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Subfossil bioerosion of mollusc shells from a freshwater lake, Ontario, Canada


作者: TimothyH. Hagan,   Mario Coniglio,   ThomasW.D. Edwards,  


期刊: Ichnos  (Taylor Available online 1998)
卷期: Volume 6, issue 1-2  

页码: 117-127




年代: 1998




出版商: Taylor & Francis Group


关键词: borings;lacustrine;bioerosion;molluscs


数据来源: Taylor



Numerous circular, 30 to 270 μm‐diameter bore holes in several species of gastropod and bivalve shells from Julian Lake, southern Ontario, Canada are similar in appearance to theichnotaxa Oichnus simplex, Oichnus paraboloides, andTremichnusisp. These ichnotaxa are well described from marine systems but are rarely reported from freshwater environments.


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