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Anti-Peptide Antibodies Directed Against Omega-Gliadins for the Detection of Sequences from Bread and Durum Wheats


作者: S. Denery-Papini,   M. F. Samson,   J. C. Autran,  


期刊: Food and Agricultural Immunology  (Taylor Available online 2000)
卷期: Volume 12, issue 1  

页码: 67-75




年代: 2000




出版商: Taylor & Francis Group


关键词: Anti-peptide Antibodies;Omega-gliadins;Bread Wheat;Durum Wheat


数据来源: Taylor



This paper presents the characterisation of polyclonal antibodies directed against two different N-terminal sequences ofω-gliadins. Both antisera recognised specifically the corresponding omega-gliadin fractions but showed different reactivities againstω-gliadins extracted from bread and durum wheats. Antibodies directed against the 'SRLL' type (ω5 type) recognised severalω-gliadin components in bread and durum wheat extracts whereas antibodies directed against the 'AREL' type (ω2 type) reacted specifically with anω-gliadin component from bread wheat. The narrow specificity of this antiserum made it potentially interesting for the detection of bread wheat additions in durum wheat pasta. Moreover, the reactivity of this antiserum was not modified by an increase in drying temperature of pasta.


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