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Water at Biological Interfaces - Structural and Functional Aspects


作者: W. Drost-Hansen,  


期刊: Physics and Chemistry of Liquids  (Taylor Available online 1978)
卷期: Volume 7, issue 3-4  

页码: 243-348




年代: 1978




出版商: Taylor & Francis Group


数据来源: Taylor



The structure of water near interfaces is reviewed in this paper and evidence presented for the existence of notable changes in the properties of such vicinal water. The depth of the changed surface zone is discussed; it appears that this depth may approach a tenth ofa micron. Possible types of vicinal water structures include the high-pressure ice polymorphs and clathrate. cage-like entities. Some examples of thermal anomalies in the properties of vicinal water are reviewed: at least four different thermal anomalies occur between the freezing and boiling point. It is concluded that thex anomalies likely reflect higher order phase transitions in the structured units of the vicinal water. These transitions appear not to be notably affected by the detailed chemical nature of thc solid substrates with which thc ater is in contact. This is referred to as the “paradoxical effect” and is tentatively interpreted in terms of an energy delocalization phenomenon. The vicinal water structures near solid interfaces appear characterized by low energetics and long-range ordering: these vicinal structures may represent the “anti-crystalline” state discussed by Ubbelohde. The importance of such structures in biological systems is examined. Examples are shown of thermal anomalies in the properties of cellular systems. and the role of water in cell physiology is reviewed. including aspects of water/macromolecule interactions, gene action, mechanism of thermal death, and active transport, etc. Non-equilibrium aspects of biological systems are considered briefly in terms of the “dissipative structures” discussed by Glansdorffand Prigogine, and the suggestion is made that the domains of local ordering which may occur as thc result of conditions very far from equilibrium may specifically and uniquely involve the intracellular structurally moditied water.


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