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Class E lowdvD/dtrectifier


作者: M.K.Kazimierczuk,  


期刊: IEE Proceedings B (Electric Power Applications)  (IET Available online 1989)
卷期: Volume 136, issue 6  

页码: 257-262


年代: 1989




出版商: IEE


数据来源: IET



The paper presents a new Class E lowdvD/dtrectifier, its analysis and experimental results. The rectifier circuit contains a capacitor connected in parallel with a rectifying diode. The capacitor sets the conduction angle of the diode current, and the output-filter capacitor independently sets the AC ripple on the DC output voltage. The diode-junction capacitance is included in the parallel capacitance and threrefore does not adversely affect circuit operation at high operating frequencies. The diode turns on and off at lowdvD/dt, yielding low switching losses and low switching noise. Moreover, the absolute value ofdiD/dtat turn-off is limited by an external circuit, significantly reducing the reverse-recovery effect. For these reasons, the rectifier is especially suitable for high-frequency operation. Basic parameters of the circuit are derived, using time-domain analysis. The experimental and theoretical results were in good agreement.


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