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Linear Stability of the Large Larmor Radius Z‐Pinch


作者: Jan Scheffel,   Tony Arber,   Michael Coppins,  


期刊: AIP Conference Proceedings  (AIP Available online 1994)
卷期: Volume 299, issue 1  

页码: 75-82




年代: 1994




出版商: AIP


数据来源: AIP



For the first time, calculations of large Larmor radius (LLR) effects on the linear stability of realistic Z‐pinch equilibria have been performed. The fixed boundarym=0instability of the pure Z‐pinch (no external magnetic field) is considered (free‐boundary andm=1modes are presently under study). We use the Vlasov‐Fluid model, where ions are treated fully kinetically and electrons are modelled as a cold, massless fluid. Stability is found to be remarkably sensitive to equilibrium profiles. A flat current equilibrium is increasingly stabilized (smaller growth rate) by LLR effects as the normalized average Larmor radius &Vegr; is increased to about 0.1. Complete stabilization cannot be obtained. For larger values of &Vegr; the growth rate increases to reach above the small Larmor radius value when&Vegr;≈0.3. The Bennett equilibrium, however, is increasingly destabilized as &Vegr; increases.


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