Contents pages




期刊: Proceedings of the Analytical Division of the Chemical Society  (RSC Available online 1975)
卷期: Volume 12, issue 10  

页码: 035-036




年代: 1975




出版商: RSC


数据来源: RSC



Proceedingsof the Analytical Division ofThe Chemical Society263264265265273275276278280CONTENTSRegional Advisory Editors of'The Analyst'Reports of MeetingsSummaries of Papers'Original Papers in PharmaceuticalAnalysis''On-line Chemical Analysis''Carbon Atomisers in Atomic-absorption Spectroscopy'Equipment NewsConferences and MeetingsAnalytical Division DiaryVolume 12 No 10 Pages 263-280 October 197PADSDZ 12(10)263-280(1975)ISSN 0306-1 396October 1975PROCEEDINGSOF THEANALYTICAL DIVISION OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETYOfficers of the Analytical Divisionof the Chemical SocietyPresidentG. W. C. MilnerHon. SecretaryP. G. W. CobbSecretaryMiss P. E. HutchinsonHon. Treasurer Hon. Assistant SecretariesJ. K. Foreman D.I. Coomber, O.B.E.; D. W. WilsonEditor, ProceedingsP. C. WestonProceedings is published by The Chemical Society.Editorial: The Director of Publications, The Chemical Society, Burlington House, London, W1 V OBN.Telephone 01 -734 9864. Telex 268001.Subscriptions (non-members): The Chemical Society, Publications Sales Office, Blackhorse Road, Letch-worth, Herts., SG6 IHN.Non-members can only be supplied with Proceedings as part of a combined subscription with The Analystand Analytical Abstracts.@ The Chemical Society 1975Analytical Abstracts-Quinquennial IndexVolumes 11 -1 5 : 1964-1 968To be published Autumn 7975This cumulative index is in two separate parts: the Author section (912 pages) and theSubject section (579 pages). It covers 35800 abstracts of the international literatureon all branches of analytical chemistry. The comprehensive alphabetical subject indexcontains almost I00000 entries and the author index includes titles, as well as the namesof all authors.Clothbound, 9%" x 6&", set of two Volumes €70.00CS Members' price f60.00Decennial Index - Volumes 1-1 0: 1954-1 963The earlier cumulative index, also in two separate parts: author section (1033 pages)and subject section (680 pages), covers 46200 abstracts. It is being offered for alimited period at a special reduced price if ordered with the Quinquennial Index.Decennial and Quinquennial Indexes, set of four Volumes €80.00CS Members' price f65.00Orders should be sent direct, with remittance, or through your usual bookseller to-The Publications Sales Officer, The Chemical Society, Blackhorse Road, Letchworth,Herts, SG6 1 HN


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