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Normative Values for Circadian and Ultradian Cardiovascular Rhythms in Childhood


作者: Charlotte,   Hadtstein Elke,   Wühl Marianne,   Soergel Klaus,   Witte Franz,  


期刊: Hypertension: Journal of The American Heart Association  (OVID Available online 2004)
卷期: Volume 43, issue 3  

页码: 547-554




年代: 2004


出版商: OVID


关键词: blood pressure;heart rate;children;adolescents;ambulatory blood pressure monitoring


数据来源: OVID



Abstract—To assess the prevalence and characteristics of physiological circadian (24-hour) and ultradian (12-, 8-, and 6-hour) rhythms of mean arterial blood pressure (BP) and heart rate (HR), we analyzed 24-hour ambulatory BP profiles from 938 healthy school children aged 5 to 18 years. Cosine harmonics were fitted by Fourier analysis, and an amplitude and acrophase (time of peak) were calculated for each rhythm. Ninety percent of children displayed circadian rhythmicity of BP, independent of age, whereas circadian HR rhythmicity decreased with puberty from 96% to 87% (P<0.0001). Puberty had marked effects on the prevalence of ultradian rhythmicity: 12- and 6-hour rhythms increased for BP (27% to 47%,P<0.0001; 18% to 25%,P=0.01) and HR (36% to 47%, 17% to 31%, bothP=0.001), whereas 8-hour BP rhythms decreased (34% to 23%,P=0.002). Median amplitudes were 10.1, 5.9, 5.6, and 5.2 mm Hg for the 24-, 12-, 8-, and 6-hour BP rhythms, respectively, and 13.4, 7.7, 6.8, and 6.4 bpm for HR. The acrophase occurred at approximately 14:00 hours, 8:00 hours, 5:30 hours, and 2:00 hours (military time) for the four BP rhythms, and at 13:30 hours, 08:30 hours, 01:50 hours, and 02:00 hours for HR. For the combined curve, the peak–trough difference was 25.9 mm Hg and 35 bpm for BP and HR, respectively, with the peaks occurring at 13:50 hours and 13:10 hours. There was marked association between BP and HR rhythms, both for prevalence (P<0.0001 for coupling of BP and HR rhythms of the same period length) and timing, with a median time lag of BP after HR acrophase of only 21, 16, 13, and 5 minutes for the four rhythms, respectively.


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