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Spiral‐syllabus course in wave phenomena to introduce majors and nonmajors to physics


作者: Jerold S. Touger,  


期刊: American Journal of Physics  (AIP Available online 1981)
卷期: Volume 49, issue 9  

页码: 834-838




年代: 1981




出版商: American Association of Physics Teachers




数据来源: AIP



A single course to introduce physics to both nonscience and physics majors has been developed, dealing with light, sound, and signal, transmission and reception, and emphasizing wave aspects of these phenomena. Themes such as the observational basis of physics, the progression from qualitative observation to measurement, physical models, mathematical modeling, and the utility of models in developing technology are stressed. Modes of presentation, consistent with the notion of a spiral syllabus, are explained with reference to the cognitive and educational theories of Bruner and Piaget. Reasons are discussed for choosing this subject matter in preference to Newtonian mechanics as a starting point for physics majors.


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