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Small angle backscattering of hydrogen, deuterium helium and neon from single and polycrystalline nickel


作者: M. Hou,   W. Eckstein,   H. Verbeek,  


期刊: Radiation Effects  (Taylor Available online 1978)
卷期: Volume 39, issue 2  

页码: 107-117




年代: 1978




出版商: Taylor & Francis Group


数据来源: Taylor



Ion beams of H, D, He and Ne with incident energies of 1.5 to 20 keV were directed onto a (110)Ni single crystal surface and a polycrystalline, Ni target. Ions and neutral atoms scattered at 15° under specular conditions were energy analyzed. For the single crystal the influence of the crystal orientation with respect to the scattering plane was investigated. The measured energy distributions are compared with MARLOWE computer simulations and with the analytical multiple scattering theory of Firsovet al. Within the errors satisfactory agreement between the results of the experiment and both theories was found. This was possible because the neutral backscattered particles were measured. This avoids difficulties which arise from energy and angular dependences of the neutralization probabilities when only ions are measured.


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