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Basic Neurophysiology of Primate Locomotion


作者: Shigemi Mori,   Kiyoji Matsuyama,   Eizo Miyashita,   Katsumi Nakajima,   Mitsuru Asanome,  


期刊: Folia Primatologica  (Karger Available online 1996)
卷期: Volume 66, issue 1-4  

页码: 192-203




年代: 1996




出版商: S. Karger AG


关键词: Subthalamic locomotor region;Mesencephalic locomotor region;Dorsal tegmental field;Ventral tegmental field;Central pattern generator;Spinal stepping generator;Reticulospinal tract;Vestibulospinal tract


数据来源: Karger



To initiate and terminate bipedal and quadrupedal locomotor movements, a smooth transition to and from standing is necessary. For this, integration of postural and locomotor control systems is required. Recent studies in nonhuman primates and other quadrupedal animals such as cats have clearly shown that there exist significant analogies between the primate species investigated (Macaco, mulatta, Macaca fascicularis, and marmosets) and the cats regarding the spinal stepping generator or central pattern generator (CPG), supraspinal descending pathways which activate CPG, and the midbrain and brain stem postural and locomotor control structures. Further studies aimed at elucidating the differences and similarities in the manner of locomotor control among different animal species will help us in understanding the control mechanisms involved in both bipedal and quadrupedal locomotor movements in nonhuman primates.


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