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Index of authors' names, 1914




期刊: Journal of the Chemical Society, Transactions  (RSC Available online 1914)
卷期: Volume 105, issue 1  

页码: 2911-2925




年代: 1914




出版商: RSC


数据来源: RSC



INDEX OF AUTHORS' NAMES.TRANSACTIONS AND PROCEEDINGS. 1814.(Marked T. and P. respectively.)A.bcree, Solomon Farley. See John Ean-ston Shroder.Adams, Matthew Algernon, obituarynotice of, T., 1189. .Adhicary, Bircndra Bhusan. SeePanchcinon Neogi.Bllmand, Arthur John. See FrederickQeorge Donnan,All ress, Charles Frederick, SeeJfTederick Challenger.Andrew, George William, the water-gasequilibrium in hydrocarbon flames, T.,Applebey, Malcolm Percival, and DazidLeonard Chapman, a new formula forthe latent heat of vapours, T., 734;P., 27.Ark, Harry. See Earry MedforthDawson.Arrhenins, SvanAe, Faraday lecture, thetheory of electrolytic dissociation, T.,1414 ; P., 165.Atkinson, Harford Montgomery, somederivatives of as-dipropyl- and -diamyl-oxamic acids, T., 1290 ; P., 81.444 ; P., 22.B.Bain, (Miss) Alice Mary.See WilliamHobson Mills.BaF, David, William Henry Perkin,jun., and Robert Robinson, some de-rivatives of isocoumarin and isocarbo-styril, T., 2392 ; P., 234.Bainbridge, Ernest Graham, experi-ments on the conversion of certaindibromides of the type of ethyleliedihromide into the corresponding gly-cols, T., 2391 ; P., 232.Baker, Herbert Brereton, the spitting ofsilver, P., 56.CV,Baker, Herbert Brereton, and WalterHenry Watson, the atomic weight ofmercury, T., 2530 ; P., 243.Baker, Julian Lcvett, and Henry FrancisEverard Hulton, the action of diastaseon starch granules. Part I . , T., 1529 ;P., 133.Barendrecht, Hendrik Pieter, alcohol-ometry and rational fractionation, P.,160.Barger, George, and Walter WilliamStarling, crystals of organic com-pounds coloured blue by iodine,P., 2.blue adsorption compounds of iodine.Parts 11.and 111. Derivatives of 2-and 4-pyrone, P., 303.Barker, Thomas Vipond, attempts toresolve inetallic salts of amino-acidsand other co-ordinated compounds ;preliminary note, P., 295.Barrow, Fred. See Percy FaradayFrankland.Bassett, Henmy, jun., and Bugh StottTaylor, calcium nitrate. Part 111.The three-component system : calciumnitrate-lime-water ; T., 1926 ; P.,204.Beesley, Bichurd Moore, experiments onthe rate of nitrification, T., 1014 ; P.,67.Bell, Joseph Carter, obituary notice of,T., 1193.Bell, Normaiz illurray. See AlfredHolt.Bennett, George Macdonald, and EzsataceEbenezer Turner, the action of chromicchloride on the Grignard reagent, T.,1057 ; P., 79.Benson, Percy.See Albert Ernest Dnn-stan.Birse, William Milne. See FrancisWilliam Gray.9 2912 INDEX OF AUTHORS.Bissett, Crellyn Colgraw, the system :silver-silver sulphide, T., 1223 ; P.,82.the removal of sulphur from silver,T., 2829 ; P., 269.Bissett, CrelZyn Colyraoe. See alsoWilliam Ernest Stopheit Turner.Bloxam, Willaamn Popplewell, obituarynotice of, T., 1195.Bone, William Arthur, and BamiltonDavies, the thermal decompositionof methyl alcohol, T., 1691 ; P.,178.Boon, Alfred Archibald, Kenneth JohnMcKenzie, and John Trotter, somearylidenedimethylpyrones and theirsalts, P., 205.Boon, Awred Archibald, Forsyth JamesWilson, and lsidor Aforris Heilbron,the constitution of the arylidene-niethylpyrones and their salts, T.,2176 ; P., 209.Bousfield, William Robert, ionisationand the law of mass action. Part11. The osmotic data in relation toconibined water, T., 600.ionisation and the law of mass action,Part 111. Utilisation of the osmoticdata and a new dilution law, T.,1809 ; P., 156.Boyd, David Runciman, and ErnestRobert Marle, the velocities of com-bination of sodium derivatives ofpheiiols with olefine oxides, T., 2117 ;P., 199.Boyle, (M;ss) M a y , molecular conduc-tivities of iodoanilinesulphonic acids,P., 161.Bradbury, Hurry, and Charles Weiz-mann, some homologues of alizarin,T., 2748 ; P., 259.Bradshaw, Lawrence. See Harold BailyDixon.Brady, Oscar Lisle, the isomerism of theoximes. Part IV.The constitutionot N-methyl ethers of the aldoximesand the absorption spectra of oximcs,their sodium salts, and methyl ethers,T., 2104 ; P., 198.Brady, Oscar Lisle, and Frederick PercyDunn, the isomerism of the oximes.Part I1 I. The h ydroxy benzal d-oximes, T., 821 ; P., 65.the i3omerism of the oxiriies. Part V.?n-.Mt.thnxyheczaldoxinie, vanillin-oxitlie, and veratraldoxime, T.,2409 ; P. , 240.the isomerism of the oximes. Part VI.p-Dimethylaminobet,zaldoxime, T.,2872; P., 292.Brinsley, Frank. See Eubert FrankCoward.Briscoe, Henry Vincent Aird, a redeter-mination of the atomic weight of tin,P., 290.Briscoe, Henry Vincent Aird, and HarryPrank Victor Little, the atomic weightof vanadium, T., 1310 ; P., 64.Browning, Henry, jun.See FrederickBeZding Power.Bunbury, Hugh Mills, and HerbertErnest Martin, studies of the consti-tution of soap solutions ; the electricalconductivity of potassium salts off t t t y acids, T., 417 ; P., 8.Bnrgen, Peter. See George FrancisMorrell.Burgese, Maurice John, and XichardVernon Wheeler, the distillation ofcoal in a vncuum, T., 131.the limits of inflammability of mix-tures of methane and air, T., 2591 ;P., 245.the propagation of flame in “limit ”mixtiires of methane, oxygen andnitrogen, T., 2596 ; P., 245.Burrows, George Joseph, the inversion ofsucrose by acids in water-alcohol s o h -tions, T., 1260 ; P., 9.Burrows, George Joseph, and CharlesEdward Faweitt, the decompositionof carbamide, T., 609.Burrows, Harry, obituary notice of, T.,1200.Burton, Donald.See Harry MedforthDawson.C,Cain, John Cannell, and (Aiiss) FrancesMary Gore Micklethwait, studies inthe diplieiiyl series. P.lrt VI. Theconfiguration of diphenyl and itsderivatives, T., 1437 ; P., 146.studies in the diphenyl series. PartVII. Isonieric 0- and m-dinitro-o-tolidines, T., 1442 ; Y., 147.Cain, John Cannell, and John LionelSimonsen, nitro-acids derived from2:3-dimethoxybeuzoic acid and 4-methoxyphthalic acid, T., 156.Cain, John Cannell, John Lionel Simon-sen, and Clarence Smith, researches onsatitdin. Part II., T., 1335 ; P., 132.Campbell, Colin.See Harold BailyDixon.Cardwell, David. See Wililliam HenryPerkin, jun.Carr, Francis Howard, and Frank LeePyman, the alkaloids of ipecacuanha,T., 1591 ; P., 157.Caspari, William Awgustiis, the osmoticproperties and physical constitution ofcaoutchouc solutions, T., 2139 ; P.,226.INDEX OF AUTHORS. 2913Canwood, John Douglas. See FViEliamErnest Stephen Turner.Caven, Robert Martin, and Henry JzcliscsSulonton Sand, the dissoriation pres-sures of the alkali bicarbonates. Part11. Potassium, rubidium aud cmiumhydrogen carbonates, T., 2752 ; P.,268.Challenger, Frederick, organo-derivativesof bismuth. Part I. The prepara-tion and properties of sonie tertiaryaromatic bismuthines and their halo-gen derivatives, T., 2310 ; P., 229.Challenger, Frederick, and CharlesFrederick Allpress, organo-derivativesof bismuth.Part 11. The stability ofderivatives of quinquevalent bismuth,P., 292.Chapman, Alfred CJiaston, the nitro-genous constituents of hops, T., 1895 ;P., 196.Chapman, David Leonard. See MalcolmPercival Applebey.Chattaway, Frederick Daniel, interactionof glycerol and oxalic acid, T., 151.Chattaway, Frederick Daniel, and AlfredBertie Constable, derivatives of p-iodo-aniline, T., 124.Chattaway, Frederick: Dawiel, and CharlesFrederick Byrde Pearce, 2:4-dichloro-phenylhydrazine, P., 308.Chou, Tsan Quo. See William HenryPerkin, jun.Chowdhuri, Tayini Charan. See Panch-a n o n Neogi.Clarke, George, phytin and phytic acid,T., 535 ; P., 32.Clarke, (Miss) Rosalind.See AlfredSenier.Clewer, Hubert William Bentley. SeeFrank Tntin.Clough, George William, the opticalrotatory power of derivatives of suc-cinic acid i n aqueous solutions of in-organic salts. Parts I. and II., T.,4 9 ; P., 307.Coates, Joseph Edward, and (Miss) AdaFinney, the rate of combination ofgaseous nitric oxide and chlorine.Part I., T., 2444 ; P., 211.Cohen, Julius Berend, position-isomerismand optical activity, T., 1892 ; P.,221.Cohen, Julius Berend, and PavitraKzrmar Dutt, the progressive bromina-tion of toluene, T., 501 ; P., 15, 271.Cohen, Julius Berend, and Colin JamesSmithells, the chlorination and bro-mination of substituted toluenes, 1’. ,1907 ; P., 224.Coleman, Frederick Charlcs.See JamesWilliam YcBain.Constable, Alfred Bertie. See FrederickDaniel Chattaway.Cooke, John Harbourne. See GilbertThomas Morgan.Cooper, Charles. See Hubert FTankCoward.Cooper, William Francis, and WalterHarold Nuttall, the condensation offuran-2:5-dialdehyde with maloiiicester and malonic acid, T., 2218 ; P.,227.Copisarow, &!aurice, note on the forma-tion of triphenylcarbinol, P., 111.Coppin, Noel Guilbert Stevenson, andArthur Falsh Titherley, the con-densation of chloral hydrate and carb-amide, T., 32.Coppin, Noel Guilbert Stexenson. See alsoArthur Walsh Titherley.Coward, Hubert Frank, and FrankBrinsley, the dilution-limits of in-flammability of gaseous mixtures.Part I. The determination of dilution-limits. Part 11.The lower limits forhydroeen, methane, and carbon mon-oxide ?n air, T., 1859 ; P., 176.Coward, Hubert Frank, Charles Cooper,and Julius Jacobs, the ignition ofsome gaseous mixtures by the electricdischarge, T., 1069 ; P., 78.Cramer, William, the reduction of cupricsalts by sugars, P., 292.Crofts, James Murray. See HaroldBaily Dixon.Crommelin, C. A., the capillary constantsfor liquid carbon monoxide and liquidargon ; a correctioo, P., 248.Crossley, Arthur William, and WalterRyley Pratt, hydroaromatic ketones.Part 111. l-isoPropylcycZohexan-3-one,Crossley, Arthur Williant, and (Miss)A-ora Renouf, aromatic compoundsob!ained fro111 the hydroaromaticseries. Part 111. Bromoxylenols fromdimethyldihydroresorcin, T., 165.Crowther, Horace Leslie, BarniltonMcCombie, and Thomas Harold Reade,condensations of cyanohydrins.Part11. The condellsation of chloralcyano-hydrin with chloral hydrate andwith bromal hydrate, T., 933 ; P.,57.Cruikshanks, George Xheoas. See ThomasGray.Crymble, Cecil Reginald, the absorptionspectra of some mercury compounds,T., 658 ; P., 16.a comparative study of the absorptionspectra of some compounds of phos-phorus, arsenic, antimony and bis-muth ; preliminary note, P., 179.P., 552914 INDEX OF AUTHORS.Cullis, Hedert Edwin. See BertramLambert .Cundall, James Tudor, obituary noticeof, T., 1201.Cundall, James Tudor, and MuagoMecallurn Fairgrieve, the action ofsulphuric acid on copper, T., 60.Curtis, Raymond, and James Kenner,the condensation of' ethyl glutaconate,T., 282 ; P., 3.Curtis, Raymond. See also JamesKenner.Cutts, Hubert Cyril, the action of phos-phoric oxide on dibenzylmalonic acid,P., 39.D.Daish, Arthur John, the action of coldconcentrated hydrochloric acid onstarch and maltose, T., 2053; P.,225.the velocity of hydrolysis of- starchand maltose by cold concentratedand fuming hydrochloric acid, T.,2065; E., 226.Dakin, Wenry Drysdale, and HaroldWard Dudley, a general method forthe prefaration of glyorals and theiracetals, T., 2453 ; P., 108.Davies, Hamilton.See Wil2iam ArthurBone.Dawkins, Alfred Ernest. See EdwardHenry Rennie.Dawson, Harry Medforth, the ioiiisationof acids and their activity as catalysts,Dawson, Harry Medforth, Donald Burton,and Harry Ark, the dynamics of theaction of halogens on aliphatic alde-hydes.Keto-en01 isomcrism of thealdehydes, T., 1275 ; P., 117.Dawson, Harry Medforth, and JosephMarshall, the reaction between iodineand aliphatic aldehydes, T., 386 ; P.,24.Dawson, Harry ,Wedforth, and FrankPowis, the catalytic activity of acidsin ethyl-alcoholic solution, T., 1093 ;P., 60.Denham, William Smith, and (Miss)Hilda Woodhouse, the methylationof cellulose. Part 11. Hydrolysis ofmetliylated cellulose, T., 2357 ; P.,238.Dey, Biman Bihari, hydrazoximes ofmethyl- aiid phenyl-glyoxals, T.,1039 ; P., 79.condensation of ethyl a-chloroaceto-acetate with pheiiols, P., 38.See Herbert HenryHodgson.P., 112.Dix, AEbert CTilbert.Dixon, Harold Baily, Lawrence Brad-shaw, and Colin Campbell, the firingof gnses by adiabatic compression.Part I.Photogruphic analysis of theflame, T., 2027 ; P., 222.Dixon, Harold Baily, and James MurrayCrofts, the firing of gases by adiabaticcompression. Part 11. The ignition-points of mixtures containing electrcj-lytic gas, T., 2036 ; P., 223.Dobbie, James Johnston, and John JacobFox, the composition of somemedisval wax seals, T., 795 ; P., 67.the relation between the absorptionspectra and the constitution ofcertain isoquinoline alkaloids andof the alkaloids of ipecacuanha, T.,1639; P., 184.Dodgson, John Wallis, the reaction ofp-benzo uinone with sulphurous acidand wi& alkali. Part I., T., 2435;P., 239.Donnan, Frederick George, and ArthurJohn Allmand, ionic equilibria acrosssemi-permeable membranes, T., 1941 ;P., 180.Drew, Hurry Dugald Keith.See Alex-ander McKenzie.Dudley, Harold Ward. See HenryDrysdale Dakin.Duff, James Cooper, p-toluoylacetic acid,o-nitro-p-toluoylacetic acid, and 65'-dimethylindigotin, T., 2182 ; P., 230.Duncan, Robert Kennedy, obituary noticeof, T., 1203.Dunlop, John Gunning Moore, the actionof sulphuric acid on paraformaldehyde,T., 1155 ; P., 108.Dunn, Frederick Percy. See Oscar LisleBrady.Dunningham, Alfred Charles, the system :ethyl ether-water-potassium iodide-mercuric iodide. Part I. The un-derlying three component systems,T., 368 ; P.: 8.the system : ethyl ether-water-potas-sium iodide-mercuric iodide.Part11. Solutions saturated with respectto solid phases in the four-com-ponent system, T., 724 ; P., 58.the system : ethyl ether-water-potas-sium iodide-mercuric iodide. Part111. Solutions unsaturated with re-spect to solid phases in the four-component system, T. ,2623 ; P., 107.Dunstan, Albert Ernest, the viscosity ofsulphuric acid, P., 104.Dunstan, AZbeA Ernest, FerdinandBernard Thole, and Percy Benson, therelation between viscosity and chemicalconstitution. Part VIII. Some homol-ogous series, T., 782INDEX OF AUTHORS. 2915Berend Cohen.E.Earl, John CamPbell- See ~YrnestGoulding.Egerton, AIf?.ed Charles GlZln, a studyof the VaPour Pressure of nitr@@nperoxide, T., 647 ; P., 5 .Elliott, J. Canipbtll.See Gilbert ThomasMorgan.English, Solomon, and William ErnestStephen Turner, the ViScoSities ofley Myers, some properties of solutionsof the boric acids in alcohol ; a modi-fied boiling-point apparatus, T., 2887 ;P., 293.Fleck, A Zexander, the relation of uranoussalts to thorium, T., 247.Fletcher, James, and William JacobJones, equilibrium in the system :ethyl alcohol, acetic acid, ethyl acetatealld water, and its apparent displace-nieiit by mineral chlorides, T., 1542 ;p., 118.Forster, Martin Onslow, and Ernst Kunz,F.Fairgrieve. Jfungo AfcCaZlum. SeeJames Tudor Cundall.Fargher, Robert George, and Wilh'amHenry Perkin, jun., the actioii ofay-dibromobutane on the sodiumderivatives of ethyl acetoacetate andhenzoylacetate, T., 1353.Farmer, Walter.See Andrew JaiiziesonWalker.Fawsitt, Charles Edward. See GeorgeJoseph Burrows.Fernandes, Francis Vito. See PrafullaChandra ROy.Findlay, Alexander, and Owen RhysHowell, the influence of colloids andfine suspensions on the solubility ofgmes in water. Part IV. Solubilityof nitrous oxide a t pressures lowerthan atmospheric, T., 291 ; P., 13.Findlay, A lexander, and George King,rate of evolution of gases from super-saturated solutions. Part 11. Carbondioxide in solutions of gelatin and ofstarch, T., 1297 ; P., 114.Findlay, Alexander, IdwaZ Morgan, andIvor Prys Morris, the solubility of thenitrates of potassium, barium, andstrontium, and the stability of thedouble nitrate of potassium andbarium,T., 779 ; P., 73.Finney, (Miss) Ada.See Joseph EdwardCoates.bility of formic acid and benzene,and the system : benzene-formicacid-water, T., 350 ; P., 3.the alkaloids of quebracho bark. PartFox,' John .Jacob. See James JohnsfoitDobbie.Frankland, Edward Percy, the reactionbetween benzylamine and the dibronio-succinic acids, T., 2879 ; P., 260.Frankland, Percy Faraday, and FTedBarrow, incnthyl esters of chloroacetic,menthoxyacetic, and met hylanilino-acetic acids, T., 990 ; P. 84.Frankland, Percy Faraday, and WilliamEdward Garner, the action of thionylchloride on lactic acid and on ethyllactate, T., 1101 ; P., 84.Frankland, Percy Faraday, and AndrewTurnbull, the action of phosphoruspentachloride on the esters of glycericacid ; optically active as-dichloro-propionates, T., 456 ; P., 29.Friend, John A lbert Newton, and CharlesWilliam Marshall, the corrosion ofiron and its application to determinethe relative strengths of acids, T.,2776; Y., 263.Furness, Reginald, IZobcrt TaylorHardman, and Edgar Newbery, electro-motive forces i n alcohol.Part IV.Combinations of the hydrogen andcalomel electrodes, T., 2302 ; P.,233.Furness, Reginald, and William HenryPerkin, jun., d- and dl-epicamphor,T., 2024.Fyfe, Alexander Walker. See WalterNorman Haworth, and JamesColquhoun. Irvine.nminocamphor, T., 2770 ; p., 268.Senier.Forster, Robert Benjamin. See AlfredFoulds, Robinson Percy, and Robert1. 1'he constitution of aspidosperm-h e , l'., 2738 ; P., 258.Robinson, some derivatives of safrole,T., 1963 : P., 2212916 INDEX OF AUTHORS.G.Garner, William Edward.See PercyGarrett, Walter Reginald. See WilliamGhosh, Brojendranath, and XamuclSmiles, the interaction of nal’htha-sulphoninm-quinone and substancescontaining the thiol group, T., 1396 ;P., 148.dinaphthathioxoninm salts, T., 1739 ;P., 213.Gibbs, Izan Bichard, and Philip FViZfredRobertson, experiments on the migra-tion of para-halogen atoms in phenols,T., 1885 ; P., 221.Qibson, Charlev Stanley, sulyhonyl andcarbonyl derivatives of alanine, resolu-tion of externally conipensated p-tolu-enesulphonylalanine into its opticallyactive components ; preliminary note,P., 32.Gibson, John, obituary notice of, T., 1204.Qilmour, Robert, R contribution t o thestudy of the constitution of the methylpentoses.Part I. Synthesis of ani-methyl tetrose and an i-methyltetritol, T . , 73.Goldsworthy, Leonard James, andWilliam Henry Perkin, jzm., resolu-tion of trans-cyclopentane-l:2-di-carboxylic acid, T., 2639 ; P., 261.carboxylic acids derived from cyclo-butane, cyclopentane, cyclohexane,and cycloheptane, T., 2665 ; P., 261.Goulding, Ernest, and John CampbellEarl, the volatile oil of Cymbopogoncoloratz6s from Fiji, P., 10.Goulding, Ernest, and Oswald DigbyRoberts, volatile oil from the leaves ofHarosma venmta, T., 2613 ; P., 244.Graham, Joseph Ivon, and Thomas FieldWinmill, the estimatioii of carbonmonoxide, T., 3996 ; P., 160.Gray, Francis William, an adiabaticcalorimeter, T., 1010.Gray, Francis WilZiam, and Witliam. Milne Birse, a magnetic stndy ofcompounds of water and of aqueoussolutions, T., 2707 ; P., 211.Gray, Thomas, and Georgc ShevasCruikshanke, a method of separatingthe dihydroxgbenzenes, P., 305.Green, Heber, the viscosity of sugarsolutions, P., 158.Grey, Egerton CharZes, the volumetricestimation of carbon in alilbhatic sub-stances in the wet way, T., 2204;P., 231.Glroenewoud, Sidney Henry.See GeorgeFramis Morrell.Faraday Frankland.Ernest Stephen Turner.H.Hadfield, John Renry, and James Kenner,the preparation of 3-nitro-o-toluidine,P., 253.Hall, Norman, James Edward Hynes,and Arthur Lapworth, a-hydroxy-8-phenylcrotonolartone, P., 305.Haller, Percy. See William ErnestStephen Turner.Harden, Arthzw, and Xobert Robison,a new phosphoric ester obtained bythe aid of yeast-juice ; preliminarynote, P., 16.Harding, Yxtor John, substitution inaromatic hydroxy-compounds. Part 11.Acetyl-nitro-substitutbn, T., 2790 ;P., 299.Hardman, Ilobert Taylor. See ReginaldFurness.Harper.Erncct Mflgozuan, and .4 lexanderKillen Macbeth, the colours pro-duced on mixing the alkyl nitriteswith substances containing centresof residual affinity, P., 15.colorations produced by some organicnitro-compounds with special refer-ence to t e t m 11 it rom e th ane, P.,263.Hartley, Ernald George Justininn, a-and 8-trimethyl cobalticyanide, T,,521 ; P., 37.Hartley, Harold Brewer, and JohnAfcArthw Stuart, the miscibility ofazobenzene and azorybenzene in thesolid state and the supposed existenceof a stereoisomeride of azobenzene,T., 309 ; P., 13.Hartley, (Sir) lb’alter AToel, obituarynotice of, T., 1207.Haworth, Walter Normnn, a new methodof preparing alkylated sugars, P.,293.Haworth, Walter Norman, and A1l.x-mder Walker Fyfe, synthetic hydro-carbons allied to the terpcnes, T.,Haworth, Walter Norman, and AlbertTheodore King, the roiistitution ofcamphene.Part 11. Experiments onthe synthesis of several degradationrodncts of camphene, T., 1342 ; $., 143.Heilbron, Isidor Morris. See AlfredArchibald Boon, George Gerald Hender-son, and Forsyth James Wilson.Renderson, George Gerald, Isidor MorrisReilbron, and Matthew Howie, contri-butions to thechemistry of the terpenes.Part XVII.The action ofhypochlorousacid on camphene, T., 1367; P.,136.1659; r., 182INDEX OF AUTHORS. 2917Henderson, George Gerald, and (Miss)Maggie Millen Jefs Sutherland, con-tributions to the chemistry of theterpenes. Part XVIII. Campheiianicacid and its isomerides, T., 1710;P., 203.Heron, John, obituary notice of, T.,1216.Eewitt, John Theodore, (Miss) RlbodaMarianne Johnson, and Frank GeorgePope, the absorption spectra of nitratedphyylliydrazoues, T., 364 ; P., 4.Hewitt, John Theodora, (Miss) GladysRuby l a m , and Frank George Pope,colour and constitution of azo-corn-pounds. Part VI., T., 2193; P., 202.Hodgson, Herbert Henry, and AlbertGilbert Dix, the action of sulphur onatnines. Part 11.Aniline, T., 952 ;P., 82.Hogg, Thoma9 Percival. See JamesColquhoun Irvine.Hollely, William Francis. See RaphaelMeldola.Holmyard, Eric John, the destructivedistillation of soil ; preliminary note,P., 109.Holt, A Ifred, and Norman Murray Bell,the system : m-xylene-ethyl alcohol-water, T., 633.Eope, Edward, and IGobert Robinson,synthetical experiments in the grnupof the Goquinoline alkaloids. Part IV.The synthesis of 8-gnoscopine, T.,2085; P., 228.Howell, Owen Rhys. See AleznnderFindlay,Howie, Matthew. See George GeraldHenderson.Hulme, William, the mechanism ofdenitrification, T., 623.Hnlton, Henry Francis Everard. SeeJulian Levett Baker.Eutchison, Charles Graham, and SantuelSmiles, the interaction of nitric acidand the sulphides of &naphthol, T.,1744 ; P., 213.Hyman, Henry. See Frederick Soddy.Eyna, Alexander.See James ColquhounIrvine.Hynes, J a m s Edward. See NormanHall.I.Innes, (Miss) Helen Reid. See JosephKnox.Irvine, James Colquhozln, and AlemnderWalker Fyfe, the reactions of a-amino-8-hydroxy-compounds as cyclic struc-tures,.T., 1642; P., 179.Irvine, James Colquhoun, and ThomasPercival Hogg, partially methylatedglucoses. Part 111. Monomethylglucose, T., 1386 ; P., 145.Irvine, James Colquhoun, a113 AlexanderHynd, the conversion of d-glucosamiiieinto d-mnnnose, T., 698 ; P., 60.Irvine, James Colquhoun, and (Miss)Bina Mary Paterson, the influenceof configuration on the cond nsa-tion reactions of polyhydroxy-corn-pounds. Part I.The constitutionof mannitoltriacetone, T., 898 ;P., 68.the formation of ethers from mannitol,an example of steric hindrance,T., 915; P., 69.J.Jacobs, Julius. See Hubert’ lil’ankCoward.James, Thomas Campbell, arid Cli’ordWillinm Judd, the ad(litinn of 111 ga-tive radicles to Schifs bases. T., 1427.Jaques, Arthur. See Thonms XlaterPrice.Johnson, (Jfiss) Ehoda Mariame. SeeJohn I’hf*odore Hewitt.Jones, Bernard Mount, the dissociationof gaseous nitrogen trioxide, T., 2310 ;P., 230.Jones, David Trevor, and Richard Ver-non Wheeler, the composition of coal,T., 140, 2562; P., 243.Jones, (Miss) Marian, and ArthurLapworth, a-bromonaphthalene : itsphysicd properties and its applica-tion to the determination of waterin moist alcohol, T., 1804 ; P., 202.kinetics of the decomposition of acylderivatives of phenols by means ofalcohol in presence of acids aridalkalis ; preliiniirary note, P., 141.Jones, Wzlliam Jacob.the mechanismof cyanidion catalyses, T., 1547 ;P., 118.the interaction between hydrogencyanide and aldehydes and ketonesin dilutesolution, T., 1560 ; P., 118.Jones, William Jacob, and James RiddickPartington, ideal refractivities of gases,P., 201.Jones, William Jacob. See also JamesFletcher.Joseph, Alfred Francis, solutions ofbromine in water, nitrobenzene, andcarbon tetrachloride, P., 244.note on a gas-pressure regulator, P.,254.Judd, Cliford William. See ThomasCanybeEl Jamee2918 INDEX OF AUTHORS.K.Kay, Francis Willinni, and AlZanMorton, experiments on the syiithrsisof the beitzltterlienes.Part I. I)e-rivntives of beirzonor-p-meuthane, T.,1565 ; P., 162.Kenner, James, the reduction productsof e thy1 h ydrindenr -2 :2-dicarboxylate,T., 2685 ; P., 244.Kenner, ,James [with Raymond Curtis],the infliiciice of nitro-groups on thereactivity of substituerits in the benzenenucleus, T., 2717 ; P., 174.Kenner, James, and (Miss) Annie MooreMathews, 2-hytlrindamine, T., 745 ;diphenyl-2:3:2’:3’- and -3:4:3‘:4’-tetra-carboxylic acids, T., 2471 ; P.,242.Kenner, Jnmes. See also RaymondCurtis, and John Henry Hadfield.Kenyon, Joseph, iilvrstigtions on thedependence of rotatory power onchemical constitution.Part VII.Soriie esters of the carbinols of theformula C,H;CH(OH).R, T., 2226 ;P., 231.Kenyon, Joseph, and Robert WouxonPickard, investigations on the de-pendence of rotatory power onchemical constitution. Part VIII.The optical rotatory powers of thenormal esters of benzylmethylcarb-inol, T., 2262 ; P., 232.investigations on the dependence ofrotatory power on chemical constitu-tion. Part IX. The rotatory powersof l-naphthyl-n-hexylcarbinol andits esters, T., 2644 ; P., 243.inveatigations on the dependence ofrotatory power on chemical consti-tution. Part X. The optical dis-persive power of tetrahydro-2-naphthol and its esters, T., 2677;P., 262.investigations on the dependence ofrotxtoiy power on chemical consti-tution.Part XI. The co-ordina-tion of the rotatory powers (a) ofmenthyl compounds, (b) of thementhones, and (c) of the borneols,P., 273.investigations on the dependence ofrotatory power on chemical consti-tution. Part XII. The rotatorypowers of some esters of benzoic andof 1- and 2-naphthoic acids withoptically active secondary alcohols,P., 307.Kenyon, Joseph. See also Thomas Martin1’. , 4.Lowry, and Robert Howson Pickard.King, A lbert Theodore. See ll’alterKing, George. See Alexander Findlay.King, Harold, the possibility of a newinstance of nptical activity without anasymmetric carbon atom, P., 249.King, Harold, and Frank Lee Pyman,the constitution of the glyccrylphos-phates, T., 1238 ; P., 103.Kipping, Fmderic Stanley, and RobertRobison, organic derivatives of silicon.Part XXI.The condensation productsof diphrnylsilicanediol, ‘I?., 484.Kipping, Frederic Stanley. See alsoJohn Arthur Meads, and RobertRobison.Knapp, Arthur William. See JohnFrancis Liverseege.Knight, Willinm Arthur, the ageing ofalloys of silver and tin, T., 639;Knox, Joseph, and (Miss) Helen ReidInnes, compounds of pheuanthra-quinone with metallic salts, T., 1451 ;P., 159.Xunz, Brnst. See Martin Onslow Forster.Norman Haworth.P., 28.L.Lambert, Bertram, and Herbert EdwinCullis, the wet oxidation of metals.Part 111. The corrosion of lead,P., 198.Lamble, AIfred, and William Cz~dmoreMcCuZlagh Lewis, studies in catalysis.Part I. Hydrolysis of inethyl acetate,with a theory of homogeneous catalysis,T., 2330 ; P., 222.Lapworth, Arthur.See Norman Hall,and (Miss) Marian Jonea.Lattey, Robert Tabor, the azeotropicmixtures of ethyl acetate and water,P., 33.Le Bas, Gervaise, a formula by means ofwhich the molecular volume a t theboiling point may be calculated,P., 86.a study of the constitution of nitrogenand phosphorus oxides and some oftheir derivatives by means of mole-cular volumes, P., 87.Lefebure, Victor, absorption of gases bycelluloid, T., 328.Le Sueur, Henry Rondel, and JohnCharles Withers, the niechnnism ofthe action of fused alkalis. Part I.The action of fused potassium hydr-oxide on dihydroxystearic acid ariddihydroxybehenic acid, T., 2800 ;P., 257INDEX OF AUTHORS.2919Letts, Edmund AZbert, and (Miss)Florence Williamson Bea, an extremelydelicate colorimetric method for detect-ing and estimating nitrates and nitrites,T., 1157 ; P., 72.Levy, S'tanley Isaac, the action of amino-acid esters on ethvl dicarboxvplutacon- d n ate, T., 27.Le wi e, Wi Eliuam Cudmore MCCCC llacrh .See &frcd Lamble.Lewkowitsch, Julius, obituary noticeof, T., 1217.Little, Harry Frank Victor. See %enryVincent Aird Briacoe.Liverseege, John Francis, and ArthurWilliam Knapp, the erosion of lead,Lowry, Thomas Martin, the rotatorydispersive power of organic com-pounds. Part IV. Magnetic rota-tion and dispersion in some slimpleorganic liquids, T. , 81.tautomerism,desmotropy, and dynamicisomerism, P., 105.Lowry, Thomas Martin, Robert BowsonPickard, and Joseph Kenyon, therotatory dispersive power of organiccompounds. Part V.A comparisonof the optical and magnetic rotatorydispersions in some optically activeliquids, T., 94.Lowry, Thomas Martin, and VictorSteele, a new chlorocamphor; pre-liminary note, p., 201.P., 25.1.McBain, James WiZliam, and FrederickChades Coleman, a criticism of thehypothesis that neutral salts increasethe dissociation of weak acids andbases, T., 1517 ; P., 135.McB-ain, James William, and RerbertErnest Martin, studies o f the constitu-tion of soap solutions : the alkalinityand degree of hydrolysis of soap solu-tions, T., 957 ; P., 68.Xacbeth, Alexander Eillen. See EwicsCMagowan Harper.IldcCombie, Hamilton, and John WilfridParkes, the interaction of benzoin andthe chlorides of dibasic acids, T., 1687 ;P., 185.McCombie, Hamilton, aad HaroldArchibald Scarborough, the velocityof saponification of the acyl deriva-tives of the substituted phenols.Part I.Phenyl benzoate, T., 1304 ;P., 107.the rate of saponification of derivativesof ethyl benzoate, P., 294.McCombie, Hamilton. See also BoraeeLeslie Crowther.McKenzie, Alexander, Harry DugaldKeith Drew, and Gerald HargravcMartin, conversion of l-yhenylchloro-acetic acid into d-diphenylsuccinicacid, P., 304.McKenzie, Alexander, Geofrey Martin,and Harold Gordon Rule, action ofGrignard reagents on acid amides,T., 1583 ; P., 182.McKenzie, Kenneth John. See AIfredArchibald Boon,MacLean, ( M r s .) Ida Snaedley, and(Miss) Sibyl Taite Widdows, the actionof magnesium pheiiyl bromide onderivatives of phrnyl styryl ketone,T., 2169 ; P., 222.Mann, (Miss) Gladys Ruby. See JohnTheodore Xewitt.Marle, Ernest Robert. See David Runci-man Boyd.Marsh, James Ernest, a class o f saltswhich contain two solvents of crystal-lisation, T., 2368 ; P., 83.Marshall, Charles William. See JohnAZbert Newton Friend.Marshall, Hugh, obituary notice of, T.,1219.Marshall, Joseph, the action of alde-hydes on the Grignard reagent, T.,527 ; P., 13.Marehall, Joseph. See also Harry Med-forth Dawaon.Martin, Geofrey, researches on siliconcompounds. Part VI. Preparationof silicon tetrachloride, disiliconhexachloride, and the higher chlor-ides of silicon by the action ofchlorine on 50 per cent.ferrosilicon,together with a discussion on theirmode of formation, T., 2836; P.,251.researches on silicon compounds. PartVII. The actioii of ethyl alcohol ondisilicon hexachloride, T., 2860 ;P., 272.Martin, Oeofrey. See also AlexanderMcKenzie.Martin, Gerald Hargrave. See Alex-ander McKenrie.Martin, Herbert Ernest. See Hugh MillsBunbury, and James William I c -Bain.Mason, Frederick Ayred, and WilliamHenry Perkin, jun., oxidation ofpapaveraldine methosulphate, T.,20x3.Mathews, (Miss) Annie Moore. SeeJames Kenner.Matthey, Gsorge, obituary notice of, T.,12222920 INDEX OF AUTHORS.Xeads, John Arthur, and FredeericStanley Kipping, organic derivativesof silicon.Part XXII. The so-calledsiliconic acids, T., 679 ; P., 6.Xeldola, Raphael, and William FTancisHollely, acylation as influenced bysteric hindrance : the action of acidanhydrides on 3:5-dinitro-p-aniino-phenol, T., 410 ; P., 25.syntheses with phenol derivatives con-taining a mobile i>itro-group. PartVI. Substituted alkyl- and aryl-phenylaminw : coloar in relation totautomerism, T., 977 ; P., 85.quinone- ammonium derivati vcs. Part111. Dihaloid, nionoazo-, hisazo-,nitrotriazo-, and bistriazo-com-pounds : attempts to prcpare deriv-atives containing an asymmetricquinquevalent nitrogen atom, T.,1469 ; P.: 159.quinone-ammonium derivatives. Part1V. Products of the extreme alkyla-tion of alkylatetl isopicramic acid,T., 2073 ; P., 229.Merriman, Richard William, the azeo-tropic mixtures of ethyl acetate andwater, P., 73.Xerry, Ernest Wyndham, and JVilliamErnest Stephen Turner, the viscositiesof some binary liquid mixtures con-taining formamide, T., 748 ; P., 60.Merton, Thomas Ralgh, the absorptionof light by uranous chloride in dif-ferent solvents, T., 23.the production of high vacua bymeans of finely divided copper, T.,645 ; P., 55.Xicklethwait, (Miss) Frances Mamj Gore.See John CanmZl Cain.Mills, William RobSon, and (Miss) AliceMary Bain, the configuration of thedoubly linked nitrogen atom.Optic-ally active salts of the semicarbazoneand benzoylphenylhydrazone of cyclo-hexanone-4-carboxylic acid, T., 64.Mills, FVilZiam Hobson, Xoyace VictorParker, and Robert William Prowse,the resolution of 5-nitrohydtindene-2-carhoxylic acid, T., 1537 ; P., 161.Moore, Tom Sidney, asymmetric ter-valent nitrogen ; preliminary note, P.,182.Horgan, Gilbert Thomas, and John Har-bourne Cooke, benzmesulphonyl de-rivatives of o-aminonzo-compounds ;preliminary note, P., 249.Morgan, Qilbert Thomas, and J.Camp-bell Elliott, mercuration of aromaticamines, P., 186.p-chlorophenylselenious acid ; pre-liminary note, p., 248.Xorgan, Gilbert Thomas, and EenryWebster Moss, researches on residualaBnity and co-ordination. Part I.Metallic acetylacetones and their ab-sorption spectra, T., 189.Morgan, Gilbert Thomas, and JosephReilly, noii -aromatic diazoniumsalts. Part 111.3:5-Dimethylpyr-azole-4-diazonium salts sud theirazo-derivatives, T., 435.diazotisation of aminomesitylenes ;preliminary note, P., 74.Morgan, Gilbert Thow~as, and GodfreyEdward Scharff, con4tution of theo-diazoimines. Part IV. Isomeric ben-zenesulphon~1-3:4-tolyleneditizo-imides, T , 117.Morgan, Idwal. See Alexander Findlay.Morrell, George Francis, studies in thesiiccinic acid series. Part I. Thechlorides of succinic and niethyl-succinic acids, and thrir constitution,T., 1733 ; P., 175.Morrell, George Francis, and PeterBurgen, the polymerisation of cyan-atnide, T., 576.Morrell, George Francis [with SidneyHenry Groenewoud], studies in thesuccinic acid series. Part 11. Anilidesand anilic acids, and the effect ofsteric hindrance on the formation ofthe amides, T , 2098 ; P., 257.Morris, Ivov Prys. See AlexanderFindlay.Morton, AZZnn.See Francis WilliumKay.Moss, Henry Webster. See Gilbert ThomasMorgan.Mumford, Ernest Moore, the mechanismof nitrification ; preliminary note, P.,36.Myers, James Eckersley. See JamesBrierley Firth.N.Neogi, PanchEnon, direct combinationof nitrousacid with primary, secondary,and tertiary amines, T., I270 ; P., 35.Neogi, Panch6non [with Birendra Bhu-san Adhicary, and Tarini CharanChowdhuri], interaction of alkali alkylsulphates and alkali nitrites : theoriesof the formation of aliphatic nitro-componnds, T., 2371 ; P., 220.Newbery, Edgar, unstable compoundsof cholesterol with bnrium meth-oxide, ‘l’., 380 ; P., 5.overvoltage, T., 2419 ; P., 235.electromotive forces in alcohol.PartV. The dropping electrode in alco-holic solutions, T., 2563 ; P., 241INDEX OFNewbery, Edgar. See also ReginaldNuttall, Walter Harold. See WilliamFurness.Francis Cooper.0.Oesch, Josef, and Arthur George Perkin,the colouring matters of 22hammscatharticus, T., 2350 ; P., 236.alizarin a-methyl ether, P., 213.P.Parker, Albert, the lower limits of in-Atinmation of methane with mixtui esof' oxygen and nitrogen, T., 1002 ; P.,75.Parker, Albrrt, and AEan Victor ahead,the velocities of flame in mixtures ofmethane, T., 2150 ; P., 220.Parker, Horace Victor. See WillianzHobson Mills.Parker, Leslie Ilenry, reactions by tri-turation, T., 1504 ; p., 137.Parkes, John Wilfrid.See HamiltonMcCombie.Parry, William, synthesis of pinacones.Part II., P., 298.Partington, James Riddick, heats o fevaporation ; association in liquidsand mixtures of liquids, P., 61.note on the dilution law, P., 251.Partington, James Riddick. See alsoWilliam Jacob Jones.Paterson, (Miss) Bina Mary. See JamesColquhouit Irvine.Patterson, Thomas Stewart, and ErnestFerpson Pollock, the influence ofsolvents on the rotation of opticallyactive compounds. Part XX. Isomericsolvents, T., 2322 ; P., 23-1.Peacock, David Henry, rotatory powerand refractivity. Part I. Therotatory powers, refractivities andmolecular solution-volumes of cin-chonicine and borneol in certainsolvents, T., 2782 ; P., 264.the preparation of plienyl benzyl ether,P., 247.the rotatory powers, refractivities, andmolecular solution-volumes of cin-chonicine and some derivatives ;preliminary note, P., 274.Pearce, Charles Frederick Byrde.SeeFrederick Danir l Chattaway.Peddle, Cyril James, deliquescence.Part I. Tho deliquescence of salts ofammonium b a w , T., 1025 ; P., 81.Perkin, Arthur George, thujin, T., 1408 ;P., 150.note on quercitrin, P., 201.LUTHORS. 2921Perkin, Arthur George, carajura and chicared ; pteliniinary note, Y., 212.Perkin, Arthur George, and Isaac Shul-man, colouriiig matters contained asglucoside in the flowers of some Indianplants, P., 200.See also Josef Perkin, Arthur George.Oesch.tial address. T.. 1176 : P.. 101.Perkin, William Henry, jun., presiden-I , Perkin, WiZkam' Henry, jzcn., WalterMorreZZ Roberts, and Robert Robinson,1 :2-diketo-5:6-diniethoxyhydrindene,T., 2405 ; P., 235.Perkin, William Henry, jun., andRobert Robinson [with David Cardwell,Tsnn Quo Chon, and Walter MorreZZRoberts], some derivatives of 0-vanillin, T., 2376 ; P., 234.Perkin, William Henry, jun.See alsoRobert George Fargher, Reginald Fur-ness, Leonard James Goldsworthy, andFrederick Alfred Mason,Perkins, William Hughes, the porosityof iron, T., 102.Pickard, Robert Howson, and JosephKenyon, investigations on the de-pendence of rotatory power onchemical constitution. Part V.The simpler esters of the carbiiiolsCH;CH(OH).R, T., 830.investigations on the dependence ofrotatory power on chemical consti-tution. Part VI.The optical ro-tatory power of methyl-tert.-butyl-,benzylmethyl-, phenylethylmethyl-and a-naphthylmethyl-carbinols,T., 1115 ; P., 83.Pickard, Robert Homon. See alsoJoseph Xenyon, and Thomas MartinPickering, Spencer Percival U.mfrevilb,the colour intensity of iron and coppercompounds, T., 464.Pollard, Cornelius Theodore. See Wil-liam Ernest Stephen Turner.Pollock, Ernest Ferguson. See ThomasStewart Patterson.Pope, Frank George, fluorene derivatives.Part 11. Resorcinol-benzein, T., 251.Pope, Frank George. See also JohnTheodore Hewitt.Pope, William Jackson, and John Read,the identity of the supposed 8-2:5-dimethylpiperazine, T., 219.the variable rotatory powers of thed-a-bromocamphor-B-sulphonates,T., 800 ; P., 74.the optical activity of compounds ofsimple molecular constitution ; am-monium d- and 1-chloroiodomethane-sulphonates, T., 811 ; P., 75.Lowry2922 INDEX OF AUTHORS.Powell, Chmles Wi2frid Iloberts, thePower, Frederick Beldiqzg, and HenryBrowning, jun., the constituents ofthe flowers of Anthemis nobilis, T.,1829 ; P., 210.the constituents of the flowers of Matri-caria chamomilln, T., 2280 ; Y., 237.Power, Frederick Belding, aud ArthurHenry Salway, chemical examina-tion of sarsaparilla root, T., '201.the constituents of the leaves andstems of Davicsia Iatifolia, T., 767 ;P., 66.dibenzoylqlucoxylo~e : a natural benz-oyl derivative of a new disaccharide,T., 1062 ; P., 109.Powis, Frank.See Harry MedforthDawson.Pratt, Walter Eyley. See Arthur WiZ-lium Crossley.Prescott, James Arthur, the reaction-between dilute acid solvents and soilphosphates, P., 137.Price, Thomas Xlater, and ArthurJaqnes, the reaction between sodiumbenzylthiosulphate and iodine, T.,1140 ; P., 117.Price, Tudor Williams, osmotic pressureof alcoholic solutions, P., 269.Pring, John Norman, and Urlyn CliftonTainton, the electro-deposition of zinca t high current densities,l'.,710; P.,27.Procter, Renry Richardson, the equili-brium of dilute hydrochloric acid andgelatin, T., 313.Prowse, Robert William. See WilliamHobson Mills,Purvis, Johftt Edward, the absorptionspectra of the vaponrs and solutionsof various substances containing twobenzene nuclei, T., 590 ; P., 23.the absorption spectra of various sub-stances containing two, three, andfour benzenenuclei, T., 1372; 1'.,141.the absorption spectra of the vapoursand solutions of various derivativesof benzaldehyde, T., 2482 ; P., 240.Pyman, Frank Lee, the alkaloids ofDaphnandra micruntha, T., 1679 ;P., 184.aromatic selenium compounds ; pre-liminary note, p., 302.See also FrancisHoward Carr, and Harold King.viscosity of sugar solutions, T., 1.Pyman, Frank Lee.R.Ray, Praftdla Chandra, additive andsubstitutive compounds of mercuricnitiite with organic thioderivatives.Part I., P., 140.Ray, Prafulla Chandra, action of nitrousacid on dimethylpiperazine, P.,143.the actioii of mercuric, cupric andplatinic chlorides on 01 ganic sulphurcompounds, P., 304.RQy, PrafiiIZa Chandra, and FrancisYito Fernandes, action of monochloro-acetic acid on thiocarbamide andmononlkylated thiocarbamides, T.,2159 ; P., 181.Ray, Rmnes Chandra, maanesium borideand aniorphons boron, OT., 2162 ; P.,242.Rea, (Miss) Florcizce 7Vil'illiamson.SeeEdmund Albert Letts.Read, John. See William Jackson Pope.Reade, Thomas Harold. See HoraceLeslie Crowther.Reeve, William, and Samuel Smiles,thio-derivatives of ~-iiaphthylamine,P., 147.Reilly: Joscph. See Gilbert ThomasMorgan.Rennie, Edward Henry, and AvredXrnest Dawkins, the interaction be-tween nitric acid and briicine in thepresence of metallic nitrates, T.,1487; P., 71.Renouf, (Miss) Xora. See Arthur Wil-liam Crossley.Report of the Council, T., 1163 ; P., 90.Report of the International CommitteeonAtomic Weights, T., 2257 ; P., 216.Rhead, A Inn Victor.See A lbert Parker.Roberts, Charles Edward, the alloys ofaluminium and silicon, T., 1383 ; P.,143.Roberts, Oswald Digby. See ErnestGoulding.Roberts, Wulter 2llorrell. See WilliamHenry Perkin, jun.Robertson, Philip Wilfred. See IvanRichard Gibbs.Robinson, (Mrs.) Gertrude Ilfaud, areaction of homopiperonyl and ofhomoverstryl alcohol ; preliminarynote ; P., 252.Robinson, (Mrs. ) Gertrude Maud, andBobert Robinson, researches on pseudo-bases. Part 1. Some condensationreactions of cotarnine, hydrastiuine,and isoquinoline methyl hydroxide,T., 1456 ; P., 161.Robinson, Bobeyt.See David Bain,Robinson Percy Fonlds, Edward Hope,William Henry Perkin, jun., and(Illrs. ) Gcrtrude Maud Robinson.Robison, Xobert, and Prederic StanleyKipping, organic derivatives of silicon.Part XX. Some condensation 1wo-ducts of dibenzylsilicanediol, T., 40INDEX OFBobison, Robert. See also ArthurHarden, and Frederic Stanley Upping.Ross, John David McBeath, the rate oftransformation of ammonium cyanatein absolute alcohol, T., 690 ; P., 5.Rule, Alexander, and John SmeathThomas, the polysulphides of alkalimetals. Part I. The polysulphidesof sodium, T., 177.the polysulphides of the alkali metals.Part 11. The polysulphides ofpotassium, T., 2819 ; P., 270.Rule, Harold Gordon. See AlexanderS.Salway, Arthur Henry.See FrederickBelding Power.Sand, Henry Julius Satomon. SeeRobert Martin Caven.Sanders, James McCmznell, the fractionaldistillation of petroleum, T., 1697 ;P., 185.Scarborough, Harold Archibald, pre-paration of ethyl nialonate andethyl cyauoacetate, P., 306.Scarborough, Harold Archibald. Seealso Hamilton McCombie.Scharff, Godfrey Edward. See GilbertThomas Xorgan.Schlaepfer, Hax. See Martin OmlowForster.SegaIler, David, the relative activitiesof certain organic iodo-compoundswith sodium phenoxide in alcoholicsolution. Part 111. The tempera-ture-coefficients, T., 106.the relative activities of certain organiciodo-compounds with sodium yhen-oxide. Part IV. The influence ofthe solvent, T., 112.Sen, Kumud Behari. See Edwin RoySen-Gupta, Henzendra Kumar, condensa-tion of ketones with phenols.Part I . Condensation with a-naphthol, T., 399.the forniation of heterocyclic com-pounds from hydroxymethyleneketones and cyanoacetamide ; pre-liminary note, p., 148.Senier, Avred, aiid (Miss) RosalindClarke, studies in phototropy andtherinotropy.Part IV. o-Nitro-benzylidenearylaniines and their photo-isomeric change, T., 1917 ; P., 203.Senier, Awred, and Xobert BenjaminForster, studies in phototropy andthermotropy. Part V. Polymorphic4-hydroxybenzylideneamines producedby trituration and by the influence ofsunlight, T., 2462 ; P., 227.McXenzie.Watson.AUTHORS. 2923Shroder, John Hanston, and SolomonParleg Acree, catalysiu. Part XVIII.The reactions of both the ions andthe molecules of acids, bases andsalts: the reactions of alkyl haloidswith phenoxides and ethoxides, T.,2582 ; P., 228.Shulman, Isaac.See Arthur GeorgePerkin.Simonsen, John Lionel. See John CannellCain.Singh, Bazoa Kartar, studies in substi-tuted quaternary azonium compoundscontaining an asymmetric nitrogenatom. Part 11. Resolution of phenyl-benzylmethylazoniuni iodide into opti-cally active components, T., 1972 ; P.,136.Slade, Xoland Edgar, studies of ammo-nium solutions: a correction, T.,1351 ; P., 150.Smiles, Samuel. See BrojendranathGhosh, Charles Graham Hutchison, andWil liam Reeve.Smith, Clarence, existence of racemiccompounds in the liquid state. PartII., T., 1703 ; P., 22.Smith, Clarence.See also John CanwllCain.Smithells, Colin James. See JuliusBerend Cohen.Smyth, (Miss) Wilhelminu Rebecca, theuse of sulphuryl chloride in the alkyl-ation of phenols, P., 14.Smythe, John Armstrong, the oxidationof some benzyl compounds of sulphur.Part 11. Benzyl tctrasulphoxide, T.,546 ; P., 24.Snape, Benry Lloyd, the reactions ofisoamarine, P., 6.the rotatory powers of d-and 1-Go-aniarine and of their respective tar-trates, P., 151.Soddy, Frederick, and Henry Hyman,the atomic weight of lead from Ceylonthorite, T., 1402 ; P., 134.Spencer, Leo, photokinetics of sodiumhypochlorite solutions. Part II., T.,2565 ; P., 240.Starling, Walter William. See GeorgeBarger.Steele, Victor. See Thmnas MartinLowry.Stephen, Henry, and Charles Weizmann,derivatives of 3:4-dimethoxyaceto-phen one and 4: 5-dimethoxy-o- tolylmethyl ketone, and the synthesis ofphenylglyoxalines con taiiiing suh-stituents in the benzene ring, T.,1046; P., 71.synthesis of dl-tvrosine and dl-3:4-" dihydroxyphenilalanine, T., 11 52 ;P., 1142924 INDEX OFStuart, John McArthur.See HaroldBrewer Hartley.Itubbs, Leonard. See Arthur WalshTitherley.Sntherland, (Miss) Maggie Millen Jefs.See George Gerakd Henderson, andForsyth James Wilson.T.Tainton, Urlyn Clifton. See John. NormanPring.Taylor, Hugh Stott. See Benry Bassett,3 un.Thole, Ferdinand Bernard, the effect ofring-formation on viscosity, T., 2004 ;P., 181.Thole, Ferdinand Bernard. See alsoAlbert Ernest Dunstan.Thomas, John Srneath.See AlexanderBule.Thompson, Fmnk C7~arles, the metallo-graphy of German silver, T., 2342;P., 233.Tinkler, Charles Kenneth, the relativestrengths of ammonium and the sub-stituted animonium hydroxides, asmeasured by their action on a pseudo-base. Part I., T., 995 ; P., 70.Titherley, Arthur Walsh, and NoelGuilbert Stevenson Coppin, allanturicacid, P., 115.Titherley, Arthur Walsh, and LeonardStubbs, the hydrolysis of mixedsecondary amides by alkalis, T., 299 ;P., 12.Titherley, Arthur Walsh. See also NoelGuilbert Stevenson Coppin.Trotter, John. See Alfred ArchibaldBoon.Tschngaev, Leo Alexandrovitsch, thechemical constitution of dioximines,T., 2187; P., 224.Turnbull, Andrew. See Percy FaradayFrankland.Turner, Eustace Ebenezer, an attempt toprepare organometallic derivatives oftungsten, P., 4.Turner, Eustace Ebenezer.See alsoGeorge Macdonald Bennett.Turner, William Ernest Xtephen, a criti-cism of Holmes’ method of determin-ing the molecular complexity ofliquids, P., 29.consistent molecular formulie, Y., 110.Turner, William Ernest Stephen, andCrellyn CoZgrave Bissett, the con-nexioii between the dielectric con-stant and the solvent power of aliquid, T., 947 ; P., 59.AUTHORS.Turner, ?Villiam Ernest Stephen, andCrellyn Colgrave Bissett, the mole-cular weights of some salts of thealkali metals and an account of thecompounds of these salts with thealeoliois, T., 1777 ; P., 110.Turner, TVilliam Ernest Stephen, andSolonzon English, the nature of mole-cular association ; its relation tochemical combination, T., 1786 ; P.,132.Turner, TVilliam Ernest Stephen, andCornelius Theodore Pollard, [withJohn Douglas Cauwood, Walter Regi-nald Garrett, and Percy Haller], theinfluence of solvents on molecular.weights.Part I. Salts, T., 1751 ;P., 79.Turner, William Ernest Stephen. Seealso Solomon English, and ErnestWyndham Merry.Tutin, Frunk, isodibenzoylglucoxylose,P., 302.Tutin, Frank, and Hubert WilliamBentley Clewer, the constituents ofSolanurn angzutifdium : isolationof a new gluco-alkaloid, solan-gustine, T., 559; P., 7.the constitnents of Clematis vitalba,T., 1845 ; P., 210.Twiss, Douglas Frank, the action ofhydrogen peroxide on the sodiumalkyl thiosulphatcs, T., 36.the action of nitro-substituted arylhaloids on alkali thiosulphates andselenosulphates, T., 1672 ; P., 187.Tyrer, DanieZ, adiabatic aud isothermalcompressibilities of liquids betweenone and two atmospheres’ pressure,T., 2534 ; P., 236.V.Vanstone, Ernest, the reactivity of anti-mony haloids with certain aromaticcompounds. Part I., T., 1491 ; P.,140.sodium amalgams : specific volumesand electrical conductivities, T.,2617 ; P., 241.W.Walker, Andrew Jamieson, and WalterFarmer, influence of the dilution ofhydrogen peroxide on the velocity ofprecipitation of maiigaiiese from am-moniacal solutions in presence of zinc,P., 139INDEX OFWalker, (Miss) Nellie.See John Ker-Walpole, George Stanley, hydrogenpotentials of mixtures of acetic acidand sodium acetate, T., 2501 ; P.,237.the effect of dilution on the hydrogenpotentials of acetic acid and“ standard acetate ” solutions, T.,2521 ; P., 238.Watson, Edwin Roy, 6’-aminoquercetin,T., 338.a relation between chemical constitu-tion and depth of colour of dyes,T., 759.Watson, Edwin Roy, and Kumud BehuriSen, dyes derived from quercetin, T.,389.Wataon, ?Valter Henry.See HerbertBrereton Baker.Weiamann, Charles. See Harry Brad-bury, and Henry Stephen.Werner, Emil Alphme, the constitutionof carbamides. Part I. The pre-paration of isocarbamides by theaction of methyl sulphate on carb-amides, T., 923 ; P., 26.the isomeric transformation of am-monium methyl sulphate and ofsubstituted ammonium methyl sul-phates ; the interaction of atninesand methyl snlphate, T., 2762;P., 260.a simple demonstration of the forma-tion of biuret from the interactionof carbamide and cyanic acid, P.,262.Wheeler, Richard Vernon, the propaga-tion of flame in mixtures of methaneand air ; the “ uniform movement,”T., 2606 ; P., 246.Wheeler, Richard Vernon. See alsoMaurice John Burgess, and DavidTrevor Jones.White, Gerald Noel, the preparation ofdithiobenzoic acid, P., 37.Widdows, (Miss) Sibyl Taite. See(Mrs.) Ida Smedley MacLean.foot Wood.AUTHORS. 2925Wilson, Forsylh Jam.es, Isidor MorrisXeilbron, and (Miw) Maggie MillenJefs Sutherland, contributions to ourknowledge of semicarbazones. PartIV. Action of hydrogen chloride, T.,2892 ; P., 295.Wilson, E’orsyth James. See also AlfrodArchibald Boon.Winmill, Thomas Field. See JosephIvon Graham.Withers, John Charles. See HenryRondd Le Suenr.Wood, John Kerfoot, the influence ofacids and alkalis on the optical activityof some amino-acids, T., 1988 ; P.,220.Wood, John Kerfoot, and (Miss) NellieWalker, the oxidation of carbohpdr-ates and related substances by meansof potassium persulphate, T., 1131 ;P., 115.Woodhouse, (Miss) Hilda. See WilliamSmith Denham.Worley, Ra@h Palliser, the surfacetension of mixtures. Part I.Mixtures of partly miscible liquidsand the influence of solubility, T.,260.Part11. Mixtures of perfectly miscibleliquids niid the relation betweentheir surface tensions and vapourpressures, T., 273.Wright, Robert, the relation betweenthe absorption spectra of acids andtheir salts. Part II., T., 669 ; P., 39.the absorption spectra of sulphurousacid and sulphites, T., 2907 ; P.,264.Wgnne, William Palmer, 2~3-dibromo-naphthalene j preliminary note, P.,204.the surface tension of mixtures.Y.Young, Charles Robert, optically activederivatives of cl-dimethoxy- and d-diethoxy-succinic acids, T., 1228 ; F.,114


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