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Light‐induced damage to the dioptric apparatus ofnephrops norvegicus(L.) and the quantitative assessment of the damage


作者: E. Gaten,  


期刊: Marine Behaviour and Physiology  (Taylor Available online 1988)
卷期: Volume 13, issue 2  

页码: 169-183




年代: 1988




出版商: Taylor & Francis Group


关键词: Nephrops norvegicus;compound eye;light‐induced damage;dioptric apparatus


数据来源: Taylor



InNephrops norvegicusdamage to the compound eye following exposure to excess light is not restricted to the photoreceptor layer, but is followed by morphological changes to the dioptric apparatus. Retinula cell damage results in the disruption of the cone cell processes leading to distal retraction of the crystalline tracts. The shape of the cones is also affected and there is a redistribution of the distal pigments. Within two months of exposure the reflective properties of subcorneal elements are changed and damage may be seen in the intact eye. A method based on external observations of the intact eye has been developed for quantitatively estimating the damage to the dioptric layer. The figures obtained were compared with estimates of retinula cell damage in the same eyes calculated using measurements from serially sectioned material. The estimation of ommatidial damage without recourse to sectioning should be of immediate practical benefit.


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