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A Study on Dermatoses due to Tonsillar Focal Infection Using a Nation-Wide Questionnaire in Japan


作者: Yutaka Noda,   Ken-ichi Kurita,   Yoshitaka Arakaki,   Shigemitsu Matayoshi,   Shôzô Yoshikawa,   Takeo Nakama,   Mitsuo Kuniyoshi,   Masako Kuniyoshi,  


期刊: ORL  (Karger Available online 1979)
卷期: Volume 41, issue 3  

页码: 158-167




年代: 1979




出版商: S. Karger AG


关键词: Tonsil;Focal infection;Dermatosis;Questionnaire survey


数据来源: Karger



The relation of the infected to nephritis, rheumatic and heart diseases has been recognized but that to dermatoses has not been fully established nor applied clinically by dermatologists or otolaryngologists in the treatment of such patients. In order to assess the attitude of dermatologists as regards the dermatoses due to focal tonsillar infection, a questionnaire was sent to the departments of dermatology of 72 universities in Japan: 44 (61.1%) have replied. There were 40 dermatoses listed as possibly associated with a focal infection. About 60% of the universities endeavoured to detect the focus although the focus was not always removed when identified.


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