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Acid Anilides: II. The preparation of saturated fatty acid anilides from fatty acids and their esters


作者: A. P. de Jonge,   B. van der Ven,   W. den Hertog,  


期刊: Recueil des Travaux Chimiques des Pays‐Bas  (WILEY Available online 1956)
卷期: Volume 75, issue 1  

页码: 5-21




年代: 1956




出版商: WILEY‐VCH Verlag


数据来源: WILEY



AbstractIn the previous preliminary communicationA. P. de Jonge, Rec. trav. chim. 74, 760 (1955).on the chromatography of acid anilides an outline was given of the method.In this and forthcoming publications, details of the preparation, the ultraviolet and infra‐red absorption spectra and of the chromatography are described.In the present communication the preparation of saturated fatty acid anilides is described. The melting points of the pure acid anilides have been determined, and the relevant data compared with those given in the literature. In addition, the solubility in water of the first four members of the homologous series has been determined.In connection with analytical application, procedures are given for a quantitative preparation of the anilides starting from small amounts of acid or este


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