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A new ichnospecies ofFuersichnusfrom the Cretaceous of Antarctica and its paleoecologic and stratigraphic implications


作者: LuisAlberto Buatois,  


期刊: Ichnos  (Taylor Available online 1995)
卷期: Volume 3, issue 4  

页码: 259-263




年代: 1995




出版商: Taylor & Francis Group


关键词: Fuersichnus;ichnotaxonomy;firmground;Glossifungitesichnofacies;Cretaceous;Antarctica


数据来源: Taylor



A new ichnotaxon is recognized in the Hidden Lake Formation, Upper Cretaceous of James Ross Island, Antarctica.Fuersichnus striatusconsists of horizontal to subhorizontal, isolated or loosely clustered, U‐shaped, curved to banana‐like burrows, characterized by distinctive striations parallel to the trace axis. It is interpreted as a dwelling structure probably produced by crustaceans or polychaetes. This recording ofFuersichnusextends its stratigraphic range from the Triassic‐Jurassic to the Cretaceous and its environmental setting from nonmarine to marine environments.F. striatustypified consolidated, but unlithified substrates. Accordingly, it must be considered a member of theGlossifungitesichnofacies.


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