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Nickel-iron alloys of high permeability, with special reference to mumetal


作者: W.F.Randall,  


期刊: Journal of the Institution of Electrical Engineers  (IET Available online 1937)
卷期: Volume 80, issue 486  

页码: 647-658


年代: 1937




出版商: IEE


数据来源: IET



The paper summarizes the development of high-permeability alloys from early researches to the commercial products of the present day.The difficulties encountered during manufacture, and the precautions necessary in these metallurgical processes, are described.Stress is laid on the correct methods of application to ensure that the magnetic properties of the alloys are utilized to full advantage, and the need for heat treatment is emphasized . Propositions are put forward to explain the mechanism of this heat-treatment process, and the practical procedure is given.Data on curves show the electrical and magnetic properties of the alloys.The paper finally discusses the practical applications of high-permeability materials, giving examples of commercial instruments and indicating cases in which their extended use would be advantageous.


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