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Thermochemical Investigations of Tautomeric Equilibrium. Variation of the Calculated Equilibrium Constant with Binary Solvent Composition


作者: WilliamE. Acree,   SherylA. Tucker,  


期刊: Physics and Chemistry of Liquids  (Taylor Available online 1989)
卷期: Volume 20, issue 2-3  

页码: 135-145




年代: 1989




出版商: Taylor & Francis Group


关键词: Tautomeric equilibria;thermodynamic model;binary solvent;solute-solvent complexation;molecular complexation;equilibrium constants


数据来源: Taylor



A conventional nonelectrolyte solution model which has led to successful predictive equations for solute solubility and infinite dilution chromatographic partition coefficients is extended to systems containing a tautomeric solute dissolved in a binary solvent mixture. The derived expression predicts that the tautomeric solute concentration in a binary solvent is a geometric average of the pure solvent ratios and permits calculation of solute-solvent association constants from variation of the stoichiometric tautomeric solute concentration ratios as a function of binary solvent composition. Experimental data for phenylazonaphthol dissolved in aqueous-ethanol and aqueous-acetone solvent mixtures is discussed in relation to the theoretical model.


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