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Latent heat measurements of the smectic A–cholesteric transition on binary mixtures


作者: A.J. Palangana,   L.R. Evangelista,   M. Simöes,   S. Jayaraman,  


期刊: Liquid Crystals  (Taylor Available online 1993)
卷期: Volume 15, issue 3  

页码: 377-381




年代: 1993




出版商: Taylor & Francis Group


数据来源: Taylor



New differential scanning calorimetry measurements of the smectic A-cholesteric latent heat of transition for binary mixtures of cholesteryl nonanoate (C9) and cholesteryl heptanoate (C7), cholesteryl nonanoate and cholesteryl caproate (C6) are reported for cooling cycles. These measurements give evidence of a tricritical point at approximately the reduced temperatureTSACh/TChl≅ 0·92 for 63·1 mol per centC9in the mixture ofC6andC9. This tricritical point occurs at reduced temperatures and concentrations different from those already obtained for heating cycles for the same mixture.


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