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Examination under the Bureau of Mines Amendment Act of British Columbia, 1899




期刊: Analyst  (RSC Available online 1902)
卷期: Volume 27, issue January  

页码: 40-40




年代: 1902




出版商: RSC


数据来源: RSC



40 THE ANALYST. EXAMINATION UNDER THE BUREAU O F MINES AMENDMENT ACT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA, 1899. THE half-yearly examination for the qualification of Provincial Assayer, which was held at Victoria, British Columbia, on November 19, 1901, and the four subsequent days, resulted in the following gentlemen being granted licenses : D. A. Ayres, Trail ; N. Colinson, Victoria; W. Stone Marshall, Duncans, and G. H. Comrie, Vancouver. The examiners were : W. F. Robertson, provincial mineralogist, Chairman ; T. Rhymer Marshall, D.Sc. (Edin.), of Glasgow ; J. Cuthbert Welch, F.C.S., Chief Chemist Canadian Smelting Works, Trail ; and H. Carmichael, provincial assayer, Secretary .


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