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The value of medical student research: the experience at Stanford University School of Medicine


作者: Charlotte D Jacobs,   Patricia C Cross,  


期刊: Medical Education  (WILEY Available online 1995)
卷期: Volume 29, issue 5  

页码: 342-346




年代: 1995




出版商: Blackwell Publishing Ltd


关键词: *attitude;California;curriculum;*education;medical;undergraduate;*faculty;motivation;*research;students;medical/*psychology


数据来源: WILEY



SUMMARYAt Stanford University School of Medicine, students are encouraged to conduct research, requiring a substantial amount of funding and effort on the part of teaching staff. We questioned one graduating class and all medical teachers to determine the value of the research experience to students, as well as staff satisfaction. Seventy‐three per cent of students and 80% of teaching staff responded. Ninety per cent of students had performed research resulting in at least one published manuscript for 75% and a presentation at a national meeting for 52%. Almost all thought the experience taught them to ask questions, review the literature critically, and analyse data. Three‐quarters responded that the experience motivated them to pursue further research, and 60% indicated that they plan a full‐time academic career. The majority of teaching staff who worked with students found it rewarding and thought the student had had a valuable experience. We conclude that our curriculum provides a positive opportunity for students to develop an investigative approach to medical pro


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