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In situestimation of the coefficient of consolidation in clays


作者: Mohammed G. Kabir,   Alan J. Lutenegger,  


期刊: Canadian Geotechnical Journal  (NRC Available online 1990)
卷期: Volume 27, issue 1  

页码: 58-67




年代: 1990




出版商: NRC Research Press


数据来源: NRC



An investigation was conducted to demonstrate the applicability of cylindrical piezocone and flat piezoblade tests for providing reliable estimates of the coefficient of consolidation in clays. Coefficients of consolidation were calculated from piezocone dissipation tests for different degrees of consolidation using theoretical time factors to provide a comparison with laboratory oedometer tests. Three techniques were developed to calculate the coefficient of consolidation from piezoblade dissipation tests. Results fromin situpore pressure dissipation tests were compared with laboratory oedometer tests performed on undisturbed samples oriented in both the vertical and horizontal directions, to provide reference values ofcvandch. The results of investigations conducted at several clay sites are presented.Key words:in situtests, piezocone, piezoblade, coefficient of consolidation, oedometer test, clays.


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