T H E ANALYST: THE ORGAN OF THE Society of Public Analysts and other Analytical Chemists A MONTHLY J O U R N A L DEVOTED TO T H E ADVANCEMENT OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY Ebttorfal Gontmittee : I<. R. T.ITT,OCK F.I.C. (PKESIDENT). EDiVARD J. BEVLIN F.I.C. B E I ~ T I ~ A M imxm-r F.I.C. ALFRED C. CHAI’MAN F.I.C. CECIL FI. CRI1313 H.Sc. F.I.C. BERNARD DYER D.SC. F.I.C. THOMAS FXIIILEY F.I.C. OTTO HEFINER F.I.C. J . T. HEWITT D.Sc. ~ ’ H . D . M . A . P. A. ELLIS ICICHIZRDS F.I.C. E. \V. VOELCKER F.I.C. i J. AIJGIJSTUS VOELCKEII P F I . ~ . 1v.c VOL. XXXIII. 1908. TRADE AGENTS : SIMPKIN MARSHALL HAMILTON KENT 4 CO. LTD., I909 2 3 6 8 ORANGE STREET LONDOK S.U‘ 1NI>EX TO VOLUME XXXIII. 1XL)EX OF NAMES. ACKEI~XWN D. (tiid ICutscher F. The Composition of Extract of Crab 51 ~- E.aid Matthes H. The Unsaponifiable Constituents of Cocoanut Fat, Alhrens C. Estimation of Colophony in Shellac 478 Alway F. J. mid Pinckney 12. M. The Effect of Nitrogen Peroxide on Wheat Flour 94 Xndersen A. C. and Siirensen S. P. L. Winkler’s Method for the Voluinetric Estimation of Alkali Hydroxides in the Presence of Carbonates 334 Antoni W. Rapid Estimation of Alcohol in Fermented Liquors 399 ilrchbutt L. Esamination of Turpentine and Turpentine Substitutes 231 _____- Some Algerian Olive Oils 49 and its Detection in Admixture with Butter 357 ~ - - - S. L. ~ ~ l i d Gernmell W. The Estimation of Phosphorus in Phosphor Tin 292 Argiris A. Neurokeratin 125 Arnold H. mid Schiirmann E. New Method for the Analysis of Bronze Brass and Arragon C.A New Adulterant of Fennel Seed 468 Arthur W. and Campbell E. D. Estimation of Nickel and Chromium in Steel 373 Xatre C. Detection and Estimation of Free Mineral Acids in Red Wines 428 Atkins W. R. G. Freezing-Point of Cow’s Milk and the Estimation of Added Water, Auld S. XI. J. and Henry T. A. The Occurrence of Cyanogenetic Glucosides in Aumer J. and Isham H. Direct Combustion of Steel for Carbon and Sulphur 411 Austerwell G. aid Pacottet P. Estimation of Esters in Wines 127 Similar Alloys 438 279 Feeding Stuffs 280 l3ach A. The Peroxydase of Tyrosinase 129 Uaier E. n7d Neumann I?. The Detection of “ Sugar-Lime ” in Milk and Cream, Bailey H. S. An Automatic Siphon-Pipette 442 Bain J. W. aud Moore E. P. Loss of Carbon Dioxide during Solution of Steel in Baker F.G. S. a d Chapman A. C. Kaffir Beer 91 -_ - J. L. The Volumetric Determination of Reducing Sugars Pwts 11. and IIT., -- and Day F. The Preparation of Pure Maltose 393 -- and Hulton H. F. E. Considerations affecting the ‘‘ Strength ” of The Action of the Enzymes of Malt on the 401 Potassium Cupric Chloride 438 172 Wheat Flours 322 Enzymes of Ungerminated Cereals 392 Ball J. H. Death of 121 Ballard - Composition of Bleui-ites Seeds from Cochin China 405 a iv INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIII. Bang I. Bang’s Method of Estimating Sugar 405 Barberio M. Estimation of Creatinine in Urine by Means of Picric Acid 364 Bsrschall H. The Molecular Weight of the Dextrins occurring in Pine-Honey, Barthel C. Detection of Cocoanut Oil in Butter by Means of the L L Silver Value,” - U se of Methylene Blue in the Hygienic Examination of Milk-Supplies, 321 236 237 Baubigny H.The Estimation of Halogens in Organic Compounds 332 -_- The Separation of Silver Chloride Bromide and Iodide 332 Baxter G. P. Modified Spectroscopic Apparatus 253 Bay J. Estimation of Carbon Bisulphide in Benzene 132 Baynes James Death of 353 Beadle C. and Stevens H. P. Vulcanisation Tests with Plantation Rubbers 26 Beans H. T. nizd Metzger F. J. The Electrolytic Estimation of Bismuth 246 Beck P. Examination and Valuation of Red Lead 376 Bell J. Death of 121 157 Belloni E. aizd Carrasco O. A New Catalysing Agent for Use in the Carrasco-Bennett C. T. Estimation of Cineol in Eucalyptus Oil 91 B e d i t A. aud Delbarde - New Chemical Test for Blood 404 Berberich F.M. and Burr A. The Examination of Commercial Preparations of Bergtheil G. and Briggs R. V. Estimation of Indigotin in Indigo-yielding Plants, Bertrand G. Studies on Melanogenesis The Action of Tyrosinsse on Substances ~ - - aud Javillier M. The Estimation of Minute Quantities of Zinc 144 ____- mtd Mutermilch W. Coloration of Brown Bread 15 Bettel W. Colour Test for Molybdenum in Ores etc. 106 -- Purification of Mercury 248 Bevan TI:. J. Lead in Cream of Tartar Tartaric Acid and Citric Acid 176 -- Cross C. F. and Briggs J. F. The Chloramine Reactions of the Proteins and Industrial Applications 198 Beyer F. B. and Gooch F. A. The Use of the Gooch Crucible in Electrolytic Bigelow S. L. and Gemberling A. Collodion Membranes 36 Biltz W.and Zimmermann F. Action of Silver Nitrate and Mercuric Nitrate on Black 0. F. and Sanger C. R. Estimation of Arsenic in Urine 22 - -- Quantitative Estimation of Arsenic by the Gutzeit Method 28 Blair A. A. The Estimation of Vanadium Molybdenum Chromium and Nickel in Bloxam TV. P. Gaunt R. aizd Thomas F. Analysis of Indigo (Part 111.) and of Blume G. t c d Busch M Estimation of Picric Acid 135 Bliimner E. Device for Washing Precipitates 207 Bodmer - The Nxamination of Turpentine and Turpentine Substitutes 231 Bohrisch 1’. Composition of Bees’ Resin (Propolis) 59 Bolland A. The Guaiacum Reaction for the Detection of Blood 19 Bollenbach H. Volumetric Xstimation of Lead 33 --_-I Sodium Hyposulphite in Volumetric Analysis 141 Plancher Method of Elementary Analysis 253 Rennet 241 58 similar to Tyrosine 193 Analysis 296 Certain Inorganic Hydroxides 103 Steel 412 the Dried Leaves of Indicofera Arrecta and Indigofera Sumatrana 55 Volumetric Estimation of Potassium Ferrocyanide 48 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIII.V Bolton E. R. English Inks Their Composition and Differentiation in Handwriting, -- The Estimation of Cocoanut Oil in Butter 463 Bonamartini G. and Scala A. Method for the Detection of Incipient Decomposition Bone W. A. and Wheeler R. V. An Accurate Form of Gas Analysis Apparatus, Bonelli U. and Lloyd F. ,J. Suitability of Commercial Ammonium Sulphate as Borelli V. Estimation of Thorium in Monazite Sand 293 Borrowman G. Some Observations on the Assay of Telluride Ores 339 Bougault J.Notes on hlessinger and Vortmann’s Method of Estimating Phenols. Bousfield W. R. A New Form of Pyknometer 297 Bowen J. L. and Richardson F. W. Analysis of Turpentine Oil 360 Bradshaw H. A. and Lawall C. H. Estimation of Benzoic Acid in Ketchup 234 Breen A. G The Refraction of Butter-Fat and its Non-volatile Fatty Acids 123 Bremer W. Method for the Rapid Estimation of Water in Gluten 56 Breteau P. am7 Leroux H. Rapid Estimation of Carbon and Hydrogen in Organic Briggs J. l’. Cross C. F, and Bevan E. J. The Chloramine lieactions of the R. V. ancl Uergtheil G. Estiination of Indigotin in Indigo-yielding Plants 57 85 of Meat 400 110 Manure 485 Estimation of Salicylic Acid 407 Substances 146 Proteins and Industrial Applications 198 Brough Bennett H. Death of 417 Browne A.TV. and Shetterly F. F. Estimation of Hydrazine 24 ___._ C. A and Young W. J. Composition of American Honeys 358 - F. Estimation of Graphite 372 Browning P. E. and Palmer H. Z. Estimation of Cerium in Presence of other Rare Earths by Means of Potassium Ferricyanide 370 Bruce Edwin M. Detection of the Common Food Adulterants Review 112 Brunner H. and Mellet R. Estimation of Chlorates Bromates Iodates and Periodstes by Means of Formaldehyde Silver Nitrate and Potassium Per-sulphate 138 Bryan H. Estimation of Dry Substance by the Refractometer in Liquid Saccharine Food Products 427 Buchwald E. Estimation of the Strength of Concentrated Sulphuric Acid 66 Burgess W. T. The Volumetric Determination of Reducing Sugars (Parts 11. and HI.) 171 Burr A.a d Berberich E’. M. The Examination of Commercial Preparations of Rennet 241 Burrows H. and Keane C. A. The Autolysstor Apparatus for the Automatic Estimation of Carbon Dioxide 379 Burwell A. L. and Woodmann A. G. Detection of Formic Acid in Foods 236 Busch M. ancl Blume G. I4stimation of Picric Acid 135 Buttenberg P. A New Vegetable Oil 189 aitd Guth F. Composition of Camembert Cheese 51 Cady H. P. mzd McFarland D. F. The Occurrence of Helium in Natural Ga8 and Cnlhano D. P. The Comparative Oxidising Power of Sodium Peroxide and its Use Campbell E. D. and Arthur W. Estimation of Nickel and Chromium in Steel 373 the Composition of Natural Gas 32 in Qualitative Analysis 293 -- - Woodhams E. L. A New Method for the Estimation of Vanadium in Steel 41 vi INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIII.Campbell N. P. Hartley H. and Poole 1%. EL The Preparation of Conductivity Water 250 Cantoni 11. a i d Rosenstein RI. Volumetric Estimation of Nickel 107 Carlson D. n i d Gelhaar J. Detection and Quantitative Estimation of Chlorites and Hypochlorites in Commercial Chlorate 370 -- T. Alkaline Saponification of Alkyl Nitrates in Presence of Hydrogen Carpenter I?. Estimation of Hydrogen Sulphide in Gases 410 Carr F. €I. a7d Reynolds W. C. The Variation in Activity of Cjommercial Crude Carrasco O. aitd Belloni E. A New Catnlysing Agent for Use in the Carrasco Chace E. M. Detection of Small Quantities of Turpentline in Lemon Oil 433 Chapniaii &I. C. Commercial Analysis of Ferrocyanides 272 -____ aizd Baker F. G. S. Kafiir Beer 91 __-___ English Inks Their Composition and Differentiation in Hand-writing 85 Peroxide 23 Drugs 235 Plancher Nethod of Elementary Analysis 283 Estimation of the Ttmnin of Hops 95 -_- Lead in Cream of Tartar Tartaric Acid and Citric Acid 177 ~ -~ - ___ Studies in Steam Distillation 312 Aliphatic Series 11 The Action of Dimethyl Sulphate upon Oils of the Aromatic and - -____ - - The Estiinntion of Nitrogen Parts I.and II. 183 The Examination of Turpentine and Turpentine Substitutes 233 _ _ - The Volumetric Determination of Reducing Sugars Parts 11. Charron -1. T. and Shutt F. T. Note on the Dyer IIethod for the Determination of Plant Food in Soils 335 Chattaway F. I). The Quantitative Conversion of Aromatic Hydrazines into Diaaonium Salts 194 Cheinische Fabrilr (formerly Goldenberg Geromonit and Co.) The Goldenberg Method for the Estimation of Tartaric Acid in Argol Wine Lees and Other Crude Materials containing Tartaric Acid 200 Chouckak D.Estimation of Carbon in Soils 143 Chwala A, Valuation of Barium Peroxide 201 Clark A. H. and Pucknar W. A Xstimation of Phenol 479 Clement J. and Wagner H. Halphen’s Reaction for Cotton-seed Oil 3% Cof’fignier C. Analytical Value of *4frican Semi-IInrd Copals 54 __-Colman H. G. Commercial Analysis of Ferrocyanides 261 Colombano .4. Characteristics of Solanine from Solanum tuberosum and S. sodo-Con F. a?td Schoorl N. Estimation of the Specific Gravity of Milk Serum 18 Cook T. a i d Morgan G. T. An Apparatus for Quantitative Estimations Involving Cooksey T. Method for the Estimation of Iron Aluminium and Phosphoric Acid, and III.171 Manila and Pontianak Copals 243 inzuni 126 Distillation 117 when Occurring together 437 - A Short Volumetric Method for the Estimation of Sulphuric Acid 379 Cordier V. v. Modification of Hiifner’s Method for the Volumetric Estimation of Cornelison R. W, Detection of Synthetic Colours in Butter 421 Coste J. H. The Examination of Turpentine and Turpentine Substitutes 219 Courtauld R. M. mid Purvis J . H. The Litnitations of the Copper-Zinc Couple Nitrogen 484 Method in Estimating Nitrates 29 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIII. vii Covelli E. The Diazo Reaction of Atoxyl 477 Cowles H. W. Junr. Estimation of Malic Acid in Food Products 400 Crampton C. A. mad Tolman L. Id. A Study of the Changes taking Place in Whisky Crhtd L.aid Goris A. The Pulp known as '' Nett6 Meal," 125 Cross C. J?. Bevan E. J. n?zd Briggs 5. F. The Chloramine Reactions of the Stored in Wood 92 Proteins and Industrial Applications 198 Daniel W. Ii. ( 6 1 ~ 1 RlcCrae J. Mafura Tallow tLnd Mafura Oil 276 Dard - Apparatus for Absorhing Acid Vapours given off during the Assay of Gold, Daufresne M. Composition of Oil of Tarragon 190 Davis G. T. New Instrument for Reducing Gas Volumes to Standard Conditions 345 Davis 0. C. M. Absorption of Iodine by Carbon 30 Day F. and Baker ,J. L. The Preparation of Pure Maltose 393 Dehr - Examination of Jalap Resin 17 Defacqz E. A New Method of Separating Silica and Tungstic A4cid 441 Delkarde - nitd Benoit A. New Chemical Test for Blood 404 Demanche R.nml Nonnotte M. Estimation of Indol in Bacteriological Cultures, Donigh G. Reactions distinguishing bet ween Indol and Scatol 404 llennis L. XI. and McCarthy E. S. 1)ctermination of Benzene in Illuminating Dennstedt Rl. Further Notes on the Simplified Method of Ultimate Combustion If. Soda-Lime Apparatus for Elementary Analyses and Carbon Dioxide Dhuique-Mayer F. Analysis of a Rlisture of Neutral Sulphides Acid Sulphides, Dibdin W. J. A Modified Keates' Specific Gravity Bottle for Cement-Testing etc. 79 Dinan RI. Separation and Estimation of Tin Arsenic and Antimony in Bronzes 439 Dittrich RI. nizd Freund S. Separation of Thorium Titanium and Zirconium from - Simultaneous Precipitation of Titanium and Zirconium Silver etc. 36 403 Gas 195 Analysis 193 Estimations 112 Yolgsulphides and Hydrosulphites 484 Iron Gci in Presence of Iron 67 -Doherty TV.M. A New Method for Milk-Testing 273 Donau J. Polarimetric Observations with Small Quantities of Liquid 343 Dons R. K. Estimation of the Caprylic Acid Value of Butter-Fat 122 Drushel W. A. The Application of the Cobaltic Nitrite Method to the Estimation of - ? A New Separation of Titanium and Zirconium 67 Potassium in Soils 378 - The Volumetric Estimation of Potassium as Cobaltinitrite 35 Duboux hl. nizd Dutoit P. The Estimation of Alcohol in Wine 90 Dudley W. L. The Riise Method for Estimation of Fuse1 Oil and Comparison with Dunlop H. The Testing of Sperm Oil and Spermaceti 127 Dunne W. P. aid Lowenstein A. Determination of Sugar in Meats 428 Duparc L.and Monnier A. The Identification of Thujone in Liqueurs 473 Dutoit P. and Duboux M. The Estimation of Alcohol in Wine 90 Duyk - The Fat of Tonka Beans 481 - M. Detection and Estimation of Traces of llanganese 64 Dyer Bernard Fertilisers and Feeding Stuff's Rcz'iew 153 the Allen-Marquardt Method 399 - Lead in Cream of Tartar Tartaric Acid and Citric Acid 178 -? The Estimation of Nitrogen Parts I. and IT. 18 viii INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIII. Ebaugh W. C. ancZ Sprague C. B. Estimation of Sulphur and Arsenic 369 Eddy E. A. and Gooch F. A, The Separation of Magnesium from the Alkalis by Edgar G. Estimation of Iron and Vanadium in Presence of each Other 372 Alcoholic Ammonium Carbonate 334 - 9 - Vanadic and Molybdic Acids in Presence of One Another, 339 Ehrenfeld R.Note on the Volumetric Estimation of Bismuth 29 -- Reduction of Arsenic Trisulphide and Pentasulphide to Arsenic Di-Eickmann E. aid Marcusson J. Natural and Artificial Asphalt 476 Elborne W. and Warren C. hl. Estimation of Lead in Alloys 377 Emerson W. H. Solubility of Stearic Acid in Ethyl Alcohol at 0’ C. 61 Emmett A. D. aitd Grindley H. S. The Application of Folin’s Creatin and Creatinin Engel - The Action of Acids and Rennet on Human Milk 475 -___- A. Composition of Congo Copal and White Benguela Copal 327 Engler P. A New Gas Burner 341 Ephraim F. A New Reaction of Thallous Salts 338 Ernyei E. The Estimation of Manganese in Water 105 Ewers E. Polarimetric Estimation of Starch 101 481 sulphide 29 nisd Habermann J. Some of the Constituents of Cigar Smoke 405 Method to Meats and Meat Extracts 51 Pahrion W.New Method for the Examination of Leather 435 Fairley T. Studies in Steam Distillation 312 Falk K. G. The Ignition Temperatures of Gaseous Mixtures 31 Farnsteiner I<. The Quantity of Formic Acid occurring in Honey 282 -_- - Formation of Aldehydic or Ketonic Substances during Acetic Fer-Favrel G. The Detection of Citric Acid in Wines etc. 278 -- The Indirect Estimation of Benzoic Acid in Wine 428 Feldhofen A. and Kolb A. Estimation of Mercury by Reduction of Mercuric to Mercurous Chloride by Hydrogen Peroxide 34 Fendler G. a?zd Kuhn O. The Analysis of Rubber 60 - - Stiiber W. Estimation of the Eormaldehyde evolved by the Dis-infectant ‘‘ Autan,” 429 Ferentzy J. v. The Estimation of Tartaric Acid in the Presence of Malic and Succinic Acids 27 Fiche J.Detection of Artificial Honey 397 Findlay A. The Influence of Colloids and Colloid Suspensions on the Solubility of Carbon Dioxide in Water Preliminary Note 391 Fingerling G. and Grombach A. Modification of Petermann’s Method for the Estimation of Citrate-Soluble Phosphoric Acid in Phosphate Fodder Meals, 107 mentation 191 Fischer A. Vols. IV. and V. Elektroanalytische Schnellmethoden Rewicw 488 - Rapid Electrolytic Separation of Zinc and Nickel 145 ~- E. Melting-Points of Phenylhydrazine and Certain Osazones 99 Flath W. The Examination of Turpentine Oil 27 I’leig C. Colour Reactions of Sesame Oil and Bile Acids with Various Sugars 480 Fleissner-Przibram H. Compound Gas-Pipette 485 Fokin S.‘‘ The Hydrogen Number ” as a Meanv of Determining Unsaturated Organic Compounds in a Manner similar to the Iodine Values of Hub1 and Wijs 407 Ford J. S. and Guthrie J . M. The Amylolytic and Proteolytic Ferments of Wheaten Flours and their Relation to Baking Value 323 Colour Reactions of Sesame Oil with Aromatic Aldehydes 48 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIII. ix Forinhals R. nntl Kolb A . Volumetric Estimation of Antimony 28s l.'rank-I<amenetzky A. Estimation of Starch in Maize by Calculation from the Yield k'riinkel S. Descriptive Biochemie niit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der chemischen Franzen H. The Analysis of Nearly Pure Gases 2-17 Fraps G. S. The :lmmonia-Soluble Phosphoric Acid of the Soil 292 Frary k'. C. Rapid Analysis of Electrolysis without Rotating Electrodes 30 Free E.E. Electrolytic Estimation of JIinutc Quantities of Copper 13s French Herbert Atedical Laboratory RIethods and Tests Ilcviczo 207 Frerichs (i. Estimation of Iron in Ferrum Redactum 291 Freund S. rim7 Ilittrich AI. Sephration of Thorium Titanium and Zirconium from ______ Simultaneous Precipitation of Titanium and Zirconium - A New Separation of Titanium and Zirconium G i of Extract 128 Arbeitsmethoden l,'cciczo 70 - Rapid IClectrolytic Estimation of Zinc G'i tron GG in Presence of Iron G7 --Freundlich .J. The l?at of Mimusops Djave 330 Fulmer E. am17 Iranchester T. C. Effect of Heat upon the Physical and Chemical Funk C. Reliability of Methods for Estimtting Sugar in Urine 476 Constants of Cotton-seed Oil 438 Gair C. ,J. D.Estimation of Napthalene in Coal Gas and in Spent Oside of Iron 58 Garuti - toid Pelet L. Volumetric Estimation of Basic Dyestuffs by h!Ie:Lns of Gaucher L., Gaunt I%. Thomas F. a d Bloxaiii W. P. Analysis of Indigo (Part 111.) and of the Gaupp O. A Colour Reaction of Diabetic Urine 4 i G (iawalowski il. Eeaction Turbine 4SG Gebhard N. L. Simple Manometer for TTacuuin Distillation 206 Gelhaar J . am1 Carlson D. Detection and Qiinntitative 13stimation of Chlorites and Gemberling A, and Bigelow S. L. Collodion hIembranes 36 Gemmell TV. nizd Archbutt S. L. The Estimation of Phosphorus in Phosphor Tin, Gephart I?. n?zd Long J. II. On the Behaviour of Lecithin Emulsions with Metallic Gibbs H. 1). Separation and Determination of Salicylic Acid and Methyl Salicylate Gillet II.W. 13lectrolytic Sepamtion of Silver and Copper 139 Gilling C. The Constituents of Simaruba Bark 239 Glikin W. Iron Contents of k'ats Lipoids and Waxes 193 Goldenberg Geroniomt and Go. formerly Chemischz Fabrik The Goldenberg Xethod for the 1i;stiniation of Tartaric Acid in Argol Wine Lees and Other Crude Materials containing Tartaric ,hid 200 Acid Dyestuffs 132 Reaction Distinguishing between Ram and Boiled Milk 237 Dried Leaves of Indigofera Arrecta and Indigofera Sumntrana 58 Hypochlorites in Cornriiercial Chlorate 370 292 Salts and Certain Non-Klectrolytes 282 in Foods etc. 424 Golding - The Compositiou of Milk 116 Golodetz L. New Tests for Cholesterol and Osycholesterol 133 Gooch F. A. m c ? Beyer F. B. The Use of the Gooch Crucible in Electrolytic Analysis 2% -- - Eddy 11:.A. The Separation of bfagnesium from the Alkalis by Alcoholic Ammonium Carbonate 331 - Weed L. H. Estimation of Chromium as Silver Chromate 371 Goris A ciizil Crdtd I,. The Pulp known as Nett6 Meal," 125 I X INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIII, Gorter I<. Constituents of Coffee and Estimation of Caffeine 124 Gottlob O. Action of Nitrous Acid on Caoutchouc 60 Gowing-Scopes L. The Estimation of Tartaric Acid in the Presence of Malic and Gregory A. TV. A Colorimetric Method for the Determination of Small Percentages ___- A New Test for Silver 337 and hlcCallum J. Two Volumetric Methods for the Estimation of Succinic Acids 315 of Iron in Copper Alloys 63 Chromium 30 Greshoff hf. The Detection and Estimatian of Cotton in Kapok 431 Grieb C.M. W. Detection of Yeast Extract in Extract of hleat 238 Grimaldi C. Colour Reactions of Rosin Spirit 25 -- The Influence of Preservatives on the Reichert-hleissl Value of Fats 397 Grindley E S. and Emmett A. D. The Application of Folin’s Creatin and Creatinin Grornbach A, aizd Fingerling G. Modification of Peterniann’s Method for the Gross O. Activity of Pepsin and a Simple Method for its Estimation 394 Activity of Trypsin and a Simple Method for its Estimation 130 Grossniann H. The Detection of Nickel in Ores and Nickel Steel 248 - ~ ~ - mid Heilborn JV. Siniultaneous Qualitative Detection of Nickel and Cobalt 334 Guignes P. The Analysis of Scammony Resin 402 Guth F. and Buttenberg P. Composition of Camembert Cheese 51 Guthrie J. AT. ctnd Ford J.S. The Arriylolytic and Proteolytic Ferments of Wheaten Guttmann A. Volumetric Estimation of Thiosulphonates 287 Method to Meats and Meat Extracts 51 Estimation of Citrate-Soluble Phosphoric Acid in Phosphate Fodder Meals 107 Flours and their Relation to Baking Value 323 Haberniann J. Apparatus for Obtaining Constant Temperatures in Drying Ovens 36 - Apparatus for Use in Testing Substances for Phosphorus 87 - aid Ehrenfeld R. Some of the Constituents of Cigar Smoke 405 Haehn R. aizcl Kof I<. The Detection of Traces of Alereuric Chloride 64 IIaensel E. cmd Nerking J. The Lecithin-Content of Various Milks 470 Hnlfpaap G. The Relation of the Iodine Value of Lard to the Refraction of the Ralphen G. Detection of Benzoic Acid in Butter 420 -- The Analysis of Cacao Butter 468 €Isnipton H.H. tsizcl Mooers C. X. The Separation of Clay in the Estimation of Hancu V. uitd Herzog J. Quantitative Estimation of Hydroxyl Groups 199 Hanus J. and htekl L. The ( ( Ethyl Ester Value ” of Fats A New Constant for Harries C. Action of Ozone on Multiple Bonds 99 Harrison T. W. anc7 Perkin F. M. The Action of Dimethyl Sulphate upon Oils of __.___. ___- Titration with Permanganate in Presence of Kartel F. aid Will B. Analysis of Black Pepper and the Detection of Adulterants Hartley H. Campbell N. P. c~izcl Poole R. €I. The Preparation of Conductivity - W N. Lithium in Radio-Active hlinerals 394 Hauser E. Vclumetric Estimation of Carbon Monoxide by Combustion 409 Hawkins E. &I. Lead in Cream of Tartar Tartaric Acid and Citric Acid 178 Latter 123 Humus 290 the Detection of Cocoanut Oil 281 the Aromatic and Aliphatic Series 2 Hydrochloric Acid 43 in the Same 18 Water 25 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIlI.xi Heath F. H. The Iodometric Estimation of Arsenic and Antimony in the Presence IIehner O. Tlie Estimation of Cocoanut Oil in Butter 463 _ _ _ _ ~ The Exaniimttion of Turpentine and Turpentine Substitutes 232 I-Ieikel G. The Estimation of Acetone 98 Heilborn W. nizcl Grossmann H. Simultaneous Qualitative Detection of Nickel and IIeini - (ivd IIerbert - Methods for the Detection of Lead Dust and Fumes in Henry T. A and Auld S. M. J. Occurrence of Cyanogenetic Glucosides in Feeding Herbert - mzcl IIeim - Methods for the Detection of Lead Dust and Fumes in Herr V. P. New Dephlegiiiator for the Fractionation of Petroleum 205 Herty C.H. The Optical Activity of Spirits of Turpentine 287 Herzog J. aiid IIancu V. Quantitative Estimation of Phenolic Hydrosyl Groups 199 Ileuser G. Egg-Cognac 422 ITewitt J. T. Tlie Constitution of Indicators used in ilcidimetry 85 Hicks J. -I. The Laboratory Book of Mineral Oil Testing ICeviezo 258 Hill A. E. A New Form of Potash Bulb 346 of Copper 369 Titration with Perxiianganate in Presence of Hydrochloric Acid 47 Cobalt 334 Works 247 stuffs 3so Works 247 -4. G. X Combined Stopcock and Capillary Connecting Tube for Gas Burettes 342 C. A. Lead in Cream of Tartar Tartaric Acid and Citric Acid 177 Hillebr:md W. F. The Influence of Fine Grinding on the Water and Ferrous-Iron Illilpert IV. S. awl I’uckner W.A, Detection and Estimation of Hexamethylene-Hinkel F. C. nnd Sherman E€. C. Use of Barfoed’s Solution in Distinguishing L. E. The Detection of Small Quantities of Methyl Alcohol in the Presence Enrichsen F. W. and Wolter L. The 1l;stimation of Tungsten and Chromium in -IEinks E. Lead in Cream of Tartar Tartaric ,kid and Citric Acid 177 Iiodgson T. R. Al New Constant for Butter Analysis and the Detection of Cocoanut Holde D. altd Winterfeld G. The Detection and Estimation of Sniall Amounts of Holteman J. W. A New Vacuum hegulator 109 Honiberger A. W. aid Lenher V. The Gravimetric Estimation of Tellurium 249 Elonig-Szabadka S. Estimation of Hydrofluosilicic Acid 63 Hooper D. Oil of Lswsonia ,41ba 328 The Valuation of Indian Hemp 357 Houston A. C.The Vitality of the Typhoid Bacillus in Artificially Infected Samples of Raw Thames Lea and New River Water with Special Reference to the Question of Storage 403 Howard C. D. The Precipitation Method for the Estimation of Oils in Flavouring Extracts and Pharmaceutical Preparations 236 J liibner J. The Characterisation of Mercerised Cotton 55 IIuerre R. Coinposition of Almond-Tree Gum 324 Iiulton H. F. T3. n?tcl Baker J . L. Considerations Affecting the ( ( Strength” of Content of Minerals and Rocks 375 tetraniine in Nedicines 422 Glucose from Maltose Lactose and Sucrose 56 of Ethyl Alcohol 417 Steel 374 - Taczak S. Estimation of the Yield of Coke from Coal 431 Oil in Butter-Fat 49 Benzene in Alcohol 242 New Reitctions for the Characterisation of Mercerised Cotton 133 Wheat Flours 322 b xii INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIII.Rulton H. 17. I<. and Baker J. I,. The Action of the Enzymes of Malt on the Enzymes of Ungerminated Cereab 392 The l’olumetric 1)etermination of lteducing Sugars Parts 11. IIunicke X. DlIalt Analysis Determination of Estract-II. 436 and I I I . 173 Ingle H. Note on Wijs’ Solution 3.29 - and Wake E. The Iodine Values of the Phenols 2-15 Ishain €I. mid Aumer J. Direct Coinbustion of Steel for Carbon and Sulphur 411 Ito I<. The Japanese Ilyewood “ Doss,” 244 Iwanow TV. N. Di-thiocyano-selenious Acid and its Use in the Netinlation of Selenium 293 Jacobsohn P. The Analysis of “ Golden ” ,Intinnony Sulphide 13G James C. A Scheme for the Separation of the Rare Earths 335 Jamieson G.S. Levy L. K a i d Wells E. L. A Voluiiietric Method for the -__ J. S. A Ilelicate Test for I3romides ,Ilene or in Solution with Chlorides, ,Jannasch P. The Separation of Chlorine Uromine and Iodine by Means of Jatar S. G. Volumetric Estimation of Iron and Chrorniuni by Means of Titanous Javillier l t . ciiicl Bertrand G. The Estimation of Xinute Qirantities of Zinc 144 dean F. The Titration of Tannin by Iodine An ,Inswver to Cormimbtzuf’s Note 27 Jeancard P. aiit? Satie C. Analysis of Oil of Tdnwndcr 190 Jefl‘ers 13. EL. The Volumetric Determination of Reducing Sugars Parts TI. Jenkins J . 11. IS. The Eaaiiiination of Turpentine and Turpentine Substitutes 232 Jerusaleni T;. Kew Method for the IiJstitnation of Lactic -1cid in A\ninial Orgczns and Jesscn-Ransen l l .mid SGrensen S. P. L. Titration of che rhinO-A~CidS in I’resenco __-_- cJ, Notes on 13ang’s Method of Estimating Sugar 324 ?Johnson C. hI. The Estimation of Carbon in Steel Ferro-Alloys and Plumbago by Jolles A. New Reaction for Il3ile Acids and their Detection in Urine 430 ~ _ _ _ Quantitative Estimation of -1lburnin in r’rine 430 of Pentoses in Urine 97 Jones G. C. Determination of I1i:Lstatic Power of Malt by Lintner’s Method 2 10 Determinations of the Gravity of I h l t Extracts during Summer 2117 ~ -__- ant7 Ling A. R. The Yolumetric Determination of lieducing Sugars. Part 11.-The Limits of Accuracy of the Method under Stnnclard Conditions 1GO - J. l3. S. Constant Pressure Gas-Governor 2% lhtitiiation of Copper 290 331 Hydrogen Peroxide i n Acid Solution 410 Chlcride 372 and III.173 Fluids ~474 of Formaldehyde ; Decolorisation of the Solutions 3G4 Means of an Electric Coinbustion Furnace 2SS 9 - - ~- - of Urea 431 __ ~ ____ Kahan Z. Quantitative Separation of Barium from Strontium 12 Iiahlenberg L. nnc? Ih-auskopf F. C. New Method of Separating Lithium Chlorido from the Chlorides of the other Alkalies and from thc Chloride of Barium 37s Iiann It. A Rapid Method for Estimating Impurities in Selenium 411 Keane C. X. niid Burrows H. The dutolysmtor Apparatus for the Autoniatic Kedesdy E. Analysis of Inks (Estiniation of Gallo-Tannic Acid) 367 lhtiination of Carbon Dioside 37 . INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIII. X l l l Keen W. H. Volumetric Estimation of Zinc 251 Keiser E. H. and McMaster L. On the Detection of Ozone Nitrogen Peroxide and Kendall E.C. and Sherman H. C. Detection and Identification of Certain Kirpal A, Quantitative Estimation of Methoxyl and Methylimino Groups 199 Kissling R. New Constants for the Valuation of Mineral Lubricating Oils 432 - Determination of the Solidifying-Point of Commercial Paraffin 196 - On the Fractional Distillation of Commercial Petroleum Spirit 368 Klein F. aizd Ost H. Estimation of Formic Acid in Glacial Acetic Acid 406 Knecht E. Effect of Drying on the Dyeing Affinities of Ordinary and Mercerised --_ Estimation of the Degree of Mercerisation of Cotton Yarns 285 -__ Qualitative Test for Mercerised Cotton 285 -_- The Volumetric Estimation of Chlorates 289 -_- Test for Copper 138 Knight N. Estimation of Ferrous Iron in Minerals 203 Knorre G.v. The Separation of Tungstic Acid from Phosphoric Acid 143 -.-______ Separation of Tungsten from Chromium and Estimation of Tungsten Kober P. A, Distillation of Ammonia in Presence of Magnesium or Calcium Salts, -- New Apparatus for the Quantitative Distillation of Ammonia 442 Kobert K. The Reaction of Phloroglucinol-Hydrochloric Acid with Essential Oils 24 Koch H. Volumetric Estimation of Lead as Lead Sulphide 141 Kochs J. Characteristics of the Fatty Oils from the Seeds of Certain Fruits 423 Koebner M. The Estimation of Tannin in White Wines 96 Kof K. and Haehn H. The Detection of Traces of Mercuric Chloride 64 Kohn M. Simple Method for the Estimation of the Halogen in Mercuric Chloride or - S. Volumetric Estimation of Phosphoric Acid in Superphosphate 376 Kolb A.and Feldhofen A, Estimation of Mercury by Rsduction of Mercuric to -- - Formhals R. Volumetric Estimation of Antimony 288 Kolbe G. Receiver for Use in Vacuum Distillations 298 Komaromsky A. Rapid Estimation of Sulphur in Coal according to 0. Brunck, Kiinig J, Estimation of ‘‘ Crude Fibre ” and Separation of Cellulose Lignin and Koninck L. L. de Apparatus for the Automatic Extinction of a Gas Flame 344 Krasser J. M. The Examination of Alcohol-free Wines 473 Krauskopf F. C. and Kahlenberg L. New Method of Separating Lithium Chloride from the Chlorides of the other Alkalies and from the Chloride of Barium 378 Kreis H. Examination of Salicylic Aldehyde for Use in Testing for Fuse1 Oil 136 Kress O. Some Properties of Pine Wood Oils 59 Kreutz A.New Method for the Estimation of Fat in Cocoa 320 Krzizan R. Blackberry-seed Oil 130 Kuhn O. and Fendler G. The Analysis of Rubber 60 Kulka W. Apparatus for Extracting Substances by Means of Hot Ether 485 Kumagawa M. and Suto K. Method for the Estimation of Fat and Unsaponi-fiable Substances in Animal Tissues and a Critical Examination of the Methods now in Use 362 Kuntze M. Estimation of Mustard Oil 189 Kutscher F. aizd Ackermann D. The Composition of Extract of Crab 51 Hydrogen Peroxide in Gas Mixtures 107 Reducing Sugars by Condensation with p-Brombenzyl Hpdrazide 436 Cotton 326 in Steel containing Chromium 374 409 Bromide 440 Mercurous Chloride by Hydrogen Peroxide 34 411 Cutin 9 xiv INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIIL Lambert B. and Walden A.F. A Systematic Introduction to Analytical Chemistry : Lander G. D. and Winter H. W. The Detection of Poisonous Metals 450 Lang W. R. and Woodhouse J. O. Volumetric Estimation of Silver 337 Lasserre A. Analysis of Mixtures of Volatile Fatty Acids 133 Lawall C. H. and Bradshaw H. A, Estimation of Benzoic Acid in Ketchup 234 Leather J. P. and Ross R. New Gas Analysis Apparatus 340 Lecocq E. The Estimation of Tarry Substances in Mineral Oils 196 Leemann H. Nitrogen Estimations by the Dumas Method 296 LefBvre K. U, and Tollens B. Quantitative Estimation of Glycuronic Acid and its Lemaire P. A Colour Reaction of Alypine and other Local Anmthetics 396 Lendrich K. Changes in the Composition of the Body-Fat of Rabbits when the Lenher V. and Homberger A. W. The Gravimetric Estimation of Tellurium 249 Le PIS M.and Spencer J. F. Quantitative Separation of Thallium from Silver 249 Leroux H. and Breteau P. Rapid Estimation of Carbon and Hydrogen in Organic Le Roy G. A. The Detection of Tartaric Acid in Cider 91 Lessing R. Commercial Analysis of Ferrocyanides 271 Levy L. H. Jamieson G. S. and Wells H. L. A Volumetric Method for the Estimation of Copper 290 Lewkowitsch J. Niam Fat 50 An Elementary Class-Book Review 384 Colour Reactions 57 Animals are Fed or Inoculated with Cotton-seed Oil 192 Substances 146 - The Estimation of Nitrogen Parts I. and II. 183 - Carapa Oil 184 - Ochoco Fat 313 Lifschiitz J. A Spectrum Reaction of Oleic Acid 479 -- Test for Cholesterol 133 Limner F. The Analysis of Commercial Silicon 108 Linder E.Metanil Yellow I t s Use as a Selective Indicator 329 Ling A. R. and Jones G. C. The Volumetric Determination of Reducing Sugars. Part 11.-The Limits of Accuracy of the Method under Standard Conditions 160 -- - Rendle T. The Volumetric Determination of Reducing Sugars. Linne B. and Pfyl B. A New Autoclave 205 Litzendorff J. The Use of Nitron for the Estimation of Nitric Acid in Soils and Liversedge S. G. A Rapid Method for the Estimation of Mercuric Salts in Aqueous Liverseege J. F. Calculation of Milk Adulteration 359 Llewellyn W G. Apparatus for Sublimation 297 Lloyd F. J. Analyses of Condensed Milk 17 -- and Bonelli U. Suitability of Commercial Ammonium Sulyhate as Lockemann G. and Reckleben H. Purification of Hydrogen from Arsenic 203 -- The Action of Arsenic Hydride (Arsine) on Solu-tions of Halogens Halogen Acids and other Oxidising Substances 136 Long J.H. Observations on the Stability of Lecithin 282 - and Gephart F. On the Behaviour of Lecithin Emulsions with Metallic Salts and Certain Non-Electrolytes 282 Lovibond J. W. Standard Light for Estimating Colour in Malt Extracts and Beer, 253 Low A. H. Technical Methods of Ore Analysis Review 259 Part 111.-The Determination of Sucrose and Invert Sugar in Mixtures 167 Plants 64 Solution 217 Manure 48 xv INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIII. Lowenstein A, and Dunne W. P. Determination of Sugar in Meats 428 Lucas A, and Marie C. The Estimation oi’ Phosphorous Acid 65 Luther R. Laboratory Pump 206 Lyford E. F. and Woodman A. G. The Colorimetric Estimation of Benzaldehyde in Almond Essences 467 Macadie W.Detection of Bile Pigments in Urine 283 MacFadden A. W J. On Preservatives in Meat Foods Packed in Cans or Glass 382 Mai C. and Rothenfusser S. The Detection of Added Water in Milk by Means of Manchester T. C. and Fulmer E. Effect of Heat upon the Physical and Chemical Manea A, A Colour Reaction of Oleic Acid and its Use in Distinguishing Vegetable Mannich C. and Priess H. The Detection of B’oric Acid in Foods 234 Marcugson J. Estimation of Mineral Oil in RoAin Spirit 329 Marie C. and Lucas A. The Estimation of Phosphorous Acid 65 Mathers F. C. Separation of Iron from Indium 140 Mathews J. H. and Richards T. W. Use of Electric Heating in Fractional Dis-Matthaiopoulos G. T. A New Method of Estimating Casein Determination of its Matthes H.and Rammstedt O. Estimation of Cotrtrnine Codeine and Morphine -- - Rohdicb O. The Proportion of Soluble Silicic Acid ” in Cacao - - -- The Unsaponifiable Constituents of Cacao Butter 93 Matthewson W. E. Estimation of Gliadin in Flour 93 Mayer E. W. Modifications for Shortening Volhard’s Method for the Estimation of - W, and Tollens B. Note on Fucose and the Estimation of Methylpentosans Mayrhofer J. Estimation o€ Magnesia in Magnesite 203 McCallum J. and Gregory A. W. Two Volumetric Methods for the Estimation of MoCarthy E. S. and Dennis L. M. Determination of Benzene in Illuminating Gas, McCrae J. and Daniel W. R. Mafura Tallow and Mafura Oil 276 McFarland D. F. and Cady H. P. The Occurrence of Helium in Natural Gas and McGill A.Concentrated Commercial Feeding Stuffs 397 McIlhiney P. C. A Method of Analysing Shellac 286 McLellan B. G. The Estimation of Fat in Dry Milks 353 McMaster L. and Keiser E. H. On the Detection of Ozone Nitrogen Peroxide and McWhorter J. E. and Morgan J. L. R. Estimation of Carbon Monoxide in Mdivani B. and Warynski T. The Volumetric Estimation of Alkali Vanadates by the Refractometer 400 Constants of Cotton-seed Oil 432 from Animal Fibres 478 - and Eickmann E. Natural and Artificial Asphalt 476 tillation 414 Equivalent Weight 365 by Means of Dinitrophenylmethylpyrazolone 17 -- - Streitberger F. The Composition of the ‘‘ Crude Fibre ” of Cacao 15 -- - Aokermann E. The Unsaponifiable Constituents of Cocoanut Fat, Husks 27’9 and its Detection in Admixture with Butter 357 Manganese 34 in Natural Products 25 Chromium 30 195 the Composition of Natural Gas 32 Analysis of Oil Varnishes 434 Hydrogen Peroxide in Gas Mixtures 107 Atmospheric Air 30 Means of Stannous Chloride 33 xvi INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIII.Melick C. W. Dairy Laboratory Guide Review 154 Mellet R. and Brunner H. Estimation of Chlorates Bromates Iodates and Periodates by Means of Formaldehyde Silver Nitrate and Potassium Per-sulphate 138 Merck E. Chemical Reagents Their Purity and Tests Review 304 Metzger F. J. and Beans H. T. The Electrolytic Estimation of Bismuth 246 Metzges G. New ?Jethod for the Estimation of Tannin 246 Meyer H. and Tingle J. B. The Determination of Radicles in Carbon Compounds, Uicko K. Composition of the Portion of Meat Extract which is not Precipitated by Miller I.and Moore R. B. A Separation of Iron from Manganese 247 -- - O. and Smirnoff J. The Permanganate Equivalent of Indigotin 286 Mieson G. Colorimetrio Estimation .of Phosphorus in Steel 375 Mitchell C. A. English Inks Their Composition and Differentiation in Hand-Miyama K. Japanese Lacquer 244 Moir J. Detection of Mercuric Chloride in Nitro-Cellulose 204 Estimation of Halogens in Organic Substances 23 Molinari E. Action of Ozone on Compounds with Triple Bonds 199 Compounds of the Aromatic and Aliphatic Series 22 Monier- Williams Commercial Analysis of Ferrocy anides 271 Monnier A. and Duparc L. The Identification of Thujone in Liqueurs 473 Mooers C. A, and Hampton H. H. The Separation of Clay in the Estimation of Moore E.P. and Bain J. W. Loss of Carbon Dioxide during Solution of Steel in - R. B. aid Miller I. A Separation of Iron from Manganese 247 Moraczewski W. von A Method for the Estimation of Indole in Faxes 282 Morgan G. T. and Cook T. An Apparatus for Quantitative Estimations Involving - J. L. R. and McWhorter J. E. Estimation of Carbon Monoxide in Atmo-Muir M. M. Pattison Volumetric Estimation of Iron in Ferric Compounds, Muller E. A Gas-Generating Apparatus 69 -- G. A New Form of a Refilling Burette 296 Muller J. A. Volumetric Estimation of Mercury in Minerals 105 Mutermilch W. and Bertrand G. Coloration of Brown Bread 15 Review 383 Zinc Sulphate etc. 238 writing 80 - General Reaction for the Identification of Multiple Bonds in Unsaturated Humus 290 Potassium Cupric Chloride 438 Distillation 117 spheric Air 30 104 - Hiittner’s Vacuum-Jacketed Pipettes 413 Naquin W.P. and Zerban F. Determination of Reducing Sugars 436 Nash L. M. The Action of Dimethyl Sulphate upon Oils of the Aromatic and Aliphatic Series 10 The Estimation of Nitrogen Parts I. and II. 183 - Carapa Oil 187 1 The Examination of Turpentine and Turpentine Substitutes 230 - Ochoco Fat 315 Neppe B. The Cause of Poisoning by Arsenical Wall-Papers 192 Nerking J. and Haensel E. The Lecithin-Content of Various Milks 470 Neumann M. P. and Salecker P. Method of Estimating the Volume of Loaves, Pastry etc. 419 - Estimation of Water in Gluten 37 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIII. xvii Neumann P. and Baier E. The Detection of ‘‘ Sugar-Lime ” in Milk and Cream, - F.and Parow E, Estimation of Starch 100 Newton H. D. Estimation of Iron by Means of Permanganate after Reduction with Niederstadt - Composition of Bananas 419 Niemeyer R. The Analysis of Sodium Peroxide 65 Nonnotte M. and Demanche R. Estimation of Indol in Bacteriological Cultures, 401 Titanous Sulphate 333 - Volumetric Estimation of Titanium 249 403 Orlow N. A. The Detection of Ruthenium in Platinum Alloys 108 Oat H. and Klein F. Estimation of Formic Acid in Glacial Acetic Acid 406 Osterberg E. and Wolf C. G. L. Estimation of the Total Sulphur in Urine, Oeorovitz N, and Silbermann T. Detection and Identification of the Divalent 364 Phenols. A Delicate Reaction for Resorcinol 368 Pacottet P. and Austerwell G. Estimation of Esters in Wines 127 PadB L.Estimation of Sulphurous Acid in Food Products and especially in Palmer H. E. and Browning P. E. Eetimation of Cerium in Presence of other Rare Parkes A. E. Lead in Cream of Tartar Tartaric Acid and Citric Acid 176 - Note on Saffron 126 Parow E. The Specific Gravity of Different Kinds of Starch 102 - and Neumann F. Estimation of Starch 100 Parr S. W. The Constants and Variables of the Parr Calorimeter 29 - The Use of Sodium Peroxide in Certain Quantitative Processes 338 Parry L. The Analysis of Ashes and Alloys Review 383 Patterson T. S. Simple Form of Release for Victor Meyer’s Vapour Density Apparatus 207 Pearson W. A. Estimation of Alcohol in Concentrated Nitrous Ether 188 Pelet L. and Garuti - Volumetric Estimation of Basic Dyestuffs by Means of Acid Dyestuffs 132 Perkin F.M. and Harrison T. W. The Action of Dirnethyl Sulphate upon Oils of the Aromatic and Aliphatic Series 2 - - Titration with Permanganate in Presence of Hydrochloric Acid 43 Peset J. Note on the Electrolytic Estimation of Bismuth 370 Peters E. R. C. and Wilkinson W. P. A New Reaction for Distinguishing between Raw and Heated Milk and for Detecting the Presence of Hydrogen Peroxide in Milk 401 Petkoff N. The Composition of the Eastern Food Products Bosa Halva and Locoum 321 Pfyl B. and Linne B. A New Autoclave 205 - - Scheite W. Some of the Constituents of Saffron and a Method for the Valuation of Saffron 472 Phelps J. K. and Weed L. H. The Use of Organic Acids and Anhydrides as Standards in Alkalimetry and a Comparison between Succinic Acid Arsenious Oxide and Silver Chloride as Standards in Iodometry and Alkalimetry 378 Philosophoff P.Estimation of Carbon Dioxide in Electrolytic Chloride 62 New Apparatus for the Determination of the Specific Gravity of Gelatin 398 Earths by Means of Potassium Ferricyanide 370 Portland Cement 38 xviii INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIII. Pickering S. Emulsions 55 - The Chemistry of Bordeaux Mixture 62 Pickles S. S. The Constituents of Cyprus Origanum Oil. Isolation of a New Pieraerts J. Detection of Laevulose in the Presence of other Carbohydrates 480 -- The Detection of Pentoses by Means of Orcinol and Hydrochloric Acid, Pinckney R. M. and Alway F. J. The Effect of Nitrogen Peroxide on Wheat Flour 94 Plahl W, Detection of Bilberry Juice in Red Wines 191 Plimmer R.H. A. and Scott F. H. A Reaction Distinguishing Phosphoprotein from Nucleoprotein and the Distribution of Phosphoproteins in Tissues 475 Plucker W. The Composition of “Noodles” (Nudeln) prepared with Milk and Podreschetnikoff E. The Volumetric Estimation of Sodium Monosulphide 141 Polenske E. Detection of Certain Animal Fats in Admixture with Other Animal Poole R. H. Hartley H. and Campbell N. P. The Preparation of Conductivity Pouget - Rapid Colorimetric Method for the Estimation of Small Quantities Power F. B. a d Bogerson H. Chemical Examination of Ipomoea Purpurea 328 - - Salway A. H. The Constituents of the Essential Oil of Nut-meg 52 - The Constituents of Expressed Oil of Nutmeg, 471 Terpene ‘‘ Origanene,” 327 435 Eggs 95 Fats 476 Water 250 of Water-Soluble Phosphoric Acid 441 -- and Tutin F.The Constituents of Olive Leaves 330 -Pozzi-Escot E. The Detection of Nickel 106 The Constituents of Olive Bark 330 The Volumetric Estimation of Tartaric Acid in Tartar Lees and Wines 331 -- Separation and Estimation of Cobalt and Nickel 371 -- Simple and Rapid Estimation of Nickel in Presence of Cobalt 333 -- Rapid Estimation of Nickel in Presence of Cobalt Iron Zinc Man-ganese Aluminium Chromium Uranium Magnesium and the Alkaline-earth Metals 333 Priess H. and Mannich C. The Detection of Boric Acid in Foods 234 Procter H. R. Colloidal Chemistry 392 Puckner W. A The Estimation of Hydrastine 423 -- and Clark A. H. Estimation of Phenol 479 ~ - _ - - Hilpert W.S. Detection and Estimation of Hexamethylene-Pulsometer Engineering Company Reading An Ice-Making Machine 415 Purvis J. E. and Courtauld R. M. The Limitations of the Copper-Zinc Couple tetramine in Medicines 422 Method in Estimating Nitrates 291 Quibell O. Sheep Dips 62 Race J. Beer Analysis 320 Estimation of Alcohol and Extract in Spirits by Means of the Refracto-- and Ross R. Estimation of Cocoanut Oil in Butter 122 Rammstedt O. and Matthes H. Estimation of Cotarnine Codeine and Morphine by meter 319 Means of Dinitrophenylmethylpyrazolone 1 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIII. xis Rankin T. G. and Revington S. M. A Water-Jet Blower of Simple Construction, Raymond E. A New Arrangement of Apparatus for the Estimation of Sulphur in Rebs H. Analysis of Copal Lacquers 405 Reckleben H.and Lockemann G. Purification of Hydrogen from Arsenic 203 -- Action of Arsenic Hydride (Arsine) on Solutions Record F. An Apparatus for Simultaneously Extracting a Solid and Filtering the Reed H. S. Detection and Estimation of Benzoic Acid in Ketchups Fruits and Reich R. Analyses of Ginger and Extracted Ginger 16 Rendle T. and Ling A. R, The Volumetric Determination of Reducing Sugars. Part 111.-The Determination of Sucrose and Invert Sugar in Mixtures 167 Rengade E. A Modification of the Calorimetric Bomb 145 Renner M. Determination of the Quality of Flours as Regards their Suitability for Bread-Making 419 Revington S. M. and Rankin I. G. A Water-Jet Blower of Simple Construc-tion 68 Reynolds H. Volumetric Estimation of Tin by Potassium Bichromate 143 W.C. und Carr F. H. The Variation in Activity of Commercial Crude Richards T. W, and Mathews J. H. Use of Electric Heating in Fractional Distilla-Richardson F. W. Studies in Steam Distillation 312 -.- and Bowen J. L. Analysis of Turpentine Oil 360 -- - Walton W. The Analysis of Camphorated Oil for Camphor - W. D. and Scherubel E. The Deterioration and Commercial Preserva-Experiments on Frozen Beef 469 Richmond H. D. Studies in Steam Distillation 209 -- The Composition of Milk 113 - The Estimation of Nitrogen. -- - . Part 11.-Triazo Nitrogen 180 -- The Estimation of Fat in Dry Milks 389 -- The Action of Dimethyl Sulphate upon Oils of the Aromatic and Rideal S. The Estimation of Nitrogen Parts I. and II. 184 Rindl M. and Simonis H. Estimation of Lead Copper and Silver in Complicated Robertson W.Practical Meat and Food Inspection Review 258 Rogerson H. and Power F. B, Chemical Examination of Ipomaea Purpurea 328 Rohdich O. and Mstthes H. The Proportion of ‘( Soluble Silicic Acid ” in Cacao Husks 279 Rorive F. and Tollens B. Colour and Spectrum Reactions of the Sugars with Rosenstein M. and Cantoni H. Volumetric Estimation of Nickel 107 Rosenthaler L. Volumetric Estimation of Magnesium 33 68 Cast Iron and Steel 344 of Halogens Halogen Acids and other Oxidising Substances 136 Solution so Obtained 341 Ciders 48 Drugs 235 tion 414 - The Estimation of Cocoanut Oil in Butter 462 Substitutes 463 tion of Flesh Foods. -- Part III. 305 --Part I.-The Nitrogen Factor for Casein 179 - A New Method for Milk-Testing 275 Aliphatic Series 10 Organic Salts 204 -- The Unsaponifiable Constituents of Cacao Butter 93 Naphtho-Resorcinol and Hydrochloric Acid 325 c XX INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIII.Ross R. The Estimation of Cocoanut Oil in Butter 457 -- and Leather J. P. New Gas Analysis Apparatus 340 -- - Race J. Estimation of Cocoanut Oil in Butter 122 RothenfAsser S. and Mai C. The Detection of Added Water in Milk by Means of Rowell H. W. The Determination of Small Quantities of Bismuth 137 Rub J. Wagner B. and Schultze F. Simple Method for the Estimation of Alcohol Riihle J. The Detection of Saponin 408 Rupp E. The Estimation of Alkaloids in Extracts of Belladonna and Hyoscyamus, the Refractometer 400 in Distillery Wash by Means of the Zeiss Immersion Rafractometer 188 467 Sacher J.F. Examination of Red Lead 105 Sachs O. Vegetable Fats used as Substitutes for Cacao Butter in Chocolate 123 Sadtler S. S. Estimation of Ash in Graphite 140 Salecker P. and Neumann M. P. Estimation of Water in Gluten 361 Method of Estimating the Volume of Loaves,. Salway A. H. and Power F. B. The Constituents of the Essential Oil of Nutmeg 52 -- The Constituents of Expressed Oil of Nutmeg 471 Sand H. J. S. Laboratory Apparatus for the Evaporation of Liquids by Radiation - The Rapid Electrolytic Separation of Metals 395 -- The Rapid Electrolytic Deposition and Separation of Metals. Antimony and Tin The Employment of a Diaphragm 411 Sanders J. McC. Simple Gas Generator for Analytical Operations 37 Sanger C. R. and Black 0.F. Estimation of Arsenic in Urine 22 Pastry etc. 419 from Above 68 Part 11. --- Quantitative Estimation of Arsenic by the Gutzeit Method 28 Sargent E. H. and Co. An Electrical Distillation Apparatus 295 Satie C. and Jeancard P. Analysis of Oil of Lavender 190 Scala A. and Bonamartini G. Method for the Detection of Incipient Decomposition Scheitz W. and Pfyl B. Some of the Constituents of Saffron and a Method for the Scherubel E. and Richardson W. D. The Deterioration and Commercial Preservation Schimmel and Co. Estimation of Cineol in Eucalyptus Oil 15 Scholz H. A. and Walton J. H. Junr. Decomposition of Certain Materials and Industrial Products by Means of Sodium Peroxide and Metallic Sulphides 337 Schoorl N. and Con F. Estimation of the Specific Gravity of Milk Serum 18 Schroder F.Detection and Estimation of Rice-Husk in Feeding Stuffs 280 Schubert F. Apparatus for Rapidly Measuring and Delivering Liquids 205 Schultz F. A Rapid Viscosimeter 443 Schultze E. Wagner B. and Rub J. Simple Method for the Estimation of Alcohol in Distillery Wash by Means of the Zeiss Immersion Refractometer 188 Schulz-Kolin F. Test for Mineral Oil 245 Schulze E. Detection of Cane-Sugar in Seeds 325 Schiirmann E. and Arnold H. New Method for the Analysis of Bronze Brass and Schwalbe 0. G, Estimation of the Degree of Bleaching of Cellulose 242 Scott F H. and Plimmer R. H. A, A Reaction Distinguishing Phosphoprotein from Seidell A. Estimation of Salicylates 479 of Meat 400 Valuation of Saffron 472 of Flesh Foods. Experiments on Frozen Beef 469 Similar Alloys 438 Nucleoprotein and the Distribution of Phosphoproteins in Tissues 475 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIII.xxi Seyler C. A. The Solvent Action of Carbonic Acid upon the Carbonates of Heavy Shaw G. W. Polarimetric Determination of Gliadin 56 Sherman H. C. a92d Kendall E. C. Detection and Identification of Certain Reducing Sugars by Condensation with p-Brombenzyl Hydrazide 436 Glucose from Maltose Lactose and Sucrose 56 Metals 454 - - Hinkel F. C. Use of Barfoed’s Solution in Distinguishing Shetterly F. F. and Browne A. W. Estimation of Hydrazine 28 Shimer 1’. W. A Filter-Tube 69 Shimidzu Y. Volumetric Estimation of Lactose by Means of Ammoniacd Copper Shinn 0. L. Electrolytic Determination of Nitric Acid 440 Shutt I?. T. and Charron A.T. Note on the Dyer Method for the Determination of Sidersky - Pellin’s New Polarimeter 206 Silbermann F. and Ozorovitz N. Detection and Identification of the Divalent Simnionds W. H. The Estimation of Nitrates in Bismuth Salts 440 Simonis H. and Rindl M. Estimation of Lead Copper and Silver in Complicated Skirrow F. W. Determination of Phenols in Gas Liquors 134 Skraup Z. H. The Products Obtained on the Hydrolysis of Casein 478 Slator A. Estimation of Fermentations with Yeast 363 Smirnoff J. and Miller O. The Permanganate Equivalent of Indigotin 286 Smith W. B. Application of Solid Fats of Renard’s Test for Peanut (Earthnut) Siirensen S. P. L. and Andersen A. C. Winkler’s Method for the Volumetric Estimation of Alkali Hydroxides in the Presence of Carbonates 334 - - Jessen-Hansen H.Titration of Amino-Acids in Presence of Formaldehyde Decolorisation of the Solutions 364 -- A Quantitative Measure of Proteolytic Action Titration of Solution 480 Plant Food in Soils 335 Phenols. A Delicate Reaction for Resorcinol 368 Organic Salts 204 Oil 50 Amino- Acids in Presence of Formaldehyde 19 - Titration of Uric Acid in Presence of Formaldehyde 21 Spencer J. H. nitd Le Pla M. Quantitatiye Separation of Thallium from Sprague C. B. and Ebaugh W. C. Estimation of Sulphur and Arsenic 369 Sprinkmeyer EL The Detection of Sesame Oil 100 Steel Sidney John Death of 304 Steensma F. A, Sensitive Reaction for Antipyrin 14 Steiger G. Estimation of Small Quantities of Fluorine 139 - New Form of Colorimeter 147 249 Silver, Stekl L.and Hanu; J. The Stern E. The Micrography of Cement 289 Stevens A. B. and Warren L. E. Poison Sumach 26 - H. P. and Beadle C. Vulcanisation Tests with Plantation Rubbers 26 Stevenson Sir Thomas Death of 305 Stock A. Porous Materials as Substitutes for Stopcocks in Work with Gases 112 Stoepel P. Two New Tests for Elemi Resin 402 Stoltzenberg H. Steam Distillation Tube 485 Stiiren R. Primue Burner for Mine Laboratories 484 Stransky J. Modified Volumetric Method for the Rapid Determination of Carbon Ethyl Ester Value ” of Fats A New Constant for the Detection of Cocoanut Oil 281 Dioxide in Mineral and especially in Acid Waters 10 xxii INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIII, Strecker W. Precipitation of Iron by Ammonia in Presence cf Tartaric Acid 63 Streitberger F.aitd Matthes H. The Composition of the ‘( Crude Fibre” of Strong P. M. Physical Constants of Mixtures of Water and Glycerin 200 Strube F. Detection of Butter-Fat Cocoanut Oil and Palm Oil in Cacao Butter 188 Stuber W. and Fendler G. Estimation of the Formaldehyde Evolved by the Disinfectant ‘( Autan,” 429 Studer J . S. Arrangement to Facilitate the Use of Hempel’s Pipettes 343 Siichting H. Estimation of the Acidity of Soils 142 Suto K. and Kumagawa M. Msthod for the Estivmation of Fat and Unsaponifiable Substances in Animal Tissues and a Critical Examination of the Methods now in Use 362 Sy A. P. An Improved Water-Oven 485 -- Preliminary Tests for Maple Products 426 - - The Lead Value of Maple Products 470 Taceak S. aud Hinrichsen F. W. Estimation of the Yield of Coke from Coal 431 Tanaka Y.The Hydrolytic Enzyme in the Resting Seeds of Some Gramineae 241 Tankard A. R. and Thompson G. R. Estimation of Cocoanut Oil in Butter 189 Tatlock R. R. A Rapid Method for the Estimation of Mercuric Salts in Aqueous. -- English Inks Their Composition and Differentiation in Hand-- - The Action of Dimethyl Sulphate upon Oils of the Aromatic and _. - and Thomson R. T. Lead in Cream of Tartar Tartaric Acid and - Lead in Cream of Tartar Tartaric Acid and Citric Acid 178 Cacao 15 Solution 218 writing 85 Aliphatic Series 10 Citric Acid 173 Tempany H. A. and Watts F. Thd Keeping Power of Fehling’s Solution and the Volumetric Process of Estimating Sugars with it, 197 -- The Polarimetric Determination of Cane- Sugar.Effect of Basic Lead Acetate on the Optical Activity and Copper-reducing Power of Sugar Solutions 130 Thomas F. Gaunt R. and Bloxam WP. Analysis of Indigo (Part 111.) and of the Dried Leaves of Indigofera Arrecta and Indigofera Sumatrans 58 Thompson G. R. and Tankard A. R. Estimation of Cocoanut Oil in Butter 189 Thomson R. T. and Tatlock R. R. Lead in Cream of Tartar Tartaric Acid and Thorner W. Estimation of Water in Foods and other Substances 97 - Apparatus for the Determination of the Coefficient of Expansion of Oils and other Liquids above 100’ C. 294 ~ - ~ - Simple Burner for Flame and Spectrum Reactions 294 Timpe H. Estimation of Fat in Milk 18 Tingle J. B. and Meyer H. The Determination of Radicles in Carbon Compounds, Tollens B. Simple Test for Glycuronic Acid by Means of Naphtho-resorcinol Hydro-- and Lefhre K.U. Quantitative Estimation of Glycuronic Acid and its -- - Mayer W. Note on Fucose and the Estimation of Methylpentosans - Rorive F. Colour and Spectruni Reactions of the Sugars with Citric Acid 173 Review 383 chloric Acid and Ether 326 Colour Reactions 57 in Natural Products 25 Naphtho-resorcinol and Hydrochloric Acid 32 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIJI. xxiii Tolman L. M. and Crampton C. A, A Study of the Changes taking place in Trotman S. R Leather Trades Chemistry Review 350 Tsuchiya - New Volumetric Method for the Estimation of Albumin by Phospho-Tsujimoto M. Characteristics of Japanese Tea Oil 424 Turner A. K. Examination of Turpentine Oil and ‘‘ Reduced Turpentine,” 433 Tutin F. Melting-Point of J-Phenyl-Glucosazone 25 -- The Constituents of Olive Leaves 330 Whisky stored in Wood 92 Tungstic Acid 194 Characteristics of Some Japanese Vegetable Oils 238 Chrysalis Oil 243 and Power F.B. The Constituents of Olive Bark 330 Utz - Characteristics of Segura Balsam 52 - Estimation of the Total Solids (Sugars) of Honey by Means of the Refracto-meter 321 Veley V. H. The Affinity Constants of Baaes as Determined by the Aid of Methyl--- The Affinity Constants of Bases as Determined by the Aid of Methyl-Vieweg W. A New Constant of Cellulose (Absorption of Sodium Hydroxide), Vigreux H. Receiver for Fractional Distillation under Reduced Pressure 252 - A Complete Aspirator and Condenser 414 Voelcker J. A. The Composition of Milk 116 Volcy-Boucher - A Test to Distinguish a- and ,%Naphthol 369 Von Cordier V.Modification of Hiifner’s Method for the Volumetric Estimation of Von Moraczewski W. A Method for the Estimation of Indole in Faeces 282 Orange (Preliminary Note) 54 Orange 201 284 Nitrogen 484 Wacker L. A Colour Reaction for Carbohydrates and its Relation to their Molecular Wagner B. Schultze F. and Rub J. Simple Method for the Estimation of Alcohol in Distillery Wash by Means of the Zeiss Immersion Refractometer, 188 -- H. and Clement J. Halphen’s Reaction for Cotton-seed Oil 396 Wake E. and Ingle H. The Iodine Value of the Phenols 246 Walden A. F. and Lambert B. A Systematic Introduction to Analytical Chemistry : Walton J. H. Junr. and Scholz H. A. Decomposition of Certain Materials and Industrial Products by Means of Sodium Peroxide and Metallic Sulphides 337 - W.and Richardson F. W. The Analysis of Camphorated Oil for Camphor Substitutes 463 Warren C. M. and Elborne W. Estimation of Lead in Alloys 377 - L. E. and Stevens A. B. Poison Sumach 26 Warynski T. and Mdivani B. The Volumetric Estimation of Alkali Vanadates by Washburn E. W. The Iodometric Determination of Arsenious Acid 102 Watt H. E. Determination of Orcinol in “ Orchella Weed,” 859 Watts F. and Tempany H. A. The Keeping Power of Fehliwk Solution and the Volumetric Process of Estimating Sugars with it 197 Weights 131 An Elementary Class-Book Review 384 Means of Stannous Chloride 33 xxiv INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIII, Watts F. and Tempany H. A. The Polarimetric Determination of Cane-Sugar.Effect of Basic Lead Acetate on the Optical Activity and Copper-Reducing Power of Sugar Solutions 130 Weed L. W. and Gooch F. A. Estimation of Chromium as Silver Chromate 371 - - Phelps J. K. The Use of Organic Acids and Anhydrides as Standards in Alkalimetry and a Comparison between Succinic Acid Arsenious Oxide and Silver Chloride as Standards in Iodometry and Alkalimetry 378 Wells H. L. Jamieson G. S. and Levy L. H. A Volumetric Method for the Estimation of Copper 290 Welwart - and Wittels - Separating Funnel for the Estimation of Unsaponi-fiable Matter in Oils and Fats 443 Westergaard E. Application of Lovibond’s Tintometer to the Analysis of Spirits, etc. 53 Wheeler R. V. and Bone W. A. An Accurate Form of Gas Analysis Apparatus 110 Wiley H.W. and Others Influence of Food Preservatives and Artificial Colours on Digestion and Health. 1V.-Benzoic Acid and Benzoates Review, 486 - General Results of the Investigation showing the Effect of Sulphurous Acid and Sulphites upon Digestion and Health 71 Wilkinson W. P. and Peters E. R. C. A New Reaction for Distinguishing between Raw and Heated Milk and for Detecting the Presence of Hydrogen Peroxide in Milk 401 Will R. and Hartel F. Analysis of Black Pepper and the Detection of Adulterants in the Same 18 Williams R. Volumetric Estimation of Phosphoric Acid in Fertilisers 483 Wilson A. M. Estimation of Vanadium 340 Winter H. W. and Lander G. D. The Detection of Poisonous Metals 450 Winterfeld G. and Holde D. The Detection and Estimation of Small Amounts of Withrow J.R. The Influence of Temperature on the Electrolytic Precipitation of Witte J. Estimation of Pepsin in Gastric Juice by Means of Ricin 19 Wittels - and Welwart - Separating Funnel for the Estimation of Unsaponi-Wolf C. G. L. and Osterberg E. Estimation of the Total Sulphur in Urine 364 Wohlgemuth J. A New Method for Estimating Diastatic Ferments 362 Wolter L. and Hinrichsen F. W. The Estimation of Tungsten and Chromium in Woodhams E. L. a d Campbell E. D. A New Method for the Estimation of Woodhouse J. O. and Lang W. R. Volumetric Estimation of Silver 337 Woodmann A. G. and Burwell A. L. Detection of Formic Acid in Foods 236 in Almond Essences 467 Benzene in Alcohol 242 Copper from Nitric Acid 202 fiable Matter in Oils and Fats 443 Steal 374 Vanadium in Steel 412 - Lyford E.F. The Colorimetric Estimation of Benzaldehyde Wormer E. Estimation of Phosphoric Acid in Foods 360 Worner E. Simple Apparatus for Continuous Extraction with Solvents of Variable Woudstra H. W. The Accuracy of the Colorimetric Estimation of Lead 291 Wright Herbert Hevea Braziliensis or Para Rubber its Botany Cultivation, Boiling-Point 341 Chemistry and Diseases Review 487 Young W. J. and Browne C. A, Composition of American Honeys 358 Zerban F. and Naquin W. P. Determination of Reducing Sugars 43 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIII. xxv Zerewitinoff T. Quantitative Estimation of Active Hydrogen in Organic Compounds, Zimmermann F. and Biltz W. Action of Silver Nitrate and Mercuric Nitrate on 366 Certain Inorganic Hydroxides 103 INDEX OF SUBJECTS.ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS PUBLISHED IN OTHER JOURNALS 14,48 90 122 188 234 278, Accuracy of the Colorimetric Estimation of Lead 291 Acetic Acid Glacial Formic Acid in Estimation of 406 - and Formic Acids. Part 111.-Studies in Steam Distillation 305 -. Fermentation Formation of Aldehydic or Ketonic Substances during 191 Acetone The Estimation of 98 Acid Acetic Glacial Estimation of Formic Acid in 406 319 357 396 419 467 Arsenious The Iodometric Determination of 102 Benzoic in Butter Detection of 420 9 - in Ketchup Estimation of 234 - in Ketchups Fruits and Ciders Detection and Estimation of 48 Caprylic Value of Butter-Fat Estimation of 122 Carbonic The Solvent Action of upon the Carbonates of Heavy Metals 454 9 - in Wines etc. Detection of 278 Di-thiocyano-selenious and its Use in the Estimation of Selenium 293 - 9- in Wine The Indirect Estimation of 428 - Boric in Foods Detection of 234 - Citric Cream of Tartar and Tartaric Acid Lead in 173 - Formic in Foods Detection of 236 -___.in Glacial Acetic Acid Estimation of 406 - Occurring in Honey Quantity of 282 Gallo-tannic Estimation of (Analysis of Inks) 367 - Glycuronic Quantitative Estimation of and its Colour Reactions 57 9 - Simple Test for by Means of Naptho-resorcinol Hydrochloric Acid and Ether 326 Hydrochloric and Naptho-resorcinol Colour and Spectrum Reactions of the Sugars with 325 -- Naptho-resorcinol and Ether Simple Test for Glycuronic Acid by Means of 326 Hydrofluosilicic Estimation of 63 Nitric in Soils and Plants Use of ‘‘ Nitron ” for Estimation of 64 - Influence of Temperature on the Electrolytic Determination of 440 - - Precipitation of Copper from 202 Nitrous Action of on Caoutchouc 60 Oleic A Colour Reaction of and its Use in Distinguishing Vegetable from - -_- and Orcinol The Detection of Pentoses by Means of 435 1 Titration with Permanganate in Presence of 43 -- Lactic in Animal Organs and Fluids New Method for the Estimation of 474 - Malic in Food Products Estimation of 400 Animal Fibres 478 9 A Spectrum Reaction of 479 - -- Phloroglucinol Hydrochloric Reaction of with Essential Oils 24 Phosphoric Ammonia-Soluble of the Soil 292 ( xxvi lNDEX TO VOLUME XXXI.1.Acid Phosphoric Aluminium and Iron when Occurring Together Method for the Estimation of 437 9- Citrate-Soluble in Phosphate Fodder Meals Modification of Petermann’s Method for the Estimation of 107 Y- in Fertilisers Volumetric Estimation of 483 I - in Foods Estimation of 360 - - Separation of Tungstic Acid from 143 - -- Water-Soluble Estimation of Small Quantities of Rapid Colori-metric Method for 441 Phosphorous Estimation of 65 .- Phospho-Tungstic Estimation of Albumin by New Volumetric Method of 194 Picric Estimation of 135 t - 9 Salicylic and Methyl Salicylate in Foods Separation and Determination of 424 - Estimation of Notes on Messinger and Vortmann’s Method of Estimating Phenols 407 Stearic in Ethyl Alcohol at 0” C.the Solubility of 61 - Volumetric Estimation of in Superphosphate 376 - Creatinine in Urine by Means of 364 - ‘‘ Soluble Silicic,” in Cacao Husks Proportion of 279 - Succinic Arsenious Oxide and Silver Chloride as Standards in Iodometry and Alkalimetry Comparison between the Use of Organic acids ae Standards in Alkalimetry 378 Sulphides.Neutral Sulphides Polysulphides and Hydrosulphites Mixture of, Analysis of 484 - Sulphuric Concentrated Estimation of Strength of 66 - Sulphurous and Sulphites Effect of upon Digestion and Health General Results of the Investigation showing 71 - Tartaric Cream of Tartar and Citric Acid Lead in 173 - - Estimation of in Presence of Malic and Succinic Acids 27 315 9 - Estimation of Short Volumetric Method for 379 - in Food Products and especially in Gelatin Estimation of 398 1 in Argol Wine Lees and other Crude Materials containing Tartaric - -Acid the Goldenberg Method for the Estimation of 200 - - in Cider Detection of 91 - - in Tartar Lees and Wines Volumetric Estimation of 331 - Precipitation of Iron by Ammonia in Presence of 63 Tungstic and Silica A New Method of Separating 441 - -_ Separation of from Phosphoric Acid 143 Uric Titration of in Presence of Formaldehyde 21 Dioxide in Mineral and especially in 103 Waters Modified Volumetric Method for the Rapid Determination of Carbon Acidimetry Indicators Used in the Constitution of 85 Acidity of Soils Estimation of 142 Acids Acetic and Formic.Part 111.-Studies in Steam Distillation 305 - Amino- Titration of in Presence of Formaldehyde A Quantitative Measure of Proteolytio Action 19 - Amino- Titration of in Presence of Formaldehyde Decolorisation of t h e Solutions 364 - and Rennet the Action of on Human Milk 475 - - Bile and Sesame Oil Colour Reactions of with Various Sugars 480 - 9 - New Reaction for and their Detection in Urine 430 - Fatty Non-volatile Refraction of Butter-Fat and its 123 - - Volatile Mixtures of Analysis ,of 133 - Formic and Acetic.Part 111.-Studies in Steam Distillation 30 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIlI. xxvii Acids Free Mineral in Red Wines Detection and Estimation of 428 - Halogen Halogens and other Oxidising Substances Solutions of Action of - Malic and Succinic Estimation of Tartaric Acid in Presence of 27 315 - Molybdic and Vanadic Estimation of in Presence of One Another 339 - Organic and Anhydrides as Standards in Alkalimetry Use of and a Com-parison between Succinic Acid Arsenious Oxide and Silver Chloride as Standards in Iodometry and Alkalimetry 378 - Succinic and Malic Estimation of Tartaric Acid in Presence of 27 315 - Vanadic and Molybdic Estimation of in Presence of One Another 339 Activity of Commercial Crude Drugs Variation in 235 Adulterant A New of Fennel Seed 468 Adulterants Common Food Detection of the Review 112 Adulteration Milk Calculation of 359 Affinity Constants of Bases as Determined by the Aid of Methyl-Orange 201 African Semi-Hard Copals Analytical Values of 54 Air Atmospheric Estimation of Carbon Monoxide i n 30 Albumin Estimation of by Phospho-Tungstic Acid New Volumetric Method for 194 - in Urine Quantitative Estimation of 430 Alcohol and Extract in Spirits Estimation of by Means of the Refractometer 319 - Benzene in Detection and Estimation of Small Amounts of 242 - Ethyl at 0" C.Solubility of Stearic Acid in 61 Arsenic Hydride (Arsine) on 136 9 Detection of Small Quantities of Methyl Alcohol in the Presence of - -417 -Free Wines The Examination of 473 in Concentrated Nitrous Ether Estimation of 188 - in Distillery Wash Simple Method for the Estimation of by Means of the - i c Fermented Liquors; Rapid Estimation of 399 - Methyl Detection of Small Quantities of in the Presence of Ethyl Alcohol, Alcoholic Ammonium Carbonate Separation of Magnesium from the Alkalis by 334 Aldehyde Salicylic for Use in Testing for Fuse1 Oil Examination of 136 Aldehydes Aromatic Colour Reactions of Sesame Oil with 480 Aldehydic or Ketonic Substances Formation of during Acetic Fermentation 191 ,4leurites Seeds from Cochin China Composition of 405 Algerian Olive Oils Some 49 Aliphatic and Aromatic Series Oils of Action of Dimethyl Sulphate upon 2 -- Unsaturated Compounds of General Reaction for the Alkali Hydroxides in the Presence of Carbonates Volumetric Estimation of Winkler's -* - Vanadates Volumetric Estimation of by Means of Stannous Chloride 339 ,4lkalimetry and Todometry Succinic Acid Arsenious Oxide and Silver Chlorides as Standards in A Comparison between and the Use of Organic Acids and Anhydrides as Standards in Alkalimetry 378 - Use of Organic Acids and Anhydrides as Standards in and a Comparison between Succinic Acid Arsenious Oxide and Silver Chloride as Standards in Iodometry and Alkalimetry 378 Alkaline-earth Metals and Cobalt Iron Zinc Manganese Aluminium Chromium, Uranium and Magnesium Rapid Estimation of Nickel in Presence of, 333 -- Saponification of Alkyl Nitrates in Presence of Hydrogen Peroxide 23 Zeiss Immersion Refractometer 188 in Wine The Estimation of 90 417 Identification of Multiple Bonds in 22 Method for 334 t x xviii INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIII.Alkalis Chlorides of the other New Method of Separating Lithium Chloride from, Separation of Magnesium from by Alcoholic Ammonium Carbonate 334 Alkaloids in Extracts of Belladonna and Hyoscyamus The Estimation of 467 Alkyl Nitrates Alkaline Saponification of in Presence of Hydrogen Peroxide 23 Allen-Marquardt Method The Rose Method for Estimation of Fuse1 Oil and Alloys Copper Small Percentages of Iron in Colorimetric Method for the Determina- Lead in Estimation of 377 - Similar Bronze Brass and New Method for the Analysis of 438 Almond Essences Benzaldehyde in Colorimetric Estimation of 467 - -Tree Gum Composition of 324 Aluminium Iron and Phosphoric Acid when Occurring Together Method for the - Cobalt Iron Zinc Manganese Chromium Uranium Magnesium and and from the Chloride of Barium 378 Comparison with the 399 tion of 63 Estimation of 437 the Alkaline-earth Metals Rapid Estimation of Nickel in Presence of 333 Alypine and other Local Anaesthetics A Colour Reaction of 396 American Honeys Composition of 358 Amino Acids Titration of in Presence of Formaldehyde A Quantitative Measure of Proteolytic Action 19 - -- in Presence of Formaldehyde Decolorisation of the Solutions 364 Ammonia Distillation of in Presence of Magnesium or Calcium Salts 409 - Quantitative Distillation of New Apparatus for 442 - Precipitation of Iron by in Presence of Tartaric Acid 63 - -Soluble Phosphoric Acid of the Soil 292 Ammoniacal Copper Solution Volumetric Estimation of Lactose by Means of 480 Ammonium Sulphate Commercial Suitability of as Manure 483 Amylolytic and Proteolytic Ferments of Wheaten Flours and their Relation to Baking Value 323 Anesthetics other Local and Alypine A Colour Reaction of 396 Analyse Die Chemische.Vols. IV. and V. Elektroanalytische Schnellmethoden, Review 488 Analyses Elementary and Carbon Dioxide Estimations Soda-Lime Apparatus for, 112 Analysis Beer 320 - Electrolytic Use of the Gooch Crucible in 296 - Gas New Apparatus 340 - of Commercial Silicon 108 - of Nearly Pure Gases 247 of Rubber 60 - Ore Technical Methods of Review 259 in 293 - Rapid by Electrolysis without Rotating Electrodes 30 Analytical Chemistry Investigation Scheme 41 Anhydrides and Organic Acids Use of as Standards in Alkalimetry and a Com-parison between Succinic Acid Arsenious Oxide and Silver Chloride as Standards in Iodometry and Alkalimetry 378 Animal Fats Certain in Admixture with other Animal Fats Detection of 476 Fibres A Colour Reaction of Oleic Acid and its Use in Distinguishing Vegetable from 478 Organs and Fluids Estimation of Lactic Acid in New Method for 474 Qualitative Comparative Oxidising Power of Sodium Peroxide and its Us INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIII.xxix Animal Tissues Estimation of Fat and Unsaponifiable Substances in Method for, Annual Address of the Retiring President 75 Antimony and Arsenic Iodometric Estimation of in Presence of Copper 369 and a Critical Examination of the Methods now in Uw 362 - and Tin. - Arsenic and Tin in Bronzes Separation and Estimation of 439 - Sulphide (‘ Golden,” Analysis of 136 - Volumetric Estimation of 288 Part 11.-Employment of a Diaphragm. The Rapid Electrolytic Deposition and Separation of Metals 411 Antipyrin Sensitive Reaction for 14 APPARATUS ABSTRACTS 36 68 109 145 205 252 294 340 379 413 442 484 - A Gas Generating 69 -- for Absorbing Acid Vapours given off during the Assay of Gold Silver, -- for Automatic Extinction of a Gas-Flame 344 - for Extracting Substances by Means of Hot Ether 485 -__ for Quantitative Estimations Involving Distillation 117 -- for Rapidly Measuring and Delivering Liquids 205 - - for Simultaneously Extracting a Solid and Filtering the Solution so -- for the Determination of the Coefficient of Expansion of Oils and other -- for Use in Testing Substances for Phosphorus 37 -- Gas Analysis An Accurate Form of 110 -- New Arrangement of for Estimation of Sulphur in Cast Iron and Steel, - Electrical Distillation 295 etc.36 for Obtaining Constant Temperatures in Drying Ovens 36 Obtained 341 Liquors above 100’ C. 294 for Sublimation 297 New 340 --344 380 for the Determination of the Specific Gravity of Portland Cement, for the Quantitative Distillation of Ammonia 442 -- -9 -_ --- Simple for Continuous Extraction with Solvents of Variable Boiling-- Soda-Lime for Elementary Analyses and Carbon Dioxide Estimations, -- Spectroscopic Modified 253 Appointments Public 4 6 Tendering ” for 416 Aqueous Solution Mercuric Salts in A Bapid Method for the Estimation of 217 Argol Wine Lees and other Crude Materials containing Tartaric Acid The Golden-Aromatic and Aliphatic Series Oils of Action of Dimethyl Sulphate upon 2 --- Unsaturated Compounds of General Reaction for - Hydrazines The Quantitative Conversion of into Diazonium Salts 194 Arrangement New of Apparatus for Estimation of Sulphur in Cast Iron and Steel, -- to Facilit~te the Use of Hempel’s Pipettes 343 Arsenic Antimony and Tin in Bronzes Separation and Estimation of 439 - and Antimony Iodometric Estimation of in Presence of Copper 369 ~- and Sulphur Estimation of 369 -- in Urine Estimation of 22 Point 341 112 berg Method for the Estimation of Tartaric Acid in 200 Identification of Multiple Bonds in 22 Aldehydes Colour Reactions of Sesame Oil with 480 34 xxx INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIII.Arsenic Disulphide Reduction of Arsenic Trisulphide and Pentasulphide to 29 -_- Hydride (Arsine) Action of on Solutions of Halogens Halogen Acids and other Oxidising Substances 136 -- Pentasulphide and Trisulphide Reduction of to Arsenic Disulphide 29 -- Purification of Hydrogen from 203 -_ Quantitative Estimation of by the Gutzeit Method 28 -- Trisulphide and Pentasulphide Reduction of to Arsenic Disulphide 29 Arsenical Wall-Papers Poisoning by The Cause of 192 Arsenious Acid The Iodometric Determination of 102 -- Oxide Succinic Acid and Silver Chloride Comparison between as Stan-dards in Iodometry and Alkalimetry and the Use of Organic Acids and Anhydrides as Standards in Alkalimetry 378 Artificial Honey Detection of 397 Ash in Graphite Estimation of 140 Asphalt Artificial and Natural 476 - Natural and Artificial 476 Aspirator and Condenser A Combined 414 Atoxyl The Diazo Reaction of 477 ‘‘ Autan,” the Disinfectant the Formaldehyde Evolved by Estimation of 429 Autoclave A New 205 Autolysator The Apparatus for the Automatic Estimation of Carbon Dioxide 379 Automatic Estimation of Carbon Dioxide Apparatus for the Autolysator 379 - Extinction of a Gas-Flame Apparatus for 344 - Siphon-Pipette 442 Bacillus Typhoid in Artificially Infected Samples of Raw Thames Lea and New River Water The Vitality of with Special Reference to the Question of Storage, 403 Bacteriological Cultures Indol in Estimation of 403 BACTERIOLOQICAL PHYSIOLOGICAL ETC.ABSTRACTS 19 97 129 191 240 282 324, 362 403 429 474 Baking Value The Amylolytic and Proteolytic Ferments of Wheaten Flours and their Relation to 323 Balsam Segura Characteristics of 52 Bananas Composition of 419 Bang’s Method of Estimating Sugar 405 -.-- - Notes on 324 Barfoed’s Solution Use of in Distinguishing Glucose from Maltose Lactose and Barium Chloride of New Method of Separating Lithium Chloride from and from - Peroxide Valuation of 201 - Quantitative Separation of from Strontium 12 Bark Olive Constituents of 330 - Simaruba Constituents of 239 Bases Affinity Constants of as Determined by the Aid of Methyl-Orange 201 Basic Dyestuffs Volumetric Estimation of by Means of Acid Dyestuffs 132 - Lead Acetate Effect of on the Optical Activity and Copper-Reducing Power of Beans Tonka The Fat of 481 Beef Frozen Experiments on.The Deterioration and Commercial Preservation of Beer Analysis 320 Sucrose 56 the Chlorides of the other Alkalis 378 Sugar Solutions. The Polarimetric Determination of Cane-Sugar 130 Flesh Foods 469 and Malt Extracts Colour in Standard Light for Estimating 25 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIL xxxi Beer Kaffir 91 Belladonna and Hyoscyamus Extracts of The Estimation of Alkaloids in 467 Benguela Copal White and Congo Copal Composition of 327 Benzaldehyde in Almond Essences Colorimetric Estimation of 467 Benzene Carbon Bisulphide in Estimation of 132 -_- in Alcohol Detection and Estimation of Small Amounts of 242 ~ - - in Illuminating Gas Determination of 195 Benzoic Acid in Butter Detection of 420 I__-- in Ketchup Estimation of 234 --- Fruits and Ciders Detection and Estimation of 48 -_ in Wine The Indirect Estimation of 428 Bilberry Juice in Red Wines Detection of 191 Bile Acids New Reaction for and their Detection in Urine 430 -- and Sesame Oil Colour Reactions of with Various Sugars 480 - Pigments in Urine Detection of 283 Biochemie mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der chemischen Arbeitsmethoden, Bismuth Electrolytic Estimation of 246 -- Small Quantities of Determination of 137 -- Salts Nitrates in The Estimation of 440 -- Volumetric Estimation of Note on 29 Blackberry-seed Oil 130 Black Pepper Analysis of and Detection of Adulterants in the Same 18 Bleaching of Cellulose the Degree of Estimation of 242 Blood New Chemical Test for 404 - The Guaiacum Reaction for Detection of 19 Blue Methylene in the Hygienic Examination of Milk-Supplies Use of 237 Board of Agriculture Deputation to 298 Boiling-Point Variable Continuous Extraction with Solvents of Simple Apparatus Bomb Calorimetric A Modification of 145 Bonds Triple Compounds with Action of Ozone on 199 BOOKS NEW 40 BOOKS REVIEWS OF : Descriptive Review 70 9 - Note on 370 -.for 341 Bruce Edwin M. Detection of the Common Food Adulterants 112 Fischer Dr. A. Die Chemische Analyne.Vols. IV. and V. Elektronnalytische French Herbert Medical Laboratory Methods and Tests 207 Hicks James A. T4e Laboratory Book of Mineral Oil Testing 258 Lambert B. and Walden A. F. A Systematic Introduction to Analytical Low Albert H. Technical Methods of Ore Analysis 259 Merck E. Chemical Reagents their Purity and Tests 304 Meyer Dr. H. and Tingle J. B. The Determination of Radicles in Carbon Parry L. The Analysis of Ashes and Alloys 383 Pilcher R. B. Oflicial Chemical Appointments the Institute of Chemistry Robertson W illiam Practical Meat and Food Inspection 258 Tingle J. B. and Ueyer Dr. H. The Determination of Radicals in Carbon Walden A. F. and Lambert B. A Systematic Introduction to analytical Sc hnellmethoden 488 Chemistry An Elementary Class-Book 384 Compounds 383 of Great Britain and Ireland 260 Compounds 383 Chemistry An Elementary Class-Book 38 xxxii INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIII.BOOKS REVIEWS oF-conthed Wiley H. W. and Others United States Department of Agriculture. Influence of Food Preservatives and Artificial Colours on Digestion and Health. Wright Herbert Hevea Braziliensis or Para Rubber its Botany Cultiva-tion Chemistry and Diseases 487 1V.-Benzoic Acid and Benzoates 486 Bordeaux Mixture the Chemistry of 62 Boric Acid in Foods Detection of 234 Bosa Halva and Locoum Eastern Food Products Composition of 321 Brass Bronze and Similar Alloys New Method for the Analysis of 438 Bread-Making Determination of the Quality of Flours as Regards their Suitability Bread Brown Coloration of 15 British Association for the Advancement of Science 390 Bromates Chlorates Iodates and Periodates Estimation of by Means of Formalde-hyde Silver Nitrate and Potassium Persulphate 138 p-Brombenzyl Hydrazide Detection and Identification of certain Reducing Sugars by Condensation with 436 for 419 Bromide or Mercurio- Chloride Estimation of the Halogen in Simple Method for, 440 -__ Silver Chloride and Iodide Separation of 332 Bromides Alone or in Solution with Chlorides A Delicate Test for 331 Bromine Chlorine and Iodine Separation of by Means of Hydrogen Peroxide in Bronze Brass and Similar Alloys New Method for the Analysis of 438 Bronzes Tin Arsenic and Antimony in Separation and Estimation of 439 Brown Bread Coloration of 15 Bulb Potash A New Form of 346 Burette Gas Combined Stopcock and Capillary Connecting Tube for 342 - Refilling A New Form of 296 Burner New Gas 341 Butter Analysis New Constant for and Detection of Cocoanut Oil in Butter-Acid Solution 410 Primus for Mine Laboratories 484 Simple for Flame and Spectrum Reactions 294 Benzoic Acid in Detection of 420 Cacao The Analysis of 468 Fat 49 Y Butter-Fat Cocoanut Oil and Palm Oil in Detection of 188 The Unsaponifiable Constituents of 93 - -- - in Chocolate Vegetable Fats used as Substitutes for 123 9 ~ - Cocoanut Oil in Detection of by Means of the ‘‘ Silver Value,” 236 Synthetic Colours in Detection of 421 - The Unsaponifiable Constituents of Cocoanut Fat and its Detection in Butter-Fat Caprylic Acid Value of Estimation of 122 -- Refraction of and its Non-volatile Fatty Acids 123 9 Estimation of 122 189 457 - --Admixture with 357 - Detection of Cocoanut Oil in and a New Constant for Butter Analysis 49 - Palm Oil and Cocoanut Oil in Cacao Butter Detection of 188 Cacao Crude Fibre of Composition of 15 - Butter Butter-Fat Cocoanut Oil and Palm Oil in Detection of 188 in Chocolate Vegetable Fats used as Substitutes for 123 The Analysis of 46 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIII.xxxiii Cacao Butter The Unsaponifiable Constituents of 93 Husks Proportion of “ Soluble Silicic Acid ” in 279 Caffeine Estimation of and Constituents of Coffee 124 Calcium Salts or Magnesium Distillation of Ammonia in Presence of 409 Calorimeter Parr The Constants and Variables of the 29 Calorimetric Bomb A Modification of 145 Camembert Cheese Composition of 51 Camphor Substitutes Analysis of Camphorated Oil for 463 Camphorated Oil Analysis of for Camphor Substitutes 463 Cane-Sugar in Seeds Detection of 325 Caoutchouc Action of Nitrous Acid on 60 Caprylic Acid Value of Butter-Fat Estimation of 122 Carapa Oil 184 Carbohydrates A Colour Reaction for and its Relation to their Molecular Weights, Carbon Absorption of Iodine by 30 __- and Hydrogen in Organic Substances Rapid Estimation of 146 - Bisulphide in Benzene Estimation of 132 - Dioxide Automatic Estimation of Apparatus for The Autolysator 379 ~ - - - Estimations and Elementary Analyses Soda-Lime Apparatus for, ~ - - in Electrolytic Chlorine Estimation of 62 -- in Mineral and especially in Acid Waters Rapid Determination -- Loss of during Solution of Steel in Potassium Cupric Chloride, -_-_ Solubility of in Water Influence of Colloids and Colloid Suspen-- in Soils Estimation of 142 -_ in Steel Ferro-Alloye and Plumbago Estimation of by Means of an Monoxide in Atmospheric Air Estimation of 30 -- Volumetric Estimation of by Combustion 409 Carbcnate Alcoholic Ammonium Separation of Magnesium from the Alkalis by, Carbonates of Heavy Metals The Solvent Action of Carbonic Acid upon 454 - Volumetric Estimation of Alkali Hydroxides in the Presence of Winkler’s Carbonic Acid The Solvent Action of upon the Carbonates of Heavy Netals 454 Carrasco-Plancher Method of Elementary Analysis A New Catalysing Agent for Casein A New Method of Estimating.Determination of its Equivalent Weight 365 - The Nitrogen Factor for.Cast Iron and Steel Estimation of Sulphur in New Arrangement of Apparatus for 344 Cetalysing Agent New for Use in the Carrasco-Plancher Method of Elementary Analysis 283 Cellulose Degree of Bleaching of Estimation of the 242 - Lignin and Cutin Separation of and Estimation of ‘‘ Crude Fibre,” 98 -- New Constant of (Absorption of Sodium Hydroxide) 284 -- Nitro- Mercuric Chloride in Detection of 204 131 - other Detection of Laevulose in the Presence of 480 and Sulphur Direct Combustion of Steel for 411 112 of Nodified Volumetric Method for 103 438 sions on 391 Electric Combustion Furnace 288 334 Method for 334 Use in 283 The Estimation of Nitrogen Part I. 179 The Products Obtained on the Hydrolysis of 47 xxxiv INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIII.Cement Micrography of 289 - Portland Specific Gravity of New Apparatus for the Determination of 380 - Testing etc. a Modified Keates’ Specific Gravity Bottle for 79 Cereals Ungerminated Enzymes of Action of the Enzymes of Malt on 392 Cerium in Presence of other Rare Earths Estimation of by Means of Potassium Cheese Camembert Composition of 51 Chemical Reagents their Purity and Tests Review 304 Chloramine Reactions of the Proteins and Industrial Applications 198 Chlorate Commercial Chlorites and Hypochlorites in Detection and Quantitative Chlorates Bromates Iodates and Periodates Estimation of by Means of Formal-dehyde Silver Nitrate and Potassium Persulphate 138 Ferricyanide 370 Estimation of 370 Volumetric Estimation of 289 Chloride Lithium New Method of Separating from the Chlorides of the other --- Mercuric Detection of Traces of 64 - .Alkalis and from the Chloride of Barium 378 in Nitro-Cellulose Detection of 204 -9 - or Bromide Estimation of the Halogen in Simple Method -_ of Barium New Method of Separating Lithium Chloride from the Chlorides - - Potassium Cupric Solution of Steel in Loss of Carbon Dioxide during 438 - - Silver Bromide and Iodide Separation of 332 P I Stannous Volumetric Estimation of Alkali Vanadates by Means of 339 -- Titanous Volumetric Estimation of Iron and Chromium by Means of 372 Chlorine Bromine and Iodine Separation of by Means of Hydrogen Peroxide in -- Electrolytic Estimation of Carbon Dioxide in 62 Chlorites and Hypochlorites in Commercial Chlorate Detection and Quantitative Chocolate Cacao Butter in Vegetable Fats Used as Substitutes for 123 Cholesterol and Oxycholesterol New Tests for 133 - Test for 133 Chromate Silver Estimation of Chromium as 371 Chromium and Iron Volumetric Estimation of by Means of Titanous Chloride 372 - and Nickel in Steel Estimation of 373 - and Tungsten in Steel Estimation of 374 - Cobalt Iron Zinc Manganese Aluminium Uranium Magnesium and the Alkaline-earth Metals Rapid Estimation of Nickel in Presence for 440 of the other Alkalis and from the 378 Acid Solution 410 Estimation of 370 of 333 -- Estimation of as Silver Chromate 371 Two Volumetric Methods for 30 Separation of Tungsten from and Estimation of Tungsten in Steel con-taining Chromium 374 - Vanadium Molybdenum and Nickel in Steel The Estimation of 412 Chrysalis Oil 243 Cider Tartaric Acid in Detection of 91 Ciders Fruits and Ketchups Benzoic Acid in Detection and Estimation of 48 Cigar Smoke Some of the Constituents of 405 Cineol in Eucalyptus Oil Estimation of 15 91 Citrste-Soluble Phosphoric Acid in Phosphate Fodder Meals the Estimation of, Citric Acid Cream of Tartar and Tartaric Acid Lead in 173 Modification of Petermann’s Method for 10 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIII.xxxv Citric Acid in Wines etc. Detection of 278 Clay Separation of in the Estimation of Humus 290 Coal Yield of Coke from Estimation of 431 - Estimation of the Yield of Coke from 431 - Suiphur in Rapid Estimation of according to 0. Brunck 411 Cobalt and Nickel Separation and Estimation of 371 --- Simultaneous Qualitative Detection of 334 -- Iron Zinc Manganese Aluminium Chromium Uranium Magnesium and the Alkaline-earth Metals Rapid Estimation of Nickel in Presence of 333 -- Simple and Rapid Estimation of Nickel in Presence of 333 Cobaltic Nitrite Method Application of to the Estimation of Potassium in Soils 378 -_- Volumetric EstimatioD of Potassium as 35 Cochin China Aleurites Seeds from Composition of 405 Cocoa Fat in Estimation of New Method for 320 Cocoanut Fat The Unsaponifiable Constituents of and its Detection in Admixture - Oil Butter-Fat and Palm Oil in Cacao Butter Detection of 188 -_- in Butter Detection of by Means of the ‘( Silver Value,” 236 ~ - - - - - Estimation of 122 189 457 -- in Butter-Fat Detection of and a New Constant for Butter Analysis 49 -__ New Constant for the Detection of The “Ethyl Ester Value ” of Fats, Codeine Cotarnine and Morphine Estimation of by Means of Dinitrophenylmethyl-pyrazolone 17 Coffee Constituents of and Estimation of Caffeine 124 Cognac Egg- 422 Coke Yield of from Coal Estimation of 431 Collodion Membranes 36 Colloid Suspensions and Colloids Influence of on the Solubility of Carbon Dioxide Colloidal Chemistry 392 Colloida and Colloid Suspensions Influence of on the Solubility of Carbon Dioxide Colophony in Shellac Estimation of 478 Colorimeter New Form of 147 Colorimetric Method Rapid for the Estimation of Small Quantities of Water-Soluble Colour Reaction for Carbohydrates and its Relation to their Molecular Weighte 131 - of Alypine and other Local Anaesthetics 396 -- of Diabetic Urine 476 - of Oleic Acid and its Use in Distinguishing Vegetable from Animal Gas Estimation of Naphthalene in and in Spent Oxide of Iron 58 with Butter 357 281 in Water 391 in Water 391 Phosphoric Acid 441 Fibres 478 Reactions of Glycuronic Acid and Quantitative Estimation of the Same 57 -- of Sesame Oil and Bile Acids with Various Sugars 480 ---- with Aromatic Aldehydes 480 Colour Test for Molybdenum in Ores etc.106 Colours Synthetio in Butter Detection of 421 Combustion Analysis Ultimate Further Notes on the Simplified Method of 193 -- Volumetric Estimation of Carbon Monoxide by 409 Commercial Ammonium Sulphate Suitability of as Manure 483 -- Feeding-Stuffs Concentrated 397 --_- Silicon The Analysis of 108 Compounds Ferric Iron in Volumetric Estimation of 10 xxxvi INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIII.Compounds Organic Active Hydrogen in Quantitative Estimation of 366 - with Triple Bonds Action of Ozone on 199 Condensed Milk Analyses of 17 Condenser and Aspirator A Combined 414 Conductivity Water the Preparation of 250 Congo Copal and White Benguela Copal Composition of 327 Constant New of Cellulose (Absorption of Sodium Hydroxide) 284 Constant Pressure Gas-Governor 295 Constants Affinity of Bases as Determined by the Aid of Methyl-Orange 54 201 - Chemical and Physical of Cotton-seed Oil Effect of Heat upon 432 -- New for the Valuation of Mineral Lubricating Oils 432 -- Physical of Mixtures of Water and Glycerin 200 Copal Congo and White Benguela Copal Composition of 327 -- Lacquers Analysis of 405 Copals African Semi-Hard Analytical Values of 54 -_- Manila and Pontianak 243 -- Pontianak and Manila 243 Copper and Silver Electrolytic Separation of 139 -____ Alloys Small Percentages of Iron in Colorimetric Method for the Determina-- Electrolytic Precipitation of from Nitric Acid The Influence of Temperature 9 for the Detection of Cocoanut Oil the “Ethyl Ester Value’’ of - -Fats 281 tion of 63 on 202 Estimation of Volumetric Method for 290 Iodometric Estimation of Arsenic and Antimony in Presence of 369 Lead and Silver in Complicated Organic Salts Estimation of 204 Minute Quantities of Electrolytic Estimation of 138 Test for 138 Solution Ammoniacal Volumetric Estimation of Lactose by Means of 480 -Zinc Couple Method Limitations of in Estimating Nitrates 291 Cormimbceuf’s Note An Answer to The Titration of Tannin by Iodine 27 Cotarnine Codeine and Morphine Estimation of by Means of Dinitrophenylmethyl-Cotton in Kapok Detection and Estimation of 431 Mercerised and Ordinary Dyeing Affinities of Effect of Drying on 326 pyrazolone 17 2 Characterisation of 55 9 - New Reactions for 133 Ordinary and Mercised Dyeing Affinities of Effect of Drying on 326 Animals are Fed or Inoculated with 192 --__ - Qualitative Test for 285 -Seed Oil Changes in the Composition of the Body-Fat of Rabbits when the -- Helphen’s Reaction for 396 Cow’s Milk Freezing-Point of and the Estimation of Added Water 279 Crab Extract of Composition of 51 Cream and Milk ‘( Sugar-Lime ” in Detection of 401 Creatin and Creatinin Method Folin’s Application of to Meats and Meat Extracts 51 Creatinine in Urine Estimation of by Means of Picric Acid 364 Crucible Gooch in Electrolytic Analysis The Use of 296 Cruds Drugs Commercial Activity of Variation in 235 ‘6 Crude Fibre,” Estimation of and Separation of Cellulose Lignin and Cutin 98 ~- Physical and Chemical Constants of Effect of Heat upon 432 Yarns Degree of Mercerisation of Estimation of 285 of Tartar Tartaric Acid and Citric Acid Lead in 17 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIII.xxxvii ‘( Crude Fibre ” of Cacao Composition of 15 Cultures Bacteriological Indol in Estimation of 403 Cutin Cellulose and Lignin Separation of and Estimation of I ‘ Crude Fibre,” 98 Cyanogenetic Glucosides in Feeding-Stuffs Occurrence of 280 Cyprus Origanum Oil The Constituents of Isolation of a New Terpene “ Origanene,” 327 Dairy Laboratory Guide Review 154 Decomposition of Meat Incipient Method for the Detection of 400 Degree of Bleaching of Cellulose Estimation of 242 Dephlegmator New for the Fractionation of Petroleum 205 Deterioration and Commercial Preservation of Flesh Foods Experiments on Frozen Device for Washing Precipitates 207 Dextrins occurring in Pine-Honey Molecular Weight of 321 Diabetic Urine A Colour Reaction of 476 Diaphragm Employment of The Rapid Electrolytic Deposition and Separation of Part 11.-Antimony and Tin 411 Diastatic Ferments New Method for Estimating 362 Power of Malt Determination of by Lintner’s Method 240 Diazo Reaction of Atoxyl 477 Diazonium Salts The Quantitative Conversion of Aromatic Hydrazines into 194 Digestion and Health Effect of Sulphurous Acid and Sulphites upon General - Influence of Food Preservatives and Artificial Colours on.Dimethyl Sulphate Action of upon Oils of the Aromatic and Aliphatic Series 2 Dinitrophenylmethylpyrazolone Estimation of Cotarnine Codeine and Morphine by Discussion on Problems of Fermentation 394 Disinfectant “ Autan ,” the Formaldehyde Evolved by Estimation of 429 Distillation Apparatus An Electrical 295 -~ Fractional of Commercial Petroleum Spirit 368 --Beef 469 Metals. Results of the Investigation showing 71 1V.-Benzoic Acid and Benxoates Review 486 Means of 17 - under Reduced Pressure Receiver for 252 - Use of Electric Heating in 414 -- -- Quantitative of Ammonia New Apparatus for 442 - Steam Studies in 209 - Tube Steam 485 - Vacuum Simple Manometer for 206 2 Estimations Involving An Apparatus for 117 - --9 9 -.Part 111.-Formic and Acetic Acids 305 - --Distillations Vacuum Receiver for Use in 298 Distillery Wash Estimation of Alcohol in Simple Method for by Means of the Zeiss Di-thiocyano-selenious Acid and its Use in the Estimation of Selenium 293 Divalent Phenols Detection and Identification of A Delicate Reaction for Resor-‘( Doss,” The Japanese Dyewood 244 Drugs Commercial Crude Activity of Variation in 235 Dry Substance in Liqu7d Saccharine Food Products Estimation of by the Refracto-Drying Effect of on the Dyeing Affinities of Ordinary and Mercerised Cotton 326 Dumas Method Nitrogen Estimations by the 296 Immersion Refractometer 188 cinol 368 meter 427 Ovens Constant Temperatures in Apparatus for Obtaining 3 xxxviii INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIII.Dyeing Affinities of Ordinary and Mercerised Cotton Effect of Drying on 326 Dyer Method for the Determination of Plant Food in Soils Note on 335 Dyestuffs Acid Volumetric Estimation of Basic Dyestuffs by Means of 132 -- Basic Volumetric Estimation of by Means of Acid Dyestuffs 132 Dyewood The Japanese ‘‘ Doss,” 244 Earth Puller’s An Investigation of 482 Earths Other Rare Estimation of Cerium in Presence of by Means of Potassium Ferricyanide 370 Eastern Food Products Bosa Halva and Locoum Composition of 321 Egg-Cognac 422 Electric Combustion Furnace Estimation of Carbon in Steel Ferro-Alloys and - Heating Use of in Fractional Distillation 414 Electrodes Rotating Rapid Analysis by Electrolysis without SO Electrolysis Rapid Analysis by without Rotating Electrodes 30 Electrolytic Analysis Use of the Gooch Crucible in 296 -- Determination of Nitric Acid 440 - Estimation Rapid of Zinc 67 Elemi Resin Two New Tests for 402 Emulsions 55 -- Lecithin Behaviour of with Metallic Salts and Certain Non-Electro-English Inks Their Composition and Differentiation in Handwriting 80 Enzymes of Malt Action of on the Enzymes of Ungerminated Cereals 392 of Ungerminated Cereals Action of the Enzymes of Malt on 392 Erratum 47 Essences Almond Renzaldehyde in The Colorimetric Estimation of 467 Essential Oils Reaction of Phloroglucinol-Hydrochloric Acid with 24 Esters in Wines Estimation of 127 Ether Concentrated Nitrous Estimation of Alcohol in 188 .- Hot Apparatus for Extracting Substances by Means of 485 - Naphtho-resorcinol and Hydrochloric Acid Simple Test for Glycuronic Acid Ethyl Alcohol at 0’ C.Solubility of Stearic Acid in 61 Detection of Small Quantities of Methyl Alcohol in the Presence of 417 Ethyl Ester Value ” of Fats A New Constant for the Detection of Coooanut Oil 281 Eucalyptus Oil Estimation of Cineol in 15 91 Evaporation of Liquids by Radiation from above Laboratory Apparatus for 68 Examination of Commercial Preparations of Rennet 241 Expansion Coefficient of of Oils and other Liquors above 100’ C. Apparatus for the Extract Meat Portion of which is not Precipitated by Zinc Sulphate etc. Com-- of Crab Composition of 51 - of Meat Yeast Extract in Detection of 238 - Yeast in Extract of Meat Detection of 238 Extracted Ginger and Ginger Analysie of 16 Extracting Substances with Hot Ether Apparatus for 485 Extraction Continuous with Solvents of Variable Boiling-Point Simple Apparatue Extracts Malt Gravity of during Summer Determinations of 237 Rare Scheme for the Separation of 335 Plumbago by Means of 288 - Chlorine Carbon Dioxide in Estimation of 62 lytes 282 by Means of 326 Determination of 294 position of 238 for 34 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIII.xxxix Extracts Malt and Beer Colour in Standard Light for Estimating 253 ~- - Meat and Meats Application of Folin’s Creatin and Creatinin Method to 51 -_- of Belladonna and Hyoscyamus Estimation of Alkaloids in 467 Faxes Indol in Method for the Estimation of 282 Fat and Unsaponifiable Substances in Animal Tissues Method for the Estimation of, - Body- of Rabbits Changes in the Composition of when the Animals are Fed or - Butter- Detection of Cocoanut Oil in and a New Constant for Butter Analysis 49 - Cocoanut The Unsaponifiable Constituents of and its Detection in Admixture -- in Cocoa Estimation of Now Method for 320 -- in Dry Milks Estimation of 353 389 -- in Milk Estimation of 18 - Niam 50 -- of Mimusops Djave 330 -- of Tonka Beans 481 Fats Certain Animal in Admixture with other Animal Fats Detection of 476 - and Oils Unsaponifiable Matter in Estimation of Separating Funnel for, - Lipoids and Waxes Iron Contents of 193 Reichert-Meissl Value of Influence of Preservatives on the 397 - Solid Application of Renard’s Test to for Peanut (Earthnut) Oil 50 - The ‘‘ Ethyl-Ester Value ” of A New Constant for the Detection of Cocoanut Fatty Acide Volatile Analysis of Mixtures of 133 Feeding-Stuffs Concentrated Commercial 397 - Cyanogenetic Glucosides in Occurrence of 280 -- Rice-Husk in Detection and Estimation of 280 Fehling’s Solution The Keeping Power of and the Volumetric Process of Estimating Fennel Seed A New Adulterant of 468 Fermentation Acetic Formation of Aldehydic or Ketonic Substances during 191 Fermentations with Yeast Estimations of 363 Ferments Amylolytic and Proteolytic of Wheaten Flours and their Relation to Baking Value 323 Ferric Compounds Iron in Volumetric Estimation of 104 Ferro-Alloys.Steel and Plumbago Estimation of Carbon in by Means of an Electric Ferrocyanide Potassium Volumetrio Estimation of 483 Ferrocy anides Commercial Analysis of 261 Ferrous-Iron and Water Content of Minerals and Rocks Influence of Fine Grinding Ferrum Redactum Iron in Estimation of 291 Fertilisers and Feeding-Stuffs Rewiew 153 Fibres Vegetable A Colour Reaction of Oleic Acid and its Use in Distinguishing and a Critical Examination of the Methods now in Use 362 Inoculated with Cotton-seed Oil 192 with Butter 357 - Ochoco 313 443 Oil 281 Vegetable used as Substitutes for Cacao Butter in Chocolate 123 Oils from the Seeds of Certain Fruits Characteristics of 423 Sugars with it 197 Problems of Discussion of 394 Diastatic New Method for Estimating 362 Combustion Furnace 288 on 375 Phosphoric Acid in Volumetric Estimation of 483 from Animal Fibres 47 xl INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIII.Filter-Tube A 69 Flame and Spectrum Reactions Simple Burner for 294 Flavouring Extracts and Pharmaceutical Preparations Oils in Precipitation Method Flesh Foods The Deterioration and Commercial Preservation of. Experiments on Flour Gliadin in Estimation of 93 - Wheat The Effect of Nitrogen Peroxide on 94 Flours Quality of Determination of as Regards their Suitability for Bread-Making, -I Wheat Considerations Affecting the ‘( Strength ” of 322 Wheaten The Amylolytic and Proteolytic Ferments of and their Relation to Baking Value 323 Fluorine Small Quantities of Estimation of 139 Fodder Meals Phosphate Citrate-Soluble Phosphoric Acid in Modification of Peter-mann’s Method for the Estimation of 107 Folin’s Creatin and Creatinin Method Application of to Meats and Meat Extracts 51 Food Adulterants Common Detection of the Review 112 - and Meat Inspection Practical Review 258 - Preservatives and Artificial Colours Influence of on Digestion and Health.1V.-Benzoic Acid and Benzoates l i e v h 486 - -Products Eastern Boaa Halva and Locoum Composition of 321 -- Liquid Saccharine Dry Substance in Estimation of by the Refracto--- Malic Acid in Estimation of 400 - Sulphurous Acid in Estimation of and especially in Gelatin 398 for the Estimation of 236 Frozen Beef 469 419 meter 427 FOODS AND DRUGS ANALYSIS ABSTRACTS 14 48 90 122 188 234 278 319 357, Foods and other Substances Water in Estimation of 97 -- Boric Acid in Detection of 234 -- Flesh The Deterioration and Commercial Preservation of, Frozen Beef 469 -- Formic Acid in Detection of 236 -- Meat packed in Cans or Glass On Preservatives in 382 -- etc.Methyl Salicylate and Salicylic Acid in Separation and Determination - - Phosphoric Acid in Estimation of 360 -- Salicylic Acid and Methyl Salicylate in Separation and Determination of 424 Formaldehyde evolved by the Disinfectant ‘‘ Autan,” Estimation of 429 - Silver Nitrate and Potassium Persulphate Estimation of Chlorates, Bromates Iodates and Periodatea by Means of 138 - Titration of Amino-Acids in Presence of A Quantitative Measure of Proteolytic Action 19 - Titration of Amino-Acids in Presence of Decolorisation of the Solutions 364 396 419 467 Experiments on of 424 -- Titration of Uric Acid in Presence of 21 Formic and Acetic Acids Part III.Studies in Steam Distillation 305 Acid Estimation of in Glacial Acetic Acid 406 - in Foods Detection of 236 --I occurring in Honey Quantity of 282 Fractional Distillation of Commercial Petroleum Spirit 368 Free Mineral Acids in Red Wines Detection and Estimation of 428 - Electric Heating in Use of 414 -- under Reduced Pressure Receiver for 25 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIII. xl i Freezing-Point of Cow’s Milk and the Estimation of Added Water 279 Frozen Beef Experiments on. Fruit-Juice Statistics for the Year 1907 124 Fruits Certain Fatty Oils from the Seeds of Characteristics of 423 -_ Ketchups and Ciders Benzoic Acid in Detection and Estimation of 48 Fucose Note on and Estimation of Methylpentosans in Natural Products 25 Fuller’s Earth An Investigation of 482 Fumes and Lead Dust in Works Methods for the Detection of 247 Funnel Separating for the Estimation of Unsaponifiable Matter in Oils and Fats 443 Furnace Electric Combustion Estimation of Carbon in Steel Ferro- Alloys and Fuse1 Oil The Rose Method for Estimation of and Comparison with the Allen-The Deterioration and Commercial Preservation of Flesh Foods 469 Plumbago by Means of 288 Marquardt Method 399 - Testing for Examination of Salicylic Aldehyde for Use in 136 Gallo-tannic Acid Estimation of Analysis of Inks 367 Gas Analysis Apparatus An Accurate Form of 110 - New 340 - Burettes Combined Stopcock and Capillary Connecting Tube for 342 - Burner A New 341 -? Coal Estimation of Naphthalene in and in Spent Oxide of Iron 58 - Flame Apparatus for the Automatic Extinction of 344 - -Generating Apparatus 69 - Generator Simple for Analytical Operations 37 - -Governor Constant Pressure 295 - Illuminating Determination of Benzene in 195 - Liquors Phenols in Determination of 134 - Mixtures Ozone Nitrogen Peroxide end Hydrogen Peroxide in On the Detection - Natural Composition of and Occurrence of Helium in Natural Gas 32 - 9 - Occurrence of Helium in and Composition of Natural Gas 32 - -Pipette Compound 485 - Volumes New Instrument for Reducing to Standard Conditions 345 Gases Hydrogen Sulphide in Estimation of 410 - Nearly Pure The Analysis of 247 - Work with Porous Materials as Substitutes for Stopcocks in 111 Gaseous Mixtures Ignition Temperatures of 31 Gastric Juice Pepsin in Estimation of by Means of Ricin 19 Gelatin Estimation of Sulphurous Acid in Food Products and especially in 398 Ginger and Extracted Ginger Analyses of 16 Glacial Acetic Acid Estimation of Formic Acid in 406 Gliadin in Flour Estimation of 93 - Polarimetric Determination of 56 Glucose Use of Barfoed’s Solution in Distinguishing from Maltose Lactose and Glucosides Cyanogenetic in Feeding-Stuffs Occurrence of 280 Gluten Water in Estimation of 361 Glycerin and Water Mixtures of Physical Constants of 200 Glycuronic Acid Quantitative Estimation of and its Colour Reactions 57 -- Simple Test for by Means of Naphtho-resorcinol Hydrochloric Y - Estimation of 196 --of 107 Sucrose 56 Y Method for Rapid Estimation of 56 Scid and Ether 32 xlii INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIII.Gold Silver etc. Assay of Apparatus for Absorbing Acid Vapours given off during “ Golden ” Antimony Sulphide Analysis of 136 Goldenberg Method for the Estimation of Tartaric Acid in Argol Wine Lees and Gooch Crucible in Electrolytic Analysis The Use of 296 Graminez Resting Seeds of Some The Hydrolytic Enzyme in 241 Graphite Ash in Estimation of 140 - - Estimation of 372 Gravimetric Estimation of Tellurium 249 Gravity of Malt Extracts during Summer Determinations of 237 Grinding Fine Influence of on the Water and Ferrous-Iron Content of Minerals Guaiacum Reaction for Detection of Blood 19 GUID Almond-Tree Composition of 324 Gutzeit Method Quantitative Estimation of Arsenic by 28 Halogen The in Mercuric Chloride or Bromide Estimation of Simple Method Halogens Estimation of in Organic Compounds 332 Halogen Acids and other Oxidising Substances Solutions of Action of - in Organic Substances Estimation of 23 Halphen’s Reaction for Cotton-seed Oil 396 Halva Bosa and Locoum Eastern Food Products Composition of 321 Health and Digestion General Results of the Investigation showing the Eftect of Sulphurous Acid and Sulphites upon 71 Heat Effect of upon the Physical and Chemical Constants of Cotton-seed Oil 432 Helium in Natural Gas Occurrence of and Composition of Natural Gas 32 Hemp Indian Valuation of 357 Hempel’s Pipettes Arrangement to Facilitate Use of 343 Hevea Braziliensis or Para Rubber I t s Botany Cultivation Chemistry and Hexamethylenetetramine in Medicines Detection and Estimation of 422 Honey Artificial Detection of 397 --_ Formic Acid occurring in Quantity of 282 -_ Total Solids (Sugars) of Estimation of by Means of the Refractometer 321 Honeys American Composition of 358 Hop Industry Report of the Select Committee on together with the Proceedings of Hops Tannin of Estimation of 95 Hiifner’s Method for the Volumetric Estimation of Nitrogen Modification of 484 Human Milk The Action of Acids and Rennet on 475 Humus Estimation of Separation of Clay in the 290 Husk Rice- in Feeding-Stuffs Detection and Estimation of 280 Husks Cacao Proportion of Hiittner’s Vacuum-Jacketed Pipettes 413 Hydrastine The Estimation of 423 Hydrazine Estimation of 24 Hydrazines Aromatic The Quantitative Conversion of into Diazonium Salts 194 Hydrochloric Acid and Naphtho-resorcinol Colour and Spectrum Reactions of the - Naphtho-resorcinol and Ether Simple Test for Glycuronic Acid the 36 other Crude Materials containing Tartaric Acid 200 and Rocks 375 for 440 Arsenic Hydride (Arsine) on 136 Diseases Review 487 the Committee 350 Soluble Silicic Acid ” in 279 Sugars with 325 by Neans of 32 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIII xliii Hydrochloric Acid and Orcinol The Detection of Pentoses by Means of 435 Hydrofluosilicic Acid Estimation of 63 Hydrogen Active in Organic Compounds Quantitative Estimation of 366 - Titration with Permanganate in Presence of 43 and Carbon in Organic Substances Rapid Estimation of 146 Hydrogen Number ” as a Means of Determining Unsaturated Organic Compounds - Estimation of Mercury by Reduction of Mercuric to Mercurous - - in Acid Solution Separation of Chlorine Bromine and Iodine - - in Milk A New Reaction for Distinguishing between Raw and _ _ ~ _ Ozone and Nitrogen Peroxide in Gas Mixtures On the in a Manner similar to the Iodine Values of Hub1 and Wijs 407 -- Peroxide Alkaline Saponification of Alkyl Nitrates in Presence of 23 Chloride by 34 by Means of 410 Heated Milk and for Detecting the Presence of 401 Detection of 107 -- Purification of from Arsenic 203 - Sulphide in Gases Estimation of 410 Hydrolysis of Casein The Products obtained on 478 Hydrolytic Enzyme in the Resting Seeds of Some GramineE 241 Hydrosulphites Neutral Sulphides Acid Sulphides and Polysulphides Mixture of, Hydroxides Alkali in the Presence of Carbonates Volumetric Estimation of, Winkler’s Method for 334 -- Certain Inorganic Action of Silver Nitrate and Mercuric Nitrate on 103 Hydroxyl Groups Phenolic Quantitative Estimation of 199 Hygienic Examination of Milk-Supplies Use of Methylene Blue in the 237 Hyoscyamus and Belladonna Extracts of The Estimation of Alkaloids in 467 Hypochlorites and Chlorites in Commercial Chlorate Detection and Quantitative Hyposulphite Sodium in Volumetric Analysis 141 Analysis of 484 Estimation of 370 Ice-Making Machine 415 Ignition Temperatures of Gaseous Mixtures 31 Improved Water- Oven 485 Impurities in Selenium A Rapid Method of Estimating 411 Indian Hemp Valuation of 357 Indicator Selective Metanil Yellow I t s Use as a 329 Indicators used in Acidimetry The Constitution of 85 Indigo Analysis of (Part III.) and of the Dried Leaves of Indigofera Arrecta and Indigotin in Indigo-Yielding Plants Estimation of 58 The Perrnanganate Equivalent of 286 Indigo-Yielding Plants Indigotin in Estimation of 58 Indium Separation of Iron from 140 Indol and Scatol Reactions Distinguishing between 404 - in Bacteriological Cultures Estimation of 403 - in Feces Estimation of Method for 282 Inks AnalyRis of (Estimation of Gallo-tannic Acid) 367 INORGANIC ANALYSIS ABSTRACTS 28 62 102 136 201 246 288 331 364 409 437, Institute of Chemistry 72 155 208 260 346 352 Instrument New for Reducing Gas Volumes to Standard Conditions 345 Indigofera Sumatrana 58 English Their Composition and Differentiation in Handwriting 80 48 xliv INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIII.Iodates Chlorates Bromates and Periodates Estimation of by Means of F ~ r m d -Iodide Silver Chloride and Bromide Separation of 332 Iodine Absorption of by Carbon 30 P Chlorine and Bromine Separation of by Means of Hydrogen Peroxide in - Titration of Tannin by An Answer to Cormimbaeuf’s Note 27 -- Value of Lard Relation of to the Refraction of the Latter 123 - - Values of the Phenols 245 Hub1 and Wijs (‘ The Hydrogen Number ” as a Means of Deter-mining Unsaturated Organic Compounds in a Manner Similar to 407 Iodometry and Alkalimetry Comparison between Succinic Acid Arsenious Oxide and Silver Chloride as Standards in and the Use of Organic and Anhydrides Standards in Alkalimetry 378 Ipomoea Purpurea Chemical Examination of 328 Iron Aluminium and Phosphoric Acid when Occurring Together Method for the Estimation of 437 - and Chromium VoIumetric Estimation of by Means of Titanous Chloride 372 - Cast and Steel Estimation of Sulphur in New Arrangement of Apparatus for 344 - Cobalt Zinc Manganese Aluminium Chromium Uranium Magnesium and - - Contents of Fats Lipoids and Waxes 193 - .Estimation of by Means of Permanganate after Reduction with Titanous -- Ferrous in Minerals Estimation of 203 -- in Copper Alloys Small Percentages of Colorimetric Method for the Determina--- in Ferrum Redactum Estimation of 291 - - Precipitation of by Ammonia in Presence of Tartaric Acid 63 - Separation of from Indium 140 -- -- from Manganese 247 _- Separation of Thorium Titanium and Zirconium from 66 -- Simultaneous Precipitation of Titanium and Zirconium in Presence of 67 - Volumetric Estimation of in Ferric Compounds 104 Jalap Resin Examination of 17 Japanese Dyewood Doss,” 244 Lacquer 244 Tea Oil Characteristics of 424 dehyde Silver Nitrate and Potassium Persulphate 138 Acid Solution 410 Vanadium Estimation of in Presence of Each Other 372 the Alkaline-Earth Metals Rapid Estimation of Nickel in Presence of 333 Sulphate 333 tion of 63 Vegetable Oils Some characteristics of 238 Joint Communication from the Councils of the Institute of Chemistry and Society of Public Analysts 346 Kaffir Beer 91 Kapok Cotton in Detection and Estimation of 431 Keates’ Specific Gravity Bottle for Cement-Testing etc.A Modified 79 Keeping Power of Fehling’s Solution and Volumetric Process of Estimating Sugars Ketchup Benzoic Acid in Estimation of 234 Ketchups Fruits and Ciders Benzoic Acid in Detection and Estimation of 48 Ketonic or Aldehydic Substances Formation of during Acetic Fermentation 191 Laboratories Mine Primus Burner for 484 Laboratory -4pparatus for the Evaporation of Liquids by Radiation from above 68 with it 19 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIII.x lv Laboratory Paris Municipal 304 -__ Pump 206 Lacquer Japanese 244 Lacquers Copal Analysis of 405 Lactic Acid in Animal Organs and Fluids Estimation of New Method for 474 Lactose Maltose and Sucrose Use of Barfoed’s Solution in Distinguishing Glucose from 56 - Volumetric Estimation of by Means of Ammoniacal Copper Solution 480 Lx!vulose in the Presence of other Carbohydrates Detection of 480 Lard Iodine Value of Relation of to the Refraction of the Latter 123 Lavender Oil of Analysis of 190 Lawsonia Alba Oil of 328 Lead Colorimetric Estimation of the Accuracy of 291 - Dust and Fumes in Works Detection of Methods for 247 - in Alloys Estimation of 377 - Red Examination and Valuation of 376 - Silver and Copper in Complicated Organic Salts Estimation of 204 - Sulphide Volumetric Estimation of Lead as 141 - Value of Maple Products 470 - Volumetric Estimation of 33 as Lead Sulphide 141 Leather Examination of New Method for 435 - Trades Chemistry Review 350 Leaves Olive Constituents of 330 Lecithin-Content of Various Milks 470 -- Emulsions Behaviour of with Metallic Salts and Certain Non-Electro-- - Stability of Observations on 282 Lees Tartar and Wines Tartaric Acid in Volumetric Estimation of 331 Lemon Oil Small Quantities of Turpentine in Detection of 433 Licences for Stills Statement as to 38 Light Standard for Estimating Colour in Malt Extracts and Beer 253 Lignin Cellulose and Cutin Separation of and Estimation of Lintner’s Method Determination of Diastatic Power of Malt by 240 Lipoids Fats and Waxes Iron Contents of 193 Liqueurs Thujone in The Identification of 473 Liquid Small Quantities of Polarimetric Observations with 343 Liquids Apparatus for Rapidly Measuring and Delivering 205 - Laboratory Apparatus for Evaporation of by Radiation from above 68 Liquors Fermented Alcohol in Rapid Estimation of 399 - Gas Phenols in Determination of 134 Lithium in Radio-Active Minerals 394 - Chloride New Method of Separating from the Chlorides d the Other Alkalis and from the Chloride of Barium 378 Loaves Pastry etc.Method of Estimating the Volume of 419 LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOARD REPORTS 152 382 Locoum Bosa and Halva Eastern Food Products Composition of 321 Lovibond’s Tintometer Application of to Analysis of Spirits 53 Lubricating Oils Mineral New Constants for the Valuation of 432 in Cream of Tartar Tartaric Acid and Citric Acid 173 of 105 -lytes 282 Crude Fibre,” 98 Machine An Ice-Making 415 Mafura Tallow and Mafura Oil 27 xlvi INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIII. Magnesia in Magnesite Estimation of 203 Magnesite Magnesia in Estimation of 203 Magnesium Cobalt Iron Zinc Manganese Aluminium Chromium Uranium and the Alkaline-earth Metals Rapid Estimation of Nickel in Presence of 333 - or Calcium Salts Distillation of Ammonia in Presence of 409 - Separation of from the Alkalis by Alcoholic Ammonium Carbonate 334 - Volumetric Estimation of 33 Maize Starch in Estimation of by Calculation from the Yield of Extract 128 Malic Acid in Food Products Estimation of 400 Malt Action of the Enzymes of on the Enzymes of Ungerminated Cereals 392 - and Succinic Acids Estimation of Tartaric Acid in Presence of 27 315 - Analysis Determination of Extract-II.426 - Extracts Gravity of During Summer Determinations of 237 Maltose Lactose and Sucrose Use of Barfoed’s Solution in distinguishing Glucose - Pure The Preparation of 393 Manganese Cobalt Iron Zinc Aluminium Chromium Uranium Magnesium and the Alkaline-earth Metals Rapid Estimation of Nickel in Presence Diastatic Power of Determination of by Lintner’s Method 240 from 56 of 333 - Estimation of Modifications for Shortening Volhard’s Method for 34 ~ - - in Water The Estimation of 105 - Separation of Iron from 247 - Traces of Detection and Estimation of 64 Manila and Pontianak Copals 243 Manometer Simple for Vacuum Distillation 206 Manure Commercial Ammonium Sulphate as Suitability of 483 Maple Products Preliminary Tests for 426 -- The Lead Value of 470 b L Meal Nett&,” The Pulp known as 125 Meals Phosphate Fodder Citrate-Soluble Phosphoric Acid in Modification of Peter-mann’s Method for the Estimation of 107 Measure of Proteolytic Action A Quantitative Titration of Amino Acids in Presence of Formaldehyde 19 Meat and Food Inspection Practical Review 258 - Extract Portion of which is not Precipitated by Zinc Sulphate etc.Corn-- Foods Packed in Cans or Glass On Preservatives in 382 - Incipient Decomposition of Method for Detection of 400 Meats and Meat Extracts Application of Folin’s Creatin and Creatinin Nethod -- Sugar in Determination of 428 Medical Laboratory Methods and Tests Review 207 Medicines Hexamethylenetetramine in Detection and Estimation of 422 Melanogenesis Studies on The Action of Tyrosinase on Substances similar to Melting-Point of d-Phenyl-Glucosazone 25 Mercerisation of Cotton Yarns Estimation of Degree of 285 Mercerised and Ordinary Cotton Dyeing Affinities of Effect of Drying on 326 position of 238 to 51 Tyrosine 193 - Cotton Characterisation of 55 3 New Reactions for 133 Qualitative Test for 285 Mercuric Chloride in Nitro-Cellulose Detection of 20 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIII.xlvii Mercuric Chloride or Bromide Simple Method for the Estimation of the Halogen -- Reduction of to Mercurous Chloride by Hydrogen Peroxide, -- Traces of Detection of 64 -- Nitrate and Silver Nitrate Action of on Certain Inorganic Hydroxides 103 - - Salts in Aqueous Solution the Estimation of Rapid Method for 217 Mercurous Chloride Reduction of Mercuric to by Hydrogen Peroxide Estimation of Mercury Estimation of by Reduction of Mercuric to Mercurous Chloride by Hydrogen ~ - - in Minerals Volumetric Estimation of 105 Messinger and Vortmann’s Method of Estimating Phenols Notes on.Estimation of Salicylic Acid 407 Metallic Sulphides and Sodium Peroxide Decomposition of Certain Materials and Industrial Products by Means of 337 Metals Heavy The Carbonates of Solvent Action of Carbonic Acid upon 454 - Poisonous The Detection of 450 in 440 Estimation of Mercury by 34 Mercury by 34 Peroxide 34 Purification of 248 The Rapid Electrolytic Separation of 395 and Tin The Employment of a Diaphragm 411 I -- Deposition and Separation of. Part 11.-Antimony Metanil Yellow Its Use as a Selective Indicator 329 Method Allen-Marquardh the Rose Method for Estimation of Fusel Oil and Com-parison with 399 - Bang’s of Estimating Sugar 405 - I -, - Carrasco-Plancher of Elementary Analysia New Cataly sing Agent for Use - Cobaltic-Nitrite Application of to the Estimation of Potassium in Soils 378 ~- Copper-Zinc Couple Limitations of in Estimating Nitrates 291 - Dumas Nitrogen Estimations by the 296 - for the Estimation of Iron Aluminium and Phosphoric Acid when Occurring - for the Valuation of Saffron and Some of the Constituents of Saffron 472 - Hiifner’s for the Volumetric Estimation of Nitrogen Modification of 484 -- New for Estimating Diastatic Ferments 362 - Notes on 324 in 283 Together 437 ~- - for the Analysis of Bronze Brass and similar Alloys 438 9 for the Estimation of Lactic Acid in Animal Organs and Fluids 474 for the Examination of Leather 435 - 9 - of Estimating Casein.Determination of its Equivalent Weight 365 - - of Separating Lithium Chloride from the Chlorides of the other Alkalis, - - Volumetric for the Estimation of Albumin by Phospho-Tungstic Acid, ~- - Tannin 246 ____- ~ --9 -- -and from the Chloride of Barium 378 9 Silica and Tungstic Acid 441 - - --194 - of Analysing Shellac 286 - Rapid Colorimetric for the Estimation of small Quantities of Water-Soluble Phosphoric Acid 441 - Rose for Estimation of Fusel Oil and Comparison with the Allen-Marquardt Method 399 ____- Short Volumetric for the Estimation of Sulphuric Acid 379 - Simplified of Ultimate Combustion Analysis Further Notes on 19 xlviii INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIII.Method Volumetric for the Estimation of Copper 290 - Vortmann and Messinger’s of Estimating Phenols Notes on. Estimation - Winkler’s for the Volumetric Estimation of Alkali Hydroxides in the Methods for the Detection of Lead Dust and Fumes in Works 247 -- Used for Estimating Sugar in Urine Reliability of 476 hlethoxyl and Methylimino Groups Quantitative Estimation of 199 Methyl Alcohol Detection of small Quantities of in the Presence of Ethyl Alcohol, Methylene Blue Use of in the Hygienic Examination of Milk-Supplies 237 Methylimino and Methoxyl Groups Quantitative Estimation of 199 Methyl-Orange Affinity Constants of Bases as Determined by the Aid of (Preliminary Methylpentosans Estimation of in Natural Products and Note on Fucose 25 Methyl Salicylate and Salicylic Aoid in Foode Separation and Determination of 424 Meyer’s (Victor) Vapour Density Apparatus Simple Form of Release for 207 Micrography of Cement 289 Milk Added Water in Detection of by Means of the Refractometer 400 - and Cream, of Salicylic Acid 407 Presence of Carbonates 334 417 Note) 54 201 Adulteration Calculation of 359 Sugar-Lime ” in The Detection of 401 Condensed Analysis of 17 Cow’s Freezing-Point of and Estimation of Added Water 279 Fat in Estimation of 18 Human Action of Acids and Rennet on 475 Raw and Boiled Reaction Distinguishing between 237 - -- Heated A New Reaction for Distinguishing between and for Detecting the Presence of Hydrogen Peroxide in Milk 401 - Serum Specific Gravity of Estimation of 18 - Supplies Hygienic Examination of Use of Methylene Blue in 237 - -Testing A New Method for 273 The Composition of 113 Milks Dry Fat in Estimation of 353 389 - Various The Lecithin-Content of 470 hlimusops Djave The Fat of 330 Mine Laboratories Primus Burner for 484 Mineral Acids Free in Red Wines Detection and Estimation of 428 - Lubricating Oils Valuation of New Constants for 432 - Oil in Rosin Spirit Estimation of 329 - Testing The Laboratory Book of Review 258 - Oils Tarry Substances in Estimation of 196 Minerals and Rocks Water and Ferrous-Iron Content of Influence of Fine Grinding -- Ferrous Iron in Estimation of 203 -- Mercury in Volumetric Estimation of 105 - -.Radio-Active Lithium in 394 Mixture Bordeaux The Chemistry of 62 - - of Neutral Sulphides Acid Sulphides Polysulphides and Hydrosulphites, Analysis of 484 Mixtures Sucrose and Invert Sugar in Determination of 167 Modification of Hiifner’s Method for the Volumetric Estimation of Nitrogen 484 Modified Spectroscopic Apparatus 253 Molecular Weight of the Dextrins occurring in Pine-Honey 321 Molybdenum in Ores etc.Colour Test for 106 on 37 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIII. xlix Molybdenum Vanadium Chromium and Nickel in Steel The Estimation of 412 Molybdic and Vanadic Acids Estimation of in Presence of one another 339 Monazite Sand Thorium in Estimation of 293 Monosulphide Sodium Volumetric Estimation of 141 Morphine Cotarnine and Codeine Estimation of by Means of Dinitrophenylmethyl-Multiple Bonds Action of Ozone on 99 Mustard Oil Estiniation of 189 pyrazolone 17 Naphthalene in Coal Gas and in Spent Oxide of Iron Estimation of 58 a-Naphthol and P-Naphthol A Test to Distinguish 369 Naphtho-resorcinol and Hydrochloric Acid Colour and Spectrum Reactions of the - Hydrochloric Acid and Ether Simple Test for Glycuronic Acid Work now Performed at the Report of thecommittee Sugars with 325 by means of 326 National Physical Laboratory Committee of Report of 254 Appointed by the Treasury to Inquire Generally into 147 Natural Products Estimation of Methylpentosans in and Note on Fucose 25 “ Nett6 Meal,” The Pulp known as 125 Neurokeratin 125 NEW BOOKS 40 351 New Constants for the Valuation of Mineral Lubricating Oils 432 - Form of a Refilling Burette 296 -- of Pyknometer 297 - Method for the Examination of Leather 435 -- - of Separating Silica and Tungstic Acid 441 - Vegetable Oil 189 Niam Fat 50 Nickel and Chromium in Steel Estimation of 373 - and Cobalt Separation and Estimation of 37i - and Zinc Rapid Electrolytic Separation of 145 -_ - - Simultaneous Qualitative Detection of 334 in Presence of Cobalt Iron Zinc Manganese Aluminium Chromium, Uranium Magnesium and the Alkaline-earth Metals Rapid Estimationof 333 in Presence of Cobalt Simple and Rapid Estimation of 333 - Steel and Orm The Detection of Nickel in 248 -- The Detection of 106 - - in Ores and Nickel Steel 248 - Vanadium Molybdenum and Chromium in Steel The Estimation of 412 -_- Volumetric Estimation of 107 Nitrates in Bismuth Salts The Estimation of 440 Nitric Acid Electrolytic Determination of 440 - Electrolytic Precipitation of Copper from The Influence of Temperature -_ in Soils and Plants Use of (‘ Nitron ” for the Estimation of 64 Nitrite Cobaltic Method Application of to the Estimation of Potassium in Soils 378 Nitro-Cellulose Mercuric Chloride in Detection of 204 Nitrogen Estimations by the Dumas Method 296 - The Estimation of.Part 1.-The Nitrogen Factor for Casein 179 ; Part 11. -Triazo Nitrogen 184 - - Peroxide Ozone and Hydrogen Peroxide in Gas Mixtures On the Detection of 107 Limitations of the Copper-Zinc Couple Method in Estimating 291 on 20 1 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIII. Nitrogen Peroxide The Effect of on Wheat Flour 94 Nitrogen Volumetric Estimation of Modification of Hufner’s Method for 484 ‘‘ Nitron,” Use of for Estimation of Nitric Acid in Soils and Plants 64 Nitrous Acid Action of on Caoutchouc 60 - Ether Concentrated Alcohol in Estimation of 188 Non-Electrolytes Certain and Metallic Salts On the Behaviour of Lecithin Non-Volatile Fatty Acids Refraction of Butter-Fat and its 123 ‘ I Noodles ” (Nudeln) Prepared with Milk and Eggs The Composition of 95 Nucleoprotein A Reaction Distinguishing Phosphoprotein from and the Distribution Nudeln (‘ Noodles,” Prepared with Milk and Eggs Composition of 95 Nutmeg Essential Oil of Constituents of 52 - Expressed Oil of The Constituents of 471 Emulsions with 282 of Phosphoproteins in Tissues 475 OBITUARY NOTICES : Ball J.Handby 121 Baynes James 353 Bell James 121 157 Brough Bennett H. 417 Steel Sidney John F.I.C. 304 Stevenson Sir Thomas 385 Ochoco Fat 313 Offioial Chemical Appointments the Institute of Chemistry of Great Britain and Oil Blackberry-Seed 130 - Camphorated The Analysis of for Camphor Substitutes 463 - Campa 184 - Chrysalis 243 - Cocoanut Butter-Fat and Palm Oil in Cacao Butter Detection of 188 - Changes in the Composition of the Body-Fat of Rabbits when the - Detection of in Butter by Means of the I ‘ Silver Value,” 236 - Detection of in Butter-Fat and a New Constant for Butter Analysis 49 - New Constant for the Detection of the ‘I Ethyl Ester Value’’ of Fats 281 - Cotton-seed Effect of Heat upon the Physical and Chemical Constants of 432 - Halphen’s Reaction for 396 - Euoalyptus Estimation of Cineol in 15 91 - Fusel The Rose Method for Estimation of and Comparison with the Allen--- Examination of Salicylic Aldehyde for Use in Testing for 136 -# Japanese Tea Characteristics of 424 -# Lemon Small Quantities of Turpentine in Detection of 433 -v Mafura and Mafura Tallow 276 - Mineral Test for 245 _.I - Testing The Laboratory Book of Review 258 - 3 - in Rosin Spirit Estimation of 329 - Mustard Estimation of 189 -- of Lavender Analysis of 190 -- Lawsonia Alba, 328 - of Nutmeg Constituents of the Essential 52 - Tarragon Composition of 190 Ireland Review 260 Animals are Fed or Inoculated with 192 1 in Butter Estimation of 122 189 457 - -Marquardt Method 399 - 9 - - Expressed 47 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIII. li Oil Origanum Cyprus The Constituents of Isolation of a New Terpene - Palm Butter-Fat and Cocoanut Oil in Cacao Butter Detection of 188 - Peanut (Earthnut) Renard’s Test for Application to Solid Fats of 50 - Sesame and Bile Acids Colour Reactions of with Various Sugars 480 - Colour Reactions of with Aromatic Aldehydes 480 - The Detection of 100 - Sperm and Spermaceti The Testing of 127 - Turpentine Analysis of 360 - -- Examination of 27 - - --- and of ‘( Reduced Turpentine,” 433 - Varnishes Analysis of 434 - Vegetable A New 189 Oils and Fats Estimation of Unsaponifiable Matter in Separating Funnel for 443 -- and other Liquors above 100” C.CoefEicient of Expansion of Apparatus for the - Essential Reaction of Phloroglucinol-Hydrochloric Acid with 24 - Fatty from the Seeds of Certain Fruits Characteristics of 423 - in Flavouring Extracts and Pharmaceutical Preparations Precipitation Method - Mineral Tarry Substances in The Estimation of 196 - - Lubricating Valuation of New Constants for 432 - of the Aromatic and Aliphatic Series Action of Dimethyl Sulphate upon 2 - Olive Some Algerian 49 - Pine-Wood Some Properties of 59 -- Some Japanese Vegetable Characteristics of 238 Oleic Acid A Colour Reaction of and its Use in Distinguishing Vegetable from Animal Fibres 478 -- A Spectrum Reaction of 479 Olive Bark Constituents of 330 - Leaves Constituents of 330 - Oils Some Algerian 49 Optical Activity of Spirits of Turpentine 287 ‘ I Orchella Weed,” Orcinol in Determination of 359 Orcinol and Hydrochloric Acid The Detection of Pentoses by Means of 435 - in Orchella Weed,” Determination of 359 Ore Analysis Technical Methods of Review 259 Ores and Nickel Steel Nickel in The Detection of 248 - etc.Molybdenum in Colour Test for 106 - Telluride The Assay of Some Observations on 339 ORGANIC ANALYSIS ABSTRACTS 22 54 98 130 193 242 283 324,364 405 431 476 Organic Compounds Halogens in Estimation of 332 --- Salts Complicated Lead Copper and Silver in Estimation of 204 Origanum Oil Cyprus The Constituents of 327 Osazones Certain and Phenylhydrazine Melting-Points of 99 Oven Water- An Improved 185 Oxide of Iron Spent and Coal Gas Estimation of Naphthalene in 58 Oxidising Power Comparative of Sodium Peroxide and its Use in Qualitative Analysis 293 Substances Other Halogens Halogen Acids and Action of Arsenic Hydride (Arsine) on Solutions of 136 Origanene,” 327 Determination of 294 for the Estimation of 236 Quantitative Estimation of Active Hydrogen in 366 Substances Halogens in Estimation of 23 -- Hydrogen and Carbon in Rapid Estimation of 14 lii INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIII, Oxycholesterol and Cholesterol New Tests for 133 Ozone Action of on Compounds with Triple Bonds 199 -- .on Multide Bonds. 99 - ; Nitrogen Peroxide Land Hydrogen Peroxide in Gas Mixtures On the Detection of 107 Palm Oil Butter-Fat and Cocoanut Oil in Cacao Butter Detection of 188 Papers Wall- Arsenical The Cause of Poisoning by 192 Para Rubber or Hevea Braziliensis Its Botany Cultivation Chemistry and Diseases Review 487 Paraffin Commercial Solidifying-Point of Determination of 196 Paris Municipal Laboratory 304 Parliamentary Report 382 - Reports 443 Parr Calorimeter Constants and Variables of 29 Pastry Loaves etc. Method of Estimating the Volume of 419 Peanut (Earthnut) Oil Application to Solid Fats of Renard’s Test for 50 Pellin’s New Polarimeter 206 Pentoses The Detection of by Neans of Orcinol and Hydrochloric Acid 435 - in Urine Quantitative Estimation of 97 Pepper Black Analysis of and Detection of Adulterants in the Same 19 Pepsin Activity of and a Simple Method for its Estimation 324 Periodates Chlorates Bromates and Iodates Estimation of by Means of Formalde-Permanganate Equivalent of Indigotin 286 - Estimation of Iron by Means of after Reduction with Titanous Sul-- Titration with in Presence of Hydrochloric Acid 43 Sodium Analysis of 65 ,- Use of in Certain Quantitative Processes 338 in Gastric Juice Estimation of by Means of Ricin 19 hyde Silver Nitrate and Potassium Persulphate 138 phate 333 Peroxide Barium Valuation of 201 - 9- and Metallic Sulphides Decomposition of Certain Materials and Peroxydase of Tyrosinase 129 Petermann’s Method for the Estimation of Citrate-Soluble Phosphoric Acid in Petroleum Spirit Commercial On the Fractional Distillation of 368 -- the Fractionation of New Dephlegmator for 205 Pharmaceutical Preparations and Flavouring Extracts Oils in Precipitation Method Phenol Estimation of 479 Phenolic Hydroxyl Groups Quantitative Estimation of 199 Phenols Divalent Detection and Identification of A Delicate Reaction for Resorcinol, 368 -_- in Gas Liquors Determination of 134 --- Messinger and Vortmann’s Method of Estimating Notes on Estimation of Salicylic Acid 407 - The Iodine Values of the 245 d-Phenyl-Glucosazone Melting-Point of 25 Phenylhydrazine and Certain Osazones Melting-Points of 99 Phloroglucinol-Hydrochloric Acid Reaction of with Essential Oils 24 Phosphoprotein A Reaction Distinguishing Nucleoprotein from and the Distribution Industrial Products by Means of 337 Phosphate Fodder Meals Modification of 107 for the Estimation of 236 - Estimation of 196 of Phosphoproteins in Tissues 47 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIII.liii Phosphoproteins in Tissues Distribution of and a Reaction Distinguishing Phosphor Tin Phosphorus in Estimation of 292 Phosphoric Acid Ammonia-Soluble of the Soil 292 --_- in Fertilisers Volumetric Estimation of 483 --_- in Foods Estimation of 360 _--- in Superphosphate Volumetric Estimation of 376 ~ - - - _ Iron and Aluminium when Occurring Together Method for the --_ Separation of Tungstic Acid from 143 - Water-Soluble Estimation of Small Quantities of Rapid Colori-Phosphorous Acid Estimation of 65 Phosphorus Apparatus for Use in Testing Substances for 37 -- in Steel Colorimetric Estimation of 375 Phospho-Tungstic Acid Estimation of Albumin by New Volumetric Method for, Picric Acid Estimation of Creatinine in Urine by Means of 364 -- Estimation of 135 Pine-Honey Dextrins occurring in Molecular Weight of 321 Pine-Wood Oils Some Properties of 59 Pipette Gas- Compound 485 - Siphon- An Automatic 442 Pipettes Hempel’s Arrangement to Facilitate Use of 343 -- Hiittner’s Vacuum-Jacketed 413 Plant-Food in Soils Dyer Method for the Determination of Note on 335 Platinum Alloys Ruthenium in Detection of 108 Plumbago Steel and Ferro-Alloys Estimation of Carbon in by Means of an Electric Poison Sumach 26 Poisonous Metals The Detection of 450 Polarimeter Pellin’s New 206 Polarimetric Determination of Starch 101 Phosphoprotein from Nucleoprotein 475 Citrate-Soluble in Phosphate Fodder Meals Petermann’s Method for the Estimation of Modification of 107 Estimation of 437 metric Method for 441 - in Phosphor Tin Estimation of 292 194 Combustion Furnace 288 - Estimation of Starch 481 - Observations with Small Quantities of Liquid 343 Polysulphides Neutral Sulphides Acid Sulphides and Hydrosulphites Mixture of, Pontianak and Manila Copals 243 Porous Materials as Substitutes for Stopcocks in Work with Gases 111 Portland Cement Specific Gravity of New Apparatus for the Determination of, Potash Bulb A New Form of 346 Potassium Bichromate Volumetric Estimation of Tin by 143 Analysis of 484 380 - Cupric Chloride Solution of Steel in Loss of Carbon Dioxide during 438 Ferricyanide Estimation of Cerium in Presence of other Rare Earths by - in Soils Estimation of Application of the Cobaltic Nitrite Method to 378 - Persulphate Formaldehyde and Silver Nitrate Estimation of Chlorates, Means of 370 -- Ferrocyanide Volumetric Estimation of 483 Bromates Iodates and Periodates by Means of 138 -- Volumetric Estimation of as Cobaltic Nitrite 35 Precipitates Device for Washing 20 liv INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIII.Precipitation Nethod for the Estimation of Oils in Flavouring Extracts and Preservation Commercial and Deterioration of Flesh Foods. Experiments on Frozen Preservatives in Meat Foods packed in Can8 or Glass 382 Primus Burner for Mine Laboratories 484 Products Maple The Lead Value of 470 Propolis Bees’ Resin Composition of 59 Proteins The Chloramine Reactions of and Industrial Applications 198 Proteolytic and Amylolytic Ferments of Wheaten Flours and their Relation to Pulp known as ‘‘ Nett6 Meal,” 125 Pump Laboratory 206 - Water- with Automatic Non-Return Valve 380 Purification of Mercury 248 Pyknometer A New Form of 297 Pharmaceutical Preparations 236 Beef 469 -- Influence of on the Reichert-Meissl Value of Fats 397 Obtained on the Hydrolysis of Casein 478 Baking Value 323 Babbits Body-Fat of Changes in the Composition of when the Animals are Fed or Radio-Active Minerals Lithium in 394 Rapid Viscosimeter 443 Rare Earths Separation of Scheme for 335 Reaction Colour of Alypine and other Local Anmthetics 396 Inoculated with Cotton-seed Oil 192 - of Diabetic Urine 476 - of Oleic Acid and its Use in Distinguishing Vegetable from Animal Diazo of Atoxyl 477 Distinguishing between Raw and Boiled Milk 237 Phosphoproteins in Tissues 475 Halphen’s for Cotton-seed Oil 396 9 - of Thallous Salts 338 Fibres 478 - Phosphoprotein from Nucleoprotein and the Distribution of __- New for Distinguishing between Raw and Heated Milk and for Detecting - Spectrum of Oleic Acid 479 - Turbine 486 Reactions Chloramine of the Proteins and Industrial Applications 198 -- Colour and Spectrum of the Sugars with Naphtho-resorcinol and Hydro-chloric Acid 325 _I- - of Rosin Spirit 25 -- - of Sesame Oil and Bile Acids with Various Sugars 480 -- - - - Distinguishing between Indol and Scatol 404 Receiver for Fractional Distillation under Reduced Pressure 252 for Use in Vacuum Distillations 298 Red Lead Examination and Valuation of 376 - Examination of 105 Red Wines Bilberry Juice in Detection of 191 -- Free Mineral Acids in Detection and Estimation of 428 Reducing Sugars Certain Detection and Identification of by Condensation with - Determination of 436 the Presence of Hydrogen Peroxide in Nilk 401 with Aromatic Aldehydes 480 p-Brombenzyl Hydrazide 43 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIII.lv Reducing Sugars The Volumetric Determination of. Part 11.-The Limits of Accuracy of the Method under Standard Conditions 160 ; Part 111. - The Determination of Sucrose and Invert Sugar in Mixtures 167 Refractometer Detection of Added Water in Milk by Means of 400 -- Estimation of Alcohol and Extract in Spirits by Means of 319 - - Estimation of the Total Solids (Sugars) of Honey by Means of 321 - Estimation of Dry Substance in Liquid Saccharine Food Products - The Zeiss Immersion Simple Method for the Estimation of Alcohol by the 427 -in Distillery Wash by Means of 188 Regulator Vacuum A New 109 Reichert-Meissl Value of Fats The Influence of Preservatives on 397 Renard’s Test for Peanut (Earthnut) Oil Application of to Solid Fats 50 Rennet and Acids The Action of on Human Milk 475 Report Local Government Board 382 - of the Committee appointed by the Treasury to Inquire Generally into the Work now performed at the National Physical Laboratory 147 -_ of the Select Committee on the Hop Industry together with the Proceedings of the Committee 350 - of the Principal Chemist upon the Work of the Government Laboratory for the Year ending March 31 1908 with Appendices 349 Parliamentary 381 Reports Parliamentary 443 Commercial Preparations of Examination of 241 of the Committee of the National Physical Laboratory 254 -.Report of the Principal Chemist upon the Work of the Government Laboratory for the Year ending March 31, 1908 with Appendices 349 Resin Bees’ (Propolis) Composition of 59 - Elemi Two New Tests for 402 - Jalap Examination of 17 - Scammony The Analysis of 402 Resorcinol A Delicate Reaction for. Rice-Husk in Feeding-Stuffs Detection and Estimation of 280 Ricin Estimation of Pepsin in Gastric Juice by Means of 19 Rocks and Minerals Water and Ferrous-Iron Content of Influence of Fine Grinding Rose Method for Estimation of Fuse1 Oil and Comparison with the Allen-Marquardt Rosin Spirit Colour Reactions of 25 --- Mineral Oil in Estimation of 329 Royal Commission on Whisky and other Potable Spirits 381 Rubber Analysis of 60 Rubbers Plantation Vulcanisation Tests with 26 Ruthenium in Platinum Alloys The Detection of 108 Detection and Identification of the Divalent Phenols 368 on 375 Method 399 Para or Hevea Braziliensis ; Its Botany Cultivation Chemistry and Diseases Review 487 Saccharine Liquid Food Produots Dry Substance in Estimation of by the Refracto-Saffron Method for the Valuation of and Some of the Constituents of Saffron 472 Some of the Constituents of and a Method for the Valuation of Saffron 472 Note on 126 meter 42 lvi INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIII.Salicylates Estimation of 479 Salicylic Acid and Methyl Salicylate in Foods Separation and Determination of 424 - Estimation of Notes on Messinger and Vortmann’s Method of -__ Aldehyde Examination of for Use in Testing for Fuse1 Oil 136 Salts Bismuth Nitrates in The Estimation of 440 Estimating PhenolR 407 Calcium or Magnesium Distillation of Ammonia in Presence of 409 Complicated Organic Estimation of Lead Copper and Silver in 204 Diazonium The Quantitative Conversion of Aromatic Hydrazines into 194 Mercuric in Aqueous Solution Rapid Method for the Estimation of 217 Metallic and Certain Non-Electrolytes Behaviour of Lecithin Emulsions with, 282 - Thallous A New Reaction of 338 Sand Monazite Estimatipn of Thorium in 293 Saponin The Detection of 408 Scammony Resin The Analysis of 402 Scatol and Indol Reactions distinguishing between 404 Scheme Analytical Chemistry Investigation 41 - for the Separation of the Rare Earths 335 Seed Fennel A New Adulterant of 468 Seeds Aleurites from Cochin China Composition of 405 - Cane-Sugar in Detection of 325 - of Certain Fruits Characteristics of the Fatty Oils from 423 -_ Resting of Some Graminecc The Hydrolytic Enzyme in 241 Segura Balsam Characteristics of 52 Selenium A Rapid Method for Estiniating Impurities in 411 Separating Funnel for the Estimation of Unsaponifiable Matter in Oils and Fats 443 Serum Milk Specific Gravity of Estimation of 18 Sesame Oil and Bile Acids Colour Reactions of with Various Sugars 480 - Colour Reactions of with Aromatic Aldehydes 480 - The Detection of 100 Sheep Dips 62 Shellac Colophony in Estimation of 478 A Method of Analysing 286 Silica and Tungstic Acid A New Method of Separating 441 Silicic Acid Soluble,” in Cacao Husks Proportion of 279 Silicon Commercial The Analysis of 108 Silver A New Test for 337 - and Copper Electrolytic Separation of 139 - Chloride Bromide and Iodide Separation of 332 Estimation of Di-thiocyano-selenious Acid and its Use in 293 - Succinic Acid and Arsenious Oxide Comparison between as Standards in Iodometry and Alkalinity and the Use of Organic Acids and Anhydrides as Standards in Alkalimetry 378 - Chromate Estimation of Chromium as 371 - Lead and Copper in Complicated Organic Salts Estimation of 204 - Nitrate and Mercuric Nitrate Action of on Certain Inorganic Hydroxides 103 - Formaldehyde and Potassium Persulphate Estimation of Chlorates, - Quantitative Separation of Thallium from 249 - L a Value,” Detection of Cocoanut Oil in Butter by Means of the 236 - Volumetric Estimation of 337 Simaruba Bark The Constituents of 239 Simple Form of Release for Victor Meyer’s Vapour Density Apparatus 207 Bromates Iodates and Periodates by Means of 13 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIII.lvii Simple Manometer for Vacuum Distillation 206 Siphon-Pipette An Automatic 442 Smoke Cigar Some of the Constituents of 405 SOCIETY OF PUBLIC ANALYSTS AND OTHER ANALYTICAL CHEMISTS PROCEEDINGS OF, --1 75 113 160 209 261 305 353 389 417 449 - Anniversary Dinner of 278 - and the Institute of Chemistry Joint Communication Soda-Lime Apparatus for Elementary Analyses and Carbon Dioxide Estimations, Sodium Hyposulphite in Volumetric Analysis 141 - Monosulphide Volumetric Estimation of 141 - Peroxide Analysis of 65 from the Councils of 346 112 - and Metallic Sulphides Decomposition of Certain Materials and Industrial Products by Means of 337 - Comparative Oxidising Power of and its Use in Qualitative Analysis 293 - Use of in Certain Quantitative Processes 338 Soil The Ammonia-Soluble Phosphoric Acid of the 292 Soils Acidity of Estimation of 142 and Plants Nitric Acid in Use of ‘‘ Nitron ” for Estimation of 64 -_ Carbon in Estimation of 142 Plant Food in Dyer Method for the Determination of Note on 335 Estimation of Potassium in Application of the Cobaltic Nitrite Method to 378 Solanine From Solanum Tuberosum and S.Sodomoeum Characteristics of 126 Solanum Sodomamm and S. Tuberosum Characteristics of Solanine from 126 -- Tuberosum and S. Sodomoeum Characteristics of Solanine from 126 Solid Apparatus for Simultaneously Extracting a and Filtering the Solution so Solidifying-Point of Commercial Paraffin Determination of 196 Solution Ammoniacal Copper Volumetric Estimation of Lactose by Means of 480 -- Wijs’ Notes on 249 Solvent Action of Carbonic Acid upon the Carbonates of Heavy Metals 454 Solvents of Variable Boiling-Point Continuous Extraction with Simple Apparatus Specific Gravity Bottle for Cement Testing etc.A Modified Keates’ 79 Spectroscopic Apparatus Modified 253 Spectrum and Colour Reactions of the Sugars with Naphtho.resorcino1 and Hydro--- and Flame Reactions Simple Burner for 294 - Reaction of Oleic Acid 479 Spermaceti and Sperm Oil The Testing of 127 Sperm Oil and Spermaceti The Testing of 127 Spirit Commercial Petroleum On the Fractional Distillation of 368 - Bosin Colour Reactions of 25 - - Mineral Oil in Estimation of 329 Spirits Alcohol and Extract in Estimation of by Means of the Refractometer 319 - Analysis of Application of Lovibond‘s Tintometer to 53 - of Turpentine Optical Activity of 287 Stability of Lecithin Observations on 282 Standard Light for Estimating Colour in Malt Extracts and Beer 253 Stannous Chloride Volumetric Estimation of Alkali Vanadates by Meana of 339 Starch Different Kinds of The Specific Gravity of 102 - Estimation of 100 Obtained 341 for 341 chloric Acid 32 lviii INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIII.Starch in Maize Estimation of by Calculation from the Yield of Extract 128 -- Polarimetric Determination of 101 Steam Distillation Studies in 209 Stearic Acid Solubility of in Ethyl Alcohol at 0’ C. 61 Steel and Cast Iron Estimation of Sulphur in New Arrangement of Apparatus for 344 - Chromium and Nickel in Estimation of 373 - oontaining Chromium Estimation of Tungsten in and Separation of Tungsten - Direct Combustion of for Carbon and Sulphur 411 Ferro-Alloys and Plumbago Estimation of Carbon in by Means of an Electric - Nickel and Chromium in Estimation of 373 - Nickel and Ores The Detection of Nickel in 248 - Phosphorus in Colorimetric Estimation of 375 - Solution of in Potassium Cupric Chloride Loss of Carbon Dioxide during 438 - Tungsten and Chromium in Estiniation of 374 - Vanadium in A New Method for the Estimation of 412 - Vanadium Molybdenum Chromium and Nickel in Estimation of 412 Stills Licences for Statement as to 38 Stopcock Combined and Capillary Connecting Tube for Gas Burette 342 Stopcocks in Work with Gases Porous Materials as Substitutes for 111 ‘‘ Strength ” of Wheat Flours Considerations affecting the 322 Strontium Quantitative Separation of Barium from 12 Sublimation Apparatus for 297 Substance Dry in Liquid Saccharine Food Products Estimation of by the Refracto-Substances Apparatus for Extracting by Means of Hot Ether 485 Substitutes Camphor Analysis of Camphorated Oil for 463 -- Turpentine and Turpentine Examination of 219 Succinic and Malic Acids Estimation of Tartaric Acid in Presence of 27 315 Sucrose and Invert Sugar in Mixtures The Determination of.Part 111.-The Volumetric Determination of Reducing Sugars 167 - Maltose and Lactose Use of Barfoed’s Solution in Distinguishing Glucose Sugar Bang’s Method of Estimating Notes on 324 405 - Cane Polarimetric Determination of Effect of Basic Lead Acetate on the - - in Meats Determination of 428 -- in Urine Methods Used for Estimating Reliability of 476 “ Sugar-Lime ” in Milk and Cream Detection of 401 -- Solutions Optical Activity and Copper-Reducing Power of Effect of Basic Sugars Colour and Spectrum Reactions of with Naphtho-resorcinol and Hydrochloric Reducing Certain Detection and Identification of by Condensation with 9 -- Estimation of 481 - Tube 485 ---- -.Part 111.-Formic and Acetic Acids 305 from Chromium 374 Combustion Furnace 288 meter 427 from 56 Optical Activity and Copper-Reducing Power of Sugar Solutions 130 Invert and Sucrose in Mixtures The Determination of 167 Lead Acetate on the Polarimetric Determination of Cane Sugar 130 Acid 325 p-Brombenzyl Hydroxide 436 - - Determination of 436 - Thevolumetric Determination of. Part 11.-The Limits of Accuracy of the Method under Standard Conditions 160 ; Part 111.-The Determination of Sucrose and Invert Sugar in Mixtures 16 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIII. lix Sugars Various Colour Reactions of Sesame Oil and Bile Acids with 480 The Keeping Sulphate Commercial Ammonium Suitability of as Manure 483 Titanous Estimation of Iron by Means of Permanganate after Reduction Sulphide, Lead Volumetric Estimation of Lead as 141 Sulphides Acid Neutral Sulphides Polysulphides and Hydrosulphites Mixture of, Metallic and Sodium Peroxide Decomposition of Certain Materials and Neutral Acid Sulphides Polysulphides and Hydrosulphites Mixture of, Sulphites and Sulphurous Acid Effect of upon Digestion and Health General Sulphur and Arsenic Estimation of 369 - and Carbon Direct Combustion of Steel for 411 - in Cast Iron and Steel.Estimation of New Arrangement of Apparatus for, -_ in Coal Rapid Estimation of according to 0. Brunck 411 Sulphuric Acid Concentrated Estimation of the Strength of 66 Sulphurous Acid and Sulphites Effect of upon Digestion and Health General Sumach Poison 26 Superphosphate Phosphoric Acid in Volumetric Estimation of 376 Synthetic Colours in Butter Detection of 421 Volumetric Process of Estimating with Fehling’s Solution.Power of Fehling’s Solution 197 with 333 Golden ” Antimony Analysis of 136 Analysis of 484 Industrial Products by Means of 337 Analysis of 484 Results of the Investigation showing 71 344 Total in Urine Estimation of 364 - Estimation of Short Volumetric Method for 379 Results of the Investigation showing 71 - in Food Products and especially in Gelatin Estimation of 398 Tallow Mafura and Mafura Oil 276 Tannin Estimation of New Method for 246 in White Wines Estimation of 96 of Hops Estimation of 95 Titration of by Iodine An Answer to Cormimbaeuf‘s Note 27 Tarragon Oil of Composition of 190 Tarry Substances in Mineral Oils Estimation of 196 Tartar Lees and Wines Tartaric Acid in Volumetric Estimation of 331 Tartaric Acid Cream of Tartar and Citric Acid Lead in 173 -- Estimation of in Presence of Malic and Succinic Acids 27 315 in Cider Detection of 91 in Tartar Lees and Wines Volumetric Estimation of 331 in Wine Lees Argol and other Crude Materials containing Tartaric Acid the Goldenberg Method for the Estimation of 200 Precipitation of Iron by Ammonia in Presence of 63 Tea Oil Japanese Characteristics of 424 Technical Methods of Ore Analysis Aeviezo 259 Telluride Ores The Assay of Some Observations on 339 Tellurium The Gravimetric Estimation of 249 Temperature Influence of on the Electrolytic Precipitation of Copper from Nitric Temperatures Constant in Drying Ovens Apparatus for Obtaining 36 - Ignition of Gaseous Mixtures 31 Acid 20 1x INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIII.4‘ Tendering ” for Public Appointments 416 Terpene ‘I Origanene,” Isolation of a New. Test Chemical New for Blood 404 The Constituents of Cyprus-Origanum Oil 327 Delicate for Bromides Alone or in Solution with Chlorides 331 for Cholesterol 133 for Mineral Oil 245 New for Silver 337 Qualitative for Mercerised Cotton 285 Renard’s for Peanut (Earthnut) Oil Application of to Solid Fats 50 - to Distinguish a- and P-Naphthol 369 Testing Milk A New Method for 273 Tests New for Cholesterol and Oxycholesterol 133 - Preliminary for Maple Products 426 - Two New for Elemi Resin 402 Thallium Quantitative Separation of from Silver 249 Thallous Salts A New Reaction of 338 Thiosulphonates Volumetric Estimation of 287 Thorium in Monazite Sand Estimation of 293 - Titanium and Zirconium Separation of from Iron 66 Thujone in Liqueurs The Identification of 473 Tin and Antimony.- Arsenic and Antimony in Bronzes Separation and Estimation of 439 - Phosphor Phosphorus in Estimation of 292 - Volumetric Estimation of by Potassium Bichromate 143 Tintometer Lovibond’s Application of to Analysis of Spirits 53 Tissues Animal Fat and Unsaponifiable Substances in Method for the Estimation - Distribution of Phosphoproteins in and a Reaction Distinguishing Phospho-Titanium and Zirconium New Separation of 67 Thorium and Zirconium Separation of from Iron 66 Volumetric Estimation of 249 Part 11.-The Employment of a Diaphragm.The Rapid Electrolytic Deposition and Separation of Metals 411 of and a Critical Examination of the Methods now in Use 362 protein from Nucleoprotein 475 - Simultaneous Precipitation of in Presence of Iron 67 Titanous Chloride Volumetric Estimation of Iron and Chromium by Means of 372 -- Sulphate Estimation of Iron by Means of Permanganate after Reduction Tonka Beans The Fat of 481 Total Solids (Sugars) of Honey Estimation of by Means of the Refractometer 321 - Sulphur in Urine Estimation of 364 Transactions of Section B (Chemistry) British Association 390 Triazo Nitrogen. Trypsin Activity of and a Simple Method for its Estimation 130 Tube Steam Distillation 485 Tungsten and Chromium in Steel Estimation of 374 Tungstic Acid Separation of from Phosphoric Aoid 143 -- and Silica A New Method of Separating 441 Turbine Reaction 486 Turpentine and Turpentine Substitutes Examination of 219 with 333 Part 11.-The Estimation of Nitrogen 180 Capillary Connecting and Combined Stopcock for Gas Burette 342 Separation of from Chromium and Estimation of Tungsten in Steel con-taining Chromium 374 - in Lemon Oil Detection of Small Quantities of 43 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIII.Ixi Turpentine Oil Analysis of 360 - and Reduced Turpentine,” Examination of 433 id Turpentine Reduced,” and Turpentine Oil Examination of 433 Turpentine Spirits of Optical Activity of 287 Typhoid Bacillus in Artificially Infected Samples of Raw Thames Lea and New Tyrosinase Action of on Substances Similar to Tyrosine Studies on Melano-genesis 193 Tyrosine Substances Similar to Action of Tyrosinase on Studies on Melano-- Examination of 27 River Water with Special Reference to the Question of Storage 403 - The Peroxydase of 129 genesis 193 Unsaponifiable Matter in Oils and Fats Estimation of Separating Funnel for, 443 - Substances and Fat in Animal Tissues Method for the Estimation Unsaturated Organic Compounds The ‘‘ Hydrogen Number ” as a Means of Deter-mining in a Manner Similar to the Iodine Values of Hub1 and Wijs, 407 - Compounds of the Aromatic and Aliphatic Series Multiple Bonds in, Uranium Cobalt Iron Zinc Manganese Aluminium Chromium Magnesium and Urea Quantitative Estimation of 431 Uric Acid Titration of in Presence of Formaldehyde 21 Urine Albumin in Quantitative Estimation of 430 - Arsenio in Estimation of 22 - Bile Pigments in Detection of 283 - Creatinine in Estimation of by Means of Picric Acid 364 - Diabetic A Colour Reaction of 476 - New Reaction for Bile Acids and their Detection in 430 - Pentoses in Quantitative Estimation of 97 - Sugar in Reliability of Methods Used for Estimating 476 Total Sulphur in Estimation of 364 of and a Critical Examination o€ the Methods now in Use 362 General Reaction for the Identification of 22 the Alkaline-earth Metala Rapid Estimation of Nickel in Presence of 333 Vacuum Distillation Simple Manometer for 206 - Distillations Receiver for Use in 298 -- Jacketed Pipettes Huttner’s 413 -- Reelator A New 109 Valuation of Mineral Lubrioating Oils New Constants for 432 Value Lead of Maple Products 470 Vanadates Alkali Volumetric Estimation of by Means of Stannous Chloride 339 Vanadic and Molybdic Acids Estimation of in Presence of one another 339 Vanadium and Iron Estimation of in Presence of each other 372 - Estimation of 340 - Molybdenum Chromium and Nickel in Steel Estimation of 412 Vapour Density Apparatus Victor Meyerk Simple Form of Release for 207 Vapours Acid Given of€ during the Assay of Gold Silver etc.Apparatus for Absorb-Varnishes Oil Analysis of 434 Vegetable Fats used as Substitutes for Cacao Butter in Chocolate 123 Viscosimeter A Rapid 443 ing 36 - Oils Some Japanese Characteristics of 83 lxii INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIII.Vitality of the Typhoid Bacillus in Artificially Infected Samples of Raw Thames Lea, and New River Water with Special Reference to the Question of Storage 403 Volatile Fatty Acids Mixtures of Analysis of 133 Volhard’s Method for the Estimation of Manganese Modifications for Shortening 34 Volumetric Estimation of Bismuth Note on 29 - Lead 33 - Magnesium 33 - Potassium as Cobaltic Nitrite 35 -~ Vortmann and Messinger’s Method of Estimating Phenols Notes on. Estimation of Vulcanisation Tests with Plantation Rubbers 26 - Methods Two for the Estimation of Chromium 30 Salicylic Acid 407 Wall-Papers Arsenical The Cause of Poisoning by 192 Water Added Detection of in Milk by Means of the Refractometer 400 - -__ Estimation of and Freezing-Point of Cow’s Milk 279 ~- Glycerin Mixtures of Physical Constants of 200 - Conductivity The Preparation of 250 - -.in Foods and other Substances Estimation of 97 - - in Gluten Estimation of 361 -- -Jet Blower of Simple Construction 68 - __ Manganese in Estimation of 105 - _- -Oven An Improved 485 - -Pump with Automatic Non-Return Valve 380 -- Raw Thames Lea and New River Artificially Infected Samples of Vitality of the Typhoid Bacillus in with Special Reference to the Question of Storage 403 _ ~ _ _ _ -Soluble Phosphoric Acid Estimation of Small Quantities of Rapid Colori-metric Method for 441 -Solubility of Carbon Dioxide in Influence of Colloids and Colloid Suspensions on 391 Waters Mineral and especially Acid Carbon Dioxide in Modified Volumetric Method Waxes Fats and Lipoids Iron Contents of 193 Wheat Flour The Effect of Nitrogen Peroxide on 94 - Flours the ‘‘ Strength ” of Considerations affecting 322 Whisky and other Potable Spirits Royal Commission on 381 - stored in Wood A Study of the Changes taking place in 92 White Benguela Copd and Congo Copal Composition of 327 ___- Wines Tannin in The Estimation of 96 Wijs’ Solution Notes on 249 Wine Alcohol in the Estimation of 90 - Benzoic Acid in The Indirect Estimation of 428 - Lees Argol and other Crude Materials containing Tartaric Acid The Golden-Wines Alcohol-Free The Examination of 473 - Estimation of Esters in 127 -- Red Bilberry Juice in Detection of 191 - - Tartar and Lees Tartaric Acid in Volumetric Estimation of 331 and Ferrous-Iron Content of Minerals and Rocks Influence of Fine Grinding on 375 - Method for the Rapid Estimation of 56 for the Rapid Determination of 103 berg Method for the Estimation of Tartaric Acid in 200 etc.Detection of Citric Acid in 278 9 Free Mineral Acids in Detection and Estimation of 428 - -INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIII. lxiii Wines White The Estimation of Tannin in 96 Winkler’s Method for the Volumetric Estimation of Alkali Hydroxides in the Presence of Carbonates 334 Yarns Cotton Degree of Mercerisation of Estimation of 285 Yeast Extract in Extract of Meat Detection of 238 - Fermentations with Estimations of 363 Yellow Metanil Its Use as a Selective Indicator 329 Zeiss Immersion Refractometer Estimation of Alcohol in Distillery Wash by Means Zinc and Nickel Rapid Electrolytic Separation of 145 Cobalt Iron Manganese Aluminium Chromium Uranium Magnesium and of Simple Method for 188 the Alkaline-earth Metals Rapid Estimation of Nickel in Presence of 333 - Minute Quantities of Estimation of 144 - Rapid Electrolytic Estimation of 67 - Sulphate etc.the Portion of Meat Extract which is not Precipitated by Com-- Volumetric Estimation of 251 Zirconium Thorium and Titanium Separation of from Iron 66 position of 238 - and Titanium New Separation of 67 - Simultaneous Precipitation of in Presence of Iron 67 HlLLlNO AKD SONS LTD, PRINTERS GUILDFOR