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Influence of unilateral deafness on auditory evoked magnetic field


作者: Nobuya Fujiki,   Yasushi Naito,   Takashi Nagamine,   Yosaku Shiomi,   Shigeru Hirano,   Iwao Honjo,   Hiroshi Shibasaki,  


期刊: NeuroReport  (OVID Available online 1998)
卷期: Volume 9, issue 14  

页码: 3129-3133




年代: 1998


出版商: OVID


关键词: Auditory evoked magnetic field;ECD moment;Ipsilateral hemisphere;N100m latency;Plasticity;Reorganization;Unilateral deafness


数据来源: OVID



TO investigate the effect of unilateral deafness on central auditory mechanisms, we examined patients with unilateral deafness of various durations. Auditory evoked magnetic fields (AEF) were recorded using a whole-head neuromagnetometer. In patients who had unilateral deafness for more than 3 weeks, the average N100m latency in the ipsilateral hemisphere did not differ from that in the contralateral hemisphere. In addition, in some patients with congenital or early onset deafness, the equivalent current dipole (ECD) moment was larger in the ipsilateral hemisphere than in the contralateral hemisphere. These findings suggest that unilateral deafness may cause reorganization of the central auditory pathway. They also suggest that central auditory pathway in adults has some plasticity, though not as much as in childhood.


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