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Alteration in Doxorubicin and Doxorubicinol Plasma Concentrations with Repeated Courses to Patients


作者: Raymond Morris,   Phillip Reece,   Barry Dale,   Malcolm Green,   Dusan Kotasek,   Nunzia Saccoia,   Robert Sage,  


期刊: Therapeutic Drug Monitoring  (OVID Available online 1989)
卷期: Volume 11, issue 4  

页码: 380-383




年代: 1989


出版商: OVID


关键词: Doxorubicin;Doxorubicinol;Plasma concentrations.


数据来源: OVID



Summary:Fifteen cancer patients were studied following repeated courses of doxorubicin (12‐44 mg/m2) (together with other anticancer agents) to consider the possibility of enhanced metabolism as a cause of the previously reported reduction in doxorubicin plasma concentrations with repeated courses. Plasma doxorubicin and doxorubicinol concentrations were measured by a modified high‐performance liquid chromatography/fluorescence method. The results presented confirmed the significant decline in doxorubicin plasma concentration‐dose ratios measured 3 h after the 1‐h infusion. Although the degree of this reduction varied markedly between patients, it was shown not to be associated with a rise in the plasma concentration‐dose ratio of the major metabolite doxorubicinol or with altered renal and/or hepatic function, which may have influenced disposition. Alternative mechanisms that might explain the reduction in doxorubicin concentrations, such as increased doxorubicin clearance or volume of distribution, were not considered in the present study.


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