Front cover




期刊: Royal Institute of Chemistry, Reviews  (RSC Available online 1968)
卷期: Volume 1, issue 1  

页码: 001-002




年代: 1968




出版商: RSC


数据来源: RSC



R.I.C. Reviews R.I.C. Reviews, published twice yearly, will review areas of chemistry of interest to the chemist who has no specialist knowledge of the field under review, but who wishes to keep abreast of the growth of chemistry as a dis- cipline. These reviews will prove useful to students in familiarizing them- selves with a particular field. R.I.C. Reviews will interpret the significance of chemistry in a wide context and will publish articles on the economic, social and historical aspects of chemistry, as well as on the research and applied sectors. Suggestions for future titles are welcomed. Prospective contributors should write to the Editor, enclosing a synopsis (of about 250 words) indicating the scope of their subject. The preferred length for reviews is 8,000 words. Annual Subscription: €2 (R.I.C. members, Ll)


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