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Teacher and Parent Beliefs about Problem Behaviors of Preschoolers: The Role of the School Social Worker


作者: Marilyn B. Page,  


期刊: Children&Schools  (OUP Available online 1993)
卷期: Volume 15, issue 1  

页码: 6-18




年代: 1993




出版商: Oxford University Press


数据来源: OUP



AbstractThe preschool team of teacher, parent, and school social worker is becoming critical as national social policy becomes more responsive to the emotional and behavioral well-being of preschoolers. This small exploratory study compares the ways in which parents and teachers think, feel, and strategize about the aggressive, hyperactive, and withdrawn behaviors of preschool children in an intercity day care center. The sample size and type of sampling prohibit definitive conclusions or generalizations; however, the low-to-moderate correlations between parent and teacher responses are in concert with previous studies. Differing perspectives are expected and appreciated as the team plans strategies for change. School social workers facilitate, advocate, refer, educate, and encourage throughout the process.


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