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The Effect of Physical Factors on the Colonization and Relocation Behavior of Immature Black Flies (Diptera: Simuliidae)1


作者: Edward F. Gersabeck,   Richard W. Merritt,  


期刊: Environmental Entomology  (OUP Available online 1979)
卷期: Volume 8, issue 1  

页码: 34-39




年代: 1979




出版商: Oxford University Press


数据来源: OUP



Water velocity, substrate placement and the length of exposure time influenced the number ofProsimulium mixtum/fuscumSyme and Davies andCnephia dacotensisDyar and Shannon larvae attaching to white ceramic tiles and clear plastic tapes in the field.P. mixtum/fuscumreadily attached to either substrate whereasC. dacotensisdemonstrated a preference for white ceramic tiles. In an artificial stream, both species preferred specific velocity ranges although they did not increase their relocation behavior when exposed to varying depths of 2 to 30 cm and temperatures of 2° to 30°C.P. mixtum/fuscumincreased relocation behavior in the absence of light.


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