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Diagnostic Problems Associated with Cadaveric Trauma from Animal Activity


作者: Roger Byard,   Ross James,   John Gilbert,  


期刊: The American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology  (OVID Available online 2002)
卷期: Volume 23, issue 3  

页码: 238-244




年代: 2002


出版商: OVID


关键词: Postmortem artifact;animal activity


数据来源: OVID



Analysis of a series of deaths between 1986 and 2001 resulting from natural disease, accidents, suicides, and homicide, where postmortem animal activity had traumatized bodies, was undertaken at the Forensic Science Center in Adelaide to demonstrate the range of lesions that may occur and problems in interpretation that result. Tissue damage had been caused by a variety of animals, including fly larvae, ants, birds, dogs, rodents, sea lice, and sharks. Postmortem animal activity had disguised injuries, modified wounds, and created the appearances of inflicted injury. Problems with identification occurred after postmortem facial trauma, and loss of organ parenchyma had interfered with, or precluded, the precise determination of the manner of death in some cases. Specific kinds of tissue and organ damage may occur after death, necessitating careful assessment of lesions in a search for characteristic features of animal activity. The pattern of lesions may enable identification of the particular species of animal involved.


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