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Annual Meeting of the Institute of Chemistry




期刊: Analyst  (RSC Available online 1902)
卷期: Volume 27, issue April  

页码: 135-136




年代: 1902




出版商: RSC


数据来源: RSC



THE AKALY’ST. 135 ANNUAL RTI313TING OF THE INSTITLTE OF CHEMISTRY. THE twenty-fourth annual general meeting of the Institute of Chemistry of Great Britain and Ireland was held a t 30, Bloomsbury Square, London, W.C., on Monday, March 3, Professor J. hfillar Thomson, LL.D., F.R.S., President, in the chair. The ordinary annual business of the Institute was transacted, and the President delivered an address dealing with work of the Institute during the past year. The roll of members has increased by 36, making the total of 1,040 Fellows and Associates at present on the register, while there are 130 students in course of training at the colleges and institutions recognised by the Council of the Institute. The President remarked on the higher percentage of passes in the recent examinations, which he considered pointed to the fact that the thoroughness of the examinations was more fully realized by those preparing for them.He also mentioned the establishment of an examination in biological chemistry, by means of which the Council hope to encourage analytical chemists to pursue the study of bacteriology, and thus be able to deal with chemical work involving bacteriological knowledge. The examination is specially suited for such as intend entering the practice of chemistry in its relationship to the chemistry and bacteriology of food, water, sewage, and effluents, and the practical applications of biological chemistry to such industries as brewing, tanning, etc. He called attention to the fact that the Institute held an examination in Ireland in July last, and that the Council hope in future to arrange for R regular examining centre in Dublin.During the past year the Council have ceased to recognise the junior, second class, and lower grade professional preliminary examinations of various examining bodies, and they have now under reconsideration the subjects which shall be com- pulsory to persons intending to proceed to the examinations of the Institute. The Council also reported to the members that during the paat year they had136 THE ANALYST. addressed to the Local Government Board, and to various county and borough authorities, communications with reference to the combination of the two appoint- ments of Nedical Officer of Health and Public *4nalyst. I t has been pointed out that a Public Analyst requires special training and experience in analytical chemistry far beyond that which is usually acquired by medical practitioners in the course of their professional education; also, that where the appointments are proposed to be combined, the selection of candidates for both positions is necessarily limited. The Council hold the opinion that under the provisions of the Sale of Food and Drugs Act of 1875 it was intended that the Medical Officer of Health and the Public Analyst for a borough or district should be two distinct persons, inasmuch as the Medical Officer is one of those officers empowered by the Act to submit suspected samples for analysis.The qualifications and examinations of the Institute are accepted by the Local Government Board for public analytical appointments, and it is the desire of the Council that no lower standard of chemical training and experience than that prescribed by the Institute of Chemistry should be accepted for such important and responsible public appointments as those of Public Analysts under the Sale of Food and Drugs Act.


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