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Correction of percentage depth dose for varying SSD for 8 MV x rays and60Co gamma rays


作者: Suresh K. Agarwal,   Jack Wakley,   Ronald V. Scheele,   Barbara Y. Howard,  


期刊: Medical Physics  (WILEY Available online 2003)
卷期: Volume 1, issue 1  

页码: 29-32




年代: 2003




出版商: American Association of Physicists in Medicine


数据来源: WILEY



A change of source skin distance results in a significant change in percentage depth dose. The factorsP(f2) / P(f1)by which percentage depth dose at SSDf1is to be multiplied to find new percentage depth dose at SSDf2are tabulated and presented in a graphical form, forf1 = 100 cmandf2 = 110–140 cmfor 8 MV x rays and forf1 = 80 cmandf2 = 90–140 cmfor60Co gamma rays. The use of quadratic and linear equations to calculate this factor have been suggested. The ratios calculated using a quadratic equation agree very well with values from experimental data.


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