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On the existence of extremal teichmüller mappings


作者: Kurt Strebel,  


期刊: Complex Variables, Theory and Application: An International Journal  (Taylor Available online 1987)
卷期: Volume 9, issue 2-3  

页码: 287-295




年代: 1987




出版商: Gordon and Breach Science Publishers


关键词: 30C60


数据来源: Taylor



So far, the only known sufficient condition for the existence of an extremal Teichmüller mapping with given boundary values is the frame mapping criterion. It assures, under certain conditions, the existence of an extremal mapping associated with a quadratic differential of finite norm. In this preliminary report, a sufficient condition will be given for the existence of an extremal Teichmüller mapping of the disk with infinitely many distinguished boundary points (called a polygon), if the frame mapping criterion fails.


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