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For Those Interested In History


作者: JohanssonT. S. K.,   JohanssonM. P.,  


期刊: Bee World  (Taylor Available online 1969)
卷期: Volume 50, issue 4  

页码: 158-162




年代: 1969




出版商: Taylor&Francis


数据来源: Taylor



A year ago we reprinted from 1905 Gleanings in Bee Culture the first eye-witness account of the Wright brothers' flights. The curious fact that the world has to turn to a beekeeping journal for this important evidence aroused much interest among some readers, and for their benefit we are publishing a summary of later reports by A. I. Root in Gleanings, many of which do not appear in the journal indexes. A. I. Root made liberal use of the journal to expound his personal interests, ideas and attitudes on all aspects of the middle-class American scene. Readers who do not have the same interest in this historical source material can rest assured that Christmas 1970 will not bring a further supplement.


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