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Energy Quantization and the Simple Harmonic Oscillator


作者: R. J. Swenson,   J. C. Hermanson,  


期刊: American Journal of Physics  (AIP Available online 1972)
卷期: Volume 40, issue 9  

页码: 1258-1260




年代: 1972




出版商: American Association of Physics Teachers


数据来源: AIP



Two methods for obtaining the ladder spectrum characteristic of the simple harmonic oscillator are widely used in elementary quantum mechanics. In the first method, that of series solution, quantization is shown to follow from the requirement that the wave function be normalizable. In the second, it is common to derive quantisation in an operator formalism based on factorization of the wave equation. In this latter method the role of normalizability is not customarily discussed. We show explicitly that the same boundary condition implicit in the operator manipulations leads to quantization in both methods.


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