Journal of the Chemical Society,Faraday Transactions IISSN 0300-959Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions ISUBJECT INDEX-VOLUME 73, 1977AAbsolute Rate of the Reaction of C1(2P) with Molecular Hydrogen from 200-500 K (Lee,Michael, Payne, Stief & Whytock) .Absorption and Emission Studies of Solubilizat'ion in Micelles. Part 4.-Siudies 'on &tionibMicelles with added Electrolyte and on Lecithin Vesicles: Excimer Formation and theHam Effect (Dorrance & Hunter) . .Characteristics of 2,3-Dicyano-p-hydroquinone: Effect of pH' on the Emission 'and (Brown& Porter) .Spectra and the Specira of ;he Photoreduced States of khodamine B and Rhohamine 1 lo':Triplet-Triplet (Dunne & Quinn) . .Spectra of Radical Ions of Polyenes of Biological Gterest' (Lakerty, Roach; Sinciair, Tiuscot;& Land)Abstraction from Substiiuted Phenols by Polyvinyl Adetate Radicals in Vinyl Acetaie : Evidenckfor Tunnelling: Isotope Effect in Hydrogen Atom (Simonyi, Fitos, Kardos, KOV~CS,Lukovits & PospiSil) ..of Chlorine Atoms by Cyclohexyl Radicais from CHClzCN and CHiClCN: Effect okCyano-group Substitution on Rates of Metathetical Reactions. Part 2.- (Gonen,Horowitz & Rajbenbach)Acceptor: Self Associated Donor Equilibrium': Eledtron Spin Resonance Study' of the 1 : 1Hydrogen-Bonded Complex of Di-t-Butylnitroxide with Methanol. An Analysis of an(Bullock & Howard) . . .Acetate Anions: Proton Chemical 'Shifts' of Hydrogen Bonded Complexes of Acetic' Acid.Electric Field Calculations for the Monomer-Dimer Shift and for Complexes with Fluorideor (Akitt) ..[2H4] Acetic Acid'on t d Rutiie: Inirared Stud; of the Adsorption of (Griffiths &'Rochester)'Acid-base Catalysis. Part 1 .-Catalysis of the Hydrolysis of Acetaldehyde Dimethyl Acetal(1, 1 -Dimethoxyethane) by Methacrylic Acid-divinylbenzene Copolymer (a weak-acidion-exchange resin), and the Characterisation of Polymer Catalysts : Heterogeneous(Gold & Liddiard)Part 2.-Catalysis of the Hydroiysis of Ethyl Vinyl Eiher (ethoxyethene) by 'MethacrylicAcid-divinylbenzene Copolymer Weak-acid Ion Exchange Resins : Heterogeneous(Gold, Liddiard & Martin) . . .Acidic Properties of Silica-Alumina Gels as a' Funciion of Chemical' Composition : InfraredApproach: Evolution of the (Scokart, Declerck, Sempels & Rouxhet) .Properties of Silica-Alumina Gels as a Function of Chemical Composition.Titration andCatalytic Activity Measurements (Damon, Delmon & Bonnier) .Acridine: An Investigation of its Molecular and Crystalline Photophysicai Behaviou;(Williams & Clarke) .Activated Chemisorption. Part 2.lTheo;eticai Models : Kinetic's of (haroni & Ungarish) *Chemisorption Part 3.-hmount and Distribution of Adsorbate at Varying Temperatures andInsertion Products : Reaction of Singlet Methylene with Methylenecyclopropane. Part 2.-High Energy Reaction Pathways for Chemically (Clements, Frey & Walsh). . ..Energy: Kinetics of Electron Transfer Reaction between Manganate and Permanganate Ions.Enthalpy of Diffusion for Iodine in Mixed Solvents (Nakanishi & NishimotojActive Site and Mechanism for Alkene Isomerization in Cur1 Exchanged Y-Type Zeolite:.Activities of Olefinic Derivatives as Components' of Photoinitiating System; based onActivity Coefficients in Binary n-Alkane Mixtures : Prediction of Infinite Diluhon iLaub;Adamantanes: Order-Disorder Transitions in Substituted (Clark; Knoi, Maikle & McKerveyjAdhesion at Liquid-Liquid Interfaces and the Relationship to Salt Desorption: Work andAdsorbed on 7-Alumina.Part 1.-Development of Sites Active in Energy Transfer: y-Pressures: Kinetics of (Aharoni & Ungarish) . * . . . .Activation Energies of Reactions that are almost Diffusion-controlled : Arrhenius (Logan)Calculation of Rate Constant and (Dolin, Dogonadze & German) .. .Determination of the (John & Leach) Electron Spectroscopic Study of Nitrogen Species (Matloob & Roberts) 1 1394 SUBJECT INDEX-VOLUME 73, 1977on Goethite (a-FeOOH) : Infrared Spectra from Binuclear Bridging Complexes of SuIphateon Graphite at 77 K: Caiorime'tric Evidence for a Bidimensional Phase Change 'in theMonolayer of Nitrogen or Argon (Rouquerol, Partyka & Rouquerol) . . . .Adsorption and Oxidation of Dimethylaniline by Laponite (Vansant & Yariv) . . .from Solution: Effects of Ionisation on (Rendall & Smith)Model : Determination of the Surface Heterogeneity of Solid Particuiates using the Pat'chwise(House & Jaycock) . . . . .of [*H4] Acetic Acid on to Rutiie: Infrared'Stud; of (Griffiths & Rochester) ..of Carbon Monoxide by Nickel: Infrared Study of Effects of Sulphur-poisoning on thk(Rochester & Terrell) . . .of Gases on Solids: Alternative t'o the'EIovich Equation for ;he Kinetics' of (Ritchie)of Hexafiuoroacetone on to Rutile: Infrared Study of the (Griffiths & Rochester) .of Sulphur Compounds on Silica and Silica-supported Nickel: Infrared Study of the(Rochester & Terrell) . . . . .of Water on to the Surface of Rutile: Infrarid Study of'the (Griffiths & Rochester) . .on Energetically Heterogeneous Surfaces : Kinetics of (Crickmore & Wojciechowski) .Alcohol Solvents: Photochemistry of Michler's Ketone in Cyclohexane and (Brown &Porter). . . . . .Aliphatic Carboxyiic Acids in Benzeke as Studieh by Partition: Hidration and Dimerization ofsome (Fujii & Tanaka) .. . . .Alkali Metal and Ammonium Chlorides in Wafer and Urea Systems. dG, AH, A,!? of Transferfrom Water to Mixtures containing up to 40% Urea (Pointud & Juillard) .Halides in Dilute Aqueous Solution at 25°C: Conductance of Some (Pethybridge &Spiers). . . . . .Alkylammonium Ions in' the Zeo1ite:L: Ekhange of kansant &'Peeters)Alkyloxy Radicals: Photolysis of Alkyloxy Vanadium (v) Chelates. A' Possible GeneralRoute to (Aliwi & Bamford) .Alloys : Thermodynamics of Hydrogen 'Dissolved in Pailadi&/Rhodi& and Palladium;Platinum (Clewley, Lynch & Flanagan)under Conditions of Constant Volume: Thermodynamic Properties of Hydroien inPalladium and its (Oates & Flanagan) .. . .7-AI2O3 : 1.r. Spectroscopic Study of COz Adsorption ontb (Morterra, Zecchina, Coluccia &Chiorino) . . . . . . . . . . . .y-Alumina. Part i.-Development of Sites Active in Energy Transfer: y-Radiolysis of MethaneAdsorbed on (Norfolk & Swan). .Aluminium (m), Gallium (n~) and Indium (mi: Enthalpies of 'Combustion of Tris-(Acetyi-acetonato) Derivatives (Cave11 & Pilcher) . . . .Amines: Interaction of Duraquinone Lowest Triplet with iAmo;yal & Bensasson)Amphoteric Latex Colloids: Heterocoagulation of (James, Homola & Healy) . . .E.S.R. Study of Ion Pairs Involving the Pyrene (Claridge & Kirk) .in various Pure Solvents and Binary Aqueous Mixtures : Solvation Spectra.Part 53.-Infraredand Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Studies of the Tetrahydroborate (Straws, Symons &Annealing Temperature on Dissolution Kinetics of Nickel Oxide : Semiconducting Oxides.9, 10-Anthraquinone-2-sodium sulphonate in Aqueous Solution. Part 3.-Pulse and GammaRadiolysis: Photochemistry and Radiation Chemistry of (Clark & Stonehill)Aqueous and Nonaqueous Solvents: Solubility of Nitric Oxide in (Shaw & Vosper)Solution at 25°C: Conductance of Some Alkali Metal Halides in Dilute (Pethybridge dSolution at Elevated Temperatures. The Effe'ct of Temperature on the Ioni'sation Cons'tant of .Solution Part 3.--w-hino acids and related compounds : Apparent Molal Heat Capacitiesof Organic Compounds in (Cabani, Conti, Matteoli & Tani)Solution Part 3.-Pulse and Gamma Radiolysis: Photochemistry a d Radiation Chemistryof 9,1O-Anthraquinone-2-sodium sulphonate in (Clark & Stonehill) .. . .Solutions : Homogeneous Catalysis of Cathodic Reduction of Oxygen in Copper-Cystamine(Bettelheim, Faraggi, Hodara & Manassen) . . . . . . .Solutions of Group IIB Metal Salts at 298.15 K. Part i.-Isothermal Transport Propertiesof Cadmium Iodide: Transport in (Paterson, Anderson & Anderson) .Solutions of Group IIB Metal Salts at 298.15 K. Part 2.-Interpretation and Predickon o'fTransport in Dilute Solutions of Cadmium Iodide: An Irreversible ThermodynamicAnalysis : Transport in (Paterson, Anderson, Anderson & Lutfullah) . . . .Arene Chromium Tricarbonyls and Photoinitiation of Polymerization : Photolysis of (Barn ford,59SUBJECT INDEX-VOLUME 73, 1977 5Association: Interpretation of the Thermodynamic, Spectroscopic and Dielectric Properties ofAtoms with Methyl and Ethyl Nitrates: Reaction of Oxygen (Salter & Thrush) .. . . .Azoisopropane: Comparison of the Mechanisms of the Thermal Decompositions of 2,2'-Solutions of Ethanol in Cyclohexane in Terms of (Stokes) . . . . .with Nitromethane and with Nitroethane: Reaction of Oxygen (Salter & Thrush)Azoisobutane and (McKay, Turner & Zarb) . . . . . . . .BBelousov-Zhabotinskii Oscillating Reaction to Addition of either Bromide or Cerium (IV) Ions :Reaction: Analysis of the Dependence on Temperature of the Frequency of Oscillation ofBenzoylferrocene in Hydroxylic Solvents : Photo-effects on (Heaney, Logan '& Powell) .Beryllium Sulphate Solution at High Pressure: Conductance of (Hsieh, Ang & Chang) .Bidimensional Phase Change in the Monolayer of Nitrogen or Argon Adsorbed on Graphiteat 77 K: Calorimetric Evidence for a (Rouquerol, Partyka & Rouquerol)Binary n-Alkane Mixtures: Prediction of Infinite Dilution Activity Coefficients in (Laud,Martire & Purnell) .. .Binding-induced Conformational Transition * of Sodium Poi;-L-Giutamate by Iron (In\Complex Ions in Aqueous Solution (Branca & Pispisa)to Poly(a-L-lysine HBr) from Polar Solvent Mixtures: Preferential (Komiyama, Mori,Yamamoto & Iijima) . . . .Binuclear Bridging Complexes of' Sulphate Adsorbed on Geothite (cc-FeOOH) : InfraredSpectra from (Pafitt & Smart)Biological Interest: Absorption Spectra of Radical Ions' of Polyenks of '(Lafferty, Roach,Sinclair, Truscott & Land) .. . .Biomolecules : Experimental and Theorehcal Aspects of Hydraiion Is0 therms for (Gascoyne& Pethig) . . . .Bromide Ion: Far-Ultraviolet' Solution Spectrbscopy of the (Fox & Hayon)or Cerium (IV) Ions : Response of the Belousov-Zhabotinskii Oscillating Reaction to' Add;-tion of either (Blandamer & Roberts) . . . . . . . . ,Response of the (Blandamer & Roberts) . . . . .the Frequency of Oscillation of the (Blandamer & Roberts) . .Calcium Sulphate/Water. Part 5.-Surface Area and Porosity Changes in the Dehydration ofCalculation of Rate Constant and Activation Energy : Kinetics of Electron Transfer Reaction .Calorimetric Evidence for a Bidimensional Phase Change in the Monolayer of Nitrogen orPart 1.-Alkali and Alkaline Earth Metal Forms: Water in Homoionic andCapillary Method for Tracer Diffusion Measurements in Liquids : Ciosed '(Passiniemi,Phenomena : Part 5.-Equilibrium and Stability of Soiid Cones in Fluid/Fluid Interfa&Carbon Monoxide in Molten'Carbonates'.Confirmation o f the Exisience of the Cot- Ion:Kinetics and Mechanism of Electrochemical Oxidation of (Borucka & Appleby) .Carbonylation of Monohydric Alcohols : Selectivity of a Heterogeneous Rhodium Catalys;Carbonyls: Activities of Olefinic Derivatives as Components of Photohi tiat'ing Systems basedon Transition-Metal (Bamford & Mullik)C-14 as Tracer: Slow Gas-Phase Oxidation of Ethylal with iMolek, Garcia-Domkguez;Rodriguez-Lbpez & Santiuste) ..Catalysis in Solution. Part 15.-Theoretical' Treatment ' of Parallel Firsi-Ordir Catalysedand Uncatalysed Reactions : Heterogeneous (Spiro) .with Elimination Reactions as an Example : X-ray Pho;oelec&on Spectroscopy andHeterogeneous (Vinek, Noller, Ebel & Schwartz)Catalyst in a Static System: Hydrogenation of Acetylene in Excess Ethylene on an AiuminaSupported Palladium (McGown, Kemball, Whan & Scurrell)Lattice : Chemiluminescence during Catalysis. Part 2.-Luminescent Transitions of someRare-earth Activators Embedded in the (Aras, Breysse, Claude], Faure & Guenin) .Catalysts: Effect of Ethylene and Hydrogen Adsorption on the E.S.R.Spectra of Chromia-Catalytic Activity Measurements : Acidic Properties of Silica-Alumina Gels as' a FunctionActivity of Co,Mgl - ,A1204 Spinel Solid Solutions, Part 1 .-Cation Distribut'ion of Co2;Calcium Sulphate Dihydrate: Studies in the System (Ball & Norwood) .between Manganate and Permanganate Ions (Dolin, Dogonadze & German)Argon Adsorbed on Graphite at 77 K (Rouquerol, Partyka & Rouquerol) .Heteroionic Mordenites : A (Coughlan, Carroll & McCann).Study.Liukkonen & Noszticzius) . . .(Boucher & Kent). . .for the (Christensen & Scurrell) . . . ..Alumina (Ashmawy & Steiner) . . . .of Chemical Composition. Titration and (Damon, Delmon & Bonnier)Ions: Structure and (Angeletti, Pepe & Porta) 6 SUBJECT INDEX-VOLUME 73, 1977Activity of Iron Oxide and Magnesium Oxide Solid Solutions.Part 3.-E.S.R. Characteri-sation: Structure and (Cordischi, Pep, Schiavello & Valigi)Oxidation of Furan to Maleic Anhydride: Similarity in the Reactivity of 0; and DoubleBond Type Lattice Oxygen as revealed by Vapour-Phase (Akimoto & Echigoya) . .Cathodic Reduction of Oxygen in Copper-Cystamine Aqueous Solutions : HomogeneousCations: a Radiation and Electron Spin Resonance Study: Solvation Spectra. Part 52.-The Aquation of Silver Atoms and (Brown & Symons)Cerium (IV) Ions: Response of the Belousov-Zhabotinskii Oscillating Reaction to'Addiiion o ieither Bromide or (Blandamer & Roberts)Charge Density Effects in Ion Exchange.Part 1 .-Heterovalen't Exchange Equilibria(Maes & Cremers) . . .Charge Transfer Interaction between Thiols aiid Aniines : Hydrogen Bonding Type (Yamabe,Akagi, Hashimoto, Nagata & Fukui)Spectra and Ionization Potentials of the Donois : Molecular Complexes of SubskutedAryl Diphenylmethyl Sulphides with n-Acceptors (Reichenbach, Santini & Aloisi) .Chemi-ionisation: Molecular Beam Study of Surface (Normington, Bomse & Grice) .Chemiluminescence during Catalysis. Part 2.-Luminescent Transitions in some Rare-earthActivators Embedded in the Catalyst Lattice (Aras, Breysse, Claudel, F a r e & Guenin).Chemisorbed on Raney Nickel Studied by Neutron Inelastic Spectroscopy : Different Speciesof Hydrogen (Renouprez, Fouilloux, Coudurier, Tocchet ti & Stockmeyer) .Chemisorption.Part 2.-Theoretical Models : Kinetics of Activated (Aharoni & Ungarish)Part 3.-Amount and Distribution of Adsorbate at Varying Temperatures and Pressures :Chromate: Photoinduced Oxidation of Propan-2-01 by Acid (Kianing)Chromatography: Temperature Dependence of the Interaction Second Viriai Coefficien; using.Chromia-Alumina Catalysts : Effect of Ethylene and Hydrogen Adsorption on' the E.S.R.Dehydrogenation Catalysts : Heterogeneous Structures in Promo-ted (Masson, Bonnier;Chromium Tricarbonyls and Photoinitiation of Polymeriza~ion : Photo1 ysis of Arene (Barn ford;C1(2P) with Molecular Hydrogen from' 200-500 K': Absolute' Rate of Reaction of (Lee;COz Adsorption onto 7-AIzO3 : 1.r.Spectroscopic Study 0.f (Morterra, Zecchina,' Coluccia &Cob(1)alamin with Nitrous Oxide 'and Cob(~rr)alamin: Reaction of (Blackburn, Kiaw &Swallow) .Cobalt Acetylacetonates : Decompdsition of l-Phenylethyl Hydioperoxide in the' Presence of(Vasvari & Gal) . .Oxidation of l-Phenyiethanol in ;he Presence of (Vasvhri & Gal)-60 y-Ray Induced Oxidation of Ferrous Sulphate Solutions : Effect of Sulphuric Acid(Matthews) .Colloids: Heterocoagulation of Amphotekc Latex (James,' Hornola & Heal;)Combustion of Tris-(Acetylacetonato) Derivatives of Aluminium (111), Gallium (111 )'and Indiun;(111): Enthalpies of (Cave11 & Pilcher) .Compaction on the Surface Area and Porosity of Six Powders by Measurement bf NitrogenSorption Isotherms: Study of the Effect of (Gregg & Langford) .Cornpartmentalised Free-Radical Polymerisation Reactions.Part 1 : Theory of (Biriwistle& Blackley) .Complexes between Pyridine and Phenol in Carbon Tetrachloride' Solutions : Hydrogen-bonded(Beezer, Hawksworth, Orban & Tyrrell) .of Trifluoroacetic Acid with Hexaoxa-"Crown" Ethers': Conductometric Investigaiion of(Nae & Jagur-Grodzinski) .Part 1 .-The Reduction of Oxygen in'the Co(1r) <A&onia 'Systems: Eiectro;educ;ion ofCobalt-Amino Peroxo (Bettelheim, Faraggi, Hodara & Manassen)Part 2.-The reduction of Oxygen in the Co(rr)-Ethylenediamine and Co(~~)iTriethylene:tetramine Systems : Electroreduction of Cobalt-Amino Peroxo (Bettelheim, Faraggi,Hodara & Manassen)Concentration Dependence o'f the' Flory-Huggins Parameter * into ' the Theory o f .StericStabilization: Perturbation Method for Incorporating the (Evans & Napper) .Conductance of Beryllium Sulphate Solution at High Pressure (Hsieh, Ang & Chang) .of Some Alkali Metal Halides in Dilute Aqueous Solution at 25°C (Pethybridge &Spiers). . . . . . . .Conductivity in Copper Formate Tetrahidrate 1 Protbnic (Murphy &'Flanagan) .of (n-butyl),Nd (n-butyl),B- as a Function of Temperature and Pressure : Molar (Speedy)Conductometric Investigation of Complexes of Trifluoroacetic Acid with Hexaoxa-"Crown"Catalysis of (Bettelheim, Faraggi, Hodara & Manassen) . . . .SUBJECT INDEX-VOLUME 73, 1977Cones in Fluid/Fluid Interfaces : Capillary Phenomena.Part 5.-Equilibrium and StabilityConstant Volume : Thermodynamic Properties of Hydrogen in Palladium and its Alloys unde;conditions of (Oates & Flanagan)Coordination Equilibria in Three-Component Systerrk of the Type MBr, + h i d i n e + Chloro:benzene (M = Zn, Co, Ni, Cu and Zn): Phase and (Libui & Kluczkowski).Copper Containing Spinel Solid Solutions (Cu,Mg, - &l1204): Solid State Properties of(Sharpe & Vickerman) . :Corrosion at Silver Electrodes. A Raman Spectroscopic Study : Thiocyanate Adsorption andCo-solvent Mixtures: Influence of the Solvent on the Rates of SNl-Type Solvolysis Reactionsof Metal Complexes in Water+ (Wells) .“Crown” Ethers: Conductometric Investigation of Complexes ‘of T&luoroacetic Acid withHexaoxa- (Nae & Jagur-Grodzinski) .. .Crystalline Hexamethyldisilane : Diffusion in (Salthduse & SheiwoodjPhotophysical Ekhaviour : Acridine: An Investigation of its Molecular and ( W i l l i d &Clarke) . .Cull Exchanged Y:Type’Zeolite : Determination of the Act‘ive Siie and Mechanism for Alkeneof Solid (Boucher & Kent) . . . ..:Electron Spectroscopic Study of Nitrogen Species Adsorbed ‘on (Matloob & koberls)Formate Tetrahydrate: Protonic Conductivity in (Murphy & Flanagan) . .(Cooney, Reid, Fleischmann & Hendra) . . . . ..Isomerization in (John & Leach) . . . . . . . . . .DDecomposition and Reduction of “Nickel Peroxide” by Thermal Analysis : Investigation ofof 2,Y-Azoisobutane and Azoisopropane : Comparison of the Mechanisms of the Thermalof 1,2-Epoxypropane: Kinetics of the Thermal Gas-Phase (Fiowersj ..of 1-Phenylethyl Hydroperoxide in the Presence of Cobalt Acetylacetonates (Vasv6ri & Gal)of 1,3,5-Trinitrohexahydro-l,3,5-triazine (RDX) : Mass Spectrometric Study of the Thermalof Zinc Nitrate Hexahydrate: E.S.R. Investi’gation of the Thermal (Campbell) *Dehydration of Calcium Sulphate Dihydrate : Studies in the System Calcium Sulphatel Water. .Dehydrogenation Catalysts: Heterogeneous Structures in Promoted Chromia+AluminaDesorption of Electrolytes at Liquid-Vapour and Liquid-Liquid Inteifaces ‘(Aveyard, SaIeemWork and Entropy of Adhesion’at Liquid-Liquid Inteifaces ’and ;he Relationship to Sal’tDiatomic Free Radicals Using Mass Spectromktry. ’ Part 4.-The Br; OCiO and BrO’+ClOMolecules with Clean Metal Wire Surfaces. Part 1 .-Hydrogen on Tungsten: Interactionof (Couper & John)Molecules with Clean Metal Wirk Surfaces.Part 2.Nitrogen on Tungstkn: Ikeracfion of(Couper &John) . . .Properties of Solutions of Ethanol in Cyclohexane in Terms of Association: Interpretationof theThermodynamic, Spectroscopicand(Stokes) . . . . . . .Spectra of Synthetic Zeolites X: Interpretation of the “Intermediate Frequency” (Ravalitera,Carru & Chapoton)Diffraction Data of Aqueous Electrolyte Solutibns : Termiiation’Errois in Fourie; Anaiysis ofDiffusion-controlled : Arrhenius AcGvation Energy of Readtions ;hat are almost (Logad) : Triplet Energy Transfer in 2-Methylpentan-2,4-diol: Viscosity Dependence of (Dainton,Henry, Pilling & Spencer) .Diffusion Enthalpies and Entropies in Thekally Forming NiO and (Ni;Fe)O from SO&1200°C (Tomlinson) ..for Iodine in Mixed Solven’ts: Activation Enthalpy of &&anishi & Nishimoto) .in Crystalline Hexamethyldisilane (Salthouse & Sherwood) . . .Measurements in Liquids : Closed Capillary Method for Tracer (Passiniemi, Liukkonen &Noszticzius) . . . . . . . . .Diffusivities Obtained fiom Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Sorption Experiments : Inter-pretation and Correlation of Zeolitic (Karger & Caro) . . . . . . .3,4Dihydroxytoluene: Pulse Radiolysis of (Gohn & Getoff) . .Dimerization of Some Aliphatic Carboxylic Acids in Benzene as Studied by Parktion.Hydration and (Fujii & Tanaka) .. . . . . . . . .the (Bond & Tripathi) * . . . . .(McKay, Turner & ZarC) . . . . . . .(Bradley, Butler, Capey & Gilbert) .Part 5.-Surface Area and Porosity Changes in the (Ball & Norwood).(Masson, Bonnier, Duvigneaud & Delmon) . . . .& Heselden) .(Aveyard & Saleem) .Reactions: Kinetic Studies of (Clyne & Watson) . . . . . .Dielectric Properties of Hydrated Protein’s at 9:9 GI& (Bo’ne, GascoGe & Pethig) .(Triolo & Ruffo)8 SUBJECT INDEX-VOLUME 73, 1977Dispersions. Part 1 .-Identification of Parameters in Structural Hysteresis : Mechanics ofDissociation of 2-Methilbut-i -ene and the Resonance Energy o f the 2-Mkthylallyl RadicaiDissolution and Passivation of Nickei.An X-;ay Photoeiectron Spkctroscopy * Stud;Kinetics of Nickel Oxide : Semiconductkg Oiides.. The'Effect of Prior Annealing Tempera:(Spaull) . . .(Trenwith & Wrigley) .(Dickinson, Povey & Sherwood) + .ture on (Jones, Segall, Smart & Turner) .Duroquinone Lowest Triplet with Amines: Interaction of (Arnouyal & Bensasson)EElectrical Resistivity of Solutions of Nitride, Hydride and Deuteride : Solutions of LithiumSalts in Liquid Lithium. The (Adams, Down, Hubberstey & Pulham)Electric Discharge by an Electron Spin Resonance Spin Trapping Technique : Dktection andIdentification of Organic Radicals Produced in the Low Pressure Silent (Hibbert,Robertson & Perkins) .Field Calculations for the MonomerLDimir Shift and for Complexes 'with 'Fluoiide oEAcetate Anions: Proton Chemical Shifts of Hydrogen Bonded Complexes of Acetic Acid(Akitt) .. .Electrochemical Luniinescence of Rubrene Dissolved in Benzonitrile 'in Thin C&s (Dunnet't& Voinov) . . ,Oxidation of Carbon'Monoxide in Molten Carbonates. Confirmakon of the Existince ofthe COi- Ton: Kinetics and Mechanism of (Borucka & Appleby)Study: Gibbs Energy of Formation of SO,. A High Temperature (Rosenqvist '& WahgomjElectrode Forcing Functions : Ring-Disc Electrodes. Part 17.-Ring Response to PeriodicDisc (Bruckenstein, Tokuda & Albery)in the Acetonitrile+Ethylene Glycol Solvent System 'at 25°C: Studies in IsodielectricSolvents. Part 1 .-Standard Potentials of the Silver-Silver (Bose & Kundu)Part 8.-Oxygen Evolution at Ruthenium Dioxide Anodes : The Oxygen (Burke, Murph;,Electrodes: Spectral Distributions of Photo-eiectrodhemical Reactions over Meial Phthalo:Electrolytes at Liquid-Vapour and Liquid-Liquid Interfaces : Deiorption ok (Aveyard;in Tetramethylurea: Physico-Chemical Studies in Nonaqueous Solvents.Part 13.-Electrolyte Solutions : Termination Errors in Fourier Analysis of Diffraction Data of AqueousViscosities in Hexamethyl'phosphotriamide at 25°C (Sacco; Petrella, Della' Monica &Electromotive Force Measurements : Ionic Product and Enihalp; of Ionization of'wate; fromElectronic Transference Numbers of Polymers Determination of (Peht & Jozefowicz):Electron Spectroscopic Study of Nitrogen Species Adsorbed on Copper (Matloob & RobertsjElectron Spin Resonance Spin Trapping Technique : Detection and Identification of OrganicRadicals Produced in the Low Pressure Silent Electric Discharge by an (Hibbert, Robertson& Perkins) .. . . . .Studies of Elementary Processes in Radiation- and Phoio-chemistry. Part 14.-Photolysisof Solutions Containing Maleimides (Ayscough, English, Lambert & Elliot) .Study of the 1 : 1 Hydrogen-Bonded Complex of Di-t-Butylnitroxide with Methanol. AnAnalysis of an Acceptor: Self-Associated Donor Equilibrium (Bullock & Howard) . .Study: Solvation Spectra. Part 52.-The Aquation of Silver Atoms and Cations : a Radiationand (Brown & Symons) .Electron Transfer and Electronic Excita'tion : 'Geneialised For; ter Cycle.* TheirnodynamicRelationships between Proton Transfer (Grabowski & Rubaszewska) .Calculation of Rate Constant andActivation Energy: Kinetics of (Doh, Dogonadze & German) . . .Electroreduction of Cobalt-Amino Peroxo Complexes. Part 1 .-The Reduction of Oxygeiin the Co(n)+Ammonia System (Bettelheim, Faraggi, Hodara & Manassen)of Cobalt-Amino Peroxo Complexes. Part 2.-The Reduction of Oxygen in the Co(rI):Ethyl:enediamine and Co(a)-Triethylenetetramine Systems (Bettelheim, Faraggi, Hodara &Elevated Temperatures. -The Effect 'of Temperature on the Ionisation Constant of the 2,2'Bipyridyl Cation: Spectrophotometric Investigations in Aqueous Solution at (BuissonElimination Reactions as an Example : X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy and HeterogeneousCatalysis, with (Vinek, Noller, Ebel & Schwartz)Elovich Equation for the Kinetics of Adsorption of Gases on Solids: Aliernatjve to ;he (Ritchiej..O'Neill & Venkatesan) .. .cyanine (Meshitsuka & Tamaru) .Saleem & Heselden) . . . . . . .Thermochemical Studies of some 1 : 1 (Paul, Jauhar, Banait & Narula) .(Triolo & Ruffo) . . .Castagnolo) . . . . .(Covington, Ferra & Robinson). .Reaction between Manganate and Permanganate Ions.Manassen) . . . . . . . . . . .& Irving) . . . . . . .SUBJECT INDEX-VOLUME 73, 1977 9PAGEEmission and Absorption Characteristics of 2,3-Dicyano-p-hydroquinone: Effect of pH on the(Brown &Porter) . . . . .Studies of Solubilization in Micelles. Part 4.dtudies on Cationic Micelles' with 'addedElectrolyte and on Lecithin Vesicles: Excimer Formation and the Ham Effect: Absorptionand (Dorrance & Hunter) .. . . . .Emulsion Polymerization Kinetics : General Solution to the 'Smith-Ewart Equations for(Hawkett, Napper & Gilbert) . . . . . . . . .Energetically Heterogeneous Surfaces : Kinetics of Adsorption on (Crickmore & Wojcie:chowski) . . . . .Energy Separation between Triplet and Single; Meihylene : Kinetics of Methyleie Additionto cis- and trans-But-2-ene (Frey & Kennedy) . . . . . . .Energy Transfer in 2-Methylpentan-2,4-diol: Viscosity Dependence of Diffusion-controlledTriplet (Dainton, Henry, Pilling & Spencer) . . . .: y-Radiolysis of Methane Adsorbed on 7-Alumina. Part 1 .-Development of Sites Activein (Norfolk & Swan) .. .Enthalpies and Entropies in Thermally Forming NiO and (Ni, Fe)O from 800-1200°C':Diffusion (Tomlinson) .and Entropies of Ionization of 2-'and 3'- Substituteh Phenols in Met'hanof+ Water Mixtures(Rochester & Wilson) . .of Combustion of Tris-(Acetylacetonato) Derivat kes of AlAinium (HI),' Gallium (k) andIndium (m) (Cave11 & Pilcher)of Mixing: Thermodynamic Functions' for the System Ethanol + Ciclohexane from Vapou;Pressures and (Stokes & Adamson).of some Binary Mixtures of 1,2-Dichloroethane andHydrocarbons : Excess iMahi & Khurma)of Transfer for KBr, KI, HBr and HI: Solute-Solvent Interaction in Water+t-ButylalcoholMixtures. Part 9.- (Pointud & Juillard) ..Enthalpy of Diffusion for Iodine in Mixed Solvents :'Activation '(Nakanishi' & Nkhimoto)of Ionization of Water from Electromotive Force Measurements : Ionic Product and(Covington, Ferra & Robinson)Entrainment Method: Thermodynamic Study' of the Chemical Vapour Transport SystemGaAs-HBr Using a Modified (Faktor, Garrett, Lyons & Moss) .Entropies of Hydrobromic Acid in Ethanol+ Water Mixtures : Structure of Aquo-aldoholicsolvents: Transfer Free Energies and (Das, Bose & Kundu)Entropy of Adhesion at Liquid-Liquid Interfaces and the Relationship to' Salt Desoipt ion:Workand (Aveyard & Saleem) . . . .1,ZEpoxypropane : Kinetics of the Thermal Gas-Phase Decomposition of (Floweis)Equilibrium and Stability of Solid Cones in Fluid/Fluid Interfaces : Capillary Phenomena:Part 5.- (Boucher & Kent) .. . . .Concentrations: Numerical Estimation' of (Daul & Gobi)E.S.R. Characterization: Structure and Catalytic Activity of Iron Oxide and Magnesium' OxideSolid Solutions. Part 3.- (Cordischi, Pepe, Schiavello & Valigi)Investigation of the Thermal Decomposition of Zinc Nitrate Hexahydraie (Campbeli)*Measurements : Interaction of Di-t-Butyl Nitroxide with Alkanols : (Atherton, Manterfield',Oral & Zorlu)Spectra of Chromia-Alumina Catalyst's : Effect of Ethilene and Hidrogen Adsorption onthe (Ashmawy & Steiner) . . .Study of Ion Pairs Involving the'perylene Anion (Claridge &.KirkjStudy of Ion Pairs Involving the Pyrene Anion (Claridge & Kirk) .Ethanol + Cyclohexane from Vapour Pressures and Enthalpies of Mixing :.Thermodynamic+Water Mixtures: Structure of Aquo-alcoholic solvents : 'Transfer Free Energies andFar-Ultraviolet Solution Spectroscopy of the Bromide Ion (Fox & Hayon) . . . . 872Solution Spectroscopy of the Iodide Ion (Fox & Hayon) . . 1003Fast Reactions in Non-Aqueous Solvents : Application of the Pressure:Jump Technique' to theMeasurement of Rates of (Buschmann, Knoche, Day & Robinson) . . , . 6710 SUBJECT INDEX-VOLUME 73, 1977Ferrous Sulphate Solutions: Effect of Sulphuric Acid on the Cobalt-60 y-Ray Induced Oxida-tion of (Matthews).Films in the Oxidation of Oxala'te Ion : Photoel&trocatalysis by' Metal PhihalocyaninkEvaporated (Meshitsuka & Tamaru) .Flash Photolysis of Ketene.Photolysis Mechanism and Rate Constants for Singlet and TripletMethylene (Pilling & Robertson) .Flory-Huggins Parameter into the Theory of Steric' Stabkzation : Perturbation 'Method fo;Incorporating the Concentration Dependence of the (Evans & Napper)Flow System: Studies of the Kinetics of Nucleation and Growth of Pigment Dispersions Using aLaser Light-Scattering Apparatus in a (Nobbs & Patterson)Fluid Interfaces: Capillary Phenomena. Part 5.-Equilibrium and Siabilit; of Solid 'Conesin Fluid/ (Boucher & Kent) .Fluorescence in Inverse Micelles : Quenching of Pyrene Sulphonate (Miller, Klein & Hauser)Forster Cycle. Thermodynamic and Extrathermodynamic Relationships Between ProtonTransfer, Electron Transfer and Electronic Excitation : Generalised (Grabowski &Rubaszewska) .Fourier Analysis of Diffraction Data of Aqueous Electroiyte Solutions : Terminkon 'Errors(Triolo & Ruffo) .Free Energy of Transfer of Ionic Surfact'ants from Water 'to Water+Acetone Mixtures fromVapour Pressure Measurements : Standard (Treiner & Le Besnerais)Part 1 : Theory of Compartmentalised (Birtwi'stle &Blackley) .Part 4.-The Br$ OClO and BrO'+ClO Reactions':Kinetic Studies of Diatomic (Clyne &Watson) .Frequency" Dielectric Spectra of Synthetic Zeolites X: Interpretation of ;he "Intermediate(Ravalitera, Carru & Chapoton) .of Oscillation of the Belousov-Zhabotinskji Reaction': Analysis 'of the Dependence onTemperature of the (Blandamer & Roberts) .. .-Radical Polymerisation Reactions.Radicals Using Mass' Specirome;ry.GGaAs-HBr Using a Modified Entrainment Method : Thermodynamic Study of theChemical Vapour Transport System (Faktor, Garrett, Lyons & Moss)Gases on Solids: Alternative to the EIovich Equation for the Kinetics of Adsorpt'ion of(Ritchie) .Gas-Liquid Chromatography : Temperature Dependence' of the Inferacti'on Second ' VirialCoefficient using (Neogi & Kudchadker) . .Oxidation of Ethylal with C-14 as a Tracer: Slow (Molera, Garcia-Doniinguez, Rodriguez-L6pez & Santiuste)Gibbs Energy of Formation of SO2 .. A High Tempeiature' Electrochemical Study( Rosenqvis;& Haugom).Glasses: Luminescence Following Laser 'Excitation 'of Tiapped Electrons' in Mixed-SoluteAqueous (Nguyen & Walker) .Goethite (cc-FeOOH) : Infrared Spectra from' Bin;cIear Bridging Cornpiexes o f SulphateAdsorbed on (Parfitt & Smart) .. .-Phase Decomposition of 1 ,ZEpoxypropane : Kinetics of the Thermal (Flowers).HHeat Capacities of Organic Compounds in Aqueous Solution. Part 3.--w-Amino acids andrelated compounds : Apparent Molal (Cabani, Conti, Matteoli & Tani)Heats of Formation of the Silicon Subchlorides SiCl(g), SiCl,(g) and SiCl,(g): Mass Spectro:metric Determination of the (Farber & Srivastava)Heterocoagulation of Amphoteric Latex Colloids (James, Homoia & Heal y jHeterogeneity of Solid Particulates using the Patchwise Adsorption Model : Determination ofthe Surface (House & Jaycock)Heterogeneous Acid-base Catalysis.Part 1 .-Cataiysis of the' Hydiolysi; of AcetaldehydeDimethyl Acetal (1,l-Dimethoxyethane) by Methacrylic Acid-divinylbenzene Copolymer(a weak-acid ion-exchange resin), and the Characterisation of Polymer Catalysts (Gold& Liddiard) . . . . .Acid-base Catalysis. Part 2.-Catalysis of the. Hydrolysis'of Ethyl Vinyl Ether (ethoxyethenc)by Methacrylic Acid-divinylbenzene Copolymer Weak-acid Ion Exchange Resins (Gold,Liddiard & Martin) . . .Catalysis in Solution. Part 15.LTheoretical Treatment of Parallel Firs't-Order Catalysedand Uncatalysed Reactions (Spiro) . . .Catalysis, with Elimination Reactions as an Example : X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopyand (Vinek, Noller, Ebel & Schwartz) ., . . . . . . .SUBJECT INDEX-VOLUME 73, 1977 11Recombination of Atoms. Theory of the Smith-Linnett Method (Jablohski) .Rhodium Catalyst for the Carbonylation of Monohydric Alcohols: Selectivity of a(Christensen & Scurrell). . . . .Structures in Promoted Chromia+ Alumina Dehydrogenation Catalysts (Masson, Bonnier,Duvigneaud & Delmon) . . .Surfaces : Kinetics of Adsorption on Energeticall; (Cric*hore & Wojciechowski) . .Heterovalent Exchange Equilibria: Charge Density Effects in Ion Exchange. Part 1 .-(Maes & Cremers) . . . . .Hexamethylphosphotriamide a; 25°C : Elktrolyte Viscosities in (Sacco, Petrella, Della Monica& Castagnolo) . . .High Energy Reaction Pathways for Chemically Activated Insertion' Products : 'Reaciion ofSinglet Methylene with Methylenecyclopropane.Part 2.- (Clements, Frey & Walsh) .Temperature Electrochemical Study: Gibbs Energy of Formation of S02. A (Rosenqvist&Haugom) . . , . . . . .Homogeneous Catalysis of Cathodic Reduction of Oxygen in 'Copper-C;stamke AqueousSolutions (Bettelheim, Faraggi, Hodara & Manassen)Homoionic and Heteroionic Mordenites : A Calorimetric Study. Part 1 .-Alkali and Aikalin;Earth Metal Forms : Water in (Coughlan, Carroll & McCann)Hz180 Water (0 to 170°C): Vapour Pressure of Ice (-50 to 0°C) and (Jakli & StaschewskijHydrated Proteins at 9.9 GHz: Dielectric Properties of (Bone, Gascoyne & Pethig)Hydration and Dimerization of Some Aliphatic Carboxylic Acids in Benzene as Studied byIsotherms for Biomolecules : Experimental and Theoreti&il Aspects of (GascoGe & Pethig)Hydrocracking of n-Pentane (3-C13) with Type Y Zeolite : Hydroisomerization and (WeeksHydrogen Adsorption on the E.S.R.Spect;a of Chromia-Aiurnina Catalysts :'Effect of EihyleneHydrogenation of Acetylene in Excess Ethylene on an Alumi'na Supported Paliadium Catalyst inHydrogen Atoms with Ethane: Mass Spectrometric Study of the Reaction of (Jones, Morgan-bonded Complexes between Pyridine and Phenol in Carbon Tetrachloride Soiutions(Beezer, Hawksworth, Orban & Tyrrell) .Bonded Complexes of Acetic Acid.Electric Fieid Caiculati'ons for the' Monomer-Dime;Shift and for Complexes with Fluoride or Acetate Anions: Proton Chemical Shifts of (Akitt)Bonded Complex of Di-t-Butylnitroxide with Methanol.An Analysis of an Acceptor:Self-Associated Donor Equilibrium: Electron Spin Resonance Study of the 1 : 1 (Bullock&Howard) .-bonding Reactions : Note 'on the Proton-Donating Ability of Water in (Christian, Tuckei& Mitra)Bonding Type Charge Transfer Interaction between Thiols and Amines '(Yamabe, Akagi,Hashimoto, Nagata & Fukui).Dissolved in Palladium/Rhodium and Paliadium/Platinum 'Alloys : Thermodynamics of(Clewley, Lynch & Flanagan) . . .in Metals: Application to Pd/H(D): Isotope Effec; for ;he Soiution'of (Oates & Flanagan)in Palladium and its Alloys under Conditions of Constant Volume: ThermodynamicProperties of (Oates & Flanagan) . . . . .on Tungsten: Interaction of Diatomic Moiecule; with Clean Meial Surfaces.Part 1.-(Couper &John) . . . .Yield in Some Radiation Chemical SGstems: Reactions' of Hidrogen Atoms and AliphaticRadicals with Monovalent Cadmium and Nickel Ions as a Source of (Freiberg &Meyerstein) .Hydroisomerization and Hydiocracking hf n-Pentane (3-d' 3, with Type Y 'Zeoliie (Weeks &Bolton) .Hydrophobic Interaction: Solute Interactions' in Dilute 'Solutions. * Part' 2.-A StaiisticaiMechanical Study of the (Clark, Franks, Pedley & Reid) . . . . .Interaction : Solute Interactions in Dilute Aqueous Solutions. Part 3.-Volume ChangesAssociated with the (Franks) . . . . .Hydroxylic Solvents: Photo-effects on Benzoylfkrro&ne in iHeaney, Logan & Powell) .Hysteresis: Mechanics of Dispersions.Part 1 .-Identification of Parameters in Structural(Spaull)Isotope Exchange Reactions. Part 3.-HzSi-D2 (Pratt & Rogers)Partition (Fujii & Tanaka) . .& Bolton)and (Ashmawy & Steiner) . . . . .a Static System (McGown, Kemball, Whan & Scurrell) . . .& Purnell) . . .Ice (-50 to OOC) and Hzl*O Water (0 to 170°C): Vapour Pressure of H2'*0 (Jakli &Staschewski) . . . 1505in Porous Solids: Meiting of (Rennie & Clifford) ' : . . . . 6812 SUBJECT INDEX-VOLUME 73, 1977Infinite Dilution Activity Coefficients in Binary n-Alkane Mixtures : Prediction of (Laub,Infrared and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Studies o i the Tetrahydroborate. Anion in variousPure Solvents and Binary Aqueous Mixtures: Solvation Spectra.Part 53.- (Strauss,Symons & Thompson)Approach: Evolution of the Acidic Properiies 0; Silica-Alumina'Gels 'as a Funciion 0.fChemical Composition (Scokart, Declerck, Sempels & Rouxhet) .Spectra from Binuclear Bridging Complexes of Sulphate Adsorbed on Goethite'(or-FeOOHj(Parfitt & Smart) . . . .Spectroscopic Study of the'Solvation of Ions in Methanol: Solvation Spectra. Part 5 4 . 1A Low Temperature (Strauss & Symons) .Spectrum of DNA(Na) in the Dry Solid State: Reversibie Temperature Dependent SpectraiShift in the (Rossiter) . . . . .Study of Effects of Sulphur-poisoning on the Adsorption of Carbon Monoxide by NickejStudy of the Adsorption of ['H,]Aceti'c Acid on tb Ruthe (Giiffiths & Rochester) :Study of the Adsorption of Hexafluoroacetone on to Rutile (Griffiths & Rochester) .Study of the Adsorption of Sulphur Compounds on Silica and Silica-supported NickeiStudy of the Adsorption of Watkr on'to the Surface of Rutiie (Ghffiths'and Rochester) *Study of the Surface of Silica Immersed in Liquid Mixtures of Hydrocarbons (Rochester1.r.Spectroscopic Study of CO, Adsorption onto ;-Al2O3 (Morterra, Zecchina; Coluccia &Insertion Products: Reaction of Singlet Methilene with Methyienecyclopropane. Pait 2 . iHigh Energy Reaction Pathways for Chemically Activated (Clements, Frey & Walsh) .Interaction of Di-t-Butyl Nitroxide with Alkanols : E.S.R. Measurements (Atherton, Manter-field, Oral & Zorlu) . .Interfaces: Desorption of Eledtroly ies at Liquid-Vapour and Liquid-Liquid'(Ave;ard, Saleemand Heselden) ..Iodide Ion: Far-Ultravihlet Solution Spedtroscopy of the (Fox & Haion)Ion Exchange. Part 1 .-Heterovalent Exchange Equilibria: Charge Density Effects in(Maes & Cremers) .Resins : Heterogeneous Acid-base Catalysis.. Par; 2.-Catal;sis of the Hydroiysis of EthjJ*lVinyl Ether (ethoxyethene) by Methacrylic Acid-divinylbenzene Copolymer Weak-acid(Gold, Liddiard & Martin) . . . .Ion Exchangers. Part 1 .-Quantitative Characterization and Thermodynamic Ba'sis : StabilityIonic Product and Enthalpy of Ionization of Water from Electromotive Force Measurements(Covington, Ferra & Robinson) .Ionisation Constant of the 2,2' Bipyridyl Cation : Spectrophotometric Investigations in AqueousSolution at Elevated Temperatures: The EA'ect of Temperature on the (Buisson & Irving)of 2- and 3-Substituted Phenols in Methanol+ Water Mixtures : Enthalpies and Entropies ofon Adsorption from Solution: Effects'of (Rendali & Smith) .Potentials of the Donors : Molecular Complexes of Substituted Aryi DiphenylmethyiCharge Transfer Spectra and (Reichenbach, Santini &Martire & Purnell) ....(Rochester & Terrell)(Rochester & Terreil)& Trebilco) . .Chiorino) . . .of Metal Uncharged Ligand Complexes in (Maes, Marynen & Cremers) . . .(Rochester & Wilson) . . . . .Sulphides with n-Acceptors.Aloisi) . . . . . . Ion Pairs Involving the Perylene Anion: E.S.R. Study of (Claridge &'Kirk)'Irreversible Thermodynamic Analysis : Transport in Aqueous Solutions of Group IIB MetalSalts at 298.15 K.Part 2.--Interpretation and Prediction of Transport in Dilute Solu-tions of Cadmium Iodide: An (Paterson, Anderson, Anderson & Lutfullah).Isodielectric Solvents. Part 1 .-Standard Potentials of the Silver-Silver Chloride Electrode inthe Acetonitrilef Ethylene Glycol Solvent System at 25°C: Studies in (Bose & Kundu).Isomerization in Cur1 Exchanged Y-Type Zeolite: Determination of the Active Site andMechanism for Alkene (John & Leach) .Isothermal Transport Properties of Cadmium Iodide : Tiansport in' Aqueous Solutions 0.fGroup IIB Metal Salts at 298.15 K. Part 1.- (Paterson, Anderson & Anderson) .Isotherms for Biomolecules : Experimental and Theoretical Aspects of Hydration (GascoyneInvolving the Pyrene Anion: E.S.R.Study of (Claridge & Kirk) . . ..& Pethig) .Isotope Effect for the Solution of 'Hydrogen in Metals: Application to Pd/H(D) (Oates &Flanagan) . . .Erect in Hydrogen Atom' Absiraction from Substitu'ted Phenols by Polyvinyl AcetateRadicals in Vinyl Acetate : Evidence for Tunnelling (Simonyi, Fitos, Kardos, Kovhcs,Lukovits & Pospi5il)SUBJECT INDEX-VOLUME 73, 1977 13PAGEKKetene. Photolysis Mechanism and Rate Constants for Singlet and Triplet Methylene :Kinetic and Thermodynamic Character of Reducing 'Speciks Produced on Pulse Radioiysis 0;Studies of Diatomic Free Radicals Using Mass Spectrometry. ' Part 4.-The Brk OCiO andKinetics: General Solution to the Smith-Ewart Equations for Emulsion Poiymerizationof Activated Chemisorption.Part 2.-Theoreti& Models (kharoni & Ungaiish) . .of Activated Chemisorption. Part 3.-Amount and Distribution of Adsorbate at Varyingof Methylene Addition to cis- and trans-But-2-ene. Further EGidence for the Energ;of the Chlorine-Photosensitized Oxidation of Hydrogen at 1 Atmosphere Pressure, '306 Kof the Hydrogen Reduction of Nickel Ions in Silica-Magnesia (Briend-Faure & DelafossejFlash Photolysis of (Pilling & Robertson).Acetonitrile (Bell, Rodgers & Burrows) , .BrO+C10 Reactions (Clyne &Watson) . . . . .(Hawkett, Napper & Gilbert) . . . . .Temperatures and Pressures (Aharoni & Ungarish) . . .Separation between Triplet and Singlet Methylene (Frey & Kennedy) .(Cox & Derwent) .. . . . ..LLanthanide Glycollate Systems: Potentiometric Studies of some (Carpenter, Monk & Whewell)Laponite: Adsorption and Oxidation of Dimethylaniline by (Vansant & Yariv) . . .Laser Excitation of Trapped Electrons in Mixed-Solute Aqueous Glasses : LuminescenceLight-Scattering Apparatus in a Flow System: Siudies of the Kinetics of Nucleation andLatex Colloids : Heterocoagulation of Amphoteric (James, Homola & Heaiy)Lattice Oxygen as revealed by Vapour-Phase Catalytic Oxidation of Furan to Maleic An:hydride: Similarity in the Reactivity of 0; and Double Bond Type (Akimoto & Echigoya)Lennard-Jones 12 : 6 Parameters for Ten Small Molecules (Clifford, Gray & Platts)Ligaod Complexes in Ion Exchangers.Part 1 .-Quantitative Characterization and Thermo-dynamic Basis: Stability of Metal Uncharged (Maes, Marynen & Cremers) .Liquid Crystal Phase Structure and Self-diffusion Coefficients in the System Lithium Perkuoro:octanoate+ water: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Studies of (Tiddy)Liquid-Liquid Interfaces and the Relationship to Salt Desorption: Work and' Entrbpy ofAdhesion at (Aveyard & Saleem) .Lithium. The Electrical Resistivity of Sdlutions of 'Nitride, Hydride and DeuierideiSolutions of Lithium Salts in (Adams, Down, Hubberstey and Pulham)Mixtures of Carbon Tetrachloride, n-Octanol and Water at 20°C: Thermodynamics ofMixtures of Hydrocarbons: Infrared Siudy of the Surface of Silica Immersed in (RodhesteiMixtures of Methane and Ethene: Thermodynamics of kcalado & Soare;)Phase Hydrocarbon Oxidation.Part 4.-Hydroperoxide-Alcohol and Hydroperoxide-Ketone Transitions in the Oxidation of Ethylbenzene : Sequence Studies in (Danbczy,Nemes & Gd)-Vapour and Liquid-Liquid Interfaces : Deiorption of Electrolytes'at (Aveyard, Saleem &Heselden) . . .Liquids: Closed Method for 'Tracir Diffusion Measurements in (Passiniemi, Liukkonen &Noszticzius) . . . .Low Pressure Silent Electric Discharge by an Electrdn Spin Resonance Spin Trapping 'Tech:nique: Detection and Identification of Organic Radicals Produced in the (Hibbert,Robertson & Perkins) . . .Low Temperature Infrared Spectroscopic Study of the Solvation of Ions' in Methanol : SoivationSpectra. Part 54.-A (Strauss & Symons) .Luminescence Following Laser Excitation of Trapped Eiectrons in 'Mixed-Solute Aqueousof Rubrene Dissolved in Benzonitrile h Thin Cell's : Electrochemical (Dunnett '& Voinov)Following (Nguyen & Walker) .. . . .Growth of Pigment Dispersions Using (Nobbs & Patterson) * . . ..Miscible (Platford) . . .& Trebilco) . . . . 'Glasses (Nguyen & Walker) . .MMaleimides : Electron Spin Resonance Studies of Elementary Processes in Radiation- andPart 14.-Photolysis of Solutions Containing (Ayscough, English,Manganese Ions in Sodium Chloride Singie Cry&: Thermotransport'of (Willia.&s & Allnatt jPhotochemistry.Lambert & Elliot) . . .14 SUBJECT INDEX-VOLUME 73, 1977Mass Spectrometric Determination of the Heats of Formation of the Silicon SubchloridesStudy of the Reaction of Hydrogen Atoms with Ethane (Jones, Morgan & Puinell)Study of the Thermal Decomposition of 1,3,5-Trinitrohexahydro-l,3,5,-triazine (RDX)Spectrometry.Part 4.-The Br+ OClO and BiO + ClO Reactions : Kinetic Studies ofDiatomic Free Radicals Using (Clyne & Watson) , . .Mechanics of Dispersions. Part 1 .-Identification of Parameters in Structural Hysteresis(Spaull) .Mechanism of the Quaternization 'of Poly(4-iinyl pyridine) with Ethyl, n-PropyI, n:Butyi,n-Hexyl and Benzyl Bromide in Sulpholane : Kinetics and (Boucher, Groves, Mollett &Fletcher) . . . . . .Melting of Ice in Porous Solids (Rennie & Clifford) .Metal Complexes in WaterS-Co-solvent Mixtures: Influence of' the Solven; on fhe Rates ofSNl-Type Solvolysis Reactions of (Wells) .Metal Phthalocyanine Electrodes : Spectral Distributions of Photo-electrochemical Reactionsover (Meshitsuka & Tamaru) .IIB Metal Salts at 298.15 K.Part 1.-Isothermal Transport Pioperties of Cadmium Iodide:Transport in Aqueous Solutions of Group (Paterson, Anderson & Anderson)at 298.15 K. Part 2.-Interpretation and Prediction of Transport in Dilute Soluti'ons ofCadmium Iodide : An Irreversible Thermodynamic Analysis : Transport in Aqueous Solu-tions of Group (Paterson, Anderson, Anderson & Lutfullah)Metals: Application to Pd/H(D): Isotope Effect for the Solution of Hydiogen in (Oates kFlanagan)Metal Unchanged Ligand Complexes in Ion Exchan&rs. Part 1:-Quantitative Charadteriza:tion and Thermodynamic Basis: Stability of (Maes, Marynen & Cremers)Metal Wire Surfaces.Part 1 .-Hydrogen on Tungsten: Interaction of Diatomic MoleculesSurfaces. Part 2.-Nitrogen on Tungsien: Interaction of Diatomic Molecules with' Clean(Couper &John) .Metathetical Reactions. Pait 2.iAbstiaction of Chlorine Afoms by Cyclohekyl Rgdicalsfrom CHC12CN and CH2C1CN. Effect of Cyano-group Substitution on Rates of(Gonen, Horowitz & Rajbenbach) +Methanolic Solutions of Tetranitromethane: Pulse Radiolysis of: (Johnson & Salmon) :Methanol+ Water Mixtures : Enthalpies and Entropies of Ionization of 2- and 3-SubstitutedPhenols in (Rochester & Wilson)2-Methyl ally1 Radical : Dissociation of 2-Methylbui-1 -ene and ;he Resonance Energy 'of the3-Methyl-3-chlorodiazirine: Photolyk of '(Frey & Penny) 1Mica Surfaces: Comparison of Theory and Experiment : van der Waals Interaction betweenMicelles : Quenching of Pyrene Sulphonate Fluorescknce in Inverse (Miller,' Klein & HauserjPart 4.-Studies on Cationic Micelles with added Electrolyte and on Lecithin Vesicles :Excimer Formation and the Ham Effect: Absorption and Emission Studies of Solubiliza-tion in (Dorrance & Hunter) ..Michler's Ketone in Cyclohexane and Alcohol Solvents : Photochemisky of'(Bro\;n & Porte;)Miscible Liquid Mixtures of Carbon Tetrachloride, n-Octanol and Water at 20°C : Thermo-Mixtures: Enthalpies and Entropies' of Ionization of 2- and 3-substituted Phenols in MeihanoiPart 9.-Enthalpies of Transfer for KBr, KI, HBr and HI: Solute-Solvent Interaciion inof 1,2-DichIoroethane and Hydrocarbons : Excess Enihalpies of 'some Binary (Mahl &Molecular and Crystalline Photophysical Behaviour : Acridine: An Investigation of its(Williams & Clarke) .Beam Study of Surface Chemi-ionisation (Normington, Bomse & Grice) : 1Complexes of Substituted Aryl Diphenylmethyl Sulphides with n-Acceptors.ChargeTransfer and Ionization Potentials of the Donors (Reichenbach, Santini & Aloisi) .Hydrogen from 200-500 K: Absolute Rate of Reaction of C1(2P) with (Lee, Michael, Payne,Stref & Whytock) . . .Molecules : Lennard-Jones 12': 6 Parameters fok Ten'Smali (Clifford, Gray & Plaits)Molten Carbonates.Confirmation of the Existence of the C0;- Ion: Kinetics and Mechanismof Electrochemical Oxjdation in (Borucka & Appleby)Monolayer of Nitrogen or Argon Adsorbed on Graphite at 77 K: Calorimefric Eiidence for aBidimensional Phase Change in the (Rouquerol, Partyka & Rouquerol)Mordenites: A Calorimetric Study. Part 1 .-Alkali and Alkaline Earth Metal Forms:'WateEin Homoionic and Heteroionic (Coughlan, Carroll & McCann) . . . . .SiCl(g), SiC12(g) and SiCI3(g) (Farber & Srivastava) .(Bradley, Butler, Capey & Gilbert) . ,..with Clean (Couper &John) . . .(Trenwith & Wrigley) . . . .(Gregory 1 . . ..dynamics of (Platford) . . . . . .+Water (Rochester & Wilson)Water+ t-Butylalcohol (Pointud & Juillard) .. .Khurma) . .of Methane and Ethene: Thermodynaniics of Liquid (Calado & Soares) : : , .Neutron Inelastic Spectroscopy: Different Species of Hydrogen Chemisorbed on Raney NickelStudied by (Renouprez, Fouilloux, Coudurier, Tocchetti & Stockmeyer). . . .NH,-Chabazite: Thermal Stability of (Beyer, Jacobs, Uytterhoeven & Till)Nickel Ions in Silica-Magnesia: Kinetics of the Hydrogen Reduction of (Briend-Faure &"Peroxide" by Thermal Ahalysis : Inv&tigakon of the 'Decomposition Ad Reduciion of(Bond &Tripathi) . . . . . .under Steam Reforming Conditions: Reorg&isatibn of'(Moayeri & Trimm) . . .NiO and (Ni, Fe)O from 800-1200°C: Diffusion Enthalpies and Entropies in ThermallyForming (Tomlinson) .. . . . .Nitrates: Reaction of Oxygen Atoms with Met'hyl and Ethyl (Salter & Thrush) . . .Nitric Oxide in Aqueous and Nonaqueous Solvents: Solubility of (Shaw & Vosper) . .Nitrogen on Tungsten: Interaction of Diatomic Molecules with Clean Metal Wire Surfaces.Part 2.- (Couper & John) . . . .Nitromethane and with Nitroethane: Reaction of Oxygen Atoms with (Salter & Thrush) :Nitroxide with Alkanols : E.S.R. Measurements : Interaction of Di-t-Butyl (Atherton, Manter-field, Oral & Zorlu) .with Methanol. An Analysis of an Ac'cepto;: Self' Associated'Dondr Equ&brium: EiectronSpin Resonance Study of the 1 : 1 Hydrogen-Bonded Complex of Di-t-Butyl- (Bullock&Howard) . . . . .Non-Aqueous Solvents: Application of the Preisure-Jump 'Technique 'to the Measurement ofRates of Fast Reactions in (Buschmann, Knoche, Day & Robinson) .. . .Solubility of Nitric Oxide in Aqueous and (Shaw & Vosper) .Part 13.-Thermochemical Studies of some 1 : 1 electrolytes in Teframefhylurea : Physico:Chemical Studies in (Paul, Jauhar, Banait & Narula) .Nonpolar Solvents : Proton Magnetic Resonance Investigations of Nonionic PolyoxyethyleneNonylphenol Surfactant Aggregates in (Sheih & Fendler) .Nuclear Magnetic Relaxation of Alkali Halide Nuclei and Preferentiai Solv&ion in MeihanoiNuclear Magnetic Resonance and Sorption Experiments : Interpretation and Correlation ofStudies of Liquid Crystal Phase Structure and Self-diffusion Coefficients in' the SystemStudies of the Tetrahydroborate Anion in various Pure Solvents and' Binary AqueousMixtures : Solvation Spectra.Part 53.-Infrared and (Strauss, Symons & Thompson) .Nucleation and Growth of Pigment Dispersions Using a Laser Light-Scattering Apparatus inNumerical Estimation of Equilibrium Concentrations (Daul & Goel) ,. .Dela fosse)+Water Mixtures (Holz, Weingartner & Hertz) . . . .Zeolitic Diffusivities Obtained from (Karger & Caro) .Lithium Perfluoro-octanoate+ water (Tiddy) . . . .a Flow System: Studies of the Kinetics of (Nobbs & Patterson) . . . . .00- Ions on the Surface of Magnesium Oxide: Reaction between Ethylene and (Taarit, Symons& Tench)Olefin Polymerization on a Supported Ziegle; Catalyst: 'Kinetic Studies 'of (Eley, Keir &Rudham) ..Order-Disorder Tknsiti'ons in Substituted Adamantanes (Clark, Knox, Mackle & McKerveyjOrganic Compounds in Aqueous Solution. Part 3.--w-Amino acids and related compounds:Apparent Molal Heat Capacities of (Cabani, Conti, Matteoli & Tani) . . . .in Water. Part 1.-Ethers, Ketones, Esters and Alcohols: Partial Molar Volumes(Edward, Farrell & Shahidi) .in Water. Part 2.-Amines and Amides: Partial'Molai Voiumes 'of (Shahidi, Fariel1 &Edward) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Oscillating Reaction to Addition of either Bromide or Cerium (IV) Ions: Response of theBelousov-Zhabotinskii (Blandamer & Roberts).Oscillation of the Belousov-Zhabotinskii Reaction : Analysis of ;he Dependence on Tempera-Oxidation.Part 4.-Hydroperoxide-Alcohol and Hydroperoxide-Ketone Transitions in theOxidation of Ethylbenzene : Sequence Studies in Liquid Phase Hydrocarbon (Danbczy,Nemes & GAl) .of Carbon Monoxide in Molten 'Carbonates. Confirmation of the Existence of the' COf'of Ethylal with C-14 as a Tracer: Slow Gas-Phase (Molera, Garcia-Dominguez, Rodriguez-L6pez and Santiuste)of Ferrous Sulphate Solutibns : Effect 'of Sulphuric Acid on the Cobalt-60 y-Ray Induced(Mat thews) . . . . . . . . . , . . . .ture of the Frequency of (Blandamer & Roberts) . . .Ion: Kinetics and Mechanism of Electrochemical (Borucka & Appleby) . . .of Dimethylaniline by Laponite : Adsorption and (Vansant & Yariv) . . .11111905545124513341098123996120254304656751239833148071136317311253558985114917381224476705715163610561351420181519005216 SUBJECT INDEX-VOLUME 73, 1977of Furan to Maleic Anhydride: Similarity in the Reactivity of 0; and Double Bond Typeof Hydrogen at 1 Atmosphere Pressure, 306 K : Kinetics of the Chlorine-Photosensitizedof Oxalate Ion: Photoelecirocatalysis 'by Metal Phthaiocyanine Eiaporated Films 'in theof 1-Phenylethanol in the Presence of Cobait Acetylacetonate's (Vasviiri & Galjof Propan-2-01 by Acid Chromate: Photoinduced (Klaning) .Oxygen Atoms with Methyl and Ethyl Nitrates: Reaction of (Salter & Thrush) :Atoms with Nitromethane and with Nitroethane: Reaction of (Salter & Thrush)Electrode.Part 8.-Oxygen Evolution at Rutherium Dioxide Anodes : The (Burke;in Copper-Cystamine Aqueous Solutions : €$omogeneous Catalysis of Cathodic ReductionLattice Oxygen as Revealed by Vapour-Phase Catalytic (Akimoto & Echigoya)(Cox & Derwent) ..(Meshitsuka & Tamaru) .. ...Murphy, O'Neill & Venkatesan) .of (Bettelheim, Faraggi, Hodara & Manassen) . . .. .PPalIadium/Rhodium and Palladium/Platinum Alloys : Thermodynamics of Hydrogen DissolvedPartial Molar Volumes of Organic Compounds in Water.' Pari 1 .-Ethers, Ketones, 'Ester;and Alcohols (Edward, Farrell & Shahidi)of Organic Compounds in Water. Part 2.-Amines and Amides (Shahidi, Farreli & Edward)Particle Sizes in Zeolites: Redox Behaviour of Transition Metal Ions in Zeolites.Part 5.-Method of Quantitative Determination of Bidisperse Distributions of Metal (Jacobs,Linart, Nijs, Uytterhoeven & Beyer)Particulates using the Patchwise Adsorption Modei: Deiermination 'of the Surface Hetero:geneity of Solid (House & Jaycock) . .Partition: Hydration and Dimerization of Some Aiiphati'c Carboxylic Acids in' Benzene asStudied by (Fujii & Tanaka) ,Passivation of Nickel. An X-ray Photoelectron 'Spec&oscopic Study:' Dissblutioh and(Dickenson, Povey & Sherwood) .Periodic Disc Electrode Forcing Functions : Ring-Disc Electrodes. Part 1 ?.-Ring Responseto (Bruckenstein, Tokuda & Albery) .Perturbation Method for Incorporating the Concent;ation' Dependende of t'he Flory-HugginsParameter into the Theory of Steric Stabilization (Evans & Napper) .. . .Perylene Anion: E.S.R. Study of Ion Pairs Involving the (Claridge & Kirk)Phase and Coordination Equilibria in Three-Component Systems of the Type MBr, +PyridineStructure and Self-diffusion Coefficients in the System Lithium Perfluoro-octanoate+ water:1,lO-Phenanthroline: Photoreduction of (Bandyopadhyay & Harriman)Phenol in Carbon Tetrachloride Solutions : Hydrogen-bonded Complexes *between Pyridine1-Phenylethanol in the Presence of Cobalt Acetylacetonatei: Oxidation of (Vasviri & Gal) :pH on the Emission and Absorption Characteristics of 2,3-Dicyano-p-hydroquinone : Effect ofPhotochemistry and Radiation Chemistry of 9,10~Anth~aquinone-2-sodium sulphonate in. .Photo-effects on Benzoylferrocene in Hydroxylic Solvents (Heaney, Logan & Powell) .Photoelectrocatalysis by Metal Pthalocyanine Evaporated Films in the Oxidation of OxalatePhotoelectrochemical Reactions over Metal Phthalocyanine Eiectrodes : Spectral Distribu:Photoinduced Oxidation of Popan-2-01 by Acid Chromate'(K1aning)Photoinitiating Systems based on Transition-Metal Carbonyl : Activities of Olefinic Deriiative;Photoinitiation of Polymerisation : Photolysis of Arene Chiomium Tricarbonyl and (Bamford;Photolysis of Alkyloxy Vanadium (v) Chelatks.A Possible 'Geneial Route to Alkyloxyof 3-Methyl-3-chlorodiairine (Frey &'Penny) *of Solutions Containing Maleimides : Electron Spin Resonance .Studies of' ElementaryProcesses in Radiation- and Photo-chemistry. Part 14.-(Ayscough, English, Lambert& Elliot) .. .Photophysical Behaviour : Airidine : An Investigation of its Moiecula; and Crystalline(Williams & Clarke) . . .in (Clewley, Lynch & Flanagan) . . . ... . .+Chlorobenzene (M = Mn, Co, Ni, Cu and Zn) (LibuS & Kluczkowski)Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Studies of Liquid Crystal (Tiddy) .. . .. * .and (Beezer, Hawksworth, Orban & Tyrrell) .(Brown & Porter) . . . .Aqueous Solution. Part 3.-Pulse and Gamma Radiolysis (Clark & Stonehill)of Michler's Ketone in Cyclohexane and Alcohol Solvents (Brown & Porter) .Ion (Meshitsuka & Tamaru) . . .tions of (Meshitsuka & Tamaru) . . . . .as Components of (Bamford & Mullik). . . .AI-Lamee & Konstantinov) .Radicals (Aliwi & Bamford) .. . . . . .Photoredox Reactions of Thionine iFerreira &' Harrirnan) . . .ECT INDEX-VOLUME 73, 1977Photoreduced States of Rhodamine €3 and Rhodamine 110; Triplet-Triplet Absorption-Photosensitized Oxidation of Hydrogen at 1 Atmosphere Pressure, 306 K: Kinetics of thePhotosynthetic and Related Polyenes : Singlkt - Triplet Intersystem Ciossing QuantumPigment Dispersions Using a Laser Light-Scattering Appaiatus in a Flow System: Studies ofPolarisable Spheres, with some Implications for “Structure” in Solutions : Theory oiElectrolytes. Part 2.-Tests of the Model of (Bennett0 & Spitzer)Polarograpby and Solvatochromism. Part 1 .-Polarographic Reduction of 5’-Meth&y-2’:hydroxy-N-methyl-4-stilbazolium Iodide and Related Compounds (Zuman & Szyper) .and Solvatochroism Part 2.-Comparison of Electrochemical and Spectral Properties of5’-Methoxy-2’-hydroxy-N-methyl-4-stilbazol~um Iodide (Szyper, Zuman & Gibson) .Polar Solvent Mixtures : Preferential Binding to Poly (a-L-lysine HBr) from (Komiyama, Mori,Yamamoto & Iijima) .. .Polyenes of Biological Interest : Absorption Spectra of Radical Ions of ’(Lafferty, Roach,Sinclair, Truscott & Land) . . .:Singlet ---t Triplet Intersystem Crossing Quantum Yieids of‘ Photbsynthetic &d Related(Bemasson, Dawe, Long & Land) .Polymer Catalysts: Heterogeneous Acid-Base Catalysis. Part 1 :-Ca;alysis‘of the Hydrolysisof Acetaldehyde Dimethyl Acetal (1 , 1-Dimethoxyethane) by Methacrylic Acid-divinyl-benzene Copolymer (a weak-acid ion-exchange resin), and the Characterization of (Gold& Liddiard) .:Photolysis of Arene Chromium Tricibonyis and Photohitiaiion of (Bakord, Al-Lamee &Konstantinov) .Polymerisation Reactions. Part 1 :‘Theory of Compartm&talised Free-Radical (Birtwistle dBlackley)Polymers: Determinatidn of Electr Anic Transf&ence’ Numbers of (Peh t & jozefiwicz) :Polyoxyethylene Nonylphenol Surfactant Aggregates in Nonpolar Solvents: Proton Magneti;Resonance Investigations of Nonionic (Sheih & Fendler)Poly (4-vinyl pyridine) with Ethyl, n-Propyl, n-Butyl, n-Hexyl i d Be&yl Biomide in Sdpho:lane: Kinetics and Mechanism of the Quaternization of (Boucher, Groves, Mollett &Fletcher)Porosity Changes ’in the Dehidration of ‘Calcium Sulphate Dihidrate’: Studies in the SystemCalcium SulphatelWater.Part 5.Purface Area and (Ball & Norwood)of Six Powders by Measurement of Nitrogen Sorption Isotherms: Study of ;he Effect ofCompaction on the Surface Area and (Gregg & Langford). . . . . .Porous Solids: Melting of Ice in (Rennie & Clifford).Potentials of the Silver-Silver Chloride Electrode in the Acetonitrile+ Ethylene Giycol Solven;System at 25°C: Studies in Isodielectric Solvents. Part 1.-Standard (Bose & Kundu).Potentiometric Studies of some Lanthanide Glycollate Systems (Carpenter, Monk & Whewell)Prediction of Infinite Dilution Activity Coefficients in Binary n-Alkane Mixtures (Lamb,Martire & Purnell) . . .Pressure: Conductance of Beryllium Sulphate Solution at’High’(Hsieh, h g & Changj :-Jump Technique to the Measurement of Rates of Fast Reactions in Non-Aqueous Solvents:Application of the (Buschmann, Knoche, Day & Robinson) .. .:Molar Conductivity of (n-butyl),N+(n-butyl)fi- as a Function of Temperature and (SpeedyjPromoted Chromia+ Alumina Dehydrogenation Catalysts : Heterogeneous Structures in(Masson, Bonnier, Duvigneaud & Delmon)Proteins at 9.9 GHz: Dielectric Properties of Hydrat‘ed (Bone, Gascoine &‘Pethig) .Proton Chemical Shifts of Hydrogen Bonded Complexes of Acetic Acid. Electric FieldCalculations for the Monomer-Dimer Shift and for Complexes with Fluoride or AcetateAnions (Akitt) .Proton-Donating Ability of Water h Hydrogeb-bonding Reactions : Note on the (Chiistian;Tucker & Mitra) .. . . . .Protonic Conductivity in Copper Formate Tetkthydrate (Murphy & Flanagan) . . .Sites in Highly Exchanged EZeolites : Inoperative (Ballivet & Barthomeuf)Proton Magnetic Resonance Investigations of Nonionic Polyoxyethylene NonylphenoiSurfactant Aggregates in Nonpolar Solvents (Sheih & Fendler) .Proton Transfer, Electron Transfer and Electronic Excitation : Generaliskd Fonter ‘Cycle:Thermodynamic and Extrathermodynic Relationships Between (Grabowski & Ruba-szewska) . .Protoporphyrin IX Dimkthyl Ester: Reaction of‘ the Triplet with &rotenoids : Excited St‘ates of(Chantrell, McAuliffe, MUM, Pratt & Land) . .Pulse hdiolysis of Acetonitrile : Kinetic and Thermodynamic Characier of Reducing Specie;;Produced on (Bell, Rodgers & Burrows) .. . . . . . . .of 3,4Dihydroxytoluene (Gohn & Getoff) . . . . . . . . .Spectra and the Spectra of the ( D u e & Quinn) . . . . .Photoreduction of 1,lO-Phenanthroline (Bandyopadhyay &‘Harriman) . .Chlorine (Cox & Derwent) . .Yields of (Bensasson, Dawe, Long & Land)the Kinetics of Nucleation and Growth of (Nobbs & Patterson). . .18 SUBJECT INDEX-VOLUME 73, 1977PAGEof Methanolic Solutions of Tetranitromethane (Johnson & Salmon) . 256Study of the Reaction of Solvated Electrons with Sulphur Hexafluorihe in' MethanolicSolution (Johnson & Salmon) . . 2031Pyridine and Phenol in Carbon Tetrachloride Sblutions : Hydrogen-bonded' Complexesbetween (Beezer, Hawksworth, Orban & Tyrrell) .. . . 1326QQuantum Yields of Photosynthetic and Related Polyenes : Singlet 3 Triplet IntersystemCrossing (Bensasson, Dawe, Long & Land) . 1319Quaternization of Poly (4-vinyl pyridine) with Ethyl, n-Propyl, n-Butil, n-Hexyl 'and Ben$Bromide in Sulpholane: Kinetics and Mechanism of the (Boucher, Groves, Mollett &Fletcher) . . 1629Quenching of Pyrene Sulphonate Fiuorescence 'in Inierse Micelles (Miller, Klein & Hauser) . 1654RRadiation and Electron Spin Resonance Study : Solvation Spectra. Part 52.-The Aquation ofSilver Atoms and Cations: a (Brown & Symons)and Photo-chemistry. Part 14.-Photolysis of Solutions Containing Maleimides.:Electron Spin Resonance Studies of Elementary Processes in (Ayscough, English,Lambert & Elliot)..Chemical Systems : Reactions of kydrdgen At oms'and Aliphatic Radicals' with 'Mondvalen;Cadmium and Nickel Ions as a Source of Hydrogen Yield in Some (Freiberg &Meyerstein) .Chemistry of 9,10-Anthraquinone-2-sodium~ Sulphonate in Aqueous Soiution: Pait 3.-Pulse and Gamma Radiolysis : Photochemistry and (Clark & Stonehill)Radical: Dissociation of 2-Methylbut-1-ene and the Resonance Energy of the 2-Methi1 allyi(Trenwith & Wrigley) . .Radical Ions of Polyenes of Biological Interest : Absorphon Spectra of ilaffeky, Roach:Sinclair, Truscott & Land)Radicals from CHC12CN and CHiClCN: Effect or Cyano-group Substitution on Rates o'fMetathetical Reactions.Part 2.-Abstraction of Chlorine Atoms by Cyclohexyl(Gonen, Horowitz & Rajbenbach) .in Vinyl Acetate: Evidence for Tunelling: Isotope Effeit in Hydrogen Atom 'Abstiactioifrom Substituted Phenols by Polyvinyl Acetate (Simonyi, Fitos, Kardos, KovAcs,Lukovits & PospiSil)Radiolysis of 3,4-Dihydroxytoluene: Pulse (Gohn &'Getoff)7-Radiolysis of Methane Adsorbed on y-Alumina. Part 1 .-Development 'of Sites Aciive inEnergy Transfer (Norfolk & Swan) .Radiolysis of Methanolic Solutions of Tetranitromet'hane :' Pulse' (Johnson & Salmon)Raman Spectroscopic Study: Thiocyanate Adsorption and Corrosion at Silver Electrodes. ARare-earth Activators Embedded in the Catalyst Lattice : Chemiluminescence during Catalysis.Part 2.-Luminescent Transitions of some (Aras, Breysse, Claudel, Faure & Guenin) .Rate Constant and Activation Energy : Kinetics of Electron Transfer Reaction betweenManganate and Permanganate Ions.Calculation of (Doh, Dogonadze & German) .Rate Constants for Singlet and Triplet Methylene : Flash Photolysis of Ketene. PhotolysisMechanism and (Pilling & Robertson)Rates of Fast Reactions in Non-Aqueous Solvents: Application of the PrkssurelJumpTechnique to the Measurement of (Buschmann, Knoche, Day & Robinson).of SNl-Type Solvolysis Reactions of Metal Complexes in Water+ Co-solvent Mixtures :Influence of the Solvent on the (Wells) .7-Ray Induced Oxidation of Ferrous Sulphate Solutions. Effeit of 'Sulphuric Acid on theCobalt-60 (Matthews)(RDX): Mass Spectrometric Study of the'Thermal Decomposition of 1',3,5-Trinitrbhexahydro:Reaction between Ethylene and 0- Ions on the Surface of'Magnesium Oxide (Taarit, Symonsof Cob(r)alamin with Nitrous Oxide and Cob(u)aiarnin'(Blackburn*, Kyaw & Swallow)'of Hydrogen Atoms with Ethane: Mass Spectrometric Study of the (Jones, Morgan &of Oxygen Atoms with Nitroethane and Nitromethane (Salter & Thrush):(Cooney, Reid, Fleischmann & Hendra) .. . .. ..1,3,5-triazine (Bradley, Butler, Capey & Gilbert)&Tench) . . .Purnell) . . ... .of Oxygen Atoms wit'h Methyl and Ethyl Nitrates iSalte; & Thrushj . .Reactions of Hydrogen Atoms and Aliphatic Radicals with Monovalent Cadmium and NickeiIons as a Source of Hydrogen Yield in Some Radiation Chemical Systems: (Freiberg &Meyerstein) .Reactivity of Zeolites Tipe H:Y and Na-Y with Meihanoi: Surface (Salvador & Kladnig)Recombination of Atoms.'Theory of the Smith-Linnett Method : Heterogeneous (Jablorisk;)SUBJECT INDEX-VOLUME 73,1977Redox Behaviour of Transition Metal Ions in Zeolites.Part 5.-Method of QuantitativeDetermination of Bidisperse Distributions of Metal Particle Sizes in Zeolites (Jacobs,Linart, Nijs, Uytterhoeven & Beyer) . . . .Behaviour of Transition Metal Ions in Zeolites. Part 6.-Reversibility of the ReductionReaction in Silver Zeolites (Jacobs, Uytterhoeven & Beyer) . . .Reduction of 5’-Methoxy-2’-hydroxy-N-methyl-4-stilbazolium Iodide and Reiated Compounds : .of Nickel Ions in Silica-Magnesia: Kinetics of the Hydrogen (Briend-Faure & Delafosse) .of “Nickel Peroxide” by Thermal Analysis : Investigation of the Decomposition and (BondRelaxation of Alkali Halide Nuclei ‘and Preferential Solvat’ion in’ Methanol Water Mixtures.Reorganisation of Nickel under Steam Reforming Conditions (Moayeii & TrimmjResonance Energy of the 2-Methyl ally1 Radical: Dissociation of 2-Methylbut-1-ene and the(Trenwith & Wrigley) .Fthodamine B and Rhodamine 110:’Triplet-Triplet AbsoGtion Spectra and ’the Spectra’of thePhotoreduced States of (Dunne & Quinn)Rhodium Catalyst for the Carbonylation of Monohydric ‘Alcohols : Selectivity df a Hetero:geneous (Christensen & Scurrell) .. . . . . . . . .Ring-Disc Electrodes. Part 17.-Ring Response to Periodic Disc Electrode Forcing Functions(Bruckenstein, Tokuda & Albery) .. .Rubrene Dissolved in Benzonitrile in Thin Celis : El&trochemi&l Luminescence of (Dunnett& Voinov) . . . . . . . . . .Ruthenium Blacks: Transformation of some Saturated Hydrocarbons on Iridium, Rhodiumand (Shrkhny, Matusek & Tktknyi) .Dioxide Anodes : The Oxygen Electrode. Part 8.-Oxygen Evolution at‘ (Burke, Murphy,O”eil1 & Venkatesan) . .Rutile: Infrared Study of the Adsorption of [zH4] Adetic Acid on to (Griffiths & Rochester) .Infrared Study of the Adsorption of Hexafluoroacetone on to (Griffiths & Rochester). .Infrared Study of the Adsorption of Water on to the Surface of (Griffiths & Rochester) .Polarography and Solvatochromism. Part 1 .-Polarographic (Zuman & Szyper) .& Tripathi) .Nuclear Magnetic (Holz, Weingartner & Hertz) .. ... .SSaturated Hydrocarbons on Iridium, Rhodium and Ruthenium Blacks : Transformation ofSelfdiffusion Coefficients in the System Lithium Pekuoro-octanoatek Wat‘er : Nuclear Mag-netic Resonance Studies of Liquid Crystal Phase Structure and (Tiddy)Semiconducting Oxides. The Effect of Prior Annealing Temperature on Dissolut‘ion Kineticsof Nickel Oxide (Jones, Segall, Smart & Turner) .Sequence Studies in Liquid Phase Hydrocarbon Oxidation. Par; 4.-Hydroperox~de-Alcohoiand Hydroperoxide-Ketone Transitions in the Oxidation of Ethylbenzene (Dank-,Nemes & Gal) . .Silica-Alumina Gels as a’Func;ion 0; Chemical Composition : Infiared kpprdach : Evoluiion OFthe Acidic Properties of (Scokart, Declerck, Sempels & Rouxhet)-Alumina Gels as a Function of Chemical Composition. Titration and ‘Catalitic Activit;Measurements : Acidic Properties of (Damon, Delmon & Bonnier)Immersed in Liquid Mixtures of Hydrocarbons: Infrared Study of the Surface of (Rocheste;&Trebilco) .. .-Magnesia: Kinetics’ of the Hydrogen Reduction of’ Nickel Ions in (Briend-Fake bDelafosse) .-supported Nickel: Infrared Study of the Adsorption of’Sulphur Cdmpounds on Silica and(Rochester & Terrell) . . .Silicon Subchlorides SiCl(g), SiCl,(g) and SiCl;(g) : Mass Spectrometric Deferminat ion of theHeats of Formation of the (Farber & Srivastava)Silver Electrodes.A Raman Spectroscopic Study : Thiocyanate ‘Adsorption- and Corrosion a;(Cooney, Reid, Fleischmann & Hendra) .SingIe Crystals: Thermotransport of Manganese Ions’in Sodium Chloride (Williams & Allnatt jSinglet Methylene with Methylenecyclopropane. Part 2.-High Energy Reaction Pathwaysfor Chemically Activated Insertion Products: Reaction of (Clements, Frey & Walsh) .4 Triplet Intersystem Crossing Quantum Yields of Photosynthetic and Related Polyenes(Bensasson, Dawe, Long & Land) . .Smith-Ewart Equations for Emulsion Polymerization Kinetics : Generai Solution lo the(Hawkett, Napper & Gilbert) .SNl-Type Solvolysis Reactions of Metal Cornpiexes in Waier + Co-salient Mixtures : Influenceof the Solvent on the Rates of (Wells) .Sodium Chloride Single Crystals : Thermotransport oi Manganese Ions’in (Williams & AllnattjAS of Transfer from Water to Mixtures Containing up to 40% Urea: Alkali Metal andAmmonium Chlorides in Water+Urea Systems.dG, AH, (Pointud & Juillard)some (SArkBny, Matusek & TktCnyi) . . ..20 SUBJECT INDEX-VOLUME 73, 1977PAGESolid Solutions. Part 1 .-Cation Distribution of Co2+ Ions: Structure and Catalytic ActivityPart 3.-E.S.R. Characterization: Structure and Catalytic Activity of Iron Oxide andSolid State Properties of Copper Containing Spinel Solid Solutions (Cu,Mg;-,A1~04) (SharpeReversible Temperature Dependent Spectral' Shift'in the Infrared Spectrum of DNA (NajSolubility of Nitric Oxide in Aqueous and Nonaqueous Solvent's (Shaw & Vospei)Sohbikation in Micelles.Part 4.-Studies on Cationic Micelles with added Electrolyte andon Lecithin Vesicles : Excimer Formation and the Ham Effect : Absorption and EmissionStudies of (Dorrance & Hunter) .Solute Interactions in Dilute Solutions. Pait 2.1A S;atistical Mkchanical Study of theHydrophobic Interaction (Clark, Frmks, Pedley & Reid) .in Dilute Aqueous Solutions. Part 3.-Volume Changes Associated with'the Hydro-phobicInteraction (Franks) . . . . . . .-Solvent Interaction in Water+ t-Butyialcohol Mixtures. Part 9.-Enthalpies of Tiansfe;for KBr, KI, Hl3r and HI (Pointud & Juillard).:Binding-induced Conformational Transition of Sodium Poly-L-Glutamate by Iron(rir):Effects of Ionisation on Adsorption from (Rendail & Smith)'of Hydrogen in Metals: Application to Pd/H(D): Isotope E&ct for thi (Oaies &of two forms of DL-a-Amino-n-butyric Acid in Water: Thermodynamics of (Abraham,Part 15.-Theoretical Treatment of Parailel First-Order 'Cataiysed .and UncaialysedSpectroscopy of the Bromide Ion: Far-Ultraviolet (Fox & Hayon).of C0,Mgl-,A1204 Spinel (Angeletti, Pepe & Porta).I .Magnesium Oxide (Cordischi, Pepe, Schiarello & Valigi) .& Vickerman) . . .in the Dry (Rossiter) . .. .Solution at High Pressure: Conductance of Beryllium Sulphate iHsieh, Ang & Chang) :Complex Ions in (Branca & Pispisa)Flanagan) . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ah-Sing, Marks, Schulz & Stace) .Reactions : Heterogeneous Catalysis in (Spiro) .. . . . . .of the Iodide Ion: Far-Ultraviolet (Fox & Hayon)Solutions of Lithium Salts in Liquid Lithium. The Electrical Resistivit; of Solutions ofNitride, Hydride and Deuteride (Adams, Down, Hubberstey & Pulliarn)(Cu,Mgl-,AI20,) : Solid State Properties of Copper Containing Spinel Solid (Shaipe &Vickerman) .of Tetranitromethane': Pulsk Radiolysis of Methan'olic (Johnson & Salmon):Termination Errors in Fourier Analysis of Diffraction Data of Aqueous Elecirol yte(Triolo & Ruffo)Solvated Electrons with Sulphur Hekfluoride in Meihanok Solution I Pulse Radiolysis Studyof the Reaction of (Johnson & Salmon) .Solvation in Methanol+ Water Mixtures : Nuclear' Maketic Relaxation. of Aikali 'WalidkNuclei and Preferential (Holz, Weingartner & Hertz).Spectra.Part 52.-The Aquation of Silver Atoms and Cations: a Radiation and EiectronSpin Resonance Study (Brown 8& Symons) .Part 53.-Infrared and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance' Studies of the 'TetrahydroborateAnion in various Pure Solvents and Binary Aqueous Mixtures (Strauss, Symons &Thompson) . . . .Part 54.-A Low Ternperaiure Infrared Spectroscopic Study' of the Sokation of Ions inMethanol (Strauss & Symons).Sdvatochromism . Part 1 .-Polarographic Reduction of 5'-Me;hoxy~2'-hydroxy:N-me;hyl-4-stilbazolium Iodide and Related Compounds: Polarography and (Zuman & Szyper) .Part 2.-Comparison of Electrochemical and Spectral Properties of 5'-Methoxy-2'-hydroxy-N-methyl-4-stilbazolium Iodide : Polarography and (Szyper, Zuman & Gibson)Solvent Mixtures : Preferential Binding to Poly (E-L-lysine HBr) from Polar (Komiyama, Mori,Solvents.Part 1 .-Standard Potentials of the Silver-Silver' Chloride 'Electiode in thiAcetonitrile+Ethylene Glycol Solvent System at 25°C: Studies in Isodielectric (Bose &Kundu) . . . .Part 13.-Thermochemical'Studi'es of 'some '1 : 1 electrolytes in Tetramethylurea: Physico:ChemicaI Studies in Nonaqueous (Paul, Jauhar, Banait & Narula)Sorption Experiments : Interpretation and Correlation of Zeolitic Diffusiviiies obtained fromNuclear Magnetic Resonance and (Karger & Caro) . .Isotherms: Study of the Effect of Compaction on the Surface Aiea an'd Poiosity'of Sixof Water Vapour by some Derivatives of Bovine Serum Albumin (Rochester & WestermanjSpectral Distributions of Photo-electrochemical Reactions over Metal PhthalocyanineProperties of 5'-Methoxy-2'-hydroxy-N-nie~hyl-&stilba~olium Iodide : Polarography andSolvatochromism.Part 2.-Comparison of Electrochemical and (Szyper, Zuman &.;..Yamamoto & Iijima) . .Powders by Measurement of Nitrogen (Gregg & Langford)Electrodes (Meshitsuka & Tamaru) .Gibson) . . . . . . . . . . . .SUBJECT INDEX-VOLUME 73, 1977Shift in the Infrared Spectrum of DNA(Na) in the Dry Solid State: Reversible TemperatureSpectrophotometric Investigations 'in Aqueous Soiution' at Elevated Temperatures. TheEffect of Temperature on the Ionisation Constant of the 2,2' Bipyridyl Cation (Buisson& Irving)Spectroscopic and Dielectric Propekes df Solutions' of Et'hanoi in Cyclohexane in Teims ofAssociation: Interpretation of the Thermodynamic (Stokes)Spinel Solid Solutions.Part l.-Cation Distribution of Co2+ Ions: Struciure and CatalyticActivity of Co,Mg,-,A120a (Angeletti, Pepe & Porta)Solid Solutions (Cu,Mg,-&,O4): Solid State Properties of Coppe; Con'taining (Sharpe &Stability of Metal Uncharged Ligand Complexes in Ion Exchangers. Part 1 .-QuantitativeCharacterization and Thermodynamic Basis (Maes, Marynen & Cremers) . . .of NH4-Chabazite: Thermal (Beyer, Jacobs, Uytterhoeven & Till) .Static System: Hydrogenation of Acetylene in Excess Ethylene on an Aiumina SupportedPalladium Catalyst in a (McGown, Kemball, Whan & Scurrell) .Statistical Mechanical Study of the Hydrophobic Interaction: Solute Interactions in DilutiSteam Reforming Conditions : Reorganisation of Nickel under (Moaykri & Trimm)Steric Stabilization: Perturbation Method for Incorporating the Concentration Dependence ofthe Flory-Huggins Parameter into the Theory of (Evans & Napper) .Structure and Catalytic Activity of Co,Mg1-,Al~O4 Spinel Solid Solutions.Part 1 .-Cationand Catalytic Activity of Iron Oxide and Magnesium Oxide Solid Solutions: Part 3.-in Solutions: Theory of Electrolytes. Part 2.-Tests of the Modei of P&isable Spheres;of Aquo-alcoholic Solvents : Transfer Free Energies and Entropies of Hydrobrdrnic Acid if;Ethanol+Water Mixtures: (Das, Bose & Kundu) . . . .Substitution on Rates of Metathetical Reactions.Part 2.-Abs&actioi of Chlorine Atoms byCyclohexyl Radicals from CHC12CN and CHzClCN: Effect of Cynano-group (Gonen,Horowitz & Rajbenbach)Sulphur-poisoning on the Adsorption of Carbon Monoiide by Nickel : Infrared Study ofEffects of (Rochester & Terrell) . * . . .Supported Palladium Catalyst in a Stat'ic System: Hydrogenation of Acetylene in ExcessEthylene on an Alumina (McGown, Kemball, Whan & Scurrell)Ziegler Catalyst: Kinetic Studies of Olefin Polymerisation on a (Eley, Keir & Rudham) ,Surface Area and Porosity Changes in the Dehydration of Calcium Sulphate Dihydrate:Area and Porosity of Six Powders by Measurement of Nitrogen Sorption Isotherms: Study ofChemi-ionisation: Molecular Beam Study of (Normingion, Bomse & Grice) : Heterogeneity of Solid Particulates using the Patchwise Adsorption Model : Determinationof Magnesium Oxide: Reaction of Ethylene-and 0- Ions on ;he (Taarit, Symohs & Tench)of Silica Immersed in Liquid Mixtures of Hydrocarbons: Infrared Study of the (Rochester& Trebilco) .. . . .Reactivity of Zeolites Type H-Y'and Na-Y with Methanol (Salvador & kaddig) .Surfaces: Comparison of Theory and Experiment: van der Waals Interaction between Mica(Gregory) . . .Part 1 .-Hydrogen on Tungsten :'Interaction of Diatomic Molecules' with Clean Metal Wiri(Couper & John) . . . .Part 2.-Nitrogen on Tungsten : kteraction of Diatomic Molkcules'with Clean' Metal WireKinetics of Adsorption on Energeticaliy Heterogeneous ?Crickmore & Wojciechowski)'Surfactant Aggregates in Nonpolar Solvents : Proton Magnetic Resonance Investigations ofSurfactants from Water to Water+ Acetone Mixtures from Vapour Pressure Measurements :Standard Free Energy of Transfer of Ionic (Treiner & Le Besnerais) .. . .Dependent (Rossit er) . . .Vickerman) . . . . . . . . . . .. .Solutions. Part 2.-A (Clark, Franks, Pedley & Reid) . . . .Distribution of Co2+ Ions (Angeletti, Pepe & Porta) . . .E.S.R. Characterization (Cordischi, Pepe, Schiavello & Valigi)with some Implications for (Bennett0 & Spitzer). .Studies in the System Calcium Sulphate/Water. Part 5.- (Ball & Norwood)Effect of Compaction on the (Gregg & Langford) . .of the (House & Jaycock) ..(Couper & John) .Nonionic Polyoxyethylene Nonylphenol (Sheih & Fendler) .. . . .TTemperature and Pressure : Molar Conductivity of (n-b~tyl)~N+(n-butyl),B- as a function of(Speedy)Dependence of the bieraction Second Virial 'Coefficient using Gas-Liquid Chromatograph;(Neogi & Kudchadker) . .Dependent Spectral Shift in the Infrared Spectrim ofDNA(Na)'in the Dr; Solid Stat;(Rossiter) . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 SUBJECT INDEX-VOLUME 73, 1977PAGEof the Frequency of Oscillation of the Belousov-Zhabotinskii Reaction: Analysis of theTheoretical Aspects of Hydration Isotherms for Biomolecules : -Expehmenial and (GakoyneModels: Kinetics of Activated Chen&orption. Part 2:- (Aharoni & Ungarish)Theory of Compartmentalised Free-Radical Polymerisation Reactions.Part 1 (Birtwistle &of Electrolytes. Par; 2.-Tests of the Modei of Pdlarisable Spheres; with some implicationsof Smith-Linnett Method : Heterogeneous Recombinatibn of Atoms (Jabfonski)Thermal Analysis: Investigation of the Decomposition and Reduction of “Nickel Peroxide” byDecomposition of 1,3,5-Trinitrohexah~dro-l;3,5-tr~azine*(RDX): Mass Spectrometric StudyDecomposition of Zinc Nitrate Hexahydrate : E.S.R. Investigation of the (Campbeli)Decompositions of 2,2’-Azoisobutane and Azoisopropane : Comparison of the MechanismsGas-Phase Decomposition of 1,2-Epoxypropane: Kinetics of ;he (Floweis)Stability of NH4-Chabazite (Beyer, Jacobs, Uytterhoeven & Till)Dependence of (Blandamer & Roberts) .. .& Pethig) .Blackiey) .*for “Structure” in Solutions (Bennett0 & Spitzer)(Bond & Tripathi) . . . .of the (Bradley, Butler, Capey & Gilbert).. . .. .of the (McKay, Turner & Zark) . :Thermally Forming NiO and (Ni, Fe)O from 800-1 200°C : Diffusion Enthalpies a i d Eniropie;ThermochemicaI Studies of some ‘1 : 1 electrolytes’ in Tetramethylurea: Physico-ChemicaiStudies in Nonaqueous Solvents.Thermodynamic and Extrathermodynamic Relationships Between Proton Transfer, ElectronTransfer and Electronic Excitation : Generalised Forster Cycle (Grabowski &Rubaszcwska)Character of Reducing Species Produced on Pulse Radiolysis of Acetonitrile: Kinetic andFunctions for the System Ethanol+ Cyclohexane from Vapoui Pressures and EnthaIpies ofProperties of Hydrogen in Palladium and its‘ Alloys under Conditions of ‘Cons;ant VolumeSpectroscopic and Dielectric Properties of Solutions of Ethanol in Cyclohexane in Teims ofStudy of the Vaporization of Cerium Orthophosphale (Guido, Balducci, D e Maria &Thermodynamics of Hidrogen Dissolved in Palladium/Rhodium and Palladium/Platinumof Liquid Mixtures of Methane and Ethene icalado & Soare;)of Miscible Liquid Mixtures of Carbon Tetrachloride, n-Octanol and Wa‘ter a; 20°Cof Solution of two iorms ‘of m-a-Amino-n-but& Acid in Water (Abraham, Ah-Sing,Thermolysis of 2-Ethyloxetan (Clarke & Ho1b;ook)Thermotransport of Manganese Ions in Sodium Chloride Single Crystals (William; & Allnat t jThin Cells: Electrochemical Luminescence of Rubrene Dissolved in Benzonitde in (Dunnett &Voinov) .. . f . Thiocyanate Adsorption‘and Corrosion at Silver Electrode‘s. A Raman Spectroicopic*Study(Cooney, Reid, Fleischmann & Hendra) .Thiols and Amines Hydrogen Bonding Type Charge Transfer Interaction between (Yarnabe:Akagi, Hashimoto, Nagatar & Fukui)Thionine: Photoredox Reactions of (Ferreira & HariimanjThree-Component Systems of the Type MBr,+Pyridine+Chlorobenzene (M = Mn, Co, Ni’,Cu and Zn): Phase and Coordination Equilibria in (LibuS & Kluczkowski) .Tracer Diffusion Measurements in Liquids : Closed Capillary Method for (Passhemi’,Liukkonen & Noszticzius) .:Slow Gas-Phase Oxidation of Ethylal with C-14 as*(Moiera, Garcia-Dominguez; Rodiiguez:L6pez & Santiuste) .Transference Numbers of Polymers; Detirrnination of Electroni; (Petit & Jozefowicz) :Transfer Free Energies and Entropies of Hydrobromic Acid in Ethanol+ Water Mixtures :Structure of Aquo-alcoholic Solvents (Das, Bose & Kundu)‘Transformation of some Saturated Hydrocarbons on Iridium, Rhodium and’ RutheriumBlacks (Sarkany, Matusek & TCtCnyi) .Transition-Metal Carbonyls : Activities of Olefinic’ Deribatives as Components of Photo:initiating Systems based on (Bamford & Mullik)Ions in Zeolites.Part 5.-Method of Quantitative Determination’ of Bidispeise Distribu:tions of Metal Particle Sizes in Zeolites: Redox Behaviour of (Jacobs, Linart, Nijs,Uytterhoeven & Beyer) . .Ions in Zeolites. Part 6.-Reversibility‘of the Reduction’ Reac‘tion in Silver Zeo‘lites: Redoxin (Tonilinson) .. . .Part 13.- (Paul, Jauhar, Banait & Narula) .(Bell, Rodgers & Burrows) . .Mixing (Stokes & Adamson) .(Oates & FIanagan) . . .Association : Interpretation of the (Stokes)Gigli) . . . . . . . . . . .Alloys (Clewley, Lynch & Flanagan)(Platford) . . . . . .Marks, Schulz & Stace) ..SUBJECT INDEX-VOLUME 73, 1977Transition of Sodium Poly-L-Glutamate by Iron(@ Complex Ions in Aqueous Solution:Binding Induced Conformational (Branca & Pispisa) .Transitions in Substituted Adamantanes : Order-Disorder (Clark, Knok, Mackle & McKerveyjof some Rare-earth Activators Embedded in the Catalyst Lattice: Chemiluminescenceduring Catalysis.Transport in Aqueous Solutions of Group IIB Metal Salts at 298.15 K.Part 1.-IsothermaiTransport Properties of Cadmium Iodide (Paterson, Anderson & Anderson)in Aqueous Solutions of Group IIB Metal Salts at 298.15 K. Part 2.-Interpretation andPrediction of Transport in Dilute Solutions of Cadmium Iodide: An Irreversible Thermo-dynamic Analysis (Paterson, Anderson, Anderson & Lutfullah).System GaAs-HBr Using a Modified Entrainment Method : Thermodynamic Study 'of thiChemical Vapour (Faktor, Garrett, Lyons & Moss) .Trapped Electrons in Mixed-Solute Aqueous Glasses : Luminescence Foilowing Laser Excitationof (Nguyen. & Walker) .Trapping Technique : Detection and Identification oi Organic Radicais Produced in the LowPressure Silent Electric Discharge by an Electron Spin Resonance Spin (Hibbert, Robertson& Perkins)Triplet and Singlet Meihylenk : Kinetics 'of Mkthylene Addition to cis- and tra&-But:2-ene'.Further Evidence for the Energy Separation between (Frey & Kennedy)Energy Transfer in 2-Methylpentan-2,4-diol: Viscosity Dependence of Diffusion-controlled(Dainton, Henry, Pilling & Spencer)Methylene : Flash Photolysis of Ketene.Photolysis Mechanism afld Rate Constants fo;Singlet and (Pilling & Robertson)-Triplet Absorption Spectra and the Spectra of the Photoreduced States' of Rhodamine Bwith Amines: Interaction of Duraquinone Lbwest '(Amdnyal & Beniasson)with Carotenoids: Excited States of Protoprophyrin IX Dimethyl Ester: Reaction of thi(Chantrell, McAuliffe, Munn, Pratt & Land)Tris-(Acetylacetonato) Derivatives of Aluminium(m), Gallium(ni) and Indi;m(mj: Enthalpiesof Combustion of (Cave11 & Pilcher) .. .Tunnelling: Isotope Effect in Hydrogen Atom Abstraction f;om Substituted 'Phenols byPolyvinyl Acetate Radicals in Vinyl Acetate : Evidence for (Simonyi, Fitos, Kardos,KovBcs, Lukovits & PospiSil . . . . . . .Part 2.-Luminescent (Aras, Breysse, Claudel, Faure & Guenin)....and Rhodamine 10 (Dunne & Quinn) . . . . .,VVanadium(v) Chelates. A Possible General Route to Alkyloxy Radicals: Photolysis ofAlkyloxy (Aliwi & Bamford) . - .van der Waals Interaction between Mica Surfaces: Comparison of Theory and ExperimentVaporization of Cerium Orthopho'sphate : Thkrmodynamk Study of the (Guido, Baiducci;De Maria & Gigli) .Vapour-Phase Catalytic Oxidation of F&an to'Maleic Anhydride: Similarity in the Reaitivit;of 0; and Double Bond Type Lattice Oxygen as Revealed by (Akimoto & Echigoya) .Pressure Measurements: Standard Free Energy of Transfer of Ionic Surfactants from Waterto Water+ Acetone Mixtures from (Treiner & Le Besnerais)Pressure of H,lsO Ice (-50 to OOC) and HzlsQ Water (0 to 170"Cj (Jakii & Siaschewski):Pressures and Enthalpies of Mixing: Thermodynamic Functions of the System Ethanol+Cyclohexane from (Stokes & Adamson) .Transport System GaAs-HBr Using a Modified' Entrainment Method I TheirnodynamicStudy of the Chemical (Faktor, Garrett, Lyons & Moss)Virial Coefficient using Gas-Liquid Chromatography: Temperatuie Dependence of theInteraction Second (Neogi & Kudchadker)Viscosities of Hexamethylphosphotriamide at 25°C : Electrolyte (Sacco; Petrella, Della Monica& Castagnolo)Viscosity Dependence of Diffusion-controlled Triplet Energy Transfer' in 2-Methylpentan-2,idiol (Dainton, Henry, Pilling & Spencer) .Volume Changes Associated with the Hydrophobic interaction:' Solutk Interactions in Dilute(Gregory).Aqueous Solutions (Franks) .. .WWater + Acetone Mixtures from Vapour Pressure Measurements : Standard Free Energy ofWater. Part 1 .-Ethers, Ketones, Esters and Alcohols: Partial Molar Volumes of Organ&Transfer of Ionic Surfactants from Water to (Treiner & Le Besnerais) .Compounds in (Edward, Farrell & Shahidi) .. . . . . .24 SUBJECT INDEX-VOLUME 73, 1977PAGEPart 2.-Amines and Amides : Partial Molar Volumes of Organic Compounds in (Shahidi,in Homoionic and Heteroionic Mordenites A Calorimetric-Study. Part 1 .:Alkali andin Hydrogen-bonding Reactions: Note on the Proton-Donating Ability of‘ (Chiistian,on to the Surface of Rutilei Infrared Siudy of the Adsoiption’of (Griffiths & Rochester) .Water +Urea Systems. dG, AH, d S of Transfer from Water to Mixtures Containing up toWater Vapour by some Derivatives of Bovine Serum Albumin: Sorption of (Rochester &Farreil & Edward) 71 5Alkaline Earth Metal Forms (Coughlan, Carroll & McCann) . . 161215101048Tucker & Mitra) .53740% Urea: Alkali Metal and Ammonium Chlorides in (Pointud & Juillard) . .Westerman) . . . . . . . . . . 33XX-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopic Study : Dissolution and Passivation of Nickel: AnSpectroscopy and Heterogeneous Catalysis, with Elimination Reactions as an Example(Dickinson, Povey & Sherwood) . . 327(Vinek, Noller, Ebel & Schwarz) . . . . 734YYoung’s Equation: On Deviations from (White) . . . . . 390Y-Type Zeolite: Determination of the Active Site and Mechanism for AIkene Isomerization inCuII Exchanged (John & Leach) . . . . . . 1595Zeolite-L: Exchange of Alkylammonium Ions in the (Vansant & Peeters) .Zeolite: Hydroisomerization and Hydrocracking of n-Pentane (3-C13) with Type Y (Wieks &Bolton) ,L-Zeolites: Inoperative ‘Protonic Sites in’Highjy Exchanged (Ballivet ’& Baithomeuf) :Zeolites X: Interpretation of the “Intermediate Frequency” Dielectric Spectra of Synthetic(Ravalitera, Carru & Chapoton) .Part 5.-Method of Quantitative Determ;hation of Bidisperse Distributions of ’MetalParticle Sizes in Zeolites: Redox Behaviour of Transition Metal Ions in (Jacobs, Linart,Nijs, Uytterhoeven & Beyer) .Part 6.-Reversibility of the Reduction in Silver Zeolites : Redox Behaviour of TrakitioiMetal Ions in (Jacobs, Uytterhoeven & Beyer) .Type H-Y and Na-Y with Methanol: Surface Reactivity of (Salvador & Kladnig)Zeolitic DiEusivities Obtained from Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Sorption Experiments :Interpretation and Correlation of (Karger & Caro) ..Ziegler Catalyst: Kinetic Studies on Olefin Polymerisation on a Supported (Eiey, Keir &Rudham)AUTHOR INDEX-VOLUME 73. 1977Abraham. Michael H .Adanis. Paul F . .Adamson. MarionAharoni. Chaim .Ah.Sing. Eric .Akagi. KslzuoAkimoto. MasamichiAkitt. J . W . .Albery. W . John .Aliwi. Salah H . .Al.Lamee. Kadem G .Allnatt. Alan R .Aloisi. G . GaetanoAmouyal, EdmondAnderson. John .Anderson. Stephen S .Ang. K . P . . .Angeletti. Carlo .Appleby. A . JohnAras. Vilas M .Ashmawy. Fathy M . Atherton. Neil M .Aveyard. Robert .Ayscough. Peter B .Balducci. G . .Ball. Matthew C .Ballivet. Danielle . .Bamford. Clement H . .Banait. Jagtar S .Bandyopadhyay. Baida N .Barthomeuf. Denise .Beezer.Anthony E . .Bell. Ian P .Bennett0,H.P. . .Bensasson. Renato .Bensasson. RenC .Bettelheim. Armand .Beyer. I-Iermann K . .Birtwistle. David T . .Blackburn. Robert .Blackley. David C . .BIandamer. Michael J . .Bolton. Anthony P . .Bond. Geoffrey C . .Bone. Stephen .Bonnier. Jane-Marie .Borucka. Alina .Bose. KumardevBoucher. Ernest A . .Bradley. John N . .Branca. Mario .Breysse. Michele .Briend.Faure. MargueriteBrown. D . Robert . .Brown. Robert G . . .Bruckenstein. Stanley + Buisson. David H . .Bullock. Anthony T . .Burke. Laurence D . .Burrows. Hugh D . .Bomse. David S . . .PAGE 582SUBJECT INDEX-VOLUME 73, 1977 41PAGEMMagnetic Anisotropies from the Cotton-Mouton Effect: Molecular (Battaglia & Ritchie)Circular Dichroism Studies of Charge-Transfer-to-Solvent Spectra (El-Kovrashy &Grinter) .. . . . . .Manganate Ion: Electronic Spectrum of ;he Manganate (;) (Bo;romei, Oleari & Day).Mass Spectrometric Knudsen Cell Method and Discussion of the Dissociation Energies of theMolecules Se2(g), SSe(g) and SeTe(g): Determination by the (Drowart & Smoes)Knudsen Cell Method: Determination of the Atomization Energies of the Molecules CSe(gjMathematics of Wien Dissociation in Weak Electrolytes (McIlrdy & Hill) .Matrices at 10 K: Contact Charge Transfer Interactions between Aromatic Molecules andat 10 K: Energy Transfer Processes Involving Chromium Hexacaibonyl in Gas (Rest &Sodeau) . . . . . . . . . . .,Models for the Aggregation Processes: Cluster Formation in Rare Gas (Moskovits &Hulse) , .. . . . . .:Observations on the Electronic Spectra of Cud, Ago and AuO Isolated in Rare Gas(Griffiths & Barrow) . . .:Relative Quantum Yields for t'he Foimatibn and Des'tructibn of' Pentacarbonyl Molyb-Matrix Method for the Calculation of n-Electron Energies for Linea; Conjugated Polymers':Matrix : Proposed Iron-Nitrogen Molecule Produced in a Solid Nitrogen (Barrett & MontanojMelt: Q4-Dependent Broadening in Quasielastic Incoherent Neutron Scattering from a PolymerMetal Acetylacetonates : Anomalous Electric Polarizations and the Sub-miilimetre Spectra inMetastable Argon ( ~ S ~ P ~ , ~ ) to Xenon, Oxygen and Chlorine Atoms : Electronic EnergyMethane: Dispersion Forces in (Lekkerkerker,'Coulbn & Luyckx)Micelles.Part 3.-Fluorescence Polarization of Solubilisates in Citionfc Mkelles':Absorption and Emission Studies of Solubilisation in (Dorrance, Hunter & Philp)Ultrasonic Relaxation Studies of the Exchange Process Between Surface Active AgeniIons, Small Molecules and Mixed (Hall, Jobling, Wyn-Jones & Rassing)Microwave Spectroscopy : Some Molecular Properties of Carbonyl Bromide De'termined byMixed-Gas Adsorption. Localised Monolayer Adsorption on Heterogeneous Surfaces':Statistical Thermodynamics of (Jaroniec) .Mixtures of Linear and Branched Alkanes with 1,2-Dibromoethane A d Tetrahydronaphtha:lene. Part 1 .-Enthalpies of Mixing: Thermodynamic Properties of (Delmas & Purves)of Linear and Branched Alkanes with 1 ,ZDibromoethane and Tetrahydro-naphthalene.Part 2.-Free Energies and Entropies of Mixing: Thermodynamic Properties of (Delmas &Purves) ..MnO+NiO Solid Solutions: Thermodynamics of' MnO+CoO and (Catlow; Fender &Hampson) . . . . . .Mobile Adsorbates : Modified Statistical Treatment of Pariially iLyklzma) .Mobility and Reactivity of CO; and COY Species Adsorbed on MgO: E.P.R. Sfudies'of theStructure (Meriaudeau, Ben Taarit, Vedrine & Naccache) . . . . . .Model Fluid Mixture which Exhibits Tricritical Points. Part 2 (Desrosiers, Guerrero,Rowlinson & Stutley) . . . .for Intermolecular Forces : Some Appiications of a Self-Exch'ange Corrected Electron Gas(Lloyd & Pugh) . . . . .Models for the Aggegaiion P~ocesses: Ciuster Formation in Rare Gas Matrices (Moscdvits &Hulse) .. . . . . . . . . .Modulation Techniques:' Complete Polarisation Measurements in Resonance Raman Spectro-scopy Using Linear and Circular Polarisation (Horvath & McCaffery) .Molecular Beam Studies of Ethyl Nitrite Photodissociation (Tuck)Molecular Complexes ofp-Benzoquinone with Aromatic Bases. On the Evidence fbr LocalisedCharge Transfer: Infrared Spectra of (Alciaturi) . .thi(Craig, Rodgers & Wood) . .Molecular Crystals : Phonon Scattering and Exciton 'Linewidths in Napht'halenk andPhenanthrene (Dissado & Brillante). . . . .Part 2.-Structural Changes at Planar Faults-Their Importance in Facilitating Photo:dimerization and in Governing Stacking Fault Energies : ComputationaI Approach tothe Study of Extended Defects in (Ramdas, Thomas & Goringe) .. . . .and CSe2(g) by the (Smoes & Drowart) . . . . . .Oxygen in Gas (Rest, Salisbury & Sodeau)denum, MO(CO)~, in Low Temperature (Poliakoff) .Polynomial (Kaulgud & Chitgopkar) . .(Higgins, Ghosh, Howells & Allen) . . . . . .Solution of some (Haigh, Jinks, Sutton & Waddington) . . . .Transfer from (King, Piper & Setser) . . . . .(Carpenter, Smith, Thompson & Whiffen) . . .42 SUBJECT INDEX-VOLUME 73, 1977Molecular Dynamics Computer Simulation of Surface Properties of Crystalline PotassiumChloride (Heyes, Barber & Clarke) . . .of Viscous Liquids. A Comparison of Dielectric and'Kerrieffect ' Relaxation' for TritoyiPhosphate, orfho-Terphenyl and their Mixtures (Beevers, Crossley, Garrington &Williams) .. .Magnetic Anisotropies from the Cokon-Mouton Effect (Battaglia & kitchi;).Molecular Motion in Tertiary-butylammonium Chloride, Bromide and Iodide : Proton SpinLattice Relaxation Study of (Ratcliffe & Dunell)Molecular Number Densities : Torsional Oscillation in Liquid Chlorodenzene at High (EvansjMolecular Orbital Calculations of the Exchange Parameter for Copper(1r) CarboxylateDimers : Superexchange and some (Harcourt & Martin)Calculations of the Isomer Pairs HCN, CNH and FCN, CNF: Use of Parka1 LOwdiniPLA)and Limited Expansion of Diatomic Overlap (LEDO) Integral Approximation Methodsin (Doggett) . . .Energy Level Diagrams by the Method of 'Progressive Inteiactions of 'Atomic Or'bitals':Construction of (Dixon).Theory: Applications of the Cauchy Inequalities in Simple (Gutman & Trinajstik) ..Molecular Properties of Carbonyl Bromide Determined by Microwave Spectroscopy : SomeStructure of FS020F: Wide Line N.M.R. Analysis of tlie (Alien, Mkal1,'Aubke & Duneli)Mori Continued Fraction: Absorption of Dipolar Liquids in the Far Infrared: A SensitiveMeasure of the (Davies, Evans & Evans) . . . . ...:Non-empirical Calculations with Valence-shell (Vincent & Murrell) . .(Carpenter, Smith, Thompson & Whiffen)Monohydric Alcohols: Self-Diffusion in Water and (Pratt & Wakeham) . . .Multilayer Adsorption and Wetting: Note on (Richinondj : .. . .NNaphthalene, its Anion, Cation and Triplet : Electronic Structure and Properties of (Hinchliffe)-N(CH& and .- N+(CH& Groups in Dimethyl Aminophenols and their Methiodides :Nematic K21: High and Low Frequency Torsional Absorptions in (Eians & Evans)Liquid Crystal: Nuclear Magnetic Double Resonance Studies of Isotopically LabelledBis-(Dich1orophosphino)methylamino Partially Oriented in a (Colquhoun & McFarlane)Neutron Scattering from a Polymer Melt : Q4-Dependent Broadening in Quasielastic Incoherent(Higgins, Ghosh, Howells & Allen) .Molecular Reorientation in Three Orientationally Disordkred Moledular Crystals b;Incoherent (Leadbetter & Turnbull) .Characteristic Vibrations of (Agaste & Jose) . . ...Nitriles: Electron Impact Spectroscopy of Some Simple (Stradling & Londbn)Nitrosyl Halides: Photoelectron Spectra of (Alderdice & Dixon)Non-empirical Calculations with Valence-shell Molecular Orbitals (Vincent & Murrell) :Non-paired Spatial Orbital Wavefunction for Benzene: Ab inifio (Hirst)Non-polar Mixtures. Part 1. Computer Solution Techniques and Stability Tests I TheoieticaiPrediction of Phase Behaviour at High Temperatures and Pressures (Hicks & Young)Part 2.-Gas-gas Immiscibility: Theoretical Prediction of Phase Behaviour at HighPart 3.-Comparison with Upper Critical Solution Temperatures for Perfluoromethyi-cyclohexane+Hydrocarbons : Theoretical Prediction of Phase Behaviour at HighNuclear-Excited Feshbach Resonances. Part 5.-Effective Number of Degrees bf FreedomParticipating in the Sharing of the Ion's Excess Energy: Long-Lived Parent NegativeIons Formed via (Christophorou, Gant & Anderson).Nuclear Magnetic Double Resonance Studies of Isotopically Labelled Bis-(D~chlorbphosphinojmethylamine Partially Oriented in a Nematic Liquid Crystal (Colquhoun & McFarlane)Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Analysis of the Molecular Structure of FS020F: Wide Line(Allen, McCall, Aubke & Dunell) .and Infrared Spectroscopic Studies of Hidrogen Bonding' in Hindered Al'cohols.kInstance of a True Hydrogen Bonded Dinier in an Alcohol (Beclter, Tucker & Rao) .Measurement of the Small Barrier to Rotation about the Carbon-Carbon Bond29Si Studies of Aqueous Silicate Solutions (Harris & Newman) .. . . .Spectroscopy. Part 8.-Variation of the Local Diamagnetic Term in Nuclear MagneticShielding, as derived theoretically and by X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy: Nitrogen(Mason)Studies of the Difluoiide ion. Part 2.-D>fluorides of the' Alkaii Me'tals and AikalineStudies of the Difluoride Ion. Part 3.-Ammonium and Substituted Ammonium: .Temperatures and Pressures for (Hurle, Jones & Young) . . . .Temperatures and Pressures (Hurle, Toczylkin & Young) . . . . .Non-polar Solvent: Vibrational Spectrum of an Ion Pair in a (Schmid;) . . .in 3,5-Dichlorobenzyl Mercaptan (Schaefer & Parr) . . . . . . .Earths (Ludman, Waddington, Pang & Smith)44 SUBJECT INDEX-VOLUME 73, 1977Photochemistry of Saturated Molecules.Part 3.-Structure and Bonding in n-Alkane ExcitedStates Using INDO-Cl: Excited States and (Saatzer, Koob & Gordon).Photodissociation: Molecular Beam Studies of Ethyl Nitrite (Tuck)Rotational Energy Disposal in the Photodissociation of the Cyanogen Halides : EnergyPartitioning in (Ashfold & Simmons)Photoelectron He(1) Spectroscopic Study of Diphenyl Sulphidc, Diphenyl Sulphohe and thei;Mono- and Di-2-Pyridyl Analogues (Colonna, Distefano, Galasso, Pappalardo &Scarlata) . . . . . .of Nitrosyl Halides (Alderdice & Dixon) . . . . . ...Spectra of Allene: AngularlDistribution He&)/Ne{I) (Ling & Nyberg) . . .of the Gauche and Trans Conformers of 1,2-Dichloroethane (Gan, Peei & Whett) .(Dyke, Morris & Trickle) ..Spectroscopy: Characterization of the Ground Ionic State of the NS Molecule UsingSpectroscopy Determination of the Valence ‘E1ect;onic Configuration of Uranium Dioxideby (Evans) .* . . .Spectroscopy Study of Some Mediuni‘Size Alcohols and Hydroperoxidcs by {Ashrnore &Burgess) . . . . . . . . . .Spectrum of Dinitrogm Teiroxide: Reinterpretation of the (Gan, Peel & Willett) . .Spectrum of the PN(X%+) Molecule: Vacuum Ultraviolet (Bulgin, Dyke & Morris). .Photoexcited Chlorophyll-a with Manganese Complexes in Solution: Reactions uf (Brown,Harrjman & Porter) . . .Photolysis of Ozone: Temperature Dependence of O(”D) Formaiion in the‘ near U.V.(Moortgat, Kudszus & Warneck) . . . . . .Photon Correlation Spectroscopy : Polymer Po1idispe;sity Analysis in (King & Treadaway)Photophysical Processes in the Molecular Complexes of 1,2,4,5-tetracyanobenzene withPhotosensitized Reactions : Electron Spin Polarization (C.I.D.E.P.) in ‘(McLauchlan.Sealy &’Plane Interface with Transfer of Maker. ‘Part 2.-Non-os&lato;y and Osciliatory Modes withLinear and Exponential Concentration Profiles : Deformational Instability of a (Smensen,Hansen, Nielsen & Hennenberg) .PN(X1 1’) Molecule: Vacuum U!travio!et Ph&oelectron ‘Spectruni of the’ (Bulgin, Dike &Poisson-Boltzmann Equation for a Spherical Coiloidai Par;icle : ’Approximate AnalyticPolarisabilities and Compton Profiles for‘Solvated Eiectrons : Calculat‘ion of (U’ebster) . .Polarisation Measurements in Resonance Ranian Spectroscopy Using Linear and CircularPolarizability, Proton Transfer and Symmetry of Energy Surfaces of Carboxylic Acid-N-BasePolarizations and the Sub-millimetre Spectra in Solution of sonie Metal Acetylacetonates :Polar Mixtures. Part 4.-Comparison with Expeiimental Results for Carbon Dioxide +n-Alkane : Theoretical Prediction of Phase Behaviour at High Temperatures and Pressuresfor Non- (Hicks, Hurle & Young) .Polaron Model for the Absorption Spectrum of SolGated Electrons in Alcoiiols: Small’ (BushPoly-y-benzyl-L-glutamate using a Pseudo-random Noise Dielectric Spectromete; : DielectricPolydispersity Analysis in Photon Correlation Spectroscopy : Polymer (King & Treadaway) .Polymer Diffusion and Dimensions Moderately Concentrated Solutions (Alien, Vasudevan,Melt : Q4-Dependent Broadening in Quasierastic Incoheren; Neuiron Scatteiing from a,Polydispersity Analysis in Photon Correlation Spectroscopy (King ’& Treadaway)Polymers: Effects of Excluded Volume on the Conformation of Adsorbed (Jones & RichmondjPolynomial Matrix Method for the Calculation of a-Electron Energies for Linear ConjugatedPolymers (Kanlgud & Chitgopkar) ..Polystyrene and Its Low Molecular Analogues: Opiical Anisotiopy of (Suier & Floryj :Polystyrenes and Related Molecules : Optical Anisotropies of para-Halogenatcd (Saiz, Suter &Flory) . . . . . .Potential Energy for Tetra-alkylammonik Halides : Fa; Infrared Spectroscopic Probertiesand Interionic (Aimone, Badiali & Cachet)for the Ground State of Ammonia (Varandas & Murrellj.Vibrationally Inelastic Scattering in Collinear Systems : The Effect o*f Minima in theInteraction (Baxter & Murrell) .. . . .Powder Compacts: Permeation Time-Lag Analysis of “Anomalous” Diffusion. Part 2.-Helium and Nitrogen in Graphite (Roussis & Petropoulos) . . . . .Aromatic Donors (Craig, Rodgers & Wood) .Wit tmann) . . .Morris) . . . . . .Solution of the (White) .Polarisation Modulation Techniques : Coiiiplete (Horvath & McCaffery)46 SUBJECT INDEX-VOLUME 73, 1977PAGERaman and Luminescence Spectra of Dianthracene at High Pressures (Ebisuzaki, Taylor,Woo &Nicol) . . . . . . . . . .Raney Nickel: Alternative Explanation of the Inelastic Neutron Scattering from HydrogenAdsorbed by (Wright) ..Rare Gases with (1 1 1) Germanium Crystalplane : Interaction of (Ephraim, Calahorra & Folman)Gas Matrices. Models for the Aggregation Processes: Cluster Formation (Moskovits &Hulse) .: Observations on the Elec’tronic Spectra of CuO; Ago and AuO Isolatkd in ‘(Griffiths &Barrow) .Rate Constants of Rapid Bimolecular ‘Reaciions. ‘ Parf 5.iHydrogen Atom Reactions‘;H+N02 and H+O,: Atomic Resonance Fluorescence for (Ciyne & Monkhouse). .of Rapid Bimolecular Reactions. Part 6.-Hydrogen atom reactions: H+C12 from 300 to730 K and H+NOz at 298 K: Atomic Resonance Fluorescence for (Bemand & Clyne)Rates: Laser Fluorescence Measurements of Hg(3P0) Quenching (Phillips) .Rayleigh Bands: Truncated Series Expansion for the Correlation Function of Permanent andInduced Depolarised (Evans) .Rayleigh Scattering. Optical Anisotropyof the C-Cl Bond : Separation of ’Collision-Gducedfrom Intrinsic Molecular Depolarized (Carlson & Flory) .Reactions of Photoexcited Chlorophyll-a with Manganese Complexes in ‘Solution (Brown’,Reactivity Patterns for Hydrogen Abstraction in Alkanes Sensitized by Hg(3P;) (Marconi,Rehydration Processes on “Eta”, Theia” and “Alpha”* Aluminas I Eneigics of DifferentRelaxation Energies in X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy : Calculation of Adsorbatein Hydrogen-Bonded Liquids Studied’ by Dielect;ic and Keri-Effect Techniques (Ciossleyin 2-Methyl-2,4-pentanedio.l Studied by Dieiectric and ‘Kerr-effect ‘Techniques : StructuralProcesses of ReC1;- in Cubic Crystals; Luminescence Spectra (Black & Flint):Repulsion Integrals : Spin Forbidden Transitions in Some cis-CrII1A4B2 Ions.A Failure.Resonance Raman Spectroscopy Using Linear and Circular Polarisation ModulationRigid Solutions: Concentration Quenching and Excimer Formation by Perylene in (Ferreira &Rotational Energy Disposal in the Photodissociation of the Cyanogen Halides I Energy Paitition:Ruthenocene : Quenching of Triphenylene Phosphorescence in holy-(meth~lmethacrylat e ) atHarriman & Porter) . . .Orlandi, Poggi & Barigelletti) ~‘Surface (Della Gatta, Fubini & Stradella). . I .(Broughton & Perry)& Williams) . .(Crossley & Williams)of Spherical Parameterization of the Interelection (Flint, Matthews & O’Grady)Techniques: Complete Polarisation Measurements in (Horvath & McCaffery)..Porter). .. .ing in Photodissociation (Ashfold & Simons) .77 K by Ferrocene and (Vikesland & Wilkinson) . . . . .SSaturated Molecules. Part 3.-Structure and Bonding in n-Alkane Excited States UsingINDO-CI: Excited States and Photochemistry of (Saatzer, Koob & Gordon)Sb(54S3), by Time-Resolved Resonance Fluorescence : Kinetic Studies of Ground State Atoms(Hysain, Krause & Slater)Scattering and Exciton Linewidths in Naphthalene and’ Phenkthrene Molecuiar Crystals’:Phonon (Dissado & Brillante). . . .(SCF-MO) Determination of the Oxidation State of Sulphur in bis(2-carboxyphenyl) Sulphu;Dihydroxide Dilactone: Experimental (ESCA) and Theoretical (Theodorakopoulos,Csizmadia, Robb, Kucsman & Kapovits) .Self Consistent Semi-Empirical Calculation of the Electronic Band Structires of CrystallineSolids. Application to Graphite Monofluoride (Parry)Self-Diffusion in Water and Monohydric Alcohols (Pratt & WakehamjSelf-Exchange Corrected Electron Gas Model for Intermolecular Forces : Some Applicationsof a (Lloyd & Pugh)Semi-Empirical Calculation of the Electronic Band Sfructuies of Crys~alline‘Solid~. Applica:tion to Graphite Monofluoride: Self Consistent (Parry) ..Sensitized by Hg(3Po) : Reactivity Patterns for Hydrogen Abstraction in Alkanes (Marconi;Orlandi, Poggi & Barigelletti). . .Series Expansion for the Correlation Function o’f Permanent and Induced DepoiarisedRayleigh Bands : Truncated (Evans).Se2(g), SSe(g) and SeTe(g) : Determination by ;he Mass Spectrometric Knudsen Cell Methodand Discussion of the Dissociation Energies of the Molecules (Drowart & Smoes) ..Shielding, as derived theoretically and by X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy : NitrogenNuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy. Part 8.-Variation of the Local DiamagneticSUBJECT INDEX-VOLUME 73, 1977 47Silicate Solutions: 29Si N.M.R. Studies of Aqueous (Harris & Newman) . . . .Silicon Compounds: Ab initio Calculations Concerning Core Auger Shifts in someSimulation of a Gas-Liquid 'Surface. Part 1 : Computer (Chapela, Saville, Thompson &Rowlinson) . . . .of Surface Properties' of Ciystaliine Potassium Chloride: Mhleculk DGamics Computer(Heyes, Barber & Clarke) .. . . . .of the Liquid-Solid-Vapour Contact Angle:' Computer iSaville) . .Single Crystals and their Photochemical Significance : Structural Traps for Singlet Excitonsin Doped Anthracene (Williams & Clarke)Singlet Excitons in Doped Anthracene Single Crystals and thei; Phoiochemical Significance :Structural Traps for (Williams & Clarke).-Triplet Absorption Spectra of Some Aromatic Molecules in' Gas Matrices at 10 K (Rest;Salisbury & Sodeau) . .Small Particles of KfTCNQ- and Reiated Compounds: Optical Absorption Spec'tra o'fSolid Nitrogen Matrix: Proposed Iron-Nitrogen MoieculeProduced in a (Barrett & MontanojPhases of Benzene : Vibrational Spectroscopy at Very High Pressures.Part 18.-ThreeSolutions: Thermodynamics of MnOG CoO'and MnO $NiO iCatlow, Fender & HampsonjSolubilisation in Micelles. Part 3.-Fluorescence Polarization of Solubilisates in Cationic . .Solution: Intermolecular Energy Transfer Between Tb(thd), and Eu(thd), Complexes in(Brittain & Richardson) . . . . . . .Reactions of Photoexcited Chlorophyli-a wih Manganese Complexks in (Brown, Harriman& Porter) .Solvated Electrons: Calculatidn of Polari'sabiliiies and Compton Profiles fo; (Webster)in Alcohols: Small Polaron Model for the Absorption Spectrum of (Bush & FunabashijSolvent Spectra: Magnetic Circular Dichroism Studies of Charge-Transfer-to- (El-Kourshy &(Papavassillion & Spanou) .. .(Adams & Appleby) . . .Micelles: Absorption and Emission Studies of (Dorrance, Hunter & Philp) .Structure in Soiution'Theo;y: Role of'(Marielja, Mitchell, Ninham & Sculleyj:Vibrational Spectrum of an Ion Pair in a Non-polar (Schmidt) . .Spectral Evidence for the Existence of Green "Incipient" Dimers in Single Crystais of Anthra:Spectra of Aggregates. Part 5.-Dimers of Some Xanthene Dyes: Derivation and Interpreta-Spectroscopic Studies of Azides and Nitrenes Derived from kthracene (Alvarado, Grivei,Studies of 2,5-Dithiahex-3-yne: Struitural 'and (Beagley, Ulbrecht, Katsumata, Lloyd,Sphere and a Wall : On the van der Waals' For& between Two Spheres of a iLovejSpherical Colloidal Particle: Approximate Analytic Solution of the Poisson-BoltzrnannEquation for a (White) .Parameterization of the Interelectron Repulsion Integrals : Spin-Forbidden Transitions inSome cis-Cr111A4B2 Ions.A Failure of (Flint, Matthews & O'Grady) .Spin Distribution in Radicals Formed by Electron-loss from Phenols and from Alkyl ArilEthers: Calculation of Substituent Effects on the (Dixon, Kok & Murphy)Spin-Forbidden Transitions in Some c1'S-Cr1IIA4B2 Ions. A Failure of Spherical Parameteriz:ation of the Interelectron Repulsion Integrals (Flint, Matthews & O'Grady) .Spin Label 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-4-piperidinol-l-oxyl Oriented in the Inclusion Compound2'-Hydroxy-2,4,4,7,4'-Pentamethylflavan : Electron Spin Resonance Study of the (Smith& Kispert) .Spin-Lattice Relaxation' Study of Molechar Mot& in Tertiary-buiylarnmonium chloride',Bromide and Iodide: Proton (Ratcliffe & Dunell)Stability Tests: Theoretical Prediction of Phase Behaviour at High Temperatures and Pressuresfor Non-polar Mixtures.Part 1 .-Computer Solution Techniques and (Hicks & Young).Statistical Analysis of Experimental Data: The Graph-like State of Matter. Part 8.-LCGlSchemes and the (Essam, Kennedy, Gordon & Whittle)Thermodynamics of Mixed-Gas Adsorption. Localised Monolaye; Adsorption on Hetero:Treatment of Partially Mobile Adsorbates : Modified (Liklem'a)Structural and Spectroscopic Studies of 2,5-Dithiahex-3-yne (Beagley, Ulb;echt,'Katsumata;Relaxation in 2-Methyl-2,4-pentanediol Studied by Dielectri; and' Kerr:effecc TechniquesTraps for Singlet Excitons in Doped Anthracene 'Single Crystals and their PhotochemicalStructure and Bonding in n-Alkane Excited Staies Using INDO-Cl: Ekited'Statei and Photo:cene (Williams, Donati & Thomas) 8248 SUBJECT INDEX-VOLUME 73, 1977in Solution Theory: Role of Solvent (Marklja, Mitchell, Ninhani & Sculley),Mobility and Reactivity of CO; and COY Species Adsorbed on MgO: E.P.R.Siudies’ of thiof Indolyl Alkali-metal Ion Pairs in the Ground State and ;he First Excited State (Vos,MacLean & Velthorst) . .Sub-millimetre Spectra in Solution of Some ’Metai Aceiylaceionatds : Gomalbus ElectriiPolarizations and the (Haigh, Jinks, Sutton & Waddington) .Substituent Effects on the Spin Distribution in Radicals Formed by Electroniloss from Phenolsand from Alkyl Aryl Ethers: Calculation of (Dixon, Kok & Murphy) .. . .Sulphur Dioxide: Intersystem Crossing in (Ahmed, Langley & Simons)Superexchange and some Molecular Orbital Calculations of the Exchange Paramet‘er fo;Copper(11) Carboxylate Dimers (Harcourt & Martin). . .Surface Active Agent Ions, Small Molecules and Mixed Micelles : Ultrasonic Relaxation Studiesof the Exchange Process Between (Hall, Jobling, Wyn-Jones & Rassing)Part 1 : Computer Simulation of a Gas-Liquid (Chapela, Saville, Thompson &‘ Rowiinsol;)Properties of Crystalline Potassium Chloride : Molecular Dynamics Computer Simulationof (Heyes, Barber & Clarke) . . . . .Rehydration Processes on “Eta” “Theta” and “Alpha” Aluminas : Energies of DifferentStates: Simple Method for the Calculation of (Liebmak & QuimjSurfactants in the Absence and Presence of Electrolyte with a Common Counterion: Thermo:dynamics of Solutions of Interacting Aggregates by Methods Similar to Surface Thermo-Symmetric Systems: Modification of the Phase Rule for Optical Enantiomers and other (ScottiSymmetry of Energy Surfaces of Carboxylic Acid-N-Base Hydrogen Bonds Infrared .(Meriaudeau, Ben Taarit, Vedrine & Naccache) .. .. .(Della Gatta, Fubini & Stradeila) . . . . . . .dynamics. Part 3.-Solutions of Ionic (Hall) . . .Investigations: Polarizability, Proton Transfer and (Lindemann & Zundel) . .TTemperature Dependence of O(’D) Formation in the near U.V. Photolysis of Ozone (Moortgat,Kudszus & Warneck) .. . . .of the Ratio of Delayed Monomer and Delayed Excimer Fluorescence koilowing Triplet:Triplet Annihilation in Liquids: Long Range Mechanism for the (Butler & Piliing) .on Radiationless Transitions. Part 2: Effect of (Knittel, Raizdadeh, Lin & Lin)Tetracyanoethyjeiae on Potassium Chloride: LEED-AES Study of the Oriented Adsorpfion ofTheoretical Prediction of Phase Behiviou; at High Temperatures and Pressures for Non-pola;Mixtures. Part 1 .-Computcr Solution Techniques and Stability Tests (Hicks & Young)of Phase Behaviour at High Temperatures and Pressures for Non-polar Mixtures. Part 2.-of Phase Behaviour at High Temperatures and Pressures for Non-polar Mixtures. Part 3.-Comparison with Upper Critical Solution Temperatures for perfluoromethylcyclohexaneZundel, Georg ..THE SIXTH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF THE FARADAY DIVISION of The ChemicalSociety was held at 9.00a.m., on 14 September 1977, in the Bernard Sunley Lecture Theatre, St.Catherine’s College, Oxford with Professor D. H. Everett, M.B.E., M.A., D.Sc., C.Chem., F.R.I.C.,in the Chair.1 MinutesThe Minutes of the Fifth Annual General Meeting of the Faraday Division, which had beencirculated previously, were taken as read and confirmed.2 Annual ReportThe Faraday Division had a successful and active year in 1976. Two General Discussions wereheld: number 61 ‘Precipitation’ was held in April in Manchester and attracted 100 participants ofwhom 40% were from overseas; and number 62 ‘Potential Energy Surfaces’ which was held atthe University of Sussex in September, when 160 persons attended including 60 from overseas.Professor D.R. Herschbach (Harvard University, U.S.A.), introduced Discussion 62 with the18th Spiers Memorial Lecture and Dr. P. J. Derrick (La Trobe University, Australia), gave the1974 Meldola Lecture on ‘The Gas-Phase Ion-Chemistry of Polyatomic Organic Molecules’ atthe meeting.Collaboration with other European Chemistry Societies was continued in 1976 when the secondjoint meeting with Deutsche Bunsen Gesellschaft, SociCtC de Chimie Physique and AssociazioneItaliana di Chimica Fisica was held in Konigstein, West Germany on ‘Energy Transfer Processesin Chemical Reactions’. Over half of the 140 participants were from outside West Germanyand the Faraday Division was well represented.In December, Faraday Symposium No. 11‘Newer Aspects of Molecular Relaxation Processes’ was held at the Royal Institution, Londonwhen 120 persons attended, a third of whom were from overseas.The Division took part in the CS Annual Congress in Glasgow in April with a meeting onMembrane Phenomena’ and in the Autumn Meeting in Sheffield with an informal discussion on‘The Chemistry of the Solid State’. The 5th International Conference on Non-Aqueous Solutions,held in July at York, was sponsored jointly with Dalton Division.Three meetings were organised by the Industrial Sub-committee : ‘Hydrogen in Metals’ at Birming-ham and ‘Aqueous Solution Properties of Synthetic Polymers’ at Cranfield Institute of Technology,both held in January and ‘Surface Analysis of Solids’ held at BP Research Centre in September.A new Subject Group for Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamics was constituted in 1976making a total of 9 discussion groups affiliated to the Division.These groups continued to bevery active during the year and organised a number of meetings on specialist topics including:Atmospheric Chemistry (Gas Kinetics Group)Polymer Composites (Polymer Physics Group)Reference Ion-Selective Electrode Conference (Electrochemistry Group)Molecular Dynamics (Theoretical Chemistry Group)Deformation, Yield and Fracture (Polymer Physics Group)Chemisorption and Catalysis (Surface Reactivity and Catalysis Group)Present and Future Role of Neutron Scattering in Chemistry (Neutron Scattering Group)Thermal Properties of Gases and Polymers at Low Temperatures (Polymer Physics Group)Rheology of Colloids (Colloid and Interface Science Group)Electrochemical Technology (Electrochemistry Group)Theoretical Aspects of Polymer Physics (Polymer Physics Group)Neutrons and Biology (Neutron Scattering Group)Summer School-Electrochemistry (Electrochemistry Group)Summer School-Thermal Neutron Scattering (Neutron Scattering Group)Thermal Viscoelastic and Accoustical Properties of Polymers (Polymer Physics Group)Inorganic Electrochemistry (Electrochemistry Group)Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamics of the Interfacial Region (Statistical Mechanics andMicellization (Colloid and Interface Science Group)The Practice of Gas Kinetics in an Industrial Context (Gas Kinetics Group)Preparation and Properties of Thin Films (Electrochemistry Group)Molecular Properties (Theoretical Chemistry Group)Neutron Scattering Studies of Liquid Crystals (Neutron Scattering Group)Recent Developments in Neutron Scattering Instrumentation (Neutron Scattering Group)Thermodynamics Group)5ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 55The 1976 Bourke Lectures were given by Professor P.G. de Gennes (Colkge de France) onPolymers’ at Imperial College, London and the University of Essex and on ‘Liquid Crystals’ atthe University of Exeter. One London Symposium entitled ‘Chemical Aspects of ScatteringSpectroscopy’ was allocated to the Faraday Division which incorporated the Centenary Lectureof Dr.J. W. White (Grenoble, France).The Marlow Medal for 1976 was awarded to Dr. J. J. Burton (Exxon Corp., U.S.A.) for dis-tinguished work in nucleation and properties of microclusters.There was a small increase in the total number of members of the Faraday Division in 1976 to4402, comprising 2983 U.K. members and 1419 members from overseas.Faraday Division Newsletter No. 3 appeared in January 1976 and was distributed to U.K.members with the February issue of Chemistry in Britain and to overseas members by mail.3 Treasurer’s ReportIn the absence of the Treasurer, the financial report was presented by the President. Thefinances of the Division were reported to be healthy, 1976/7 being a year of slightly lower thanaverage commitments.A new arrangement had come into effect which permitted the Divisionto retain part of any unspent balances and this would serve the Division well in 1977/8 whenmeetings in France and The Netherlands were planned.The sums available to Organisers of the various styles of Faraday meetings, chiefly to assistoverseas contributors, had been increased in 1977/8 to:General Discussions €600Symposia €450Annual Congress E300Autumn Meeting E100.The relative magnitudes of these sums reflected the considered view of Council that GeneralDiscussions and Symposia remained top priorities for support but their absolute magnitudes were,as always, such as to permit pump-priming rather than complete support. Some enhancementwas sought for the 1977/8 budget but the Division would continue its tradition of expectingcost-effectiveness in all its activities.4 Elections to CouncilThe President commenced by formally placing on record the indebtedness of the Faraday Societyand Faraday Division to Professor F.C. Tompkins for his long service as Secretary and EditorDeep gratitude and thanks were due to him for his services over some 30 years. In 1978 ProfessorTompkins was to become President: he had been succeeded as Editor by Dr. D. A. Young on1 August 1977 and was to be succeeded as Secretary by Professor G. J. Hills in April 1978.The members of the Council of the Faraday Division of The Chemical Society to take office inApril 1978 were as follows:PresidentThe President thanked the retiring members for their services, Professor Bawn, Professor Manse1Davies, especially for representing the Division on the External Affairs Board, Dr.Hague andProfessor North.5 Review of Future ActivitiesThe President reviewed future General Discussions and Symposia planned for 1978 and inparticular he drew attention to the continued collaboration with other Chemical Societies suchthat in 1978 two meetings sponsored by the Faraday Division were to be held in Europe. Thefirst, a General Discussion, to be held in The Netherlands, was jointly sponsored by the RoyalNetherlands Chemical Society and the second, to be held in France, was sponsored by theSociktC de Chimie Physique, Deutsche Bunsen Gesellschaft and the Associazione Italiana diChimica Fisica and formed the third of the biennial series of joint meetings.In addition to General Discussions and Symposia, the Faraday Division was to continue toorganise informal discussions at the Annual and Autumn Meetings of The Chemical Society andinformal meetings were also planned by the Industrial Sub-committee. Two half day LondonSymposia were sponsored by the Faraday Division in 1978 and members of the Division wereurged to support these meetings.6 Membershl'p of the DivisionIt had become apparent that some members of the former Faraday Society had not been recordedon the Chemical Society computer as members of the Faraday Division and the President remindedall members to make sure that the appropriate code was inserted on the subscription form.7 UnificationThe President reported that the Divisions had been satisfied that the unification proposals wouldnot affect adversely the academic and publishing activities of the Society and that in the proposednew statutes and byelaws, reference would be made to the Heads of Agreement between theFaraday Society and The Chemical Society which would be reaffirmedNOTICES TO AUTHORS-NO. 7/1970Deposition of Data-Supplementary Publications SchemePreambleThe growing volume of research that produces large quantities of data, the increasing facilitiesfor analysing such data mechanically, and the rising cost of printing are each making it verydifficult to publish in the Journal in the normal way the full details of the experimental datawhich become available. Moreover, whilst there is a large audience for the general methodand conclusions of a research project, the number of scientists interested in the details, andin particular in the data, of any particular case may be quite small. The British LibraryLending Division (B.L.L.D.) in consultation with the Editors of scientific journals, has nowdeveloped a scheme whereby such data and detail may be stored and then copies madeavailable on request at the B.L.L.D., Boston Spa.The Chemical Society is a sponsor ofthis scheme and has indicated to the B.L.L.D. its wish to use the facilities being madeavailable in this “Supplementary Publications Scheme”.Bulk information (such as crystallographic structure factor tables, computer programmesand output, evidence for amino-acid sequences, spectra, etc.), which accompany paperspublished in future issues of the Chemical Society’s Journal may in future be deposited,free of charge, with the Supplementary Publications Scheme, either at the request of the authorand with the approval of the referees or on the recommendation of referees and the approvalof the author.The SchemeUnder this scheme, authors will submit articles and the supplementary material to theJournal simultaneously in the normal way, and both will be refereed.If the paper is acceptedfor publication the supplementary material will be sent by the Society to the B.L.L.D. whereit will be stored. Copies will be obtainable by individuals both in the U.K. and abroadon quoting a supplementary publication number that will appear in the parent article.Preparation of MaterialAuthors will be responsible for the preparation of camera-ready copy according to thefollowing specifications (although the Society will be prepared to help in case of difficulty).(a) Optimum page size for text or tables in typescript: up to 30 cm x 21 cm.(b) Limiting page size for text or tables in typescript: 33 cm x 24 cm.(c) Limiting size for diagrams, graphs, spectra, etc.: 39 cm x 28.5 cm.(d) Tabular matter should be headed descriptively on the first page, with column headings(e) Pages should be clearly numbered.recurring on each page.It is recommended that all material which is to be deposited should be accompanied by someprefatory text. Normally this will be the summary from the parent paper and authors willgreatly aid the deposition of the material if a duplicate copy of the summary is provided.If authors have the facilities available the use of a type face designed to be read by computersis encouraged.DepositionThe Society will be responsible for the deposition of the material with the B.L.L.D.TheB.L.L.D. wiII not receive material direct from authors since the Library wishes to ensurethat the material has been properly and adequately refereed.5Action by the SocietyThe Society will receive a manuscript for publication together with any supplementarymaterial for deposition and will circulate all of this to referees in the normal way. Whenthe edited manuscript is sent to the printers the supplementary material will be sent fordeposition to the B.L.L.D.who will issue the necessary publication number. The Society willadd to the paper, at the galley proof stage, a footnote indicating what material has beendeposited in the Supplementary Publications Scheme, the number of pages it occupies,the supplementary publication number, and details as to how copies may be obtained.AvailabilityCopies of Supplementary Publications may be obtained from the B.L.L.D. on demand byorganisations which are registered borrowers. They should use the normal forms andcoupons they use for all requests. Others may obtain them at the rates shown below.Costs include postage (airmail where available). Cheques should be made payable to‘The British Library’. Hard copy will normally be provided.United Kingdom 5p per pageEurope $1.25 per 10 pagesOutside Europe $1.65 per 10 pages.Proforma invoices are sent in all cases where normal forms and coupons are not used.All requests for Supplementary Publications should be addressed as follows :Mr.J. P. Chillag,British Library Lending Division,Boston Spa,Wetherby,West Yorkshire LS23 7BQ,United Kingdom.In all correspondence with the B.L.L.D. or the Society authors must cite the supple-mentary publication number.International CollaborationA similar scheme (known as the National Auxiliary Publications Service) is being operatedin the U.S.A. by the American Society for Information Science. Similar schemes are alsobeing contemplated in other countries. The provision of reciprocal arrangements for theexchange of supplementary data between the various national deposition centres is beinginvestigated.5NOTICE TO AUTHORS-NO. 911974NomenclatureFor many years the Society has actively encouraged the use of standard I.U.P.A.C.nomenclature and symbolism in its publications as an aid to the accurate and unambiguouscommunication of chemical information between authors and readers. Although theI.U.P.A.C. rules for naming organic compounds have now gained wide acceptance amongstchemists, mainly because they have been in existence for a number of years, those for naminginorganic compounds are of more recent origin and for this reason their acceptance is lessgeneral.In order to encourage authors to use I.U.P.A.C. nomenclature rules when drafting papers,attention is drawn to the following publications in which both the rules themselves andguidance on their use are given.‘Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry, Sections A, B, and C‘, Butterworths, London,‘Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry’, Butterworths, London, 1971.‘Manual of Symbols and Terminology for Physicochemical Quantities and Units’,In addition to the above publications, provisional rules for the naming of organometalliccompounds, amino-acids, carbohydrates, carotenoids, and steroids, and rules of stereo-chemistry are available from the:2nd Edition, 1971.But terworths, London, 1970.I.U.P.A.C. Secretariat,Bank Court Chambers,2-3 Pound Way,Cowley Centre,OXFORD OX4 3YF.It is recommended that where there are no I.U.P.A.C. rules for the naming of particularcompounds or authors find difficulty in applying the existing rules, they should seek theadvice of the Society’s editorial staff.5NOTICE TO AUTHORS-NO. 10/1976Authentication of New Compounds(1) It is the responsibility of authors to provide fully convincing evidence for the homo-geneity and identity of all compounds they claim as new. Evidence of both purity andidentity is required to establish that the properties and constants reported are those of thecompound with the new structure claimed.(2) In the context of this Notice a compound is considered as new (a) if it has not beenprepared before, (b) if it has been prepared before but not adequately purified, (c) if it hasbeen purified but not adequately characterised, ( d ) if, earlier, it has been assigned an erroneousconstitution, or (e) if it is a natural product synthesised for the first time. In preliminarycommunications compounds are often recorded with limited characterising data ; in spiteof (c) above later preparations of such compounds are not considered as new if the propertiespreviously reported are confirmed ; the same applies to patents.*(3) Referees are asked to assess, as a whole, the evidence in support of the homogeneityand structure of all new compounds. No hard and fast rules can be laid down to cover alltypes of compounds, but the Society’s policy remains unchanged in that evidence for theunequivocal identification of new compounds should normally include good elementalanalytical data ; an accurate mass measurement of a molecular ion does not provide evidenceof purity of a compound and must be accompanied by independent evidence of homogeneity.Low-resolution mass spectroscopy must be treated with even more reserve in the absence offirm evidence to distinguish between alternative molecular formulae. Where elementalanalytical data are not available, appropriate evidence which is convincing to an expert inthe field will be acceptable, but authors should include, for the referees, a brief explanationof the special nature of their problem.(4) Spectroscopic information necessary to the assignment of structure should normallybe given. Just how complete this information should be must depend upon the circum-stances; the structure of a compound obtained from an unusual reaction or isolated froma natural source needs much stronger supporting evidence than one derived by a standardreaction from a precursor of undisputed structure. Authors are reminded that full spectro-scopic assignments may always be treated as a Supplementary Publication where theirimportance does not justify their inclusion in the published paper.( 5 ) Finally, referees are reminded of the need to be exacting in their standards but at thesame time flexible in their admission of evidenm. It remains the Society’s policy to acceptwork only of high quality and to permit no lowering of present standards.* New compounds should be indicated by underiining the name (for italics) at its first mention(excluding headings) in the Experimental section only, and by giving analytical results in the form :(Found : C, 63.1 ; H, 5.4. CI3Hl3NO4 requires C, 63.2; H, 5.3 %). If analytical results forcompounds which have been adequately described in the literature are to be included, they shouldbe given in the form : (Found : C, 62.95 ; H, 5.4. Calc. for C13H13N04 : C, 63.2 ; H, 5.3 %).Analyses are normally quoted to the nearest 0.05 %.6Publication of Theoretical and Computational PapersThe Primary Journals Committee has been considering future policy towards the publicationof papers with a heavily computational content, particularly where these involve standardmethods, such as semi-empirical or ab initio calculations of molecular electronic propertiesusing readily available computer programs. Many such papers report what would be con-sidered ‘routine work’ in other areas of chemistry and have often included extensive detail.A specialist sub-committee formulated a set of proposals which were circulated to a largerepresentative sample of theoretical chemists and met with general acceptance. These, withthe comments on them, form the basis of this notice.The Primary Journals Committee recognises that computational work can play a valuablerole in chemistry, and will probably continue to do so on an increasing scale. It accepts thetime-honoured principle that the first criterion for publication of a paper by the Societyshould be the worthiness of the chemical problem considered, rather than the particulartechniques employed by the author. For example, the use of a new computing algorithm,or the modification of a program, would not usually, on its own, provide sufficient justificationfor publication.The Primary Journals Committee recommends to authors the following guidelines for thepreparation of computational papers, so that the material can be presented concisely andeffectively.(i) Papers should be submitted to the appropriate journal: a paper containing in-(ii)(iii)(iv)novations in theory to Faraday Transactions 11, one in which the computations areincidental to the chemistry to Perkin, Dalton or Faraday I Transactions. Papersconcerned mainly with computational details are unlikely to be accepted.The purpose of the paper and the precise objectives of the calculations performedshould be clearly stated: the results obtained should be reported only in so far asthey relate to those objectives.Many papers use a routine procedure based on a well documented method, be itsemi-empirical or ab initio. It is then sufficient to name the particular variant,referring to key papers in which the method was developed, to cite the computerprogram used, and to indicate briefly any modification made by the author. Areview of theoretical background would be out of place, but an author should saywhy he considers the method adequate for his purposes.Extensive tabulation of numerical results, such as the magnitudes of atomic orbitalcoefficients, electron populations, contour maps of molecular orbitals and electrondensities, and peripheral material of a similar nature, is normally unnecessary.Lengthy line-by-line discussion of such material is, as a general rule, quite unaccep-table. Where an author considers that there is a special need to make such materialavailable to other workers, as with highly accurate computations, for example,then this may be deposited with the British Library as a Supplementary Publication.Such material should be submitted with the main paper, clearly distinguished fromit, and referred to in the main text.Guidelines can never provide sufficient criteria for acceptance or rejection of a paper.Critical assessment of the theoretical methods used in a computation, and of their suitabilityfor the purpose in hand, will continue to be entrusted to specialist referees who must alsodecide whether the results are new and advance science.6PRINTED IN GREAT BRITAIN ATTHE UNIVERSITY PRESSABERDEE