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Romanticism and Emotional Maturity: A Further Exploration*


作者: Dwight G. Dean,  


期刊: Social Forces  (OUP Available online 1964)
卷期: Volume 42, issue 3  

页码: 298-303




年代: 1964




出版商: The University of North Carolina Press


数据来源: OUP



This paper reports an attempt to test the common assumption that “romantic love is for the emotionally immature.” After a survey of the literature, 14 sub-scales of Emotional Maturity were constructed, dealing with Stress, Handling Anger, Reactions to Authority, Integration, Self-Control, Judgment, Man-Woman Relationships, Attitude toward Learning, Intellectual Maturity, Responsibility, Egocenteredness-Sociocenteredness, Communication, Security-Insecurity and Social Poise. None of the fourteen correlation coefficients between the Emotional Maturity sub-scales and a Romanticism scale varied significantly from zero.


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