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Social Origins of Salaried and Self-Employed Professional Workers*


作者: Otis Dudley Duncan,  


期刊: Social Forces  (OUP Available online 1965)
卷期: Volume 44, issue 2  

页码: 186-189




年代: 1965




出版商: The University of North Carolina Press


数据来源: OUP



The recent rapid growth of professional and allied pursuits has heavily favored the salaried sector of this occupation category. Partly as a consequence of differential growth, salaried professionals are younger than the much less numerous self-employed. They also have a distinctive pattern of recruitment, involving higher proportions of manual origins and manual first jobs than are observed among the self-employed, for whom occupational inheritance is a conspicuous pattern. Self-employed professional workers, moreover, include disproportionate numbers of men whose fathers were self-employed proprietors. Lower white-collar first jobs are an important route to salaried professional positions.


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