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Design and control of a high-speed direct-drive manipulator


作者: K. YOUCEF-TOUMI,   A. T. Y. KUO,  


期刊: International Journal of Production Research  (Taylor Available online 1989)
卷期: Volume 27, issue 3  

页码: 375-394




年代: 1989




出版商: Taylor & Francis Group


数据来源: Taylor



The trimming of three-dimensional parts using laser cutting industrial robots is a control challenge, particularly when high speeds and precision are required. The precise control of robot movement along predetermined trajectories is necessary in order to achieve satisfactory quality cuts. This paper focuses on the control system design for direct-drive manipulators for such high-speed trajectory control applications. First, the concept of decoupled and invariant dynamics is discussed for a specific manipulator. Second, a simple procedure of system identification and control system design is presented. It is demonstrated that through arm mechanism design, the control system is greatly simplified and satisfactory control performance is achieved. The arm mechanism design and control system are evaluated through simulations and experiments. The experimental tracking performance achieved is 3 m/s in speed, 3·8g in acceleration with a mean tracking error of 0·055°


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