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Comparison of Interface Pressures in the Pediatric Population Among Various Support Surfaces


作者: Kathleen McLane,   Thomas Krouskop,   Shannon McCord,   J. Fraley,  


期刊: Journal of Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nursing  (OVID Available online 2002)
卷期: Volume 29, issue 5  

页码: 242-251




年代: 2002


出版商: OVID


数据来源: OVID



ObjectiveThe purpose of this study was to evaluate the interface pressures under the bony prominences of children on several support surfaces to evaluate benefit, in terms of the lowest interface pressures, and cost-effectiveness.DesignA descriptive study design was used.Setting/SubjectsA convenience sample of 54 healthy children from the community ranging in age from infancy through 16 years was enrolled through advertisements in the hospital newsletter. The study was conducted in the General Clinical Research Center located within Texas Children's Hospital, Houston, Texas.InstrumentsThe instrument used to measure the interface pressures was the Mini-Texas Interface Pressure Evaluator.MethodsA comparison was done to evaluate interface pressures under the occiput for infants to children younger than 6 years of age and under the occiput, coccyx, and heel for 6- to 18-year-olds. Five surface combinations were used for measurements: a standard hospital bed or crib mattress; mattress with Delta foam overlay; a mattress with a Gel-E-Donut pillow; a mattress with a Delta foam overlay plus Gel-E-Donut pillow; and an Efica low-air-loss bed.ResultsThe standard hospital mattress yielded the highest interface pressures. The Delta Foam overlay alone or in combination with the Gel-E-Donut pillow produced the lowest occipital pressures in all age groups. The Delta foam overlay produced comparable pressures to the Efica low-air-loss bed when measuring the coccyx and heel interface pressures.ConclusionsThe Delta Foam overlay alone or in combination with the Gel-E-Donut pillow is a cost-effective and therapeutic choice for pressure reduction as demonstrated in this study of healthy children.


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