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Topological fluid dynamics of interfacial flows


作者: Morten Bro&slash;ns,  


期刊: Physics of Fluids  (AIP Available online 1994)
卷期: Volume 6, issue 8  

页码: 2730-2737




年代: 1994




出版商: AIP


数据来源: AIP



The topological description of flows in the vicinity of a solid boundary, that is familiar from the aerodynamics literature, has recently been extended to the case of flow at a liquid–gas interface or a free surface by Lugt [Phys. Fluids30, 3647 (1987)]. Lugt’s work is revisited in a more general setting, including nonconstant curvature of the interface and gradients of surface tension, using tools of modern nonlinear dynamics. Bifurcations of the flow pattern occur at degenerate configurations. Using the theory of unfolding, this paper gives a complete description of the bifurcations that depend on terms up to the second order. The general theory of this paper is applied to the topology of streamlines during the breaking of a wave and to the flow below a stagnant surface film.


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