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Effects on Collective Morale from Technological Risk




期刊: Society & Natural Resources  (Taylor Available online 1999)
卷期: Volume 12, issue 1  

页码: 1-18




年代: 1999




出版商: Informa UK Ltd


关键词: Collective Morale Community Environmental Contamination Organizational Trust Social Stigmatization Technological Risk


数据来源: Taylor



Risks associated with technologies such as those used in hazardous waste manage ment have the potential to impact a broad array ofcommunity social structures and associated dimensions of social well-being that derive from local conditions and events. This analysis examines survey data collected in a community area closest to several operating hazardous waste management facilities to assess the relationships between various aspects of technological risk and a measure of collective morale in the local community. Results indicate that collective morale is substantially influenced by perceived community stigmatization associated with waste facility siting and operation. Other dimensions of technological risk identified as exerting an influence on collective morale include levels of confidence in waste facility technologies, levels of concern about the potential for environmental contamination, and levels of trust in organizational authorities. Overall, the results suggest that social responses to technological risks such as those associated with waste facility developments can have important ramifications for social well-being.


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