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Mineralogical chemistry




期刊: Journal of the Chemical Society  (RSC Available online 1911)
卷期: Volume 100, issue 1  

页码: 46-48




年代: 1911




出版商: RSC


数据来源: RSC



ii. 46 ABSTRACTSc OF CHEMlCAL PAPERS. Mineralogical Chemistry - Iron-pyrites from Hungary. A. LIFFA (Zeitsch. R~yst. Min 1910 48 441-442; from Poldtnni KoxEb'ny 1908 38 276-294 405-423).-Crystallographic descriptions are given of iron-pyrites from various Hungarian localities. Crystals (penetrated by quartz) from Csunghny gave on analysis by K. Emszt Fe. As. Ni. S. SO,. Total. 45-36 trace 0.05 51 '61 2-54 99-86 L. J. S. Blomstrandine from the Urals. OTTO HAUSER and H. HERZFELD (Centr. Min. 1910 756-764).-some black crystals supposed to be aschynite embedded in pegmatite from Miask proved on analysis to be the blomstrandine of Brogger (Abstr. 1907 ii 885). Approximate goniometric measurements are given ; D 6.00 Ta,05. Cb,O,. TiO,. SnO,. WO,. ZrO,. UO,. Tho,. 1-30 15.08 34-07 0.20 trace 0.50 3.24 7.93 Y,O,.(Ce,La,Di),O,. Al,O,. FeO. MnO. CaO. MgO. PbO. ignition. Total. 26-66 4-69 1-36 1-73 0'16 1.04 0'28 0.35 0.96 99'55 The ratio of meta-columbates to meta-titanstes is here 1 1 whilst in the Norwegian mineral this is 1 2 and 1 4. Nephrite from the Ham. J. UHLIU (Jahrb. Min 1910 ii 80-103).-Small veins the largest of them 20 cm. in thickness of nephrite occur in the gabbro-serpentine rocks of the Radauthal near Harzburg. The material is pale green greyish-green or light grey but of a darker green colour (due t o enclosed chlorite) in a few strings. Under the microscope it is seen to consist of a felted mass of actinolite needles with occasional chlorite. A t times however the actinolite fibres have a parallel arrangement giving rise to a finely fibrous texture ; this (" Fasernephrit ") is the material recently described from the same locality under the name nephritoid (J.Fromme Abstr. 1910 ii 314). Analysis I of light grey material corresponds approximately with the actinolite formula Mg,Ca(SiO,) Loss on L. J. 5. HvO H20 Si02. TiO% Also3. Fe2O3. C1-203. FeO. KiO. MnO. CaO. MgO. RzO. Ka,O.(l25'). (Ign.) Total. Sp. gr. I. 56'51 0.02 1-80 - trace 4'35 0 ~ 1 3 0-OG 12-72 21 32 - - 0 2s 2.70 99.82 2.94 11. 49'170'11 6'52 0'59 - 7-07 0.07 O'SO 22.91 10'140*08 0'30 0'43 2'10 100'29 3.30 Another small vein of much the same appearance consists of a compact felted mass of pyroxene needles and scales together with some prehnite and garnet. This pyroxene gave analysis 11 agreeing approximately with the diopside formula Ca( Mg,Fe)(SiO,),.L. J. S. Zeolites from Nadap Hungary. B ~ L A MAURITZ (Zeitsch. Kryst. Nin 1910 48 439-441; from Iroldtani Kozlony 1908 38 190 231 and Ann. InX-nutur. Alusei Nation. Hurtgarici 1908 6 537-845 546-554).-Cavities and crevices in weathered andesiteMI N ERA LUG1 (? A L C H EM I S'I'RY. ii. 47 in the neighbourhood of Nadap comitat Fejdr contain the crystal- lised zeolites epistilbite (not before recorded from Hungary) heulandite chabazite and stilbite together with calcite amethyst iron-pyrites and fluor-spar. Crystallographic descriptions are given of each of these zeolites and analyses of the heulandite (I and 11) and stilbite I11 and IV) SiO,. A1,0,. Fe,O,. CaO. SrO. Na,O. K,O. Li,O. H,O. Total. I. 56.57 16.93 - 6.91 0'93 1-68 1-25 trace 16-15 100.42 11.56'71 17'30 - 7-05 0'88 1.80 1.37 trace 15.87 100.98 111. 55'79 17-03 trace 7'82 - 1'46 0'20 - 18'65 100.97 IV. 55.78 16.70 trace 7'86 - 1.56 0'26 - 18-79 100.95 L. J. S. Analyses of Hungarian Minerals. ALEXANDER VON KALRC- SINSZKY (Zeitsch. Kryst. Min. 1910 48 446-447 ; from Jcch~esbe~. k. ungarisch. geol. Anstalt for 1907 1909 294-314).-A report on the work of the chemical laboratory of the Hungarian Geologicit1 Survey includes many analyses of limestones coals and clays and the following analyses (I) of kaolinite from ICovbsz6 and (TI) of magnesite from Jolsva Loss on SiO,. Al,O,. Fe,Os. MgO. CsO. Moisture. ignition. Total. I. 48'71 35'16 1-10 0.34 1'26 3-15 10.37 100.09 MgCO,. CaCO,. FeO. H,O. Insol. Total. 11. 72'25 25'43 2'01 0'34 0'26 10029 L.J. S. Behaviour of Gabbro Magma in Fusions. XANS ANDESNER (Jahrb. Min. 1910 Bed.-Bd. 30 467-494).-Hornblendite from Kals Tyrol was used in the experiments; this is a schistose rock composed largely of hornblende together with some zoisite quartz rutile and apatite and having practically the same bulk composition as a gabbro. When fused alone the glassy product has much the characters of a basalt and under the microscope shows crystals of magnetite plagioclase and augite. I n other experiments the ampbibolite was fused with various proportions of olivine quartz tungstic acid nephelite alumina or anorthite. The microscopical structure of the products are described in detail. The minerals formed include magnetite plagioclase olivine augite nephelite spinel (picotite) and corundum ; the last two of these being produced when an excess of alumina is present.WALTER ANDRE WAHL (Zeitsch. anorg. Chem. 19 10 69 52-96).-An analytical comparison of meteoric stones and minerals with terrestrial rocks and minerals shows that the former are distinguished by containing a relatively larger proportion of oxygen. The different classes of siderolites differ principally in their state of oxidation; thus those containing only metallic iron and olivine may be derived from those containing iron pyroxene and olivine by oxidation a part of the iron being oxidised to ferrous oxide and then converting the metasilicate into an orthosilicate Fen + a(Pe,Mg)SiO + b(Fe,Mg),SiO + 0 = L. J. S. Meteorites. Fen - m + (a + b)(Fe,Mg)@Opii.48 ABSTRACTS OF CHEMICAL PAPERS. When still less oxygen is present silica is found in the form of trid ymite. The difference between enstatite-chondri tes and ordinary chondrites ix also shown to be one of the degree of oxidation. The presence of calcium sulphide in certain meteorites is explained in the same way. Chondrites of loose structure are t o be regarded as fragmentary of the nature of tuffs. The various forms of chondrulitic structure may be explained by the breaking up of a silicate magma into spray in a hot atmosphere and the crystallisation of the drops from outside inwards. The consolidation of the tuffs is brought about by heat and may be imitated artificially. The structure of the original mass is repre- sented by eucrite. Explanations are given of the other derived structures including veins and breccias. Meteoric Stone of Mern Seeland. ARISTIDES BREZINA (Jnhrb. Min. 1910 ii Ref. 207-208 ; from Danske Yidensk. Xelsk. S’kr$kr 1909 [vii] 6 (3) 113-125).-This stone fell on August 22ud 1878 a t Mern near Praesto in Seeland. Its original weight was 73 pounds. It is described as the representative of a new type ‘(veined crystalline enstatite-spheroidal-chondrite.” The con- stituents are olivine rhombic pyroxene clinoenstatite nickel-iron troilite and chromite. SiO,. A1,0,. Fe,O,. MgO. K,O. Na,O. H,O. CO,. S. Fo. 39’81 2.70 12.23 15’46 0-46 1.35 0‘06 2-47 2‘47 13.00 The iron is in part present as sulphide and of the sulphur 2.38% is liberated as hydrogen sulphide when the material is treated with hydrochloric acid. 45.20% is insoluble in hydrochloric acid. Traces C. H. D. The chemical composition is :- of phosphoric acid and manganese are present. 1,. J. S.


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