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Physiological chemistry




期刊: Journal of the Chemical Society  (RSC Available online 1889)
卷期: Volume 56, issue 1  

页码: 287-294




年代: 1889




出版商: RSC


数据来源: RSC



PHTSIOLOGLCA I d CHEJIISTI1T. Ph ys i 010 g i c a1 C h e m i s t ry. 287 Digestion in Hydra. By M. GREENWOOD ( J . I”hygsiol., 9, 317- 344).-The paper includes many points of histological interest ; those which relate to digestion ai e suiumarised thus :-(1.) Ttie i1,gestion of solids is performed by slow advance over the prey of lip- like projections of the hydra’s suhstance. Ent omostraca, Nais, beetle larvae, and raw meat prove the most acceptable food ; iiinutritious matter does not act as a stimulus to digestion. (2.) The digestion of enclosed food takes place entiielg outside the endoderm cells which line the enteric cavity, and among these may be distinguished : (u) pyriform cells destitute of large vacuoles, holding secretui-y spherules during hunger, and these empty during digestive activity ; ( b ) ciliated vacuolate c:Blls often pigmented : the water of the diges- tive fluid is probably derived from t,hese vacuoles. (13.) The pigment, occurs as brown or black grains ; its baris is prote’id in nature.The pigment resists solution in most chemical reagents ; it dissolves slowly in nitric acid. It may be expelled into the alimentmy cavity during digestion. (4.) A reserve substance of proteid nature accu- mulates during digestive acts in the basal part of the vacuolated c ~ l l s , and eventually takes the form of’ spheres ; the excretory pigmerit probably takes its rise i u some re%idue from this ill)sol-l)ed proteid ; it IS also possible that fat is similarly formed. ( 5 . ) The medium ill which digestive activity goes on is probaldy not acid.These observations relate to H y d m fuscu. In H. vyridis, which coiitains chlorophyll (the chloroplastids of Rap Lsnkester) the mode of nutrition seems to be different; gland cells do not form a con- spicuous feature in its endoderm, and apparently digestive secretion is less active. W. D. H. Influence of the Consumption of Water on the Alimentation of Animals. By W. HENNEBERG ( B i e d . C‘entr., 1888, 813--Sl8).- ‘I’he author controverts the statements of Maircker and others who288 ABSTHAGTS OF GHEJIIJAL PAPERS. 1 .. .. 2.. .. .. 3 . . .. .. 4 . . .. 5 . . .. .. 6 . . . . . . 7 . . .. .. stttte that about 40 per cent. of the water consumed by animals re- appears in the form of vapour. Makinq use of the statistics of seveial experiments, it is shown that the water which appears as urine and tts dung forms, in sheep 61 t o 92 per cent.of the whole water consumed, and in oxen, 83 to 93 per cent.; consequentlyMarcker’s figure for mporised water, namely, 40 per cent., is much too high ; it should be for sheep on the average 25.8, for cattle 12.6. E. W. P. - - ~ - - C.C. 1746 1317 1246 1720 8x0 987 I 1080 Coagulation of the Blood. By L. C. WOOLDRIDGE (PTOC. ROY. Soc., 44, 282--284).-An answer to criticisms by Halliburton (Abstr., 1888, 974). 3.399 3.255 3.311 3’368 3.494 3-323 3.458 Influence of Ethyl-alcohol on Metabolism in Man. By H. KELLER (Zeit. physiol. Cheni., 13, 128--134).-The experimeut was carried out cn the author’s person, and lasted a week; the daily nourishment consisted of 500 grams of meat, 500 grams of bread, 100 grams of butter, 1500 C.C.of spring water, and 2 grams of common salt. On the 4th day, 150 C.C. of pure 96 per cent. ethyl- alcohol was mixed with the water. The urine was carefully collected, and in it the chlorides, sulphates, phosphates, and total nitrogen mere estimated. The following table gives the results obtained :- 20.9 22.0 22‘2 20’8 23-3 23.1 23.1 I I I I n the Urine. I nay. Volume BodJ- I of urine. I weight. 1 c1. gram. 62800 62250 62250 61400 61850 61905 -- -- 3.919 1-848 I ‘459 1.930 1.416 1.200 1.441 2.956 3’280 3.288 3 *348 2 891 2 *696 3.112 - Remarks. SO3. 1 N. I 150 C.C. alcohol. From this the following conclusions are drawn :- 1. Alcohol acts as a diuretic. This is what previous authors have observed (K.B. Lehmann, Munch.ner med. Wochensch., 1886, No. 51, 1887, No. 23). 2. There is a slight lessening of the nitrogenous oiitput on the day on which alcohol was taken. This is perhaps explicable from the destructive action of alcohol on digestive and absorption processes. T’hc following days showed a slight increase of the total nitrogen i n the urine. 3. The increase of phosphoric acid is too slight, and the length of the experiment too short to draw any certain conclusions concerning it. 4. The increase of chlorine is also very slight, and perhaps depends only on the diuretic action of the alcohol. W. D. H.PHYSIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY. 289 Metabolism of Acetanilide in the Human Body. By K. A. H. M~RNER (Zeit. physiol. Chem., 13, 12--25).-The urine of patients taking this drug (antifebrin) was, as Muller first observed (Deutsch.mpd. Wochemch., 13.27), red, from excess of urobilin. The amount of ethereal hydrogen sulphates in the urine is increased, and the urine reduces alkaline solutions of cupric oxide and is strongly lsevorota- tory. The urine was evaporated to a syrup, extracted with 90-93 per cent. alcohol ; to the extract, half its volume of ether was added, and then a warm concentrated alcoholic solution of oxalic acid, The potassium ethyl oxalate and the ethereal hydrogen sulphate form a compound which can be crystallised and purified by recrjstallisation. Three preparations were made and analysed, and the numbers ob- tained correspond with the formula NHAc-CGH1.SO4K,C2O4KEt. On taking antifebrin, then, a part of it is oxidised to form parac-et.nmidopbenol, and is excreted as an ethereal sulphate ; whether other similar acids are formed it, is not a t present possible to say. The strongly laevorotatory reducing substance is probably a deriva- tire of glycuronic acid. W. D. H. Metabolism of Furfuraldehyde in Fowls. By M. JAFFB and R. COHN (Ber., 21, 3461-3465).-When furfuraldehyde is given to dogs and rabbits, a glycocine compound of furfurscrylic acid is excreted in small quantity in the urine (Abstr., 1887, 1032). It is possible, however, that this compound is the chief transformation- product, of furfuraldehyde, and that the greater part is further oxidised in the organism, a small proportion only escaping oxidation and appearing in the urine, since experiment shows that rabI)its fed with furfuracrylic acid in quantities amounting to 6 grams, excrete barely 0.5 gram of the glycocine compound of the acid, and about 2 grams of pyrompkuric acid, no less than 60-70 per cent.of the furfuracrylic acid undergoing decomposition in the organisrn. Furfuraldehyde in aqueous solution was given to fowls, partially by the mouth and partially by subcutaneous injection, in quantities of 0-5-1 gram per day. The action was very marked, and resulted in death in the majority of cases after a few days. Pyromucic acid and pyromucornithuric acid were present in the excreta, but no trace of furfuracrylic acid or its derivatives could be detected. Pyrornucornithuric acid, C15H16NZ06, crjst allises in very small, colourless needles or shmt, thin prisms, melts a t 186", carbonises when strongly heated with the evolution of a pungent odour resembling that of acraldehyde, and is sparingly soluble in ether, but readily soluble in alcohol, acetic acid and hot water.When heated with baryta-water, i t hydrolyses quantitatively into pyromucic acid and ornithine (A'ustr., By N. JUVALTA (Zeit. physiol. Chenz., 13, 26--31).-A dog was fed on meat mixed with a known weight, of neutral sodium phthalate ; before and after the experimerit it was fed on bone, so that the feces during the time of experiment could easily be distinguished from those before and after. 1878, 584). w. P. w. Is the Benzene-nucleus destroyed in' the Body? The urine and the feces were examined.290 A RSTRACTS OF CHEMICAL PAPERS. The fseces contained 29.55 per cent., and the urine 12.95 of the salt given; 57.5 per cent.was therefore unaccounted f o r ; in a second experiment 68.76 per cent. was lost. There was no increase in ethereal hydrogen sulphates in the urine, and gl~-curonic acid com- pounds were also absent. Hence, not being able to account for the loss, the author concludes that the substance had been destroyed, and therefore that the benzene-nucleus can be destroyed by the animal boay. W. D. H. By bl. ~rARINd-zUCO (Gazzetta, 18, 199-207).-1n 188;3, Foa and Pallacani nroved the poisonous nature of the extract of the suprarenal capsules, but did not succeed in isolating the compound which gave this property to the extract. The author commenced his researches by confirn:ing this statement as to the poisonous nature of the extract, and found that a few C.C.of it waq sufficient to cause death in a large rabbit when injected hypodermically. If, however, the solution was rendered slightly acid or alkaline, it no longer had any toxic power. After various fruitless attempts to isolate the poisonous substance, the following method was adopted : Some 500 suprnrena1 capsules of the ox were ground u p with about five times their bulk of watfer, and the mixture heated on the water-bath for some four to five hours. When cold, the liquid portion was expressed, and the residue again treated four times successively in the same manner. The extracts were united, and their proteid matters precipitated by adding to the liquid its own volume of alcohol and half its volume of ether.After sepa- rating the precipitate, the alco!iol aud ether were removed by distilla- tion, and acetate of lead added to the filtered solution. The abundant brown precipitate thus formed was removed, and the clear solutioii carefully precipitated with basic acetate of lead, which then threw down a dirty white precipitate consisting of lead ohlo~-icie and organic lcild salfs. The clear solution, after treatment with magnesia or, better, with argentic oxide and filtration, gave precipitates with all the general reagcnts for alkaloids, such as auric chloride, potassium niercuro-iodide, &c. The aurochloride WRS prepared and analysrd, when it was found to have the composition of neuriiie anrochloride, C,HI,ON,HAuCI4, with which it agreed in phjsical properties and in ielding trimrthylamine when decomposed.The platinochloride, (C,H,,ON),,H,P tC1, was also prepared and analysed. The lead precipitate was next examined ; after beinq well washed, it was suspended in water, decomposed by hydrogen sulphide, filtered, and the filtrate treated with baryta-water, which threw down a pre- cipitate of barium phosphate. The excess of baryts was then removed from the solution by means of carbonic anhydride, and the clear liquid precipitated by basic acetate of lead, which t h e w down lead chloride mixed with lead salts of organic phosphatic acids. It was found to be impossible to separate these acids, but the presence of gly- cerophosphoric acid in the mixture was proved. Now, although the presence of neurine in the suprarenal capsules will not of itself account for the powerfnlly toxic action of the Chemical Examination of the Suprarenal Capsules.PHYSlOLOOIChL CHEJIISTRY.291 pT;ti*aCt, it was found tliat if the mixture of organic phosphatic acids iiientioned above is saturated with neurine, a liquid is obtained which, even when very dilute, has all the poisonous properties of the extract itself. Experiments were also made with neurine orthophosphate and glycerophosphate prepared synthetically. It was found that the phosphate is far more poisonous than the hydrochloride ; whilst the glycerophosphate is intensely poisonous, 0.1 of a milligram being sufficient to kill a frog. Tho poisonous principle being a compound of neurine with ail organic phosphatic acid, i t is easy to understand how the action of‘ acids or alkalis by destroying t h i s combination renders the extract innocuous.C. E. G. Sugar and Allantoin in Accitic Fluid. By R. XOSCATELL~ (Zeit. physiol. Chenz., 13, 20L-’204).-In a small number of cases of cirrhosis of the liver, sugar occurs in the urine (Cobrat, L y o n . M,4d., 1875, No. 15: Lkpine, Gaz. m i d . de Paris, 1876, 126; Quincke, Berlin. klin. Tochensch., ”1876, No. 38). In the present case of liver cirrhosis, the urine was scanty, and gave no sugai’ reaction. The ascitic fluid, however, contained 0.15 per cent. of sugar. Coii- firmatory test,s, including the fermentation test, were also successful. A crystalline substance was also separated in small quantities from the same pathological fluid, which chemically and crystallographically was identified as allantoin.W. D. H. This was estimated by Fehhig’s method. Antiseptic Action of Bile Acids. By P. LIMBOURG (Zeit. physiol. C‘hem,., 13, 196-201).-Bile and the bile acids have long been sup- posed to have an antiseptic action in the alimentary canal. The present research is directed to determining more accurately whether this is the case, by means of qnnntitative ~ ~ n a l j s i s . Hirschler (Abstr., 1887, 310) has shown that phosphomol~bdic acid Iirec*ipitntes some of the products of digestion (peptone, propep- tone, $c.), while it does not precipitate certain others (amido-acids) ; these may be respectively termed Groups 1 and 2. Artiticial pancreatic juice was mixed with “ Witte’s peptone,” and infected with bacteria from dog’s faeces.Digestion was then allowed to take place, a solution of sodium cholate being added to a certain number of the specimens. At the end of a certain interval, the following determinations were made :-(1) Total nitrogen ; (2) nitrogen of substances belong to group 2 ; and (3) ammonia. The following tables (p. 292) give the results in percentages in two series of experiments. The quantity of amido-acids and of ammonia in the specimens where the bile salt was present is thus smaller than in those where the salt W;IS absent. I n other words, these experiments performed outside the body fully confirm what one has been accustomed to believe occurs in the alimentary canal, namely, that bile prevents o r w. n. H. hiriders changes of a putrefactive nature there.Time.1 Nitrogen in Group 1. Nitrogen in Group 2. I I With addition of 1 per cent. sodium cbolate. With sodium Without. cholate, Without. 1 per cent. Beginning of Expt. 1 . . . 79 -8 25 *5 After 24 hours APter 48 hours , , . , . . . . 47 -8 33 -7 . . . . . . . . 20.2 46 *7 62 *2 55.6 1 70.5 I I With addition of 0 *5 per cent. 0.25 per cent. sodium sodiuni cholate. cholate. With addition of With- With- out. 0.5 per cent. 0.25 per cent. out. sodium sodium cholate. cholate. Pll'itrogen in Ammonia. With addition of 0.5 per cent. 0.25 per cent. so lium sodium cholate. cbolate. Ei a 2 2 v. With- out. 0.16 I 0.26 1 1-10 Beginning of Expt. 2 . . . After 24 hours.. . . . . . . . 59 *3 40.7 50.7 1 44-6 I,j 49.1 1 55.1 1 66.0PHY SIOLOGICRL CHEMISTRY. 293 Carbohydrates in Normal Urine.By N. WEDENSKI (Zeit. physioZ. Chenz., 13, 122-l27).--Brucke, Bence-Jones, Pavy, Huiziiiga, Abeles, and others have affirmed the constant presence of small quantities of dextrose in normal urine ; while other<-See,aen, Kiilz, Moscatelli, &c., have denied it. The more recent work of UdrAiiszk-y (Abstr., 1888, 180, 863) shows that Carbohydrates are normally present i n small quantities, and Landwehr (Cecntr. Med. Wiss., 1885, 369) prepared animal gum from normal human urine. I n the present research, the urine was shaken with excess of benzoic chloride ; insoluble benzoyl compounds of the carbohydrates are thus formed and crystallise out. Estimation of the carbon and hydrogen in these gave a result intermediate between those obtained by control experiments with glycogen on the one hand and dextrose on the other.This led to the conclusion that probably a mixture of two carbohydrates is present ; this was corifirmed by treatment with sodium hydroxide ; part went into solution and the remainder was undissolved. The insoluble residue was soluble in alcohol and gave the tests for gi-ape-sugav; the soluble part was found to consist of a substance having the reactions of animal gum. W. D. H. Glycogen in Diabetic Urine. By W. LELTBF, (Chem. Centr., 1888, 1278-1279, from V~TC~OW'S Archia, 113,392-393). -In the precipitate obtained by the addition of alcohol to the urine of healthy persons and of those suffering from diabetes insipidus, the author could not find any carbohydrate or glycogen ; in the urine of persons suffering from diabetes mellitus, however, a carbohydrate in varying quantity was detecked which proved to be glycogen. J.W. L. Physiological Action of Paraxanthine. By G. SALOMON (Zeit. physiol. Chem., 13, 187--195).-Recent re+earches on the physiolo- gical action of caffe'ine and allied substances have suggested the necessity of working out the action of paraxanthine which is an isomeride of theobromine. The experiments were made mostly on frogs ; the lethal dose for these animals was found to be a weight equal to 0 15 to 0.2 per 1000 of body-weight when administered subcutaneously. Given by the mouth, larger doses are necessary to produce botli physiological effects and death ; this is even more the case when paraxanthine is given in the solid state-for the crystals are very insoluble.Like xantliine, ttieobromine, and caff'e'ine, this drug has an action both on the central iiervous system and on the muscles ; the action on the muscles occurs when the drug is applied locally t o them. Their excitability is lessened, and ultimately disappears altogether. The muscles become JtaFd, but complete rigor of' the muscles during life is never seen. The action on the central nervous system is seen in abolition of reflexes. The action of all these drugs is thus very similar ; all produce the same creeping movements ; then the disappearance of all spontaneous muscular activity and complete abolition of reflexes without a pre- liminary increase ; the heart remains intact. Respiration is similarly, affected by both theobromine and paraxanthine ; it is first hurried, VOL.LVI. X294 ABSTRACTS OF CHEMICAL PAPERS. then slowed, and after death the lungs are found to be fully dis- tended. Caffe’ine prodnces a rapid rigor of the muscles after death; this is not markedly the case with paraxanthine. A few experiments on warm-blooded animals (mice) gave the fol- lowing results : paresis of the hinder extremities and increase of reflex activity, producing tetanns ; peculiar creeping, dragging move- ments are thus produced. The dose of the poison must be twice to four times as large as for frogs. W. D. H.PHTSIOLOGLCA I d CHEJIISTI1T.Ph ys i 010 g i c a1 C h e m i s t ry.287Digestion in Hydra. By M. GREENWOOD ( J . I”hygsiol., 9, 317-344).-The paper includes many points of histological interest ;those which relate to digestion ai e suiumarised thus :-(1.) Ttiei1,gestion of solids is performed by slow advance over the prey of lip-like projections of the hydra’s suhstance.Ent omostraca, Nais, beetlelarvae, and raw meat prove the most acceptable food ; iiinutritiousmatter does not act as a stimulus to digestion. (2.) The digestionof enclosed food takes place entiielg outside the endoderm cellswhich line the enteric cavity, and among these may be distinguished :(u) pyriform cells destitute of large vacuoles, holding secretui-yspherules during hunger, and these empty during digestive activity ;( b ) ciliated vacuolate c:Blls often pigmented : the water of the diges-tive fluid is probably derived from t,hese vacuoles. (13.) The pigment,occurs as brown or black grains ; its baris is prote’id in nature.Thepigment resists solution in most chemical reagents ; it dissolvesslowly in nitric acid. It may be expelled into the alimentmy cavityduring digestion. (4.) A reserve substance of proteid nature accu-mulates during digestive acts in the basal part of the vacuolated c ~ l l s ,and eventually takes the form of’ spheres ; the excretory pigmeritprobably takes its rise i u some re%idue from this ill)sol-l)ed proteid ; itIS also possible that fat is similarly formed. ( 5 . ) The medium illwhich digestive activity goes on is probaldy not acid.These observations relate to H y d m fuscu. In H. vyridis, whichcoiitains chlorophyll (the chloroplastids of Rap Lsnkester) the modeof nutrition seems to be different; gland cells do not form a con-spicuous feature in its endoderm, and apparently digestive secretionis less active.W. D. H.Influence of the Consumption of Water on the Alimentationof Animals. By W. HENNEBERG ( B i e d . C‘entr., 1888, 813--Sl8).-‘I’he author controverts the statements of Maircker and others wh288 ABSTHAGTS OF GHEJIIJAL PAPERS.1 .. ..2.. .. ..3 . . .. ..4 . . ..5 . . .. ..6 . . . . . .7 . . .. ..stttte that about 40 per cent. of the water consumed by animals re-appears in the form of vapour. Makinq use of the statistics of seveialexperiments, it is shown that the water which appears as urine and ttsdung forms, in sheep 61 t o 92 per cent. of the whole water consumed,and in oxen, 83 to 93 per cent.; consequentlyMarcker’s figure formporised water, namely, 40 per cent., is much too high ; it should befor sheep on the average 25.8, for cattle 12.6.E. W. P.- - ~ - -C.C.17461317124617208x0987 I 1080Coagulation of the Blood. By L. C. WOOLDRIDGE (PTOC. ROY.Soc., 44, 282--284).-An answer to criticisms by Halliburton (Abstr.,1888, 974).3.3993.2553.3113’3683.4943-3233.458Influence of Ethyl-alcohol on Metabolism in Man. By H.KELLER (Zeit. physiol. Cheni., 13, 128--134).-The experimeut wascarried out cn the author’s person, and lasted a week; the dailynourishment consisted of 500 grams of meat, 500 grams of bread,100 grams of butter, 1500 C.C. of spring water, and 2 grams ofcommon salt.On the 4th day, 150 C.C. of pure 96 per cent. ethyl-alcohol was mixed with the water.The urine was carefully collected, and in it the chlorides, sulphates,phosphates, and total nitrogen mere estimated. The following tablegives the results obtained :-20.922.022‘220’823-323.123.1I I I I n the Urine. I nay. Volume BodJ- I of urine. I weight. 1 c1.gram.628006225062250614006185061905----3.9191-848I ‘4591.9301.4161.2001.4412.9563’2803.2883 *3482 8912 *6963.112 -Remarks.SO3. 1 N. I150 C.C. alcohol.From this the following conclusions are drawn :-1. Alcohol acts as a diuretic. This is what previous authors haveobserved (K. B. Lehmann, Munch.ner med. Wochensch., 1886, No. 51,1887, No.23).2. There is a slight lessening of the nitrogenous oiitput on the dayon which alcohol was taken. This is perhaps explicable from thedestructive action of alcohol on digestive and absorption processes.T’hc following days showed a slight increase of the total nitrogen i nthe urine.3. The increase of phosphoric acid is too slight, and the length ofthe experiment too short to draw any certain conclusions concerningit.4. The increase of chlorine is also very slight, and perhaps dependsonly on the diuretic action of the alcohol. W. D. HPHYSIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY. 289Metabolism of Acetanilide in the Human Body. By K. A.H. M~RNER (Zeit. physiol. Chem., 13, 12--25).-The urine of patientstaking this drug (antifebrin) was, as Muller first observed (Deutsch.mpd.Wochemch., 13.27), red, from excess of urobilin. The amount ofethereal hydrogen sulphates in the urine is increased, and the urinereduces alkaline solutions of cupric oxide and is strongly lsevorota-tory. The urine was evaporated to a syrup, extracted with 90-93per cent. alcohol ; to the extract, half its volume of ether was added,and then a warm concentrated alcoholic solution of oxalic acid, Thepotassium ethyl oxalate and the ethereal hydrogen sulphate form acompound which can be crystallised and purified by recrjstallisation.Three preparations were made and analysed, and the numbers ob-tained correspond with the formula NHAc-CGH1.SO4K,C2O4KEt.On taking antifebrin, then, a part of it is oxidised to form parac-et.nmidopbenol, and is excreted as an ethereal sulphate ; whether othersimilar acids are formed it, is not a t present possible to say.The strongly laevorotatory reducing substance is probably a deriva-tire of glycuronic acid.W. D. H.Metabolism of Furfuraldehyde in Fowls. By M. JAFFB andR. COHN (Ber., 21, 3461-3465).-When furfuraldehyde is given todogs and rabbits, a glycocine compound of furfurscrylic acid isexcreted in small quantity in the urine (Abstr., 1887, 1032). It ispossible, however, that this compound is the chief transformation-product, of furfuraldehyde, and that the greater part is furtheroxidised in the organism, a small proportion only escaping oxidationand appearing in the urine, since experiment shows that rabI)its fedwith furfuracrylic acid in quantities amounting to 6 grams, excretebarely 0.5 gram of the glycocine compound of the acid, and about2 grams of pyrompkuric acid, no less than 60-70 per cent.of thefurfuracrylic acid undergoing decomposition in the organisrn.Furfuraldehyde in aqueous solution was given to fowls, partiallyby the mouth and partially by subcutaneous injection, in quantitiesof 0-5-1 gram per day. The action was very marked, and resultedin death in the majority of cases after a few days. Pyromucic acidand pyromucornithuric acid were present in the excreta, but no traceof furfuracrylic acid or its derivatives could be detected.Pyrornucornithuric acid, C15H16NZ06, crjst allises in very small,colourless needles or shmt, thin prisms, melts a t 186", carbonises whenstrongly heated with the evolution of a pungent odour resembling thatof acraldehyde, and is sparingly soluble in ether, but readily soluble inalcohol, acetic acid and hot water.When heated with baryta-water,i t hydrolyses quantitatively into pyromucic acid and ornithine (A'ustr.,By N.JUVALTA (Zeit. physiol. Chenz., 13, 26--31).-A dog was fed on meatmixed with a known weight, of neutral sodium phthalate ; before andafter the experimerit it was fed on bone, so that the feces during thetime of experiment could easily be distinguished from those beforeand after.1878, 584). w. P. w.Is the Benzene-nucleus destroyed in' the Body?The urine and the feces were examined290 A RSTRACTS OF CHEMICAL PAPERS.The fseces contained 29.55 per cent., and the urine 12.95 of the saltgiven; 57.5 per cent.was therefore unaccounted f o r ; in a secondexperiment 68.76 per cent. was lost. There was no increase inethereal hydrogen sulphates in the urine, and gl~-curonic acid com-pounds were also absent. Hence, not being able to account for theloss, the author concludes that the substance had been destroyed,and therefore that the benzene-nucleus can be destroyed by the animalboay. W. D. H.By bl.~rARINd-zUCO (Gazzetta, 18, 199-207).-1n 188;3, Foa and Pallacaninroved the poisonous nature of the extract of the suprarenal capsules,but did not succeed in isolating the compound which gave thisproperty to the extract. The author commenced his researches byconfirn:ing this statement as to the poisonous nature of the extract,and found that a few C.C. of it waq sufficient to cause death in alarge rabbit when injected hypodermically. If, however, the solutionwas rendered slightly acid or alkaline, it no longer had any toxicpower.After various fruitless attempts to isolate the poisonous substance,the following method was adopted : Some 500 suprnrena1 capsules ofthe ox were ground u p with about five times their bulk of watfer, andthe mixture heated on the water-bath for some four to five hours.When cold, the liquid portion was expressed, and the residue againtreated four times successively in the same manner.The extracts wereunited, and their proteid matters precipitated by adding to the liquidits own volume of alcohol and half its volume of ether.After sepa-rating the precipitate, the alco!iol aud ether were removed by distilla-tion, and acetate of lead added to the filtered solution. The abundantbrown precipitate thus formed was removed, and the clear solutioiicarefully precipitated with basic acetate of lead, which then threwdown a dirty white precipitate consisting of lead ohlo~-icie and organiclcild salfs. The clear solution, after treatment with magnesia or,better, with argentic oxide and filtration, gave precipitates with allthe general reagcnts for alkaloids, such as auric chloride, potassiumniercuro-iodide, &c. The aurochloride WRS prepared and analysrd,when it was found to have the composition of neuriiie anrochloride,C,HI,ON,HAuCI4, with which it agreed in phjsical properties and inielding trimrthylamine when decomposed. The platinochloride,(C,H,,ON),,H,P tC1, was also prepared and analysed.The lead precipitate was next examined ; after beinq well washed,it was suspended in water, decomposed by hydrogen sulphide, filtered,and the filtrate treated with baryta-water, which threw down a pre-cipitate of barium phosphate. The excess of baryts was then removedfrom the solution by means of carbonic anhydride, and the clearliquid precipitated by basic acetate of lead, which t h e w down leadchloride mixed with lead salts of organic phosphatic acids. It wasfound to be impossible to separate these acids, but the presence of gly-cerophosphoric acid in the mixture was proved.Now, although the presence of neurine in the suprarenal capsuleswill not of itself account for the powerfnlly toxic action of theChemical Examination of the Suprarenal CapsulesPHYSlOLOOIChL CHEJIISTRY.291pT;ti*aCt, it was found tliat if the mixture of organic phosphatic acidsiiientioned above is saturated with neurine, a liquid is obtained which,even when very dilute, has all the poisonous properties of the extractitself. Experiments were also made with neurine orthophosphateand glycerophosphate prepared synthetically. It was found that thephosphate is far more poisonous than the hydrochloride ; whilst theglycerophosphate is intensely poisonous, 0.1 of a milligram beingsufficient to kill a frog.Tho poisonous principle being a compound of neurine with ailorganic phosphatic acid, i t is easy to understand how the action of‘acids or alkalis by destroying t h i s combination renders the extractinnocuous.C. E. G.Sugar and Allantoin in Accitic Fluid. By R. XOSCATELL~(Zeit. physiol. Chenz., 13, 20L-’204).-In a small number of cases ofcirrhosis of the liver, sugar occurs in the urine (Cobrat, L y o n . M,4d.,1875, No. 15: Lkpine, Gaz. m i d . de Paris, 1876, 126; Quincke,Berlin. klin. Tochensch., ”1876, No. 38).In the present case of liver cirrhosis, the urine was scanty, andgave no sugai’ reaction. The ascitic fluid, however, contained 0.15per cent. of sugar. Coii-firmatory test,s, including the fermentation test, were also successful.A crystalline substance was also separated in small quantities fromthe same pathological fluid, which chemically and crystallographicallywas identified as allantoin.W. D. H.This was estimated by Fehhig’s method.Antiseptic Action of Bile Acids. By P. LIMBOURG (Zeit. physiol.C‘hem,., 13, 196-201).-Bile and the bile acids have long been sup-posed to have an antiseptic action in the alimentary canal. Thepresent research is directed to determining more accurately whetherthis is the case, by means of qnnntitative ~ ~ n a l j s i s .Hirschler (Abstr., 1887, 310) has shown that phosphomol~bdicacid Iirec*ipitntes some of the products of digestion (peptone, propep-tone, $c.), while it does not precipitate certain others (amido-acids) ;these may be respectively termed Groups 1 and 2.Artiticial pancreatic juice was mixed with “ Witte’s peptone,” andinfected with bacteria from dog’s faeces.Digestion was then allowedto take place, a solution of sodium cholate being added to a certainnumber of the specimens.At the end of a certain interval, the following determinations weremade :-(1) Total nitrogen ; (2) nitrogen of substances belong togroup 2 ; and (3) ammonia. The following tables (p. 292) give theresults in percentages in two series of experiments.The quantity of amido-acids and of ammonia in the specimenswhere the bile salt was present is thus smaller than in those wherethe salt W;IS absent. I n other words, these experiments performedoutside the body fully confirm what one has been accustomed tobelieve occurs in the alimentary canal, namely, that bile prevents o r w.n. H. hiriders changes of a putrefactive nature thereTime.1 Nitrogen in Group 1. Nitrogen in GroupI IWith addition of 1 percent. sodiumcbolate.With sodiumWithout. cholate,1 per cent.Beginning of Expt. 1 . . . 79 -825 *5 After 24 hoursAPter 48 hours, , . , . . . . 47 -833 -7 . . . . . . . .20.246 *755.6I IWith addition of0 *5 per cent. 0.25 per cent.sodium sodiunicholate. cholate.With addition ofWith-out. 0.5 per cent. 0.25 per cent.sodium sodiumcholate. cholate.Beginning of Expt. 2 . . .After 24 hours.. . . . . . . .59 *3 40.750.7 1 44-6 I,j 49.1 1 55.PHY SIOLOGICRL CHEMISTRY. 293Carbohydrates in Normal Urine. By N. WEDENSKI (Zeit.physioZ. Chenz., 13, 122-l27).--Brucke, Bence-Jones, Pavy, Huiziiiga,Abeles, and others have affirmed the constant presence of smallquantities of dextrose in normal urine ; while other<-See,aen, Kiilz,Moscatelli, &c., have denied it.The more recent work of UdrAiiszk-y(Abstr., 1888, 180, 863) shows that Carbohydrates are normallypresent i n small quantities, and Landwehr (Cecntr. Med. Wiss., 1885,369) prepared animal gum from normal human urine.I n the present research, the urine was shaken with excess of benzoicchloride ; insoluble benzoyl compounds of the carbohydrates are thusformed and crystallise out. Estimation of the carbon and hydrogen inthese gave a result intermediate between those obtained by controlexperiments with glycogen on the one hand and dextrose on theother.This led to the conclusion that probably a mixture of twocarbohydrates is present ; this was corifirmed by treatment withsodium hydroxide ; part went into solution and the remainder wasundissolved. The insoluble residue was soluble in alcohol and gavethe tests for gi-ape-sugav; the soluble part was found to consist of asubstance having the reactions of animal gum. W. D. H.Glycogen in Diabetic Urine. By W. LELTBF, (Chem. Centr., 1888,1278-1279, from V~TC~OW'S Archia, 113,392-393). -In the precipitateobtained by the addition of alcohol to the urine of healthy personsand of those suffering from diabetes insipidus, the author could notfind any carbohydrate or glycogen ; in the urine of persons sufferingfrom diabetes mellitus, however, a carbohydrate in varying quantitywas detecked which proved to be glycogen.J. W. L.Physiological Action of Paraxanthine. By G. SALOMON (Zeit.physiol. Chem., 13, 187--195).-Recent re+earches on the physiolo-gical action of caffe'ine and allied substances have suggested thenecessity of working out the action of paraxanthine which is anisomeride of theobromine.The experiments were made mostly on frogs ; the lethal dose forthese animals was found to be a weight equal to 0 15 to 0.2 per 1000of body-weight when administered subcutaneously. Given by themouth, larger doses are necessary to produce botli physiological effectsand death ; this is even more the case when paraxanthine is given inthe solid state-for the crystals are very insoluble. Like xantliine,ttieobromine, and caff'e'ine, this drug has an action both on the centraliiervous system and on the muscles ; the action on the muscles occurswhen the drug is applied locally t o them. Their excitability islessened, and ultimately disappears altogether. The muscles becomeJtaFd, but complete rigor of' the muscles during life is never seen.The action on the central nervous system is seen in abolition ofreflexes.The action of all these drugs is thus very similar ; all produce thesame creeping movements ; then the disappearance of all spontaneousmuscular activity and complete abolition of reflexes without a pre-liminary increase ; the heart remains intact. Respiration is similarly,affected by both theobromine and paraxanthine ; it is first hurried,VOL. LVI. 294 ABSTRACTS OF CHEMICAL PAPERS.then slowed, and after death the lungs are found to be fully dis-tended.Caffe’ine prodnces a rapid rigor of the muscles after death; this isnot markedly the case with paraxanthine.A few experiments on warm-blooded animals (mice) gave the fol-lowing results : paresis of the hinder extremities and increase ofreflex activity, producing tetanns ; peculiar creeping, dragging move-ments are thus produced. The dose of the poison must be twice tofour times as large as for frogs. W. D. H


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