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A preliminary karyological analysis of five species ofSolatopupa(pulmonata, chondrinidae)


作者: Alberta Boato,  


期刊: Bolletino di zoologia  (Taylor Available online 1986)
卷期: Volume 53, issue 1  

页码: 15-22




年代: 1986




出版商: Taylor & Francis Group


关键词: Chromosomes;Karyotypes;Solatopupa;Pulmonata;Mollusca


数据来源: Taylor



The meiotic and mitotic chromosomes of the five recognized species ofSolatopupaPilsbry 1917 are described and compared. Meiosis is of a standard type. The karyotype ofS. psarolena(Bourguignat) with 2n=56 chromosomes and a conspicuously large metacentric pair is compared with those ofS.pallida(Rossmässler) andS.simonettae(Giusti) having 2n=58 chromosomes, and with that ofS.similis(Bruguière) which has 2n=60. A Robertsonian fusion could be linked with the splitting ofS.psarolenafrom a common ancestor with the congeneric species. The diploid value 2n=58 is most probably the ancestral one.


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