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Lead Contamination in Insects and Birds Near an Interstate Highway, Kansas1


作者: M. S. Udevitz,   C. A. Howard,   R. J. Robel,   B. Curnutte,  


期刊: Environmental Entomology  (OUP Available online 1980)
卷期: Volume 9, issue 1  

页码: 35-36




年代: 1980




出版商: Oxford University Press


数据来源: OUP



Lead contamination of insects near an interstate highway in Kansas averaged 50 ppm, but only 15 ppm in those collected far from heavily traveled roads. Lead in gizzard contents of meadowlarks (Sturnella neglectaandS. magna) collected near the interstate was 6 ppm, almost identical to that in gizzard contents of birds far from heavily traveled roads. Low levels of lead in meadowlark livers reflected little active exposure of meadowlarks to lead-contaminated insects.


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