of uranium from niobium titanium and -. W. R. Sthoeller and H. W. Webb 143. A. H. Ware and V. Smith 703. Tantalum-contiwed. Separation of - from niobium by the tannin method. H. T. S. Britton and R. -4. Robinson 368. Tapioca Sale of - as sago. Tar acids in effluents ; Toxicity of -. 283. Tartaric Acid Colorimetric determination of -. A. K. Anderson A. H. Rouse and T. V. Letonoff 237. in foodstuffs ; Determination of -. J. King 135. in grape juice. 552. in the human body ; Fate of -. P. Finkle, Tea Adulterants of -. 25. Supposed poisoning by -. J. T. Dunn and H. C. L. Bloxam 275. “free from tannin.” 400 609.Teak seeds ; Oil from -. S. V. Puntambekar and S. Krishna 765. Tectona Grandis Oil from the seeds of -(teak). S. V. Puntambekar and S. Krishna, 765. Tellurium addition of - to lead Some effects of. W. Singleton and Brimley Jones 366. 96. 291. Atomic weight of -. 230. lead alloyed with - ; Analysis of. 452. Temperature measurement. 403. Tetraethyl Lead Effect of - on the octane number of petrol. L. E. Hebl T. B. Rendel and F. L. Garton 239. Tetrahydroxyanthraquinone See Quinalizarin. Tetramethylammonium Determination of -. 8 6-Tetramethyldiaminoxanthone as fluore-Textiles Application of infra-red photography P. W. Cunliffe 308. Thallium Atomic weight of -. Colorimetric determination of -. P. A. Identification of - as thiocarbonate.lead alloyed with - ; Analysis of. J. J. Bikermann 109. scence indicator. 722. to -. 230. Shaw 358. M. Picon 302. 460. Thallium Sulphate poisoning. 547. Thallous Thiocarbonate Preparation and pro-perties of -. Picon 111. Theobromine in pharmaceutical preparations determined by Boie’s method. H. J. Van Giffen 101. Thermal Conductivity ; Gas Analysis by Mea-surement of -. (Review) H. A. Daynes, 425. Thermodynamics Chemical Engineering and - applied to the Cement Rotary Kiln. G. Martin 126. Thermometers Precision -. 403. Thiocarbonate Identificaton of thallium as -. M. Picon 302. Thiocyanate Colorimetric determination of iron as -. L. de Brouckbre and A. E. Gillet, 640. Thiocyanic Acid in the living organism.J. A. Klaassen 48. Thionylaniline as a reagent in organic chemistry and its use for the identification of acids by the formation of anilides. P. Carr6 and D. Liebermann. 191 xlviii INDEX TO VOLUbIE LVIII Thoria Colour reaction of -~ with quinalizarin. A. S. Komarovsky and I. M. Korenman 781. Bordeianu 237. Thyroid Gland inorganic iodinc in desiccated - ; Determination of. W. Lawson 486, thyroxine in - ; Determination of. N. F. Blau 706. Water-soluble iodine content of desiccated -. C. R. Harington and S. S. Randall, 166. Thyroxine in thyroid gland ; Determination of N. I?. Blau 706. Wtiki extracts ; Chemical and biological analyses of -. -4. J . Hermano and F. Anido 356. Timber Decomposition of - under industrial conditions.E. A. Kudge 772. Timbers Manganese content of some Australian -. W. E. Cohen and A. B. Jamieson, 633. Tin in food and biological material; Biblio-graphy on -. lead alloyed with __ ; Analysis of. 460. Precipitation of - as stannous sulphide. B. Linke and H. Preissecker 780. Removal of ~ from tinned-lead tubes by tooth-pastes. V. Froboese 296. Thymol Determination of -__ . c. v. T. H. Pope 398. Tincture of Iodine Sale of -. Tinplate Corrosion of -. 613. Tigsues ethyl alcohol normally present in human and animal - ; Isolation identification and quantative determination of. A. 0. Gettler J. 13. Niederl and A. A. Benedetti-Pichler 369. mwium in steels; Determination of -. T. 13. Cunningham 715. microchemistry of - ; Collected references to.K. Heller 305. Separation of uranium from tantalum nio-bium and -. W. R. Schoeller and H. W. Webb 143. Tobago See Trinidad. Tobacco nicotine in - and - smoke; Polarimetric determination of. E. Toole, 625. Nicotine in - ; Determination of. W. Mohr 766. smoke ; Application of adsorbing agents to the removal of poisonous matters from -. -4. Schaarschmidt 44. smoke; Investigations on -. E. Waser and M. Stahli 45 165. o-Tolidine test for sewage chlorination ; Use and value of -. Tomato Conductivity and acidity of -. 551. Tomatoes Storage of -. 612. Tooth-Pastes Removal of lead and tin from tinned-lead tubes bv -. V. Froboese, 896. Toxicity of isomeric iiienthols ; Antiseptic value and -. 236. of mixtures of poisons. B. A. Southgate 173.of rotenone hydrochloride acetylrotenone and rotenolone ; Study of - using the goldfish as test animal. Toxicological analysis. -4bstracts 106 173, 224. C. Lea 779. W. A. Gersdroff 297. of tar acids in effluents. 296 358 710 772. 283. Trade Mark Law; Memoranduni on Bntish -. 473. mehalose Fermentation of - by members of the colon-aerogenes groups of bacteria. C. F. Poe and J. T. Field 106. Tricalcium Phosphate as a caking inhibitor in salt and sugar. H. V. Moss T. W. Schilb and W. G. Warning 232. !hielaidin Conversion of triolein into __ in the presence of oxides of nitrogen. 416. Trimethylarsine Formation of -. F. Chal-lenger C. Higginbottom and L. Ellis 236. Widad and Tobago Report of the Government Analyst for ~ for the year 1932.H. S. Shrewsbury 696. Triolein Conversion - into trielaidin in presence of oxides of nitrogen. Tri-Ortho-Cresyl Phosphate poisoning (“ginger paralysis”). Kidd and Langworthy 710. Triphenyl Tin Fluoride Determination of fluorine by precipitation as -. N. AIIen and N. H. Purman 113. Tryptophane Sublimation temperature of -. 117. Tubipotus Rufus Schff. Truffle sausage con-taining -. M. Briillau 615. Tung Oil Iodine value of -. Tungsten Determination of - with o-hydroxyquinoline. S. Halberstadt 302. &Tyrosine Sublimation temperature of -. 117. 416. 526. U Ultra:Violet lamps ; Measurement of the radia-tion output of --. light; Action of - on gelatin in paper. H. A. Bromley 29. light; Detection of a banknote forgery by means of -.J. Grant 603. light; Erasures and -. C. A . Mitchell, 532. light ; Examination of saffron and of rhubarb by -. A. Castiglione 249. Light ; Fluoresence Analysis in -. 3 . ,4. Radley and J. Grant 730. light ; Measurement of - in Salford. 690. light (sunlight) observations. 401. light ; Use of - in the brewery laboratory. radiometry; Solar -. I. - limit of rays ; Application of fluorescent indicators rays in the tropics. 348. E . H. Harvey 249. S. Pickholz 571. sunlight. W. D. Fleming 373. and -. W. Holthoff 180. Undulant Fever 758. United States of America Grading of inilk in -348. Uranium microchemistry of ~ ; Collected references to. K. Heller 305. Separation from tantalum niobium and titanium. W. R. Schoeller and H. W. Webb 143.Volumetric determination of -. Applica-tion to the indirect titration of minute quantities of sodium. I. M. Kolthoff and J. J. Lingane 419. Uranyl Acetate for the micro-detection of sodium. 784 INDEX To VOLUME LVIII xlix Uranyl Ion Inhibiting action of certain ions on the fluorescence of - and its applica-tions to inorganic chemical analysis. Volmar and Mathis 570. Urea Methylols derived from - determined by means of Hessler’s reagent. J. Bougault and J . Laboucq 300. micro-determination of - as dixanthyl-ureate; Use of Jena glass filters in. R. Guillemet 248. solution ; Concentrated - as means for denaturing flesh protein. K. Beck and H. Urack 408. Uricrrse and its action; VI. Distribution in various animals. R. Truszkowski and C. Goldman6wna 627.Urine acetylsalicylic acid in - ; Determina-tion of. barbituric principles in - ; Identification and determination of. M. Paget and C. Desodt 772. Copper-content of - of normal individuals. I. M. Rabinowitch 358. fermentable sugar of normal and starvation - ; Chemical nature of. E. S. West and A. Steiner 233. j3-hydroxybutyric acid in - ; Clinical detection of. J. Khouri 292. indoxyl compounds in - * Quantitative determination of. H. Shark 170. lactose and glucose in - ; Practical method for the simultaneous determination of. I. S. Kleiner and H. Tauber 413. of pregnancy; Separation of the anterior pituitary-like hormone from -. C. A. Elden 559. Quinine in ~ detected by the erythro-quinine reaction. R. Monnet 628. reducing sugars of - ; Determination of.E. S. West and V. L. Peterson 233. Z-xyloketose in - ; Simple method for detecting and determining. M. Lasker and M. Enklewitz 558. Uronic Acid in plants and plant materials ; Deter-mination of -. M. Phillips M. J. Goss and C. A. Browne 495. A. J. Quick 558. V bo-Valine Sublimation temperature of -. Vanillin Spot test for -. Vapour Density determination ; Micro -. I. Determination of molecular weight. J. B. Niederl and W. J . Saschek 114. 11. De-termination of boiling points. J . B. Niederl and I. B. Routh 115. 117. 373. Varnish and its use in ancient Egypt. Vutetfa Indica Linn Fat from the seeds of -. S. V. Puntambekar and S. Krishna 620. Vegetable lecithin in pastry ; Detection of -. 0. Mezger H.Jesser and M. Volkmann 555. tissues ; Sensitive reaction for caffeine appli-cable to --. A. Martini 56. Vegetables Conductivity of certain -. Their acidity and degree of ripening. R. Tomii and G. Kitajima 5.51. Lead arsenate in -. 98. 659. Veronal Toxicological detection of -. J . Vinegar Acetylmethylcarbinol and diacetyl “ Acid ” - . 610. Distinction of wine __ from other -. A. Patzauer 700. Identification of wine - spirit - and artificial -. Vitamin values of fermentation ___ and of artificial “ essence ” __ . J . Knzenecky and M. Nevalonnyj 770. Viscometer New universal-. F. Hijppier 179. Viscose Rayon Analysis of mixtures of cotton B. P. Ridge and K. Turner 363. Vitacream Sale of -. 224. Vitamin beverage. 400. values of fermentation vinegar and of artrficial “ essence ” vinegars.J . KGigeneckf and &I. Nevalonnyj 770. Vitamin A activity of fruits ; Effect of light on -. L. I,. W. Smith and -4. I;. JIorgan, 561. and carotene. X. Relative minimum doses of carotene and -. and carotene content of butter. C . A. Baumann and H. Steenbock 560. stances which interfere with the. K. E. Corbet H. H. Geisinger and H. N. Holmes, 414. content of naturally coloured nut margarines. C. F. Poe and H. A. Fehlmann 415. in cod-liver oil emulsions ; Stability of -. H. N. Griffiths T. P. Hilditch and J . Rae 65. in cod-liver oils ; Determination of - (A) biologically (B) chemically ( C ) physically. K. H. Coward IT. J . Dyer and R. -4. Morton, 105. in dried foods; Effect of storage on -.G. S. Fraps and R. Treichler 415. in fish-liver oils. I-’. N. Chakravorty €3. G. Mookerjee and B. C. Guha 771. in halibut liver oil. 613. in oils determined by a spectropliotometnc method. A. Chevallier and P. Chabre 487. in unsaponifiable lipids of ox-liver. F. C. Freytag and H. G. Smith 294. potency of butter fat. C. L. Shrewsbury and H. I<. Kraybill 631. Variations in the quality of butter in relation t o carotene xanthophyll and - coctents. ,4. E. Gillam and Others 630. Vitamin B1 Crystalline preparation of - from baker’s yeast. H. W. Kinnersley J . T. O’Brien and R. A. Peters 488. Vitamin C Chemical nature of -. J . L. Svirbely and A. Szent-Gyargyi 48‘3. Colour reactions of -. N. Bezsson ofi and A. Delire 563. content of Baldwin apples and apple products.C. R. Fellers M. M. Cleveland and J . A. Clague 771. content of foodstuffs Microchemical method of determining -. T. W. Birch. 1,. J. Hams and S. N. Ray 490. content of frozen orange and grapefruit juices. L. W. Conn and A. H. Johnson 235; E. M. Kelson and H. H. Mottern 235. Peltzer 773. in wood -. J. Pritzker 761. J. J. Dingemans 619. and -. T. More 629. antimony trichloride test for - Sub 1 INDEX TO V ILUME LVlIl Vitamin C-continued. in spinach ; Influence of manuring on -. F. V. von Hahn and J. Giirbing 632. Reducing value of plant juices containing -, as determined by 2 6-dichlorophenol in-dophenol. H. H. Mottern E. M. Nelson and R. Walker 48. Reduction-capacity of plant foodstuffs and its relation to -.J . Tillmans P. Hirsch and R. Vaubel 295. Vitamin D potency of sun-irradiated dried yeast. K. H. Coward 772. Vitamin E in unsaponifiable lipids of ox-liver. F. C . Freytag and H. G. Smith 294. Vitamin G (B2) Concentration and probable chemical nature of -. L. E. Booker 709. Vitamins -4ddition of - to foods. and Other Dietary Essentials. (Review), It-. li. Aykroyd 428. Bibliographical Survey of - 1650-1930. (Review) E. M. Salmonsen 186. Fat-soluble -. XXXVI. Carotene and vitamin A content of butter. XXXVII. Stability of carotene solutions. C. A. Baumann and H. Steenbock 560. in Health and Disease. B. Sure 508; (Review) 650. Survey of Present Knowledge. (Review), Lister Institute and Medical Research Council. 121. Volume Report on Metric Units of -.British Standard Specification No. 501. 730. 757. W Warwick Appointment of W. J. Rigby and F. G. D. Chalmers as Public Analysts for Borough of -. 91. Water analysis ; Abstracts 359 490 712 717. Fluoride in - determined colorimetrically by means of ferric chloride. M. D. Foster, 712. in wool determined by distillation. C. 0. M. Steward 301. Photometric micro-analysis of -. C. Ur-bach 717. Pollution Research Board Report for the year ended 30th June 1932. 282. Purification Control. River -. See River Water. Sea -. See Sea Water. softeners ; Base exchange of -. 283. Supplies ; Examination of Waters and -. 4th Ed. (Review) J. C. Thresh J. F. Beale and E. V. Suckling 727. Supplies of the Federated Malay States. R. W. Blair 574.Titration method for determining -. R. P. Bell 110. Water of Crystallisation Determination of -. Preparation of anhydrous oxalic acid and sodium sulphate. V. Cerchez and C. Panaitescu 419. Waterglass Rapid analysis of -. F. S. Pertschik 641. Waters aluminium in - ; Determination of small quantities of. E. S. Hopkins 652. E. Naumann 359. Waters-contin ued. Artesian - in Philippine Islands. corrosive and plumbo-solvent - ; Treat-Examination of Water Supplies and -. J. C. Thresh J. F. Beale Nitrates in Gibraltar drinking -. 348. ment of. 283. 4thEd. (Review). and E. V. Suckling 727. 34. Weaving in ancient Egypt 658. Westminster Appointment of F. W. Edwards as Additional Public Analyst for the Metro-politan Borough of -. 533.Wheat Flour. Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Statutory Rules and Orders 1933, No. 592. 478. Gliadins of -. H. Kuhl 355. grain ; Sulphur and phosphorus in the various parts of -. G. Bertrand and L. Silber-stein 617. Lipases of -. I. B. Sullivan and M. A. Howe 169. Wheat Act 1932 Definition of bread flour meal etc. 98. Wheat Oil Formation of volatile fatty acids on exposure of - to the atmosphere S. C . L. Gerritzen and M. Kauffman 99. Wholesaler Proceedings against -. Wine citric acid in --; Determination of. Sorbitol detected in -. B. Bleyer W. Sulphate in - determined by the benzidine vinegar; Distinction of - from other 97. W. Bartels 164. Diemair and G. Lix 163. method. vinegars. A. Patzauer 700. Dingemans 619. Wines Radioactivity of -. A. MCdaille 644. tervalent iron in -. 552. and Castel 41 1. E. Lobstein and M. Ancel 700. vinegars ; Identification of - . J* J-E. Canals and red- ; Colorimetric determination of total and J. RibQeau-Gayon, tannin in -; Determination of. Astruc 659. Chemical changes induced in -by saturated steam under pressure. W. G. Campbell and K. F. Taylor 495. Chemistry of the white rots of -. 111. (Effect of certain mould on wood substance.) W. G. Campbell 236. vinegar ; Acetylmethylcarbinol and diacetyl in -. J. Pritzker 761. Woods casein in - ; Qualitative detection of. T. H. Whitehead 365. Further notes on the identification of charcoals and -. J. C. Maby. 219. of hoop pine and bunya pine ; Chemical test for distinguishing between -. W. E. Cohen 636. of the ironbark group ; Chemical composition of -. Australian Division of Forest Pro-ducts Technical Paper. 345. Wool Acidity in -. S. R. Trotman and G. N. Gee 418. acids in dyed - ; Determination of. S. R. Trotman and G. N. Gee 174. Wood and wood-working in ancient Egypt INDEX TO VOLUME LVIII li Wool-Gontanued. fabrics ; Estimation of damage on chlorinated - C. H. Edwards 240. Felting of -. 228. manure ; Stanley’s -. 225. Water in - determined by distillation. Woolwich Appointment of H. A. Williams as Writing Blue dye as evidence of the age of -. C. 0. M. Steward 301. Public Analyst for -. 91. C. E. Waters 776. X Xanthophyll Variations in the quality of butter, in relation to vitamin A carotene and -contents. A. E. Gillam and Others 630. Xenon Atomic weight of -. 230. l-Xyloketose in urine; Simple method for de-M. Lasker tecting and determining -. and M. Enklewitz 558. Y Yeast Cerevisterol a sterol accompanying ergo-sterol in -. E. M. Honeywell and C. E. Bills 104. Crystalline preparations of vitamin B from baker’s - H. W. Kinnersley J . R. O’Brien and R. A. Peters 488. lipids of - ; Chemistry of. I. Composition of the acetone-soluble fat. M. S. Newman and R. J. Anderson 707. nitrogen in - ; Determination of. J. S. Ford and Others 618. Vitamin D potency of sun-irradiated dried -. K . H. Coward 772. Z Zelio (poisoned wheat). 547. Zinc cadmium in presence of - ; Determina-tion of. compounds in atmospheric dusts ; Occurrence and source of -. J. T. Dunn and H. C. L. Bloxam 500. Determination of - with anthranilic acid. H. Funk and M. Ditt 241. Effect of pH on precipitation of - from acetate solutions. H. R. Fleck and A. M. Ward 388. in aluminium and aluminium alloys ; Deter-mination of - . H. Wagner and H. Kolb 53. in food and biological material ; Bibliography on -. T. H. Pope 30. in presence of copper iron and aluminium; Iodimetric determination of -. R. Lang and J. Reifer 496. in sized cotton ; Detection and determination of magnesium and -. A. Geake 61. micro-detection of - ; Collected references to. K. Heller 305. Micro-detection of - with iodisan (hexa-methyl-diamino-iso-propanol-diiodide) . 786. New reagent for -. Separation from iron nickel and manganese, 637. Separation of - from aluminium chromium and manganese. E. H. Swift R. C. Barton and H. S. Backus 53. Zinc Ores cadmium in - ; Determination of. A. Pass and A. M. Ward 667. Zinc Snlphide Sulphide in - determined by the expulsion method. Zirconis Colour reaction of - with quinali-zarin. A. S. Komarovsky and I. M. Korenman 781. Zirconium in steel; Determination of -. S. G. Simpson and W. C. Schumb 497. in steel ; Determination of - by selenious acid. S . G. Simpson and W. C. Schumb 243 A. Pass and A. M. Ward 667. A. J. Quick 241. J. L. Buchan 682. PRINTED BY W. HEFFER & SONS LTD. CAMBRIDGE ENGLAND


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